The original documents are located in Box 67, folder “1976/10/20 HR9719 Payments in Lieu of Taxes (2)” of the White House Records Office: Legislation Case Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Exact duplicates within this folder were not digitized. Digitized from Box 67 of the White House Records Office Legislation Case Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 94TH CoNGREss } REPORT 2d Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES { No. 94-1106 PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES ACT REPORT OF THE COM1.IITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS . •. ' ~ ! ' .; · together with ADDITIONAL AND SEPARATE VIEWS TO ACCOMPANY H.R. 9719 MAY 7, 1976.-0rdered to be printed U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 57-Q06 WASHINGTON : 1976 COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS HOtJSll: OF REtRESENTATIVES JAMES A. HALEY, Florida, Chairman Y '·•·All TAYLOR, North Carolina JOE SKUBITZ, Kansas, Ranking Minoritv ; ·'~ ROLD '1\i:!.OHNSON, California Member ,· MORRIS K. 'f;}>AI.L, Arizona SAM STEIGER, Arizona CONTENTS f.j,j PHILLIP BURtON, California DON H. CLAUSEN, California ~~ ROBERT W. ~STENMEIER, Wisconsin PHILIP E. RUPPE, Michigan MANUEL LUJAN, JR., New Mexico \';_...PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii Pace \ LLOYD MEE.l>S, Washington KEITH G. SEBELIUS, Kansas H.R. 9719, as reported ______ -------------- ________________________ _ '• Q RAHAJ\il :KAZEN JR., Texas A4ANSTEELMAN,T&as Introduction _____________________________________________________ _ 1 ROllE1!:'f G. STEPHENS, JR., G~orgia DON YOUNG, Alaska 4 JOSEPH P. VIGORITO, Pennsylvania ROBERT E. BAUMAN, Maryland .') JOHN MELCHER, Montana STEVEN D. SYMMS, Idaho ~aaj~~r~~~~s~~~-~~~~============================================== 7 What should the level of payments be? __________________________ _ 7 TENO RONCALIO, Wyoming JAMES P. (JIM) JOHNSON, Colorado l<'or what lands should the payments be made? ___________________ _ JONATHAN B. BINGHAM, New York ROBERT J. LAGOMARSINO, California 9 Should special provision be made for Federal lands acquired from JOHN F. SEIBERLING, Ohio VIRGINIA SMITH, Nebraska private ownership?------------ ______________________________ _ HAROLD RUNNELS, New Mexico SHIRLEY N. PETTIS, California 11 To whom should the payments be made? ________________________ _ 11 ANTONIO BORJA WON PAT, Guam Section-by-section analysis _________________________________________ _ RON DE LUGO, Virgin Islands 12 Committee consideration __________________________________________ _ 16 BOB ECKHARDT, Texas Inflationary impact _______________________________________________ _ GOODLOE E. BYRON, Maryland 16 Cost and budget analysis ________________________________ ----------_ 16 JAIME BENITEZ, Puerto Rico April 28, 1976, letter from the Secretary of the Interior ____________ _ JIM SANTINI, Nevada 17 PAUL E. TSON GAS, Massachusetts Computation of payments under H.R. 9719 by State and county ___ _ 19 Projected costs for National Park Service land acquisition _________ _ 31 ALLAN T. HOWE, Utah Congressional Budget Office cost estimate _______________________ _ JAMES WEAVER, Oregon 32 Oversight statement_ _____________________________________________ _ 33 BOB CARR, Michigan Committee recommendation ___________________________ ------------- GEORGE MILLER, California 33 Departmental reports _____________________________________________ _ 34 THEODORE M. (TED) RISENHOOVER, Additional and separate views ______________________________________ _ Oklahoma 40 JAMES J. FLORIO, New Jerse.y (ID) CHARLES CONKLIN, Staff Director LEE McBt.VA,IN, Oenmal Coonael MICHAEL C. liU!U>:IN, MhwrUU Counael DALE PONTIUS, Counsel, Subcommlttlie on Energy and the Environment MICHAEL B. METZ, Minority CoutUtJ on Energy and the Environment (tt) 94TH Co:NGimss.} HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES { REPORT !tdSession , • No. 94-1106 - .. PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN PAYMENTS TO BE MADE TO STATE OR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS BY THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR BASED UPON THE AMOUNT OF CERTAIN PUBLIC LANDS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF SUCH STATE OR LOCALITY MAY 7, 1976.-Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed Mr. HALEY, from the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, submitted the following REPORT together with ADDITIONAL AND SEPARATE VIEWS [To accompany H.R. 9719) The Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (H.R. 9719) To provide for certain payments to be made to State or local"governments by the Secretary of the Interior based upon the amount of certain public lands within the boundaries of such State or locality, having considered the same, report favorably thereon with amendments and recommend that the bill as amended do pass. The amendments are as follows: Page 1, beginning on line 3, strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the following: SEcTION 1. Effective for fiscal years beginning on and after October 1, 1976, the Secretary is authorized and directed to make payments on a fiscal year basis to each unit of local government in which entitlement lands (as defined in section 6) are located. Such payments may be used by such unit for any governmental purpose. The amount of such payments shall be computed as provided in section 2. SEc. 2. (a) The amount of any payment made for any fiscal year to a unit of local government under section 1 shall be equal to the greater of the following amounts- (1) 75 cents for each acre of entitlement land located within the boundaries of such unit of local government (but not in excess of the population limitation determined under subsection (b)), reduced (but not below 0) by the aggregate amount of payments, if any, received by such unit of local government during the preceding fiscal year under all of the provisions specified in section 4, or (1) 2 3 (2) 10 cents for each acre of entitlement land located within the boundaries (c) For purposes of this section, "population" shall be determined on the of such unit of local government '(but not in excess of' the population limitation same basis as resident population is determined by the Bureau of the Census for determined under subsection (b) )2 general statistical purposes. In the case of any payment under a provision specified in section 4 which is re­ (d) In ~he. case of a sm~ller unit of local government all or part of which is ceived by a State, the Governor (or his delegate) shall submit to the Secretary a located Within another umt of loeal government, entitlement lands which are statement respecting the amount of such payment which is transferred to each within the jurisdiction of both such units shall be treated for purposes of this unit of local government within the State. section as only within the jurisdiction of such smaller unit. (b) (1) In the case of any unit of local government having a population of less S.EJc. 3. (a) In the case of any land or interest therein acquired by the l:"nited than five thousand, the population limitation applicable to such unit of local States (i) for the Redwood National Park pursuant to the Act of October 2 1968 government shall not exceed an amount equal to $50 multiplied by the population (82 Stat. 931) or (ii) acquired for addition to the National Park System or Na'tional within the jurisdiction of such unit of local government. Wilderness Preservation System after December 31, 1970, which was subject (2) Ill the case of any unit of local goyernment )laving a .population of five to local real property taxes within the five years preceding such acquisition the thousand or more, the population limitation applicable to such unit of local govern­ Secretary is authorized and directed to make payments to counties withiy{ the ment shall not exceed the amount computed under the following table (using a jurisdiction of which such lands or interests therein are located, in addition to population figure rounded off to the nearest thousand): payments under section I. The counties, under guidelines established by the Paument sMll not exued the Secretary, shall distribute the payments on a proportional basis to those units amount romlpltted b1f mltltiply- i'll(l IIUch populo.tion b!l- of local government which have incurred losses of real property taxes due to the 5,000 ________________________________________________________ $50.00 acquisition of lands or interests therein for addition to either such system. In those eases in which another unit of local government other than the county acts 6,0007,000 ________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------ ·47.44.00 00 as the collecting and distributing agency for real property taxes, the payments shall be mad~ to s~ch ~it of loc~ government, which shall distribute such payments 8,000_____ -------------~----------------------- 41.00 as provided m this subsection. The Secretary may prescribe regulations under whiCh payments may be made to units of local government in any case
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