
Index Aafak, 301 breakers of the siege of Jerusalem), Aaronsohn, Ran, 159, 170 29 Abdullah, King (Transjordan, Jordan), Annales, 56, 243 16–18, 20, 24, 25, 66, 127, 131–33, ‘Aqaba, Gulf of. See Gulf of Eilat 136–41 Arab Center for Future Research Abu Gadir, Muhammad, 314 (ACFR), 306, 311 Abu Lughod, Ibrahim, 301, 302, 308, 312 Arab Higher Committee (AHC), 21, 111, ACFR. See Arab Center for Future 193 Research ‘Arabi, al- ( journal), 304, 306, 307 Ackerman, F. R., 218 Arab League, 38, 140, 185 Acre, 21 Arab Legion, 11–12, 16–17, 19, 112, 132, Acre Sanjaq, 154 140 Agudat Ihud (unity association), 94 Arab Liberation Army (ALA), 20, 140 Agudat Yisrael, 101 Arab Revolt (1936-1939), 61, 193, 194 AHC. See Arab Higher Committee ‘Arava Valley, 156, 166 Ahim Zarim (Stranger Brothers), 286 Archives Law (Israel), 2, 14 ‘akeda (sacrifice), 97 Arendt, Hannah, 70 Al-Akhdar, Al-Afif, 308 Arif, Arif al-, 11, 67 Albright, William Foxwell, 52 Arlosoroff, Chaim, 63 Alexander II, Czar, 50 Armenians, 70 ‘Al HaMishmar (periodical), 106 Asadi, ‘Abdo al-, 304–5, 309–10, 313 ‘Ali, Jalal al-Din ‘Iz al-Din, 306 Ashdod, 166 Aliya, First, 159, 190 Ashkenazi, Ashkenazim, 7, 184, 211–15, Aliya, Third, 191 221–22, 231–77 Aliya, Fifth, 193, 284 Attlee, Clement, 131 Alliance Israelite Universelle, 231 Australia, 48, 67, 68, 170 Alterman, Nathan, 85 Ayalon, Avraham, 55 Amiram, David, 150 Azure ( journal), 213 Amit, Irit, 160 Amitai, Yossi, 308 Bader, Menahem, 292 Amman, 141 Baer, Israel, 126, 136 ‘Amud ha-Esh (Pillar of Fire), 255, 264 Baghdad, 62 Anatot, 83, 86 Balfour, Lord Arthur, 47, 48, 49 Anavi, A., 89 Balfour Declaration, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52 Andartat HaPortzim (memorial to the Barak, Ehud, 311 357 358 Index Bar-Gal, Yoram, 169 Biltmore Program, 291 Bar-Ilan University, 222, 245–46 Bilu, Yoram, 237 History Department, 246 Bir‘im, Kafr, 20 Bar-Joseph, Uri, 136, 138 Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities, The Barnes, Barry, 203 (Simha Flapan), 4, 15, 125 Bar-On, Mordechai, 8, 29–46, 148, 161, Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 171, 219 1947–1949, The (Benny Morris), 3–4, Bartov, Hanoch, 107 15, 20, 82, 126, 135–36, 300, 304 Bar-Yosef, Rivka, 72 Black Panthers, 236 Bar-Zohar, Michael, 13 Blass, Simha, 162 Bauer, Yehuda, 60, 62, 282, 283, 289 Bloc of the Faithful (Gush Emunim), 222 Bedouin tribes, 111–12 Bloor, David, 203 Begin, Menachem, 100, 101, 128 Bnei Akiva Youth Movement, 101 Beilin, Yossi, 306 Böhm, Adolf, 47, 48, 49, 51 Bein, Alexander, 51 Bondy, Ruth, 63 Beirut, 68 Bonné, Alfred, 51 Beit-Halachmi, Binyamin, 308 Bosnia, 70 Beit Nabala, 11–12 Brand, Joel, 298 Beit-Zvi, Shabtai B., 61–62, 291–92, 294 Brand Mission, 293 Ben-Arieh, Yehoshua, 150–51, 154, 158, Brawer, Moshe, 150, 156 159, 161 Brawer, Y. A., 156 Ben-Artzi, Yossi, 8, 159, 170 Breir, 2 Ben-David, Yosef, 268 Britain and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948– Ben-Eliezer, Uri, 194–95 1951 (Ilan Pappé), 5, 15, 17, 126 Ben-Gurion, Amos, 16 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Ben-Gurion, David, 4, 13, 16–17, 23–26, 20 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 63, 70, 97, 116, 126, British Mandate in Palestine, 58, 65, 68, 129, 136, 142, 162, 168, 209, 278, 279, 103, 124, 126, 131–33, 136, 148, 151– 280–81, 287, 288, 290–94, 309 52, 159, 160, 167, 182, 183, 184, 232, Ben-Gurion Archive, 64 239, 313 Ben-Gurion University, 3, 169 Browning, Robert, 48 Ben Israel, Rabbi Menashe, 48 Buber, Martin, 89 Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak, 239 Bund, Bundism, Bundists, 53, 61 Ben-Zvi Institute (orig. Institute for the Burla, Ya’ir, 104–5 Study of Oriental Jewish Commu- Byron, Lord George Gordon, 48 nities in the Middle East), 246, 247, 271 Cairo, 62 Bernstein, Deborah, 236–37 Cairo Geniza, 240, 245 Bernstein, Richard J., 4, 229 Cairo Jewry, 240 “Be-Terem Aharish” (Before I Fall Cambodia, 70 Silent), 87 Cambridge University, 3 Bethlehem, 17 Camp David talks (2000), 301, 309 Bevin, Ernest, 17, 131–33 Carmel, Moshe, 107 Bhabha, Homi, 218, 259 Carmel, Mount, 21 Bialik Prize, 97 Carmeli Brigade, 21 Bible, 48 Carmichael, Joel, 52 Biger, Gideon, 156–57 Carpi, Daniel, 62, 279 Index 359 Carr, E. H., 56 Davar (newspaper), 92, 103, 109 Castel, 29 Dawayima, 23 Cathedra, 64, 148, 304 Dayan, Moshe, 24 Céline, Louis Ferdinand, 92 Dayan Center (Tel Aviv University), Central Zionist Archives (CZA), 1, 58, 75, 128 283 Dead Sea, 156, 166 Centre for Incorporating the Heritage of Defense Ministry (Israel), 14 Sephardi and Mizrahi Jewry, 246 Degania Aleph, Kibbutz, 39 Chaim Weizmann Centre, 284 Deir Yassin, 23, 42, 43, 109, 111 “Charging Israel with Original Sin,” 129 Demography of Palestine, 152–54 Chatterjee, Partha, 218 Denmark, 50 Chechnya, 70 Der Stürmer (Nazi newspaper), 72 Chetrit, Joseph, 275 Deshen, Shlomo, 237 Chomsky, Noam, 308 Development of the Zionist Movement, The Chou En Lai, 5 (Yizhak Gruenbaum), 49 Chouraqui, André, 244 Die Zionistische Bewegung (Adolf Böhm), Christian Arabs, 22, 52, 153–54, 155, 159 48 Cohen, Gabriel, 58, 126 Dinur (Dinaburg), Benzion, 50–51, 54, Cohen, Hayyim J., 245, 247 60, 221 Cohen, Michael, 58, 308 Displaced persons (DPs), 290 Cohen, Raya, 280 Disraeli, Benjamin, 50 Cold War, 4, 143 Documents on the Foreign Policy of Collusion across the Jordan (Avi Shlaim), Israel, 127 3–4, 15, 16, 126, 136, 138 Dominican Republic, 278 Colonialist paradigm, 67–69, 72, 170, 182, Dorman, Menahem, 93 189–93, 309 Dreyfus affair, 113 Columbia School, 203, 205–8, 215, 217, Droyanov, Abraham, 50 225 Druze, 111, 155 Commentary (periodical), 129 Dubnow, Simon, 50 Communism, communists, 61, 236 Dumeira, 20 Congress of Berlin, 50 Dunat, Doris Bensimon, 244 Congress of Vienna, 50 Duvshani, Menashe, 98 Cremieux, Adolphe, 48 Critical sociologists, 8, 30, 64, 67, 72, Eban, Abba (Aubrey), 24 190–97, 209, 212 Edelstein, Jakob, 64 Croatia, Croat, 70 Edge of the Sword, The (Netanel Lorch), 5, Culture of Violence in Israeli Political 12 Sociology, The (‘Imad ‘Abed Edinburgh School (or Strong Program), al-Ghani), 313 203–8, 217, 225 Cyprus, 103 Education Ministry (Israel), 306 CZA. See Central Zionist Archives Egypt, Egyptians, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 54, 63, Czechoslovakia, Czechs, 24, 96 101, 109, 134, 136, 140, 153, 155–56, Czech arms deal, 134 313 Egyptian army, 25, 30, 39, 141 Damascus, 62 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty (1979), 302 Danin, Ezra, 42 Eichmann, Adolf, 61 Darby, Clifford, 149 Eichmann trial, 61, 281, 283, 294 360 Index Eighth Brigade (IDF), 12 Galicia, 54 “Eighth Israel, The” (Ibrahim Abu- Galilee, 42, 111, 165, 166, 168, 278 Lughod), 301 Eastern, 18 Eilabun, 23 Gan Yavne, 38 Eilat, 166 Gaza (city), 24, 42 Eilat, Gulf of, 156 Gaza Sanjaq, 154 ‘Ein Harod, Kibbutz, 91, 278, 286 Gaza Strip, 6, 25, 26, 43, 86, 142 Ein Shams University, 305 Gelber, N. M., 47, 50, 52, 54 Eisenstadt, Shmuel, 72, 221, 234–36 Gelber, Yoav, 8 Elam, Yigal, 279–80 Gelblum, Arieh, 233 Eldad, Yisrael, 90, 103, 105 Geneva, 292 Eliot, George, 48, 50 Georgetown University, 314 Elmaleh, Abraham, 239 German Aliya (Fifth Aliya or immigration ESCO Foundation, 52 wave), German Jews, 64, 71, 278–79, Eshkoli, Hava, 280, 282 287 Ettinger, Shmuel, 62, 247–55, 262, 263, German School, 234 272, 273 German SS, 71 Etzion Bloc, 17, 38, 90, 160 Germany, Germans, 33, 49, 50, 54, 96, Evian conference, 278 103, 167, 232 Exodus from Europe—1947, 288, 289 Gesher, Kibbutz, 39 Ghanayim, Muhammad Hamza, 303 Farouk, King (Egypt), 25, 140, 142 Giv‘ati, Moshe, 2 Fichmann, Ya‘akov, 88–89, 92, 106 Giv‘ati Brigade (IDF), 42, 55, 87 Finkelstein, Norman, 66 Globerman, Yehoshua, 36–37 Finland, Finns, 103 Glubb (Pasha), John, 140 First Truce (1948 War), 19, 133 Goitein, Shlomo Dov, 239–40, 245 Flapan, Simha, 4, 15–16, 18, 125, 127, 300, Golan, Arnon, 163–64, 167, 170 302, 307, 308, 312 Goldberg, Harvey, 237 Foreign Ministry (Israel), 14, 20, 25, 26, 141 Goldberg, Leah, 88–89, 106 Middle East Affairs Department, 127 Goldhagen, Daniel, 70 Foreign Office (Great Britain), 132 Gonen, Amiram, 167 Forman, Geremy, 168 Gordon, A. D., 84 Foucault, Michel, 204, 217 Goren, Tamir, 164 France, French, 48, 50, 70, 113, 115, 155– Gorny,Yosef, 63, 194 56, 241 Gradus, Yehuda, 169 Frankel, Daniel, 279 Graetz, Heinrich, 50 Frankenstein, Carl, 268 Great Britain, British, 13, 24, 37, 48, 49, French Revolution, 5 50, 53, 55, 58, 66, 68, 103, 124, 127, Friedman, Yesha’ayahu, 52 131–33, 155–56, 164, 217, 279, 287, Friling, Tuvia, 280–81, 282, 292 312 From Foothold to Settled Territory (Shalom “Greater Israel,” 99, 100, 107 Reichman), 158–59 “Greater Syria,” 140 From Vision to Revision (Yechiam Weitz), Greece, Greeks, 103 148 Greek Jews, 252 Grinbaum, Gustav von, 52 Gabbay, Rony, 127 Gross, Nahum, 51 Galai, Benjamin, 102 Grossman, David, 154–55 Index 361 Gruenbaum, Yizhak, 47, 49, 280, 287 Ha-Tziyonut (annual volume), 64, 304 Gulf of Eilat, 156 HaTzofeh ( journal), 92 Gulf War, Persian, 223 Hayat, al- (newspaper), 302 Guri, Haim, 61, 108 Hayinu Ke-Holmim (We Were as Gush Etzion. See Etzion Bloc Dreamers), 127 Gutman, Shmaryahu, 91 Hazony, Yoram, 222 Guttman, Israel, 71 “Hebrew labor,” 193 Gutwein, Daniel, 59 Hebrew University (HU), 55, 71, 111, 126, 169, 245, 246, 247, 249 HaAm, Ahad (Asher Hirsch Ginsberg), 50 Jewish History Department, 243, 245, Ha‘apala (illegal immigration or ‘Aliya 246 Bet), 64, 280 Institute for Contemporary Jewry, 245 HaAretz ( journal), 3, 101, 109, 129–30, Hebrew Writers Association, 101 203, 279, 282, 288, 308 Hebron Hills, 160 Habiby, Emile, 124 Hebron massacre, 71 Hadassah (Zionist Women’s Organiza- Hefer Valley, 160 tion), 291 HeHalutz, 49, 54, 279 Hadera, 109 Herut Party, 9, 293 Haganah, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21–22, 36, 37, 38, Herzl, Theodor, 48 55, 58, 133, 189, 284 Hess, Moses, 50 Haganah Archive (Tel Aviv), 1, 75 Hibbat Zion (Dinur), 50 Haifa, 5, 18, 20, 21–22, 23, 42, 107, 112, Hibbat Zion (Nahum Sokolow), 50 124, 164–65, 219, 233, 236 High Court of Justice (Israel), 101 Haifa University, 5 Hill 69, 38 HaKarka HaBo‘er (The Burning Ground), Hirsch, Maurice de, 48 280 Hirschberg, H.
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