Ptt. S^.IX62 — m — V dnm e I WSKS Saturday No 1 - i | 12th July,13ihH 1952 ay, 1952 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE OFFICIAL REPORT (Part II—Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) (Part II - Proceedings Other than Questions and Answers) parliament secbetabiat NEW DELHI Price Six Annas (Inland) Price Two Shillings (Foreign) THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (Part II~Proceeding8 other than Questions and Answers) OFFICIAL BEFOBT 3676 307d HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE have before me the Delhi Edition of the Times of India of the 5th July. On Saturday, 12th July, 1952. page five of that issue, there is a fairly detailed report of a speech al­ leged to have been made by Mr. The House met at a Quarter Past Sundarayya, who is th6 Leader of the-- Nine of the Clock. Communist Party in Parliament. I do not want to detain the House by read­ [Mr. Speaker in the Chair} ing the whole of the report, because it is not relevant to my purpose. But QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS I may invite the attention of the House (No Questions Part I not published.) to one passage. I am quoting it from this paper: POINT OF PRIVILEGE “About Dr. Sinha’3 allegations in Parliament, Mr. Sundarayya A lleged speech of Sh ri S undarayya slatc:G tnai the documents in question were false, fraudulent Shri B. Shiva Rao (South Kanara— and forged and the Privileges South): Sir, I am grateful to you for Committee of Parliament had now giving me permission under rule 199 aimc3t completed its investiga­ of the Rules of Procedure to raise a tions and Dr. Sinha was finding it Question which, in my view, concerns difficult to get out of the situa­ a priviloie of the Committee of Privi­ tion." leges. I am assuming that this report is I do not think it is to a fairly and substantially correct ver­ argue at any length that a Committee sion of what Mr. Sundarayj^a said in which has been constituted by you is the course of his speech. If my as­ entitled to expect that no part of its sumption is correct. I have no hesita­ proceedings will be published either. tion in saying that that report is utter­ prematurely or in an unauthorised ly improper and highly objectionable fashion. I am raisir^ this matter be­ from every point of view. I invite cause I want to invite your attention your attention in order that appro­ and the attention of the J-louse to a priate action may be taken under report which has been published, and rule 203 of the Rules of Procedure. which, to me, seems to be much more serious than either premature or iin- Shri Frank Anthony: (Nominated— authorised. Ans'.o-Indian): May I know where Mr. Sundarayya made the statement? About two or three weeks ago, on a statement made by my hon. friend, Shri B. Shira Rao: At Moga, in the the Leader of the Communist party Punjab. in this House, Mr. Gopalan, you were pleased to refer the question of the Mr. Speaker: The report is there. authenticity of certain documents Hon. Members may refer to the re­ placed on the Table of the House'by port. I do not think it is Mr. Shiva Dr. Satyanarayan Sinha. and from Rao's contention that the report cor­ which documents he had made ex­ rectly represents whsft Mr. Sundarayya tensive quotpiions in the course of his said. Any way, pnma facie, I think, speech on the Defence estimates, to this is a case which should go to the the Committee of Privileges. So far Privileges Committee, and , may be the Committee has not made any re­ considered along with the main ques­ port. To my great surprise. I saw tion of privilege which they are con­ m the Times of India, a few days ago, sidering. The Committee will of « reference to the proceedings of the course, go into the qu^tion as to how Committee in regard to this mater. I far the report Is correct and, if so. whether it constitutes ft an^p 92 P.S.D. m n Po m of pntfsiw 12 JULY lt92 tUwolutkm to. Unguime m s StaUs [Mr. Speaker] Mr. (Weaker: That would be for if 80 . vthm i ilipt this House should the Conunittee. 1 do not want to take will also be recommended by the anticipate that The Committee will Committee in their report. I thiok certainly examine whether Mr. that is enough for the present Sundarayya said so. Then the Timer Shri Velayiidluui: (Quilon cum of India comes. It has reported. If Mavelikkara—Reserved—Sch. Castes): the Committee finds that Mr. Sundar- On a Mint of information, Sir. Are ayjra did hot say so, the burden will we taking into account anything ap- be heavily upon the Times o/ India* t>earing in the Press? Mr. Speaker Order, order. The hon. Member’s question is entirely ELECTION TO COMMITTEE irrelevant It is not anything in the Indian Council of Medical Research Press that we are taking note of. Mr. Speaker: I have to inform the Shri Velayodiuui: You gave a House that upto the time fixed for similar ruling. -, . receivii^ nominations for the Indian Council of Medical Research, six Mr. Speaker: Order, order. The nominatinr^*; were received. Subse­ report in the Press distinctly mentions quently four Members withdrew their Mr. Sundarayya and it attributes to liim certain statements in connection candidature. As the nimiber of the with a matter which is under investi­ remaining candidates was thus equal gation by the Privileges Committee, to the numoer ot vancancies in the and admittedly, the House has not Committee. I declare the following yet received the report of the Privi­ Members to be duly elected: leges Committee It is therefore 1. Dr. Satyaban Roy. becttsary, I think, to investigate the 2. Dr. S. A. Ebenezer. facts. Therefcm. I said that the Com­ mittee will investigate as to whether Mr. Sundarayya did say so as a matter RESOLUTION RE LINGUISTIC of fact and if so. it is for the Com­ STATES mittee to consider further the circum­ stances in which he said so and Mr. Speaker: The House will now whether iiis statement constitutes a proceed with the further discussion on breach of privilege, and state what the resolution re Linguistic States the recommendations of the Com­ moved by Shri Tnshar Chatter.iea on mittee are. The report will be the 7th July, 1952. The • time-limit, as before the House and ultimately the hon. Members already know, is 1!^ House will d ^ e . minutes. The discussion will include the amendments moved. Shri S. S. More (Sholapur): is not Mr. Sundarayya outside the pur­ view of this House? Mr. Speaker: No one in the Indian Union is outside the jurisdiction of this House. ^ 4 ^ g ftr w ^ Shri S. S. More: As far as this question is concerned? ?ri»T?r f i it? Mr. Speaker: As far as the pri­ SIFTHT 3fr JT? t vileges are concerned. It is not competent for any person high or low, v r Jm insids or outside the House, to act or .speak in a manner which ofTend.s. the diginity or interferes with the privi­ ^ f%Jn leges of this House or any Member of this House. Let there be no mis­ 3TT 1 understanding or misapprehension that anybo^, on the ground that he is not a Member of this House, is entitled to say-anything about this A' ^ aror Hous^. ^ ^ arnft t ’, ^ SM S. B. More: Will the Com­ mittee go M o question of the »TO?St afk ’Trrr respensiDility* ot the Times of India people! . Wt9 ResvlutUm U JUUY 19S2 lAnguitUe States 3690 t , 4' ^ ^ amvhPT Ir ift ftp 4 am% trnnf t?rt f i ^ w ftfJiT *T*rT invmr ^ [jn^ ^ 5T fw j I 4' *(i*ii^r< vwT jprf*T ^ «(«^n I >il*rfl s|ft T^’TT TTW*T«fV ^ t f ^ ‘ Ji? ?nTRT ^aftrarrsr^fi 'I bAt ^nTJT % ST^siff ^ T^RT *T? 5TrT riWrr I 3R- ^iiTTr t*fl*t>(T ^hW ft[>’ JT5 f^^Tni*T *rhr ^TRT^TT >(Wf % f^VPiR' ^ 5 Tr5JI ^ ^5T t I fsrar SRHT apT^nr inrRT % ^ r ttrt 'jmr ^ qr *nft aftr t % ?«TR qr, irfe am • fr? ^fT^TT fJTT^ ^ 5W T?: *ft^• ^ am ^ irr?y^CN f a n 5 , JiRff ?Ft ^Tti'jTn ^ ’11 f*F ar*fl’ >ft Hsm % Mini ^ >ft t i %*ft ^'t ^ 5i *nTRf, f»T ^ ?ft f^ ' JT? TSRT ^ o f ark 5ft^ ifgr 1 s r jtsw ftwf ^ f I tTjp ark ^mx. 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