Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of UAS, Dharwad with other Universities / Institutions MOUs – Period from 06.09.1999 to date Sl. Date of Name of the Agency Purpose No. Agreement 1. The Director General, 06/09/1999 For facilitating Post Graduate students International Crops Research Thesis Research for M.Sc / Ph.D Institute for the Semi – Arid Scholars Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru P.O., Andhra Pradesh. 2. The Managing Director, 22/12/2001 Scheme for Network of Agri – Clinics SFAC, MANAGE., and Agri-business Ventures by Rajendranagar, Agriculture graduates Hyderabad – 500 030. 3. The Executive Director, 22/04/2002 For facilitating Thesis Research for MAHYCO Research Foundation Doctoral Scholars (MRF), Road No.12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-34 (AP). 4. The President & CEO, 16/05/2002 Preparation of comprehensive study Kshema Technologies, report, which provides organisation # 1, Global Village, Mylasandra, structure in hierarchical order and Bangalore - 560 059. automation level currently available 5. Dean, 31/07/2002 Educational purposes Faculty of Agriculture & Director of Instruction Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidya Peeth, Dapoli – 415 712 Dt : Ratnagiri. 6. The Registrar, 07/01/2003 Recognition of College of Agril. Vishveshwraiah Technical Engg., Raichur of UAS, Dharwad as University, Belgaum. Research Centre 7. The Vice - Chairman, 21/04/2003 Collaborative Research in the field of Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., Horticulture Jain Hills, P.O.Box-72, Jalagaon – 425 001, Maharashtra. 8. The Secretary , 25/08/2003 Technical Support and Guidance for Agricultural Science Foundation, the Food Processing Training Centre to Hulkoti – 582 205, be established at Agril. Science Dist : Gadag. Foundation 9. Executive Director, 03/07/2004 a) Conducting certain activities Jala Samvardhane Yojana Sangha related to Fisheries (JSYS), b) Developing and Strengthening Bangalore. community based approaches to improving and managing selected tanks systems 10. The Comptroller, 23/08/2004 Ph.D studies for mutual benefits for University of Agricultural two Universities Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore-65. 1 11. The Vice President, 19/01/2005 For facilitating Collaborative Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., Education and Research (useful to Jain Hills, P.O.Box-72, solve the regional and national Jalagaon – 425 001, problems related with various Maharashtra. disciplines of Agricultural Sciences) 12. The Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds 02/04/2005 Research and development of seeds of Co. Ltd., various crops Resham Bhavan, 4th Floor, 78 Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai and Sathguru Management consultants Private Limited, Hindi Nagar, Panjagutta, Hyderabad. 13. The Dean, 27/05/2005 Sandwich Ph.D degree programme - Tamil Nadu Agricultural Thesis Research with other institute University, Coimbatore – 641 003. 14. The Director, 20/06/2005 For facilitating Post Graduate students Central Research Institute for Thesis Research for M.Sc, . M.Tech, Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Ph.D Scholars ICAR, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad. 15. The Co-ordinator, Institute of 15/07/2005 Development of a Bio-tech cluster in Agri Biotechnology (IABT) & the North Karnataka Region Director, Polyclone Bioservices Pvt. Ltd, Karesandra, Bangalore – 560 070. 16. Managing Director, High-tech 26/07/2005 PG Education & Research Agri Services (HTAS), # 24, Ist Cross, P & T Colony, R.T. Nagar, Bangalore 17. Registrar, Karnataka Veterinary, 14/02/2006 PG Education & Research Animal & Fisheries Sciences University, Nandinagar, P.B. No.6, Bidar – 585 401. 18. Chief General Manager, 06/05/2006 Exchange of information and mutual NABARD, Bangalore. support in various interventions for an integrated agriculture / rural development sector in the State 19. Executive Director, Barwale 08/12/2006 PG Education & Research Foundation, Research & Training Centre No.8-2-703, A.G. Heights Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. 20. Deputy Director, National 25/05/2007 Nation Wide Mapping of Land Remote Sensing Agency, Dept. of Degradation of 5 districts of Karnataka Space, Govt. of India, Balanagar, Hyderabad – 500 037. 21. Director, 22/09/2007 Mutual beneficial activities and “Sadhana”, Non-Govt. partnership for the welfare of the rural Organisation, Tejswinagar, community Dharwad 2 22. Secretary, USHAS Centre for 27/12/2007 Regarding Mutual beneficial activities Exceptional Children, Hubli 23. The Indian Council for 16/07/2008 Forming a consortium Leader of sub- Agricultural Research, New Delhi. project Livelihood Security through Resource and Entrepreneurship Management in Bidar District under the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) 24. Principal Consultant, 28/08/2008 Research partnership on agricultural FAO, processes and protocols relevant to Delhi. smallholder farmers 25. Director, 01/09/2008 Collaborative Research And Post Rubber Research Institute of India Graduate Students Thesis Research for (RRII), Kottayam, Kerala, India Ph.D Scholars 26. Managing Director, 25/10/2008 Access and exposure of UAS students Criyagen Agri & Biotech Private to premium private sector research and Limited, development expertise in the area of Bangalore. agriculture & allied sciences 27. Managing Director, 30/10/2008 Mutual benefit and to explore the Criyagen Agri & Biotech Private possibility of development of a Limited, biotech cluster in the North Karnataka Bangalore. 28. Managing Director, 12/11/2008 Entrust the work of commercial Criyagen Agri & Biotech Private production and sale of Biofertilisers Limited, and Biopesticides Bangalore. 29. Managing Director, 21/04/2009 Commercial production of bio- Criygen Agri & Biotech Pvt fertilisers and Bio-control agents Ltd, Bangalore. 30. Proprietor, 11/05/2009 Entrust the work of commercial Plot No. 2-I, K.I.A.D.B. Industrial production and sale of Biofertilizers Area, B.K. Kangrali, Belgaum – and biopesticides 590 010. 31. The Indian Council for 12/05/2009 Forming a consortium with a collective Agricultural Research, New Delhi. and individual responsibility for attaining the objective as set out in the sub-project Establishing and Networking of Agricultural Market Intelligence in India under the NAIP 32. CEO, Gammon India Limited, 20/05/2009 National Highways project Gammon House, Veer Savarkar Marg, P.O. Box No. 9129, Prabhadevi, Mumbai – 400 025 33. D.C.T.’s Dhempe College of Arts 21/09/2009 Collaboration in the areas of education, & Science, Panaji training and research 34. Administrator, 01/11/2009 Preparation of Detailed Project Reports Command Area Development (DPR) for obtaining funding from Authority, Upper Krishna Project, different sources for reclamation of Bheemarayanagudi. waterlogged, saline and alkaline lands in the Upper Krishna Project 3 35. President of India, 03/11/2009 Research project on Marker assisted Dept. of Biotechnology, introgression of foliar disease Ministry of Science and resistance in groundnut Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. 36. Mou between Indian Agril. 28/05/2010 Procurement of SAS Educational Statistics Research Institute, Analytical Suite Software and related ICAR, New Delhi and SAS services of the supplier Institute(India) Private Limited, Apeejay House, Dinshaw Wachha Road, Church gate, Mumbai. 37. General Manager, 15/06/2010 Research Project titled Evaluation of Technical Services, BASF India Strobilurin (Pyraclostrobin 20% WG) Limited, Navi Mumbai Office on growth, physiology and Phase-II, Thane Belapur Road, productivity in Soybean” Turbhe, Navi Mumbai. 38. Managing Director, 17/06/2010 Project on Environmental monitoring The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd., of one time land application of treated Ugarkhurd, distillery spentwash of Ugar Sugar Belgaum. Works Ltd., Ugarkhurd 39. Manager, 25/06/2010 Development of technologies and their National Research Development successful transfer to industry for Corporation, (An Enterprise of commercial exploitation and socio- DSIR, Ministry of Science & economic benefits Technology, Govt. of India), Malleswaram, Bangalore. 40. Head, 05/08/2010 Project proposal regarding ‘Research Raw Material Procurement cum Field demonstration on the use of West Coast Paper Mills Limited, Fly ash in agriculture’ Dandeli. 41. Director, 14/08/2010 Defining the areas of cooperation, Siddaganga Institute of benefiting Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur. Technology 42. President, JK Agri Genetics Ltd., 25/09/2010 Research Project titled “Feasibility of Hyderabad. Tropical Sugarbeet cultivation in Northern Karnataka” funded by JK Agri Genetics Ltd, Hyderabad 43. Secretary, 09/10/2010 Role & responsibilities of the Department of Biotechnology, participating agencies, monitoring and Ministry of Science & other matters related to the two years Technology, Government of India, M.Sc Agriculture Biotechnology New Delhi. teaching programme 44. Central Ground Water Board, - Operation and Maintenance of ground Government of India, water management and regulation for New Delhi. artificial recharge project 45. Regional Director for South Asia 21/10/2010 Promoting enhancing food security of and China, rural families through production, International Development processing and value addition of Research Centre, 208, Jor Bagh, regional staple food grains in India New Delhi. Canadian International Food Security Research Fund 4 46. Chairman and Managing Director, 01/01/2011 Generating outcomes of value to the Vibha Agrotech Limited, plant, agriculture and other related Subhan Sirisampada, Rajbhavan industries Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad. 47. General Manager-Special Projects, 05/01/2011 For facilitating innovative farming Farm Division,
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