THE BASICS OF SOCIOLOGY Kathy S. Stolley GREENWOOD PRESS The Basics of Sociology The Basics of Sociology THE BASICS OF SOCIOLOGY Kathy S. Stolley Basics of the Social Sciences GREENWOOD PRESS Westport, Connecticut • London Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stolley, Kathy S. The basics of sociology / Kathy S. Stolley. p. cm.––(Basics of the social sciences) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-313-32387-9 (alk. paper) 1. Sociology. 2. Sociology––History. 3. Sociologists––Biography. 4. Internet––Social aspects. 5. Sociology––Vocational guidance. I. Title. II. Series. HM585.S77 2005 301––dc22 2004044863 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright © 2005 by Kathy S. Stolley All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, by any process or technique, without the express written consent of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004044863 ISBN: 0–313–32387–9 First published in 2005 Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. www.greenwood.com Printed in the United States of America The paper used in this book complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48–1984). 10987654321 To Billy and To Mrs. Elkins, Grade 3, who told our class, “Someday we’ll get to read a book that Kathy wrote.” Contents Figures and Tables xiii Sociology Timeline of Selected Events and Influential Publications xv Chapter 1: Introduction 1 What Sociology Offers 2 History of Sociology 4 Sociologists in Society 7 The Sociological Imagination 8 Sociology as an Academic Discipline 9 Sociology in a Changing World 12 Biographies 13 Auguste Comte 13 Anthony Giddens 14 Abu Zaid Abdal Rahman Ibn Khaldun 14 Harriet Martineau 15 C. Wright Mills 16 Albion Small 16 Ida B. Wells-Barnett 17 Careers in Sociology 18 Additional Resources 19 Chapter 2: Sociological Theory 21 Sociological Paradigms 21 Major Sociological Perspectives 22 Structural-Functionalism 23 Social-Conflict Theory 25 Symbolic Interactionism 27 Applying the Paradigms 29 Structural-Functionalist Perspective on Health Care 30 Social-Conflict Perspective on Health Care 30 Contents Symbolic-Interactionist Perspective on Health Care 31 Biographies 32 Jessie Bernard 33 Patricia Hill Collins 33 Niklas Luhmann 33 Karl Marx 34 Robert K. Merton 35 Talcott Parsons 36 Herbert Spencer 37 Max Weber 37 Careers in Sociology 39 Additional Resources 39 Chapter 3: Culture and Society 41 Culture 41 Types of Culture 42 Society 43 Social Structure 43 Status 44 Roles 45 Aspects of Culture 45 Values 45 Norms 46 Symbols 47 Languages 48 Diversity 49 Sociobiology 51 Globalization and the Internet 51 Biographies 53 Napoleon Chagnon 53 Marvin Harris 54 Marshall McLuhan 54 William Graham Sumner 55 Benjamin Lee Whorf 56 Edward O. Wilson 56 Careers in Sociology 57 Additional Resources 58 Chapter 4: Socialization and Social Interaction 61 Theories of Socialization 61 The Looking-Glass Self 62 The I and Me 63 Personality and Social Development 64 The Socialization Process 66 Total Institutions and Resocialization 68 Socialization and Social Interaction 69 Dramaturgy 70 Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis 71 Globalization and the Internet 72 viii Contents Biographies 73 Peter Berger 73 Charles Horton Cooley 74 Sigmund Freud 75 Harold Garfinkel 76 Erving Goffman 76 George Herbert Mead 77 William I. Thomas 78 Careers in Sociology 79 Additional Resources 80 Chapter 5: Social Groups and Organizations 83 Social Groups 83 Reference Groups 85 Group Size 85 Networks 86 Group Dynamics 86 Group Formation 87 Leadership 88 Power 88 Conformity 89 Obedience 90 Group Decision Making 91 Institutions and Conformity 92 Formal Organizations 93 Bureaucracy 94 Oligarchy 96 The McDonaldization of Society 96 Globalization and the Internet 98 Biographies 99 Peter M. Blau 99 George Caspar Homans 100 Rosabeth Moss Kanter 101 Kurt Lewin 102 Robert Michels 102 George Ritzer 103 Georg Simmel 103 Philip G. Zimbardo 104 Careers in Sociology 105 Additional Resources 106 Chapter 6: Deviance and Social Control 109 Theories of Deviance 111 Biological Perspectives 111 Structural-Functionalist Perspectives 112 Social Bonds 113 Structural Strain 114 Opportunity Structures 114 ix Contents Social Control 115 Social-Conflict Perspectives 116 Symbolic-Interactionist Perspectives 118 Labeling 118 The Medicalization of Deviance 120 Cultural Transmission 121 Globalization and the Internet 121 Biographies 123 Howard Becker 123 William Chambliss 124 Peter Conrad 124 Travis Hirschi 125 Cesare Lombroso 125 Coramae Richey Mann 126 Richard Quinney 127 Edwin H. Sutherland 127 Careers in Sociology 128 Additional Resources 129 Chapter 7: Stratification 131 Forms of Stratification 132 Stratification in the United States 134 Poverty 134 Sources of Stratification 137 Structural-Functionalist Perspectives 137 Social-Conflict Perspectives 139 Multidimensional Perspectives 140 Maintaining Stratification 141 Social Mobility 143 Globalization and the Internet 145 Biographies 147 Kingsley Davis 147 William Edward Burghardt Du Bois 148 Friedrich Engels 148 Immanuel Wallerstein 149 William Julius Wilson 150 Careers in Sociology 150 Additional Resources 151 Chapter 8: Population Structure, Movements, and Concentration 153 Population Change 153 Population Structures 155 Fast Population Growth 155 Slow Population Growth 155 Declining Populations 157 Theories of Demographic Change 157 Malthusian Theory 158 Demographic-Transition Theory 159 Measuring Population 160 Population and Urbanization 160 x Contents History of Urban Sociology 162 Urban Ecology 165 Urban Sociology Today 166 Suburbs 167 Nature of Urban Life and Community 169 Globalization and the Internet 170 Biographies 171 Herbert Gans 171 Mark Gottdiener 172 Thomas Robert Malthus 173 Robert Ezra Park 173 Ferdinand Toennies 174 Barry Wellman 175 Louis Wirth 176 Careers in Sociology 177 Additional Resources 177 Chapter 9: Social Change, Behavior, and Movements 179 Collective Behavior 180 Forms of Collective Behavior 180 Fashions and Fads 180 Rumors 181 Urban Legends 183 Mass Hysteria 184 Crowds 184 Theories of Collective Behavior 185 Contagion Theory 186 Emergent-Norm Theory 186 Value-Added Theory 187 Social Movements 188 Formation of Social Movements 188 Types of Social Movements 189 Decline of Social Movements 191 Theories of Social Movements 192 Resource-Mobilization Theory 192 New Social Movements 193 Globalization and the Internet 194 Biographies 195 Herbert Blumer 195 Gustave Le Bon 196 Stanley Lieberson 197 Neil Smelser 197 Pitirim A. Sorokin 198 Thorstein Veblen 198 Careers in Sociology 199 Additional Resources 200 Chapter 10: Research Methods 203 Conducting Sociological Research 204 Sociological Research Methods 205 xi Contents Questioning 206 Noticing 208 Analyzing 209 Explaining 211 Research Ethics 212 Research on the Internet 213 The Research Process 214 Biographies 216 Emile Durkheim 216 Andrew M. Greeley 217 Paul Lazarsfeld 218 Stanley Milgram 219 Dorothy Smith 220 Careers in Sociology 221 Additional Resources 221 Chapter 11: Preparing to Be a Sociologist and Career Opportunities 223 Academic Training for Sociologists 223 The Popularity of Studying Sociology 224 Characteristics of Sociology Students 225 Sociologists in the Workplace (Academics and Beyond) 227 Job Skills 228 Career Preparation 228 Sociologists at Work 229 Sociological Practice 229 Where Sociologists Work 230 Salaries for Sociologists 231 Professional Organizations 233 Biographies 235 Jane Addams 235 Arthur B. Shostak 236 Stephen F. Steele 237 Roger A. Straus 237 Lester Ward 238 William Foote Whyte 238 Additional Resources 239 Glossary 241 References 253 Index 291 xii Figures and Tables FIGURES 7.1 Percentage of Families with Children under Age 18 Living in Poverty, by Family Type and Race, 2003 138 8.1 Nigerian Population Pyramid, 2000, 2050 156 8.2 U.S. Population Pyramid, 2000, 2050 157 8.3 Ukrainian Population Pyramid, 2000, 2050 158 TABLES 1.1 The Sociological Focus as Compared with Other Social Sciences 11 2.1 Comparison of Major Sociological Paradigms 29 6.1 Merton’s Strain Theory of Deviance 115 7.1 Share of Aggregate Income among Households, Selected Years 1967–2003 135 7.2 Share of Aggregate Income Earned by Top Five Percent of Households, Selected Years 1967–2003 135 7.3 Poverty Thresholds by Family Size, 2003 136 7.4 Median Household Income by Race, 2003 136 7.5 Poverty Rates by Race, 2003 137 8.1 Total U.S. Population and Percentage Urban, Selected Years 1790–2000 161 8.2 Ten Largest U.S. Cities and Other Urban Places, Selected Years 1790–2000 163 8.3 Ten Largest Countries in the World, 1950, 2000, and 2050 164 11.1 Number of Sociology Degrees Awarded by Degree Level, Selected Years 1970–2000 225 Figures and Tables 11.2 Percentage of Sociology Degrees Awarded at Each Degree Level by Gender, Selected Years 1970–2000 226 11.3 Average Percentage of Doctorate Degrees Earned by Women in Selected Disciplines, 2001 227 11.4 Racial/Ethnic Identity of Sociology Ph.D. Recipients, 1980, 1990, 2000 227 11.5 Median Annual Earnings for Selected Social-Science Fields, 2002 232 11.6 Average Sociology Faculty Salaries in 2003/04 and Percentage of Salary Change, 1982/83–2003/04 232 11.7 Sections of the American Sociological Association 234 xiv Sociology Timeline of Selected Events and Influential Publications 1200s Wen Hsien T’ung K’ao (General Study of the Literary Remains), Chinese his- torian Ma Tuan-Lin 1300s Ibn Khaldun conducts studies of Arab society
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