THETUFTS DAILY [Where You Read It First Friday, November 13,1998 Volume XXXVII, Number 45 I Collection insituted to assist relief efforts for Hurricane by JORDAN SOLOMON Daily Editorial Board In its first international relief effort, the CatholicCenter is spear- heading a relief effort for the vic- tims ofHurricane Mitch. On Sunday, the Catholic Cen- ter will collect donations for the hurricane’s victims at the weekly 1Op.m. massatGoddardChappel Photo by Daniel Rodrigues which will be sent tocatholic Re- Mike Capuano, pictured here during his Congressional vic- lief Services. tory speech, is the subject of the documentry See Mike Run. According to Catholic Cen- ter Director Father Dave 0’Leary, the idea was first suggested by Capuano’s video bio a student several weeks ago but was held off until this weekend in order to raise enough public- to be shown tonight ity to ensure the collection’s success. by JONATHANDWORKIN he would one day become mayor O’Leary saidhehopesthatthis “People have the chance to McLennan added that he Contributing Writer ofthecity of Somerville,Fishman effort will raise awareness in the give in a way that is congruent hopes that these and similar ef- Apolitical video-biography of said. surrounding area of Tufts’ dedi- with their beliefs,” he added. forts across the country will in- Somerville Mayor and Congress- She continued, saying, “Here cation inaidingthose whoneed it. McLennan specifically men- spire further action within the man-elect Michael Capuano en- was this family legacy being cre- “I hope it will show the larger tioned efforts being made by the government. “I think that the titled See Mike Run will be shown ated,” adding that Capuano has public that Tufts University stu- Red Crossandthe Fletcher School devastation of Honduras and tonight at 7 p.m. in Cabot Audito- been affected by astrongpolitical dents care,” O’Leary said. as part of a larger project to pro- Guatemala shows that we need rium. Admission is free. influence since birth. AccordingtoUniversityChap- vide reliefassistance to the hurri- a response at the level of the This will be the first public Capuano has criticized Tufts lain Scotty McLennan, however, canevictims. Marshall Plan after World War screening of the 34-minute film, for not giving enough to Sunday’s collection is only a part According to McLennan, the 11. 1 hope that these types of which documents Capuano’s life Somerville, adding to the already- ofamuchlargerefforttakingplace damage inflicted by the hurricane efforts will encourage substan- andhis recent election asUS Con- strained relationship between the throughout the university. makes these efforts highly neces- tial government assistance,” he gressman for Massachusetts’ city and the University. “I’m thrilled that there are a sary. said. Eighth District. See Mike Run centers on numberofeffortsoccurringsimul- “This is a staggering calamity Foranyonewhowishestomake See Mike Run was created by Capuano’scampaign in the Demo- taneously on campus to help the and the humanitarianneed is enor- a donation at a time other than that Sarah Fishman, a freelance re- cratic primary, and features foot- victims of Hurricane Mitch. It’s mous. Themore we can collect and of Sunday’s collections, a contri- porter for The Boston Globe who age of his team’s intense effort to great that there are so many paral- the quicker we could do it the bution could be sent to the Catho- regularly covers stories about win the election. Fishman began le1 efforts,” McLennan said. better,” he said. lic Center at 58 Winthrop Street. the Somerville community. to investigate the creation of a Fishman has been working on video biography of Capuano at the project for the past eight the suggestionofaco-worker. She Strikes against Iraq ‘will be months at Somerville Community said she has appreciated the op- Access Television (SCAT). One portunity that the project has af- major focus of the film is the forded her. significant' says WilliGrn Cohen - “It has been avery interactive comparison ofcapuano’s public Los Angeles Times-Washington With the powerfbl components ficials have not said that it is be- life with that of his late father, a way to follow the electoral pro- Post News Service ofthe Pentagon’s warmachine- ing changed - nor have they Somerville Alderman and World cess... I was curious how he WASHINGTON-The United additionalships, B-52 bombersand said whether Clinton would War I1 veteran. would do in the race,” Fishman States and Iraq stood resolute F-l17A Stealth fighters-moving launch an attack while out ofthe “I was most interested in the said. Thursday as Defense Secretary into position, the Clinton adminis- country. personal forces that had shaped See Mike Run is an indepen- William S.Cohendeliveredames- tration brushed aside any sugges- TheClintonadministration took Capuano’s career,” Fishman dent, non-profit production sage, stem in its simplicity, that tion that there is room for diplo- heart from araredisplay ofunity- said. which had no outside funding. whatever punishing military macy to avert an attack, and pos- perhaps greater than at any time Shortlyafter Capuanowas born After tonight’s premiere, the film strikes the United States launches sibly a massive one, at virtually since the end of the 1991 Persian in 1952, the Somerville Board of will air on SCAT Channel 3 in against Saddam Hussein ‘‘will be any moment. Gulf War -that found nations in Aldermen issued a prediction that Somerville. significant.” President Clinton. whose na- Europe and, most significantly, tional security advisers met with- much of the Arab world lining up out him Thursday, was silent on behind the United States. the subject during his one public The foreign ministers of eight appearance ofthe day. But others Arab nations issued a statement in the administration kept up the Thursday holding Iraq respon- drumbeat. sible for exposing “the innocent “We’re not playing games,” Iraqi people to more miseries and Cohen said. tragedies .” “There is no need for further The statement - supported warnings to Iraq,” said State De- by Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, partment spokesman James P. Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Rubin. “We have beenatthisa long Arab Emirates, and Oman-said, time. They understand our seri- “The Iraqi government is held ousness. This is agrave situation.” responsible for any conse- In Baghdad, Tarik Aziz, the deputy quences that might arise from its primeministerand Iraq’smost sea- refusal to back down from its de- soneddiplomat,heldout little hope cision to expel the UN weapons of a peaceful resolution, telling re- inspectors.” porters, “We don’t see any light at In the United States’ view, the end of the tunnel. There is a the crisis has been precipitated tunnel after the tunnel. by Iraq’s decision on Aug. 5 to “The road is being blocked prohibit the UN Special Com- continuously,stubbornly, illegally mission from carrying out field by [Clinton’s] government.” inspections for the chemical and The crisis over Iraq’s decision biological weapons Iraq is nearly two weeks ago to shut charged with eliminating. On down UN weapons inspections Oct. 3 1, Iraq took the additional - _.., ... - appears to be nearing a boiling step of halting the monitoring of Junior Michelle Graziosa and the women’s soccer- point just as Clinton and other previously discovered weapons top aides are scheduled to depart sites. Iraq says it will not coop- team will host Ithaca at 11 a.m. on Saturday for for an Asian economic confer- erate with the disarmament plan ence in Malaysia. until the economic sanctions im- the NCAA Division I1 Ouarterfinals. The president is scheduled to posed after Baghdad invaded leave Washington Saturday. Of- Kuwait in 1990 are lifted. ‘2 THETUFTS DAILY November 13,1998 The Catholic Center at Tufts University Fr. David M. OLealy, Director 58 Winthrop Street Medford MA 02153 Va. lawyer says defendin Klan leader’s riga ts is the , right thing to do SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR VICTIMS OF HURRICANE MITCH Richmond, Va., lawyer David P. Baugh has already decided that The Catholic Center at Tufts University has launched a special collection for the victims he and his latest client are never going to be friends. Barry Elton Black, a leader of a Pennsylvania branch of the Ku of Hurricane Mitch in Honduras and Nicaragua. Sunday, November 1jth, at the weekly Klux Klan, preaches racial separatism and doesn’t invite nonwhites into his home. Baugh, a former federal prosecutor, is African 1O:OO p.m. Mass at Goddard Chapel the entire collection will be sent to Catholic Relief American. But Black is also facing yp to five years in prison for burning a Services. xoss at a rally in rural Carroll County, Va., under a law that the American Civil LibertiesUnion ofVirginia considers an unconstitu- tional infringementoffreespeech. AndBaugh isalawyerthe ACLU :ounts on for unpopular cases. So when Black goes to court for a preliminary hearing Friday, Baugh will be beside him. “Mr. Black has aright to stand up and say, ‘I hate people,’ as long “The Tufts Community wants to reach out. Last Sunday before the Mass students were 3s he doesn’t cause public disorder. lfhe wishes to express that with symbol, he can,” Baugh said. =king what we could do. We announced the start of a special collection for November 15th,” “If you’re going to protect Louis Farrakhan or pro-life speech ... )r any group that is not in the majority, you have to protect him.” states Fr. Dave O’Leary, Catholic Chaplain. But Virginia Attorney General Mark L. Earley’soffice, which is ielping Carroll County Commonwealth’s Attorney Gregory Goad )rosecute Black, arguesthat the law simply prohibits usingaflaming :Toss to threaten others. Threats and words that incite people to mmediate violence are not protected by the Constitution. Spirit.* of the body “Financial assistance seems too easy, but there is an immediate need for so many politic worries items money is the most effective help.
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