Inventory of the private collection of L Wessels PV883 Contact us Write to: Visit us: Archive for Contemporary Affairs Archive for Contemporary Affairs University of the Free State Stef Coetzee Building P.O. Box 2320 Room 109 Bloemfontein 9300 Academic Avenue South South Africa University of the Free State 205 Nelson Mandela Drive Park West Bloemfontein Telephone: Email: +27(0)51 401 2418/2646/2225 [email protected] PV883 LO Wessels FILE NO SERIES SUB-SERIES DESCRIPTION DATES 1/A1/1 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A1 African Documentation regarding inter alia ANC 1985- National policy regarding violence and negotiations to 1990 Congress (ANC) replace apartheid with a democratic elected government; Nelson Mandela's viewpoint why violence is necessary to replace apartheid and the cooperation (alliance) between the ANC and the SACP (SA Communist Party); freedom charter; ANC/SACP alliance - salient national and international issues; ANC/SACP attitude towards negotiations with SA government; ANC/SACP and revolutionary violence; ANC/SACP projection of Soviet doctrine and foreign policy; 1990 ANC National Consultative Conference - declaration and programme of action; sanctions; violence; ANC discussion document regarding managing the period of transition; 78th anniversary of the ANC Congress, 8/1/1990 - year of people's action for a democratic SA; talk between SA business men and the ANC 13/9/1985; ANC perception regarding the white South African's constitutional position; report on the IDASA (Institute for a Democratic Alternative for SA) / ANC conference in Lusaka, 23-27/5/1990, on security and defence in SA with names of the 45 IDASA and 64 ANC delegation members; report of a workshop on economic policy for a post-apartheid SA, Harare 28/4/1990 - 1/5/1990; apartheid 1/A1/2 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A1 African Documentation regarding inter alia Eastern 1984- National European and South African socialism; 1990 Congress (ANC) apartheid; South African communists; Joe Slovo; "Has Socialism Failed" by Joe Slovo; marxist theory; socialism and democracy; socialist economic alienation; constitutional position of white South Africans in a democratic SA; "The future constitutional position of White South Africans" by Albie Sachs, 1990; ANC: Cadres and Credo; ANC: Political culture and violence, 1984; ANC; whites 1/A1/3 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A1 African Documentation regarding inter alia "The 1989- National Future of Roman Dutch Law in a Non-Racial 1990 Congress (ANC) Democratic SA" by Albie Sachs, London 1989; ANC's economic strategy; ANC's strategic posture; ANC's preconditions for Page 1 of 33 PV883 LO Wessels FILE NO SERIES SUB-SERIES DESCRIPTION DATES negotiations; policy-making structure of the ANC; extracts from SECHABA, official organ of the ANC referring inter alia to the unbanning of the ANC (Nov. 1985); ANC on Israeli aggression in Lebanon (Aug. 1982); "World Youth Condemns Imperialism" by Tilley Isaacson; Thabo Mbeki; negotiations 1/A2/1 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A2 Africa Documentation regarding inter alia 1974- symmetries and asymmetries in South 1990 Africa's power relationship with the rest of Southern Africa; speech by Leon Wessels as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs on the role of a new South Africa in Africa, 16/8/1990; "Prospects of Peace in Southern Africa" by Herman W. Nickel, May 1990 (American interests in Southern Africa, SA and the region, balanced interdependence); South African development aid in Africa; traditional leaders - tribal chiefs in modern Africa; Accord of Nkomati, 16/3/1984, between SA and Mozambique; democracy; captaincy; Mozambique; Treaty of Nkomati; Southern African Development Countries (SADC); Sub-Sahara; Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC); Multi- party systems 1/A2/2 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A2 Africa Documentation regarding inter alia "South 1970- African Development Aid to African 1990 Countries" by Erich Leistner, 22/1/1990; "The African Condition" by Ali Mazrui (a clash of cultures); African political thought; tribal chiefs in the Bantu homelands; traditional leaders; political survival of traditional leadership in East Africa; Captaincy; Culture; Development Aid 1/A2/3 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A2 Africa Documentation regarding inter alia 1990 experiments in multi-ethnic democracy; grassroots democracy; Africa - the roots of reform; SA's role in Africa; "Interaction and Interdependence in Southern Africa; a new regional role for South Africa" by Prof W.J. Breytenbach; Democracy; Reformation; A (Albie) Sachs; Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) 1/A2/4 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A2 Africa Documentation regarding inter alia 1989- "Integration and Disintegration in Southern 1990 Africa" by Peter Vale; Africa demands democracy; violence the price for change in Page 2 of 33 PV883 LO Wessels FILE NO SERIES SUB-SERIES DESCRIPTION DATES SA; SA perestroika factor; tribalism can be a truly creative force; communism; wind of change in Africa; Afrikaner explorers see a path to peace through Africa; Angola; Democracy; Disintegration; Gabon; Violence; Ghana; Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA); Integration; Kenya; NR (Nelson) Mandela; Namibia; Nigeria; Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC); Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe 1/A3/1 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A3 Afrikaners Documentation regarding inter alia Afrikaner 1981- and Afrikaans history and the Afrikaans language; 1990 "Historical Review of the Afrikaner People's Past and Present" by Prof. F.A. van Jaarsveld; the Afrikaner and hard labour; "Tales of Afrikaners" by J.M. Coetzee; Basic constitutional conditions for the survival of the Afrikaner; Averting South Africa's revolution; apartheid; Afrikaans; Afrikaners; Youth 1/A4/1 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A4 Afrikaner Documentation regarding the Afrikaner 1986- Weerstandsbewe Weerstandsbeweging and actions taken by 1993 ging (AWB) them, inter alia at the World Trade Center on 25/6/1993; Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB); Conservative Party (CP); DF Malan; JA (Jaap) Marais; Pietersburg; E (Eugene) Terre'Blanche 1/A5/1 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/A5 Apartheid Documentation regarding matters concerning 1985- apartheid referring inter alia to National Party 1991 members apologising for the "hurt of apartheid"; National Party policy regarding apartheid; United Nations declaration on Apartheid and its destructive consequences for Southern Africa; Draft declaration by organisation of African Unity (OAU) regarding apartheid; the alternatives for apartheid; economic and political dimensions of apartheid; fighting apartheid; "A view of the economy beyond apartheid" by Wayne Mitchell of IDASA; Socialism and Nationalism; post-apartheid SA' roots of apartheid; statutory apartheid; dismantling progress of apartheid; SA the flamer of transition; heading for a democracy; Economics; Health; Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA); United States of America (USA); United Nations (UN) Page 3 of 33 PV883 LO Wessels FILE NO SERIES SUB-SERIES DESCRIPTION DATES 1/B1/1 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/B1 Summit Documentation regarding the secret Cabinet 1990 D'Nyala meeting at D'Nyala 5-8/12/1990; evaluation of the ANC's position with regard to the negotiations with the SA government; human rights; affirmative action to reduce inequalities as a result of past discrimination; apartheid; ANC; Constitution; Constitutional Affairs; Human rights 1/B1/2 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/B1 Summit Documentation regarding inter alia the 1987- D'Nyala economic consequences of constitutional 1990 reform 1990; human rights; ideology of apartheid shattered; new South Africa; post- apartheid South Africa; new constitution; power-sharing; federalist; USSR (Russia) Republics; constitutional situation in other countries as an example for a new SA constitution, 1987; Constitution; Constitutional Affairs 1/B1/3 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/B1 Summit Constitution of the Republic of Namibia; 1990 D'Nyala SWA/Namibia 1/B2/1- 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/B2 Britain Documentation of the British House of 1985- 1/B2/3 Commons (Foreign Affairs Committee) 1986 regarding the situation in South Africa; ANC; apartheid; power sharing; Abrahamse, L G.; TBVC States; Great Britain; M G (Mangosuthu) Buthelezi; C W (Colin) Eglin; T (Thabo) Mbeki; P Mopp; S Pachai; A Pahad; F van Zyl Slabbert; O R (Oliver) Tambo; LG Abrahamse; DJ (Dennis) Worrall; S Bhengu; O D (Oscar) Dhlomo; SH Gumede; M Maphuta; FT Mdlalose; C Phatudi; JH Pretorius,; K Zondi 1/B2/4 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/B2 Britain Commonwealth report regarding a mission to n.d. South Africa of eminent persons appointed under the Nassau Accord on SA; dismantling or reform of apartheid; violence as a result of apartheid; release of Nelson Mandela and other ANC members in jail; Negotiations between SA Government and the ANC; Commonwealth Accord on SA; violence; African National Congress (ANC); Apartheid; Azanian People's Organization (Azapo); Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu); Mandela, N R (Nelson); Pan Africanist Congress of South Africa (PAC); Commonwealth; United Democratic Front Page 4 of 33 PV883 LO Wessels FILE NO SERIES SUB-SERIES DESCRIPTION DATES (UDF) 1/B3/1 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/B3 Citizenship Newspaper cuttings regarding citizenship; 1976- Bantu homelands; Transkei; urban blacks; 1985 Citizenship; Urban Blacks; Transkei; Homelands 1/D1/1 1. SUBJECT FILES 1/D1 Dakar Documentation regarding the South African 1987 Conference in Dakar, Senegal between 61 prominent Afrikaans-speaking whites from SA and the ANC, 9-12 July 1987, arranged by IDASA (Institute for a Democratic Alternative for SA); ANC; apartheid; DAKAR declaration
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