HEAD OF TOKIO UNIVERSITY VISITS HERE I: Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Reproduce Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Listening In| LORETTO GIRLS [NATIONALISM IN We may be miitaken,’ but it teemi to ui that fewer perionr read the claitic* nowadays than WILL ATTEND did a generation ago. The Eng­ lish they write is not any worse, for the universities and colleges have improved in their English UTAH SESSION courses; but rare is the young man or woman who is familiar with Dickens, Thackeray, Shakespeare and the New England literary One of Two Catholic Colleges to Take Part Shinto Religion Is Tied Up With Outburst of giants of our own land. There seems to be a considerably better in Discussions at Brigham Young Super Patriotism sale for current books, but the old standard works are becoming less University (By Edward C. Day, Jr.) known. The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Unless a quick solution to the co'hflict between Ca­ Loretto Heights college will be one of two Catholic Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a LArge Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. tholicism and the growing spirit of nationalism in the Japa­ This is too bad. Charles Lamb, schools represented at the third annual conference of nese Empire is found, the Catholic missionary work in writing in one of his essays about Rocky Mountain International Relations clubs at Brigham a woman who had read widely, VOL. XXIX. No. 11. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1933. $2 PER YEAR Japan in the last 25 .years will be forced back to where it showed what happened to her. Young university in Provo, Utah, this Friday and Satur­ was in the beginning, according to the Very Rev. Maxi­ "Her education in youth was not day. Fourteen clubs representing the colleges and uni­ milian J. Von Kuenburg, S. J., rector of the Catholic Uni­ much attended to,” he says, "and versities of Colorado, Montana, Wyorning and Utah are Papal Blessing Outside Vatican versity of Tokio, who was a Denver visitor Wednesday she happily missed all that train participating in the two days’ session, sponsored by the and Thursday. ^ ♦ of female garniture, which passeth Carnegie Foundation for International Peace, of which T Just as in Germany, in the past 950 last year. After the earth­ by the name of accomplishments She was tumbled early, by acci­ each of the 15 clubs is a unit. The other Catholic college year, the Japanese people are be­ quake the enrollment was as low dent or design, into a spacious participating is St. Mary-of-the-Wasatch of Salt Lake City, j ing carried away by nationalism as 150, and since 1928 has grown and militarism. With these, how­ from that figure to its present closet of good old English reading, Four Loretto Heights girls left C. W. Booth will represent the, ever, has come a strong return status. Similar losses in the next without much selection or prohibi­ Denver Wednesday for Provo. Carnegie foundation and will pre­ TELLS I Jll IH of the Shinto religion, original few years, however, would virtu­ tion, and browsed at will upon They are the Misses Margaret sent the principal address in the ] Japanese worship of ancestors, ally destroy the university Ije- that fair and Wholesome pastur­ Connolly, president of the Loretto discussion on "World Economic | age. Had I twenty girls, they International Relations club; Cath­ Recovery.” Senator Robert Thom­ making it impossible for the Cath­ cause the government demandg should be brought up in exactly erine Floyd, Mary .A.lma Fregeau as of Utah will talk on “ Recent olic schools and the Catholic popu­ (Turn to Page 2 — Column S) cmiOLic Finn lation of Japan to co-operate with this fashion. I know not whether American Foreign Policies” and and Isabel Mahony. Although the government. Requests that their chance in wedlock might be the Denver girls are prepared to will be chairman of the rounds the ^ th olic university and other diminished by it; but I can answer take part in a number of the dis- table on that question. Miss Amy Catholic schools show their patri­ for it that it makes (if the worst cu.ssions, they will team with St. Hemingway Jone?, secretary of Oxford University Fellow j otism by allowing the students to come to_ the worst) most incom­ Mary-of-the-Wasatch when that the Carnegie fouddation, also will Likes All Saints’ and take part in nationalistic demon­ parable eld maids.” (Essays of school presents its paper, "Should be present. She' will give the strations have had to be met with Elia, "Mackery End in Hertford­ We Recognize Russia?” opvening address and will be chair­ All Souls’ Days shire” ). man of the session a( which all of a flat refusal because few of the This is the third year Loretto demonstrations are more than Wide browsing in classical fields the colleges will present reports Baltimore.— The comfort and WESIFi PRIFSl Heights college has been repre­ consolation which a convert to Shinto religious ceremonies, Fa-< makes more than incomparable sented at the conference. The two of the work being done by their old maids; it creates wonderful Catholicism jfinds in the doctrines ther -Von Kuenburg said. previous meetings were held at (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) The results are proving disas­ wives and mothers and well-in­ of the ComShunion of Saints and the State Capitol building in Den­ trous to Catholic missionary en­ formed men. * the Commemoration of the Souls ver. The Salt Lake City school terprises. Enrollment in the RIDIO PIONEER in Purgatory are strikingly set took' part for the first time last Clergy Holy Hour schools and the number of con­ We are told by college teacber* forth by William Force Stead, a year. Regis college was repre­ Set For Monday former Anglican clergyman, fel­ verts have dropped off to a large that it is extremely difficult to get sented in the two here, but was Santa Clara, Calif. — Senator young people to read. They will low at Oxford and chaplain at degree this year. The Japanese unable to send a delegation to newspapers have bitterly attacked Marconi, famed Italian inverrt-or study under the normal pressure, The first Holy Hour for Worcester college, Oxford, in an Provo. the Catholic schools, printing lies and father of wireless telegraphy, but they dodge books that they do priests, plans for which were editorial wnritten for the current with abandon, saying that the has just visited the University- of not have to go through. The world The first two years of the con­ made at the October clergy issue of The Baltimore Catholic ference saw it conducted along the schools refuse to fly the national Santa Clara, where he inspected is not going to the bow wows be­ conference in Denver, will be Review! plan of a model League of Na­ flag even though it waves atop the equipment used by the Rev. Rich­ cause people no longer read held Monday afternoon, No­ Mr. Stead studied at the Uni­ tions. This year the program has building where all can see. ard H. Bell, S.J., in the Pacific Thackeray and Shakespeare, -^bnt vember 6, from 2:30 to 3:30, versity of Virginia and then went been changed to round-table dis- in the chapel at St. Thomas’ to England, where, in 1916_, he The climax of the controversy coast’s pioneer experiments in the young people are missing vast wireless communication more than enjoyment and also no small cul­ cussionb with less student partici­ seminary. Bishop Vehr asks entered Ridley hall, Cambridge. came early this year when the pation and more speakers, emi­ that all priests who can pos­ He was ordained for the Anglican military officer, placed in all the 30 years ago. Senator Marconi ture. The popular brand of litera- expressed surprise at the extent (TurntoPage4 — Column 1) nently qualified to present the true sibly do so attend. Diocese of Hereford in 1917, schools of the empire by the gov­ facts on international problems. served in the World war as chap­ ernment to train the students, was of Father Bell’s work, declaring 14772185 lain with the American army and taken from the Catholic- univer­ that much greater recognition wa.s afterwards served for two years sity and the Brothers of Mary due the venerable Jesuit, who left at the Anglican church in Flor­ college and high school in Tokio. a sick bed in the Providence hos­ OF ence. He was appointed chaplain All efforts to obtain another'offi­ pital at Oakland to meet the in­ Thanksgiving Day Set for of Worcester college in 1927 and cer have failed. The loss of the ventor. became a fellow in 1930. He was government officer in a school The pioneer wireless experts^ received into the Catholic Church officially brands that institution as Signor Marconi 59 years old and two months ago at the Priory of unpatriotic, and many who are in Father Bell 72— chatted affably JESOII Will OF for a short time. Consecration at St. Louis His Holiness Pope Pius XI once more departed from the ter­ the Holy Ghost, Blackfriars, Ox­ sympathy with the Catholic reli­ ritory of the Vatican City, when on October 11 he motored through ford. He was confirmed on Sep­ gion and its institutions are un­ In welcoming the distinguished tember 8 by Bishop Couturier of visitor, the Rev, John J. Lyons, St. Louis.— Bishop-elect C. H. Since Bishop-elect Winkle- the streets of Rome to the Basilica of St.
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