NEWSLETTER OF THE HISTORY DEPARTMENT AT TUFTS UNIVERSITY HISTORY FROM THE HILL VOLUME XIV, ISSUE I FALL 2007 FROM THE CHAIR BY HOWARD L. MALCHOW INSIDE THIS ISSUE: THE NEW FACES 2 cially felt by his many stu- contact with your advisors OF HISTORY dents and advisees. My throughout the year. History first task, assisted by Pro- faculty will be aware that A CHAIR STEPS 2 fessor Ina Baghdiantz- they have a special task just DOWN McCabe as deputy chair, now to “fill in” for a mem- 2007 HISTORY 3 will be to coordinate ways ber of faculty who defined AWARDS in which we can collec- what it means to be an ex- tively celebrate Gerry’s 27 traordinary advisor. ALUMNI NEWS 3 years with us, with the hope Second, depart- MEET 4 that after our grieving, cele- ments renew themselves BENJAMIN CARP— bration is the best way to with the fresh perspectives FACULTY PROFILE begin the work of recovery and curriculum that new IN TRIBUTE TO 6 and renewal. faculty bring. History is Howard L. Malchow GERALD R. GILL Rebuilding and fortunate this fall to wel- I am privileged and renewal is of course an on- come two visiting lecturers. PERSPECTIVES 9 honored, in succession to going process for any vital Angma Dey Jhala, who joins Professor Virginia Drach- department. This is en- us from Oxford and Har- MARTIN J. 10 man, to take over the chair- abled first through a con- vard, will offer courses in SHERWIN RETIRES manship of a department that stant evaluation of how we South Asian history. Ian A SUMMER IN THE 11 plays an important keystone serve our undergraduate Lekus, who comes to us LIFE OF A role at the center of the hu- majors and non-majors and from the University of Geor- HISTORY MAJOR manities and social sciences our graduate students, not gia and Duke, will offer at Tufts. As most of you will only through the formal courses in modern American A VIEW FROM THE 11 know, we begin this semester course evaluations but history. I urge you to take HILL—EDITOR’S in tragic circumstances. The through the informal dia- advantage of the enriching NOTEBOOK unexpected loss of Professor logue available between Gerald Gill, who passed faculty and students. I en- See Chair THE HISTORY 13 away in July, will be espe- courage you to deepen your continued on page 14 SOCIETY RETURNS WHAT’S NEWS IN EAST HALL Professor Reed Americans: A Guide to Im- Religion in Timurid Iran, Spain´s Club de Exploración Ueda was on "Author migration since 1965, be- (Cambridge University y Aventura; In addition, Pro- Meets the Critics," a session fore a panel of critics in- Press, 2007), and her pro- fessor Fernandez-Armesto of the 2007 Annual Meeting cluding a reporter from the motion to the rank of Full has published Amerigo: of the Eastern Sociological Wall Street Journal. Professor. The Man Who Gave His Society last semester. Along For Professor Bea- Professor Felipe Name to America, (London, with Mary C. Waters and trice F. Manz, 2007 has Fernandez-Armesto’s Orion, 2006, and New York, Helen Marrow of the Har- proven a very successful book Pathfinders has won vard Sociology Department, year so far with the publi- the World History Associa- See What’s News he discussed their recently cation of her newest book, tion book prize and the Pre- continued on page 14 published book, New entitled, Power, Politics and mio a Investigación of VOLUME XIV, ISSUE I PAGE 2 THE NEW FACES OF HISTORY Assistant Professor Alisha Rankin Lecturer Angma Dey Jhala Alisha Rankin received her doctorate from the Depart- Angma Dey Jhala received her doctoral degree in ment of the History of Science at Harvard University in Modern History in 2006 from Oxford University and her 2005. She comes to Tufts from Trinity College at the Masters in Divinity in 2007 from the Harvard Divinity University of Cambridge, where she has been a Junior School. Her research interests include Modern South Asian Research Fellow in History since completing her doctor- History, the History of the British Empire, Religion and ate. Her research interests lie at the intersection of Refor- History, and Religion and Literature. Dr. Jhala is an avid mation history, the history of science and medicine, and fiction writer and has published in several literary reviews. the history of women, gender, and sexuality. She is cur- She is currently producing, directing, and writing a film for rently revising her doctoral thesis for publication in the the Harvard Film Studies Center. The film, entitled Sailing form of a book entitled Noble Empirics: Gentlewomen in the Desert, addresses the question of love and intimacy and the Art of Healing in Early Modern Germany. She in marriage between a Hindu Maharani and her English- has experience lecturing on and advising undergraduate educated husband. In addition, she has served as a research theses in History and the History and Philosophy of Sci- consultant on several films produced by the Anthropology ence. The Department of History welcomes her as Assis- Department at Temple University. The Department of His- tant Professor. tory welcomes her as Lecturer. See New Faces continued on page 13 A CHAIR STEPS DOWN On Thursday, April 26, 2007 a gathering was held in East Hall Lounge to thank Professor Virginia Drachman for her three years of outstanding service as Chair of the Department of History. In attendance were History Department students, staff and fac- ulty including emeritus faculty Howard Solomon and Pierre-Henri Laurent, as well as Professor Drachman’s daughter and Tufts alum, Eliza Drachman-Jones. Professor Drachman was a steady hand at the helm of the History Department and her tenure marked the addition of several talented faculty to the department including Professor Fernandez-Armesto and Professor Carp. We thank her for her strong leadership and wish her all the best as she takes a well-deserved leave this fall. Professor Virginia Drachman (r. to l. ) Dept. Admin Annette Lazzara, Prof. Drachman, Eliza Drachman-Jones, (l. to r.) Prof. Emeritus Solomon, Prof. student office staff and department majors. Emeritus Laurent, & Prof. Mulholland (l to r.) Profs Manz, Drachman, Leupp Dept. Admin. Annette Incoming Chair Prof. Malchow and then Dep- & Winn Lazzara & Staff Assistant uty Chair Prof. Gill admire the cake adorned Margaret Casey with Prof. Drachman’s picture. PAGE 3 HISTORY FROM THE HILL 2007 HISTORY AWARDS Each year, the De- ent of the Imlah Excellence can colonial history as well committee was greatly im- partment of History awards in History Prize was Ross as excellence in scholar- pressed with each thesis: the a series of prizes to deserv- G. Johnston, (LA’07). ship. This year’s Daughters range and creativity of ing Tufts undergraduates. The Russell E. of the Revolution Prize sources, the quality of re- Here are the prizes that Miller History Prize is Scholarship was awarded search and the elegance and were awarded in spring awarded to an undergradu- to Margaret L. Brunner, clarity of their prose. These 2007 and their recipients. ate of exceptional ability (LA’08) are challenging topics and The Albert H. whose participation in ad- The Vida H. Allen these authors addressed Imlah European History vanced history courses has Prize is awarded annually them with originality and Prize is presented for dis- demonstrated an eagerness to the undergraduate His- insight. The committee tinguished work in the his- to explore problems of his- tory major who is judged to would like to comment tory of Western civiliza- torical analysis and inter- have written the best hon- briefly on each thesis, in tion. The History Depart- pretation. The History De- ors thesis during that aca- alphabetical order by author. ment awarded the 2007 partment presented the demic year. Julie Foster’s the- Imlah European History 2006 Miller History Prize This year Julie R. sis was entitled: “The Power Prize to Alan G. Carlotto, to Michael D. Siegfried, Foster, (LA’07), Philip J. Politics of Sexuality in (LA’09), and Carolyn K. (LA’07). Moss, (LA’07), and Mi- Louis XIV’s Scheme of Ab- Rosenthal, (LA’09). The Prospect Hill chael Siegfried, (LA’07), solute Sovereignty: The so- The Albert H. Chapter, Daughters of each wrote senior honors ciopolitical role of the royal Imlah Excellence in His- the Revolution Prize theses of absolutely stun- mistress in the court of tory Prize is awarded to a Scholarship is awarded on ning quality. Each thesis Louis XIV, 1661-1682.” senior by the History De- recommendation of the earned highest thesis hon- Julie combined a volumi- partment in recognition of History Department to a ors from the faculty thesis nous source base of mem- outstanding achievement in student demonstrating committee. History. This year’s recipi- marked interest in Ameri- The thesis prize See Awards continued on page 14 ALUMNI NEWS Jillian Harrison, international NGO which through get-out-the-vote talk with people about the (LA '06), is currently in focuses on democracy pro- efforts for the population as film and identify organiza- her first year at Duke Law motion throughout the a whole, or focusing on more tions and individuals who School. Before graduate world. Currently, she is traditionally politically mar- might be interested in using school, she worked as a assigned to the Latin ginalized sectors of society, the film in their work.. She paralegal for the labor America and Caribbean such as youth, women, and will begin similar outreach practice of a Boston-area (LAC) division, with a fo- the indigenous communities. in the US when she returns law firm. While at the cus on projects dealing Molly Blank, from abroad in August.
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