市営地下鉄南北線 市営地下鉄東豊線 featured by Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau 札幌第一合同庁舎 北9条 Lプラザ 北8条 北洋銀行 北口 北海道銀行 駅前広場 北7条 JR札幌駅 北5条 東急 デパート 北4条 西3丁目 東1丁目 西5丁目西4丁目 西2丁目 西1丁目 Guide 編集・発行 : 北海道開発局 札幌市北区北 8 条西 2 丁目札幌第 1 合同庁舎 Infrastructure TEL( 011)709-2311 ① Houheikyou Dam P01 ② Yubari Syuparo Dam P02 ③ Ebetsu River Disaster Prevention Station P03 ④ Sunagawa Retarding Basin P04 ⑤ Takino Suzuran Hillside Park P05 ⑥ New Chitose Airport P06 37 ⑦ Otaru Canal P07 35 ⑧ Koushin Mt.Yotei Viewpoint Parking P08 36 ⑨ Bridges of Kamoenai Village P09 ⑩ Mui Tunnel P10 50 ⑪ Hakodate Port & Fishing Port P11 39 ⑫ Pirika Dam P12 38 ⑬ Akamatsu Street P13 ⑭ Esashi Port P14 ⑮ Hakodate Airport P15 ⑯ Rausu Fishing Port P16 ⑰ Aonae Fishing Port P17 42 ⑱ Hakuchoohashi Bridge P18 33 ⑲ Muroran Port ㉖ (Irie Waterside Park・Etomo Seaside Park) P19 ⑳ Nibutani Dam P20 ㉑ Tokachiohashi Bridge P21 ㉘ 40 ㉒ Chiyoda New Waterway P22 43 ⑯ ㉓ Nusamai Bridge & 32 Earthquake-proof Passenger Ship Terminal P23 34 ㉛ ㉔ Kushiro Marsh (Kayanuma area) P24 ㉗ ㉕ National Government Building of Kushiro district P25 ㉖ Monbetsu Port P26 ㉙41 ㉗ Kanoko Dam P27 ⑩ 51 ㉘ Asahibashi Bridge & Riverline P28 46④ ㉚ ㉙ Blue Pond (Aoiike) P29 ⑨ ⑦ ② ㉔ ㉚ Tokyo-Univ. experiment forest Viewpoint Parking P30 45③ 52 49 ㉓ ㉛ Kitasaito Asahikawa P31 ⑤ ㉑㉒ ㉕ 32 Mashike Port (Nord Marina Mashike) P32 ⑧ 33 Haboro Ferry Terminal P33 ① ⑥ ⑳ 34 Rumoi Dam P34 47 35 Wakkanai Port P35 44 53 36 Wakkanai Airport P36 37 Grassland of Soya Hills P37 38 Toyotomi Large-scale Grassland P38 ⑱ 39 Oshidomari Ferry Terminal P39 ⑫ 48⑲ 40 Abashiri Port P40 41 Tokachidake Erosion Control P41 ⑰ 42 Bifuka Island P42 ⑬ 43 Tokiwa Rotary P43 ⑭ ⑮ 44 Tomakomai Port P44 ⑪ 45 Sapporo Airfield (Sapporo Okadama Airport) P45 46 Ishikarigawa River Head Works P46 47 AikawaViewpoint Parking P47 48 Oinaoshi Fishing Port P48 49 Kushiro Airport P49 50 Toyoiwa Viewpoint Parking P50 51 Matsumiohashi Bridge P51 52 Biman Panorama Park P52 Satsunaigawa53 Dam P53 6km Museum (Close on Saturday & Sunday & Holiday) OPEN:AM 09:00 CLOSE:PM 04:30 708 573 504 Early May ~ Late October Ĭ*QWJGKM[QW&COĬ*QWJGKM[QW&CO Houheikyou Dam was completed in 1972, is quite rare arch-style dam in Hokkaido. DAM You can enjoy water discharge from June 1 to October 31 every year. This dam is surrounded by sheer rocky cliff where you can see the magnificent scenery. 20km Museum 700 387 649 OPEN:AM 09:00 CLOSE:PM 05:00 ĭ;WDCTK5JWRCTQ&COĭ;WDCTK5JWRCTQ&CO YubariYubari ShuparoShuparo Dam(Dam( concreteconcrete gravitygravity dam,dam, Height=110.6meters)Height=110.6meters) wwasas completedcompleted inin FYFY 20142014 asas anan alternativealternative ofof OoyubariOoyubari Dam.Dam. DAM ThisThis damdam isis oneone ofof thethe largestlargest amongamong Japan(floodedJapan(flooded areaarea isis 2nd2nd llargest, reservoir capacity is 4th place). 4km Station (Close on monday) OPEN:AM 09:00 CLOSE:PM 06:30 139 397 388 OPEN:AM 09:00 CLOSE:PM 06:30 ③ Ebetsu River Disaster Prevention Station Ebetsu River Disaster Prevention Station is used as a place of learning at ordinary time and used asas aa disasterdisaster preparednesspreparedness centercenter inin naturalnatural disaster.disaster. There is a gallery providing disaster information, emergency supplies and exhibition of the river's history. RIVER At the rooftop deck( closed in winter ), you can have a view of Ishikari River. StationStation (Close(Close onon monday)monday) OPEN:AMOPEN:AM 09:0009:00 CLOSE:PM CLOSE:PM 04:3004:30 5km 360 228 307 į5WPCICYC4GVCTFKPI$CUKPį5WPCICYC4GVCTFKPI$CUKP Sunagawa Retarding Basin(completed in 1995) is the place to control flood by using meander scar. RIVER Under the normal condition, it is used as waterside playground, calledcalled ““ SunagawaSunagawa OasisOasis ParkPark ”.”. 5km 867 571 521 Park 20 April - 31 May AM 9:00~PM 5:00 1 June - 31 August AM 9:00~PM 6:00 1 September - 1 November AM 9:00~PM 5:00 23 December - 31 March AM 9:00~PM 4:00 ⑤⑤ TakinoTakino SuzuranSuzuran HillsideHillside ParkPark Takino Suzuran Hillside Park is located about 20kilometers south from the center of Sapporo City. PARK This park has something for everybody, such as tulip garden in summer, japanese maples in autumn, andand hillsidehillside skiingskiing inin winter.winter. 113 742 185 Domestic Terminal OPEN:AM 06:20 CLOSE:PM 11:00 3km ⑥⑥ NewNew ChitoseChitose AirportAirport New Chitose Airport is one of the representative international hub airports of Japan. In order to accommodate increasing number of tourists from Asia,, internationalinternational terminalterminal waswas newlynewly AIRPORT openedopened inin 20102010 andand rebuiltrebuilt thethe domesticdomestic terminalterminal includingincluding thethe commercialcommercial facilityfacility inin 2011.2011. 493 691 797 ⑦⑦ OtaruOtaru CanalCanal Otaru Canal is famous for its brick walls of warehouse. During the night, it creates magical atmosphere through PORT thethe lightlight ofof gasgas lamp.lamp. 2km ij-QWUJKP/V;QVGK8KGYRQKPV2CTMKPI -[QIQMW Koushin Mt.Yotei Viewpoint Parking in Kyogoku is located on Route 276. 385 587 645 ROAD It gives you splendid view of Mt. Yotei, Shiribetsudake and Shiribetsu River. ←至 神威岬 To Cape Kamui 神恵内役場 Kamoenai Village Office 3km 20km 神恵内村の橋梁 Bridges of Kamoenai Village Iwanai ↓至 岩内 To Iwanai 775 158 104 Ĵ$TKFIGUQH-COQGPCK8KNNCIGĴ$TKFIGUQH-COQGPCK8KNNCIG There are 4 consecutive concrete bridges in the south of Shakotan Peninsula along Route 229 wherewhere youyou cancan seesee magnificentmagnificent sea,sea, calledcalled ““ ShakotanShakotan blueblue ”.”. ROAD 20km Bikuni 775 873 349 ⑩ Mui Tunnel ThisThis tunneltunnel isis quitequite uniqueunique inin thatthat itit isis placedplaced inin parallelparallel wiwithth 44 generations.generations. ROAD YouYou cancan havehave aa viewview ofof thesethese fromfrom thethe IwanaiIwanai minemine mouth.mouth. Ķ*CMQFCVG2QTV(KUJKPI2QTVĶ*CMQFCVG2QTV(KUJKPI2QTV Hakodate Port is the first international port in Japan along withwith YokohamaYokohama andand Nagasaki.Nagasaki. It was completed in 1899 and was designed by Dr. Isami Hiroi whowho isis so-calledso-called "The"The fatherfather ofof modernmodern civilcivil engineeringengineering inin JJapan". A part of its facilities(masonry breakwater) has still existed and awarded PORT asas CivilCivil EngineeringEngineering HeritageHeritage inin 20042004 byby JapanJapan SocietySociety ofof CiviCivil Engineering. 86 071 626 Office (Close on Saturday & Sunday) OPEN:AM 08:30 CLOSE:PM 05:15 762 789 270 10km ⑫⑫ 2KTKMC&CO2KTKMC&CO PirikaPirika DamDam isis complexcomplex dam,dam, combinedcombined withwith concreteconcrete gravitygravity stylestyle andand RockfillRockfill style.style. DAM 1,480metres1,480metres crestcrest forfor thisthis typetype isis thethe longestlongest inin Japan.Japan. 2.4ko2.4kolometreslometres fish-way,fish-way, betweenbetween damdam andand ChushibetsuChushibetsu River,River, isis alsoalso thethe longestlongest andand equippedequipped wiwithth observationobservation door.door. ⑬⑬ AkamatsuAkamatsu StreetStreet 14km Akamatsu Street is a road with red pine trees, estimated to be over 100 year-old, onon eithereither side.side. It was chosen as Best 100 Japanese roads in 1986. During winter and spring, red pine is wrapped with straw blanket ROAD 86 460 001 forfor thethe purposepurpose ofof controllingcontrolling pests,pests, calledcalled "" KomomakiKomomaki ".". ↑ 至 瀬棚町 1108 104 585 To Setana 江差港 Esashi Port 江差町役場 Esashi Town Office 鴎島 Kamome Island 1km 江差町図書館 開陽丸 Esashi Town Library Kaiyomaru Memorial Museum ↓至 松前町 To Matsumae Ĺ'UCUJK2QTV YouYou cancan seesee thethe full-scalefull-scale restoringrestoring KaiyomaruKaiyomaru (( MemorialMemorial MuseuMuseumm )) whichwhich waswas sunksunk byby BoshinBoshin WarWar .(1868-1869).(1868-1869) PORT NotNot onlyonly 30003000 exhibitions,exhibitions, itit providesprovides aa hand-onhand-on experienceexperience sucsuchh asas thunderthunder ofof cannons,cannons, sailingsailing thethe shipship andand restingresting inin thethe hammock.hammock. TTerminalerminal OPEN:AM 07:00 CLOSE:PM 08:00 ⑮⑮ HakodateHakodate AirportAirport Hakodate Airport is located 10kilometres away from center of the city. This airport is used by many tourists who enjoy visiting Mt.Mt. Hakodate,Hakodate, Churches,Churches, OnumaOnuma quasi-nationalquasi-national parkpark soso onon Hakodate St. 18km AIRPORT andand soso forth.forth. It has international flight to Taipei and Seoul. 86 083 699 757 384 099 Ļ4CWUW(KUJKPI2QTVĻ4CWUW(KUJKPI2QTV Rausu Fishing Port has an all-weather wharf with nation's largestst artificialartificial ground.ground. From the 2nd floor, Kunashiri Island with beautiful nature can be seen. PORT In the early morning, you can see fresh landing, fishing vessel andand fishingfishing fire.fire. Okushiri Port 20km 781 189 799 ļ#QPCG(KUJKPI2QTVļ#QPCG(KUJKPI2QTV AonaeAonae FishingFishing Port(artificialPort(artificial ground)ground) hashas varietyvariety ofof functionfunction susuchch asas disasterdisaster reduction,reduction, improvingimproving workingworking environmentenvironment andand hydrophilichydrophilic openopen space.space. TheThe messagemessage ofof "Bokai"Bokai Bridge"Bridge" thatthat isis thethe namename ofof artificialartificial groground,und, isis aa visionvision forfor thethe desirabledesirable newnew centurycentury PORT andand thethe developmentdevelopment ofof thisthis island,island, givengiven byby harvestharvest fromfrom thethe sea. ⑱ Hakuchoohashi Bridge Hakuchoohashi Bridge( Length = 1,380metres, Height = 140metres ) is the largest suspension bridgebridge inin East-JapanEast-Japan whichwhich isis builtbuilt forfor thethe firstfirst timetime inin snowysnowy coldcold regionregion
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