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IRRESISTIBLE LIP LURE -THE NEW GLOWING VIBRANT LIPSTICK www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO STARS n A SOCIALITE `6 5Ppka AND A DENTIST CLASH SAYS SAYS POLITE SOCIETY OVER A LAMB CHOP MODERN DENTIST (But the civilized way to build firm gums is 1PANA and MASSAGE) ot7'RE RIGHT -quite right. This is a Today's soft foods rob our gums of the of Ipana Tooth Paste and massage. I social crime! The girl is a barbarian vigorous chewing they need for sturdy It is very simple to rub a little extra -a social outlaw! But before you dismiss health. Denied this natural work and Ipane into your gums every time you her -before you turn the page- listen to exercise, they grow flabby, tender, sensi- brush your teeth. You'll soon feel a tin- the frank opinion of a modern dentist. tive! And when they signal that sensi- gle of new circulation -new life. Gums "A crime? Nonsense! I hope millions tiveness, when they flash that warning look better, feel firmer. They show a of people see this picture! It may be "tinge of pink " -see your dentist. grateful response to this new stimulation. shocking to some people but, from my "Pink tooth brush" doesn't always For Ipana is especially made to benefit professional viewpoint, it's a perfect les- mean that you are in for serious trouble your gums as well as clean your teeth. son in the proper care of the teeth and -fud your dewier ehould be the judge. Young or old -play safe. Even before gums. If more people chewed as vigor- Usually it only means gums under - you have a first warning of danger,adopt ously, there would be a lot less evidence worked and over -sensitive -gums that this modern dental health routine. You'll of tender, ailing gums -of that serious need exercise -gums that will quickly certainly be far safer from the really seri- dental warning -'pink tooth brush'." respond to the healthful stimulation ous gum troubles. plus massage (PANA ablest is the dentist's care in the homo assistant and gants' of Your teeth www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO STARS RADIO STARS E(HEI M. POi,1ERUY A.,:ocore -di o. ABRIL LAMARQUE, M Edier LESTER G GRADY, Eiltor 26 STORIES, FEATURES AND DEPARTMENTS STORIES 2,000 MILES THROUGH RADIO CITY (A Radio City Page Boy looks at celebrities) Dom Caldwell Davis 16 THE MAJOR ON PARADE (Meet the real Major Bowes) Miriam Rogers 20 "IF MUSIC BE THE FOOD OF LOVE-" (What love means to Lily Pons) Nancy Borrows 22 A DATE WITH RUDY VALLEE (Before the vagabond Lover became famous) Nanette Kutner 24 DO YOU WANT ME ON THE AIR? (Clark cable ponder, e perplexing question) Gladys Hall 28 RADIO'S REBEL CHILD (The March of Time submits to no censorship) Mary Watkins Reeves 30 WALLINGTON MEETS HIS WATERLOO (A girl -and her name is Beta Jane Cooper) William L. Vallée 32 RADIO AND THE RACE TRACK (What Bryan Field does for "the sport of kings ) Tom Meany 36 YOU MUST MEET MY SISTER (Each tells all about the other) Rosemary and Priscilla Lane 38 A HECTIC BUT HAPPY MATING (Helen Hayes and Charles MacArthur make a pattern for marriage) Mildred Mostin 40 DYNAMO -PINT SIZE (Unique breeve Wicker, The Siasing Ladr) Leslie Eaton 43 IN HIS GRANDFATHER'S FOOTSTEPS (Ted Hammerstein of The Music Hall) Miriam Rogers 45 AT HOME WITH ONE MAN'S FAMILY (A visit with the cast of a popular program) Franc Dillon 46 WINCHELL THROUGH A KEYHOLE (Herds the low -down on Walter) Jack Hanley 49 WE'RE ALL SCHOLARS NOW (Radio ism" college. nays Rupert Hughes) Faith Service SO Rhapsody in flowers. That is SPECIAL FEATURES AND DEPARTMENTS Blue Waltz Perfume. Not just Radio Ramblings 6 For Distinguished Service to Radio.. 19 the fragrance of one flower, The Radio Hostess B In the Radio Spotlight 26 but a myriad of flowers ...not Fall -From Head to Foot 10 Between Broadcasts 34 Keep Young and Beautiful. .... 12 Juvenile Jamboree 42 of one mood, but many moods. Board of Review 14 Tuning up the Show Boat 44 Its blended bouquet adapts Pinch Hitters Supreme 53 itself to you and your person- Cover by EARL CHRISTY ality. Use it to be gay, alter Nadia Blare nllahed mnnlhll d hted. IhW. by Dell ihshihhlna (' Ine. Met ed publication at Wyly. and Nonni .tuer. IJ) he . \. P EuAir and editorial Milne,. Ìfu nadlrm Armor Yr.& N. Y. 4 ing, utterly feminine! Wear (M ezzo ....craning Mee, .ro \win Michigan Arc George elnenne. Jr.. ivre.: Meyer. )'ice- Pre,.; a. Pled er. U. A. it for the one you love best. Pub,ceippiton mise i,me rel ad StelesLand C,oMo S .so i.year: Reels.,,PUDlini 0et. `year Ente rad tas ,,i,`md -arena matter Asee,, b, 1535. at the Pmt Mee at Dmelln. N J.. muer tiro ern of ]lamb ., 1015. The ouSll,ber eeepn m, reepainibillur for the return or un,ollrlied materiel. BLUE WALTZ PERFUME FACE POWDER LIPSTICK BRILLIANTINE COLD CREAM TALCUM 100 at S & 1N Stores J 4 www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO STARS NORMA SHEARER LESLIE HOWARD (mica and t JOHN BARRYMORE EDNA MAY OLIVER BASIL RATHBONE C. AUBREY SMITH ANDY DEVINERALPH FORBESREGINALD DENNYCONWAY TEARLE ROBERT WARWICK VIOLET KEMBLE- COOPER You've heard about it for months! You've read about it everywhere! It's all true. This is the greatest love drama, the mightiest entertainment of our time. Every moment throbs as sparks fly, as steel meets steel ... and the crimson follows the rapier's thrust...Lovers meet ...and dream...and plan. Pomp and grandeur sweep by in spectacular pageantry. Here are thrills, sus- pense to spur the pulse...tender romance to charm the heart...beauty to fill the eye. A love story deep in the heart of the world forever, now given enthralling life in such a picture as the screen has never known. A Metro -Goldwyn -Moyer Triumph Directed by George Cukor 5 - : . "Swept aft my feet - Robert Benchley "A far greater film than 'Mutiny on the Bounty*" -Jim luny -List it among the screen's major achievements -Wolter Winchett "t think the modern American girt has many things to learn the from Jtd er of Norma Shearer, and I advise her, to go about learning them right owoy" -Anita Loaf www.americanradiohistory.com RADIO STARS Your radio reporter listens in -tells all! Autumn-as ever teas! It's hard SUMMER MEMORIES to believe it -but the cover on the Listening to Frank Fay, through magazine says October . .. So the summer. we found at times that Autumn it is! a little of the Elf of the Ether was enough. Still, we'd rather have too much Fay than none at Fay has And Autumn changes are in the all. a delightfully pleasing radio person- air- waves, as well as in the air .. ality. And we still recall with de- But we won't go into that. Program light his Romeo to Cowl's psychology being what it is. what's Jane Juliet. news today may he a headache to- morrow! Another delightful remembrance from the summer is Ed Wynn's Sir In our August Ramblings, for ex- Peter Teazle, with Ethel Barrymore ample, we remarked that Edward as Lady Teazle. For once, we felt MacHugh was making a visit to his Sheridan's School For Scandal was boyhood home, Dundee, Scotland, and that he would resume his regu- lar broadcasts on August third. Then wide world along came a sponsor, impressed by Maestro Rubinoff and Eileen NBC's Gospel Singer's volume of fan O'Connor in an impromptu mail -and MacHugh and his bride act aboard the Queen Mary. had to forego their vacation. On July sixth he started his first network York. You'ren're probably heard -or commercial series, on the NBC -Blue guessed -its name. Yes, it's Chitlin network. Switch, after the imaginary Georgia crossroads town in their broadcasts. So well stay where we're safe - Pick Malone and Pat Padgett have and Major Brraes and Rudy l'aller been together for more than seven and Kate Smith and Frank Fay and years. In height and weight they are all the others will have to take their almost identical, but Pick is dark of Autumn places without a bow from hair and complexion, while Pat is us! sandy- haired and fair. They are one of radio's happiest teams -and call each other "Willie." Do you recognize Gracie Two other favorites, l'loneyboy Allen in her new hair-do? and Sassafras. score derby hats all She's gone glamorous on us! through the hot spell. No. they weren't mad-they had rubber ice done as it should be done! Both bags, filled with ice, inside their Ed and Ethel were in top form - derbies! and a madder, merrier bit never came over the air.
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