... BRIANR.JAMES ED GREENWOOD . GEORGEKRASHOS. ERJ L�BOYO n-iOMASCOSTA Sample. file DESIGNERS: Brian R. James. Ed Greenwood, George Krashos, Eric L. Boyd, Thomas Costa ADDITIONAL DESIGN: Richard Baker, Bruce R. Cordell, Steven Schend EDITORS: Kim Mohan, Penny Williams FREELANCE COORDINATOR: Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel EDITING MANAGER: Kim Mohan DESIGN MANAGER: Christopher Perkins DEVELOPMENT MA.i'\'AGER: Jesse Decker DIRECTOR OF RPG R&D: Bill Slavicsek SENIOR ART DIRECTOR D&D: �tacy Longstreet ART DIRECTOR: Kate Irwin CovEil ARTIST: Todd Lockwood INTERIOR ARTISTS: Kyle Anderson, Glen Angus, Steven Belledin, Matt Cavotta, RafaelGarres Cervantes, Ed Cox, Daarken, Wayne England, Jason A. Engle, Emily Fie�enschuh, Carl Frank, Ralph Horsley, Andrew Hou, David Hudnut, Jeremy Jarvis, Dana Knutson, G10ger Kubic, Stephanie Law, Howard Lyon, David Martin, Dennis Crabapple McClain, William O'Connor, Lucio Parrillo, Jim Pavelec, Michael Phillippi, Steve Prescott, Wayne Reynolds, Ron Spencer, Stephen Tappin, Joel Thomas, Derek Thompson, Franz Vohwinkel, Eva \l{idermann, and Sam Wood CARTOGRAPHERS: Adam Gillespie, Dennis Kauth GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Kate Irwin GRAPHIC PRODUCTION SPECIALIST: Angelika Lokotz IMAGE TECHNICIAN: Bob Jordan PRODUCTION M;ANAGERS: Randall Crews, Kris Walker SPECIAL TuANKS: Candlekeep Scribes,�ray Richardson History a talc of beginningsand endings-often violent-and for the truly wise,it also a talc of futures. liarely docs one Iind a history with much of a middle. is is Based on the original Oin;GE01''S & Duoo:-s"rules created by E. Gary Gygu and Dave Arnesonand the new Oin;GE01''S& 0RAGO:<Sgame designedby Jonathan Tw«t, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This product usesupdated material from the v.3.f revision. This Wizards of thc Coast� game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion ofthis. work may bereproduced in any form without written T permission. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System " pcense,pleast visit www.wizards.com/d20. U.S., CANADA, ASIA, EUROPEAN HEADQ!!ARTERS UNITED KINGDOM PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Wizards of the Coast, Btlgium Hasbro CJKLtd Wizards of the Coast, Inc.· 't Hofveld 6D Caswell Way P.O. Box 707 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden Newport, Gwent NP9 OYH Renton, WA 98057-0707 Belgium GREAT BRITAIN (<ll!_estions?) 1-800-324-6496 +32 2 467 3360 flnsctctp duu.ddrtSS for )'(M.lt records 620-21543720--001.-EN Dungeons & Dngou,, D&D. Dung� Mutrr. d'lO,d'20 Synrm, Wiurds of theCoasr, F«goc.re-n Realms.Player"s Handbook., Dungeon Master's Guide,Monster M._nual, The Gnnd History of the Realms,2nd rh•ir ttSp<c11velogos ar, trtdrmarksof 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I Wiurds of theCoan, lnc., in rhe U.S.A. and 01h<r counrtiC$. First Printing: Sep. 2007 This material is protttttdunckr 1h< copyright lawsof 1bc Uni1<d Srm.sof America. Any rtproductioo orun2uthorii.ed llSe of the ISBN: 978-0-7869-4731-7 m2ttrialor artwork con12in«lh<rtin is prohibited,.;,bout the cxpttsswritten p<rm1ssion of Wizardsof lhc Cout, Inc. Thu produc1is• work of fiction. Any similariry 10ac1ual people, org•naarioOJ, plac,,s, or """1$is purely coincid,nri.1.Printed in the U.S.A. ©200- Wituds of th< Coa.t, Inc. otttnrealm1 SampleVisit our v.'ebsitc at www.wiurda.com/forg file ,< ne afternoon early in 2006, I was poking .around the FoRGOTIEN REALMS message boards on the Wiiards 'Of the Coast website when I ran across an interesting thread. Several posters were raving about a great Realms history tool assembled by someone under the mysterious screen name of "1akhovas." One of the mes­ sages included a link, and I was intrigued enough to (ollow it. I soon discovered a 100-page PDFGrand composed Historymostly theof Realms,the compiled and players of the FORGOTTEN' REALMS campaign setting. are timelines from every D&D FoRGOTil'.."REALMS publication. This, taking control of the creative process. Your interests and your of course, wasBrian James's of in a collective experience with the setting that we all know and love form very muchGrand like History the one you now hold in your hands. have become just as big a part of Faen1o as any series of novels, Needless to say, I was immediately impressed. I felt that sourcebooks,or adventures we've ever printed. The Realms are Iakhovas's was the sort of online resource we ' more than what we say they are-they're what you say they are, should have put together ourselves. After all, we'd assembled a too. dozen differe[\t timelines in these various sourcebooks, but we'd Of course, a book composed of nothing but the timelines never pulled them together into a single unified history. So I of dozens of Realms products60 would orily appeal 'to the most forwarded the link to Chris Perkins (Design Manager for D&D), dedicated of fans, so Chris decided to expandBrian's excellent Phil Athans (Managing Editor for our book team), andBart compilation with n'early sidebars byBrian, Tom Costa, Eric Carroll (the producer in charge of our D&D website content). L.Boyd, George K.rashos, and none other than Ed Greenwood "This is a great piece of work," I told them. "What do we think himself,offering new insights and glimpsesinto the ever-growing about contacting this guy, paying him for his work, and posting story of Faertin. this as a web feature?" While most of the 3rd Edition sourcebooksare the work of a As it turned out, they liked the idea a lot. I got in touch with relatively small number of game designers,. th� timelines included the mysterious Iakhovas to let him know we were interested in in these bookswere frequently derived from older 1st and 2nd his work, which is how I made theGrand acquaintance History (electronically, at Edition sources written years ago by different people.By now, least) ofBrian James.Bart and Chris worked out an arrangement scores of game designers and authors have touched the great, withBrian to make use of his Grandfor our History FORGOT· sprawling story that unfolds in these HO-plus pages. Suffice it TENREALMS web page, and I went back to my normal routine. to say that just about everybody who's worked.on a FoRGOTTL's But Chris already had bigger plans for the Thein REALMS game product or written a FORGOTIEN' REALMS novel Grandmind, and History. when a slot in our product schedule opened up, he has contributed to this sweeping vista of imagination. And, as successfully lobbied our business managers to assign it to always, Ed Greenwoodhas been exceedingly generous with his This was something unprecedented for us; for world, finding room for all sortsof story lines and ideas brought the first time in my long experience with TSR and Wizards of to the Realms by all the rest of us. None of this would be here the Coast, we accepted an unsolicited, fan-created piece of work, if not for him. Grand History originallyThe Grand available History on the theInternet, Realms antl put it on our product Anyway, thanks to a little passion and a lot of hard work on schedu� the part of Iakhovas-Brian James-The in all Sampleof is therefore not just an its splendor isnow yours to behold. Enjoy!file excellent FoRGOTIENREALMS resource,but also a truly revolution­ ary product and process for us. It's a sign that you, the readers RichardBaker 3 INTRODUCTION 1nt.coduction established in the Year of Sunrise when men werefirst permitted by elves to settle in the more open regions of Cormanthor. It is All ofToril, aud especiallyFaerun, is rich in history. As the eons also called Freeman's Reckoning. have passed, empires have risen a11d fallen all around the world. Cormyr Reckoning (CR.):This calendar starts at the found­ This chronology presents the history of the FoRGOTit:NRE.ALMS ing of Cormyr by the Obarskyr Dynasty (26 DR).The use of settingin all its glory.We've brought together information from two close but not identical calendars in the same geogny,hicarea doz.ens of sources to provide the definitive chronicle. causes historians a11dsages much confusion.To converfbetwecn dates you might find ill other sources: DR -25"= CR or CR + 25" = DR. Northrcckoning (NR):The calendar used throughout the city The bulk of this bookis made up of briefentries that collectively of Waterdeep, the Silver Marches, and the North. DR - 1032 = form a timeline of the history of Faerun and the other continents NR or l:\"R+ 1032 = DR. ofTimeline Toril. The events fo.rmot are presented (naturally) in chronological Watcrdeep Yeu (WY): Archaic \Vaterdeepcalendar, no longer order according to the year or time frame in which they occurred. used. In addition, the e,•ents for the four most recent years in history Netheril Year (NY): Calendar used by the lost empire of (beginning with 1372) are laid out in order by the day on which Netheril, stemming from the Alliance of Seventon. DR + 385"9 each event occurred or began. = NY or l:\"Y- 385"9 = DR. Because the saga is a long and complex one, we've inserted a Shou Ctlendar:The people of Shou Lung mark the ascendancy number of pointers-"links," if you will-that make it possible of Nu11g Fu as the start of their empire's calendar. DR + 125"0 to read about a single chain of events by following a certain set = Shou Year or Shou Year - 125"0= DR. of pointers from one year to the next one (or the previous one) Wa Calendar: Calendar used by the islai1d nation of Wa in in the sequence. the Eastern Realms. DR + 418 - Wa Year or Wa Year - 418= For instance, if you're browsing the book and you notice a DR.
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