Index Locorum

Index Locorum

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-19358-1 — Polis Histories, Collective Memories and the Greek World Rosalind Thomas Index More Information Index Locorum Note: FGrH numbers are given here; BNJ numbers are identical. LITERARY TEXTS Clouds (599f.) 203;(984f.) 336 Peace (363) 239 Aeschines (3.85) 331 Wasps (715–18) 347–8 Aethlios of Samos (FGrH 536) Wealth (1002) 255 (T 1) 278;(F1) 278;(F3) 278–9, 281 n.24 Aristophanes of Boiotia (FGrH 379) Agathocles of Samos (FGrH 799) (F 5) 59;(F6) 39 n.27 (F 1) 361 Aristotheos of Troizen (FGrH 835): see Aglaosthenes (FGrH 499) Chaniotis E 17 (F 1–3,F6) 108;(F4, 5, 7) 109 Aristotle Akesandros (FGrH 469): (F 1)79 Ath.Pol. (8.3) 344;(15.3) 116;(41.1) 365 Alexis of Samos (FGrH 539) Hist.Anim.(491a 7ff.) 362 (F 1) 279, 286–7;(F2) 304 NE (1181b 7–20) 362 Alkaios (fr. 129 C) 270; (fr. 167) 268 Poet.(1448a11) 129 Andriskos of Naxos (FGrH 500) Oec. [Arist.] (2.2) 116 n.43 108–9;(F1) 81–4, 109;(F2) 110 Politics, Book 3:(1276b1-15) 403, 404;(1277a) Androtion (FGrH 324) 404;(1277b 35–9) 404;(1278b 8–11) 382; (T 2) 322, 342;(T14) 341;(F1–2) 322, 343;(F5) (1280b 29-81a1) 382–3, 404, 405;(1284a 344;(F10) 276, 342;(F11) 276;(F16) 322, 22ff.) 373–4;(1285a 29 ff.) 249 n.62, 268 336;(F30) 342, 346;(F36) 344;(F37–9) Book 4:(1289a 8–10) 405;(1289a15 ff.) 382; 342;(42) 342;(F43) 276, 342;(F44) 322; (1290a7ff.) 382, 405;(1290b7-20) 169; (F 45) 342;(F54b) 343;(F55) 322, 343;(F (1295a40-b1) 382;(1298a11-13) 259 60) 343;(F61) 162, 343 Book 5:(1303b10) 169;(1303b17-1304a17) Antikleides (FGrH 140) 379–80;(1305a15-21) 259 n.86;(1305a36- (F 4) 87–9;(F14) 129 b1) 115;(1305b18-22) 195 Antiochos of Syracuse (FGrH 555) Politeiai (Gigon) (fr. 475,1) 372;(479, 1,2) 365; 180;(F2) 71 (489,3) 366;(490,1) 366;(495) 366, 373; Apollodoros of Erythrai (FGrH 422) (496) 136 n.106, 373;(497) 134, 373; (F 1) 189 (504,1) 371;(509) 375;(515) 365;(516) 375; Archilochus (519.1) 374;(520,1) 365, 372;(529,1) 368; (fr. 192W) 39, 95 (535–8) 365, 366;(539) 79;(554,1) 372; Archemachos of Euboia (FGrH 424) (553) 372;(554,2) 364, 378f.; (555) 372; (F1) 53, 401 (557–8) 371;(559–60) 79, 366–7;(562) Architimos (FGrH 315): (F 1) 53–4 364;(563,1–3) 372;(565,2) 368;(566) 115f., Aristodama of Smyrna (FGrH 483): (F 1): 68–9 367f.; (568–9) 366;(578–80) 375;(582) Aristokritos of Miletus (FGrH 493) 365;(588) 312;(589) 303, 312;(590) 312, (F 1) 236, 238;(F3)197, 233–4, App. 1 373;(591,1) 312, 375;(591, 2,3) 368;(592) Aristophanes 312, 368;(593,1) 285, 312, 368;(600,1) 370; Birds (1541) 344 (601) 366;(610,1) 368;(611.35 Rose) 313 475 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-19358-1 — Polis Histories, Collective Memories and the Greek World Rosalind Thomas Index More Information 476 Index Locorum Herakleides’ Epit. (1) 369;(34) 312 Ant.Rom.(1.1.4) 37;(1.8.3) 41, 43, 45, 319;(1.23) Rhet. 154, 268–9;(4.25.4) 201 (1360a) 362 (1398b11-17) 121, 265; Lysias (4) 34 (1402b3) 238 Thuc.(5) 32, 37;(6–7) 34f., 278;(9) 37, 42;(23) Aristoxenos 34, 225 n.119, 230 (Fr. 124) 406 Diyllos (FGrH 73): (F 3) 59 Arrian (FGrH 156) Douris of Samos (FGrH 76) (F 14) 1, 11;(F20) 408 (T 1) 277;(F22–6) 280, 296–7;(F26) 294–5; Athenaeus (see also authors cited by Athen.) (F 60) 298, 299, 302;(F61) 298;(F62) (6.263F-264D) 401;(8.348A-C) 115–6;(10.466 299;(F63) 300;(F64) 298, 300;(F65) C-D) 87–9;(12.523E-F) 255–6, App. 1; 288, 299;(F66) 291;(F68) 299;(F69– (12.525E-F) 298;(13.572F) 286–7; 70) 299, 300;(F71) 294–5, 300 (13.601E-F) 153;(13.609C-D) 329; Ephoros (FGrH 70) (14.618E-619A) 172;(15.671 ff.) 279, (T 2) 1;(F63) 118;(F126) 204;(F127) 197;(F 308 149) 218 Bacchylides (1) 235 n.20; Dithyr.(17) 89 Euagon of Samos (FGrH 535): (F 1) 278 Baton of Sinope (FGrH 268) Euripides (F 3) 207 n.69 Erecth. (fr.370) 333 Callimachus I.T. (947–60) 334–5 Aetia (fr. 2-7b Harder) 96; (fr. 31a) 96; (fr. FGrH 329 (anon. Athenians): (T 2) 155;(F2) 154; 67–75) 48; (fr. 80-83f) 91–2; (fr. 113c-f) (F 4) 154 246–7 FGrH 395 (Chians): (F 1) 153 Hymn to Artemis 233 FGrH 427 (Euboians): (F 1–5) 153 (Fr. 178–185 Pf.) 97; (fr. 229 Pf.) 251 FGrH 468 (Cretans): (F6-7,F9–11) 153 Contest of Homer and Hesiod FGrH 479 (Lesbians): (F 2) 266 (13–15) 211 FGrH 482 (Magnesians): (F 3) 217;(F4) 218 Charon of Lampsakos (FGrH 262) FGrH 487 (Megarians): (F 3) 153 (F 1) 38f.,75;(F7) 84 n.19, 212 FGrH 496 (Milesians): (F 1) 92–3;(F2) 196;(F5) Cicero 153–4, 236–7;(F6) 16, 91–2 Ad Att.(2.2.2) 361 FGrH 501 (Naxians): (F 1) 154;(F2) 80–83; De Fin.(5.4.11) 373 154 Deinias of Argos (FGrH 306): (F 3) 408 Hagias & Derkylos (FGrH 305) Demokritos of Ephesos (FGrH 267) (F 4) 56, 96;(F8) 56, 96 (F 1) 190, 206–7 Harmodios of Lepreon (FGrH 319) Demon of Athens (FGrH 327): (F 16) 256 n.78 (F 1) 54–5;(F2, 3) 55 Demosthenes:(18.134) 129;(22. 25–6, 33–4, 42) Hecataeus (FGrH 1) 344–5 (F 10) 216 n.99;(F11) 219;(F228) 184;(F Demeas of Paros (FGrH 502; see Clay 2004) 243–54) 219 n.109 119, 120–3, 125 Hellanikos (FGrH 4 & 323a) Demoteles of Andros (FGrH 400) FGrH 4: (F33-5) 262; (F 48) 184, 204; (F 71) (T 1) 59, 62–3, 77, 128–9 207; (F 125) 204 Dieuchidas of Megara (FGrH 485) FGrH 323a: (F 23) 186 n.25, 339 n.65 (T 1) 162;(F2a-5) 163;(F6,7) 164;(F8,9) 162; Hereas of Megara (FGrH 486) (F 10) 163 (F 1) 164, 165;(F2) 165–6, 167 n.44;(F4) 164–5 Dikaiarchos of Messene (Wehrli): (fr. 1) 59 Herodoros (FGrH 31) Diodorus (F 45) 233–4, App. 1 (5.50f) 110–11;(5.52) 111, 113, 114;(5.82.4) 270; Herodotus (12.27–8) 289;(12.58.3 ff.) 127;(12.73.1) Book 1 (8 ff.) 93;(14–22) 229;(18.3) 195;(23–4) 127;(13.104.5–6) 258 n.83 75, 91, 265;(26) 192 n.34, 207, 230;(56–8) Diogenes Laertius 223;(61.4–62) 115;(64) 116;(108–19) 75; (1.25) 245;(1.27–8) 244 (123.3–4) 82 n.15;(131–2) 139;(142) 215; Dionysios of Halikarnassos (143–4) 140, 229;(145–7) 189, 199, 200, Ad Amm.(9) 319 232;(148) 220;(149–50) 170, 173;(157–60) Ad Pomp.(6) 29, 35, 43 75;(158) 252;(160) 140;(161) 217 n.103; © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-19358-1 — Polis Histories, Collective Memories and the Greek World Rosalind Thomas Index More Information Index Locorum 477 (167.2) 408;(170.3) 201;(171–2) 140, 197, 326;(F20) 324, 335, 338;(F22) 329–30; 215–6;(173) 197, 216 (F 23) 324;(F28) 330 n.37 Book 2 (23) 75;(45.1) 75;(49–51) 139;(58) 139; Klytos of Miletus (FGrH 490) (113.2–3) 408;(144–6) 387;(148.2) 65 (F 1) 259;(F2) 259 Book 3 (1) 93 n.44;(47–59) 308;(55) 26; Konon (FGrH 26) (57–9) 109 (F 1.2) 236 n.24;(F1.19) 96;(F1.33) 201 n.54, Book 4 (154–5) 93 250, 251, App. 1;(F1.38) 251 n.66;(F1.44) Book 5 (17 ff.) 214;(28–9) 109, 119, 228, 229; 249f, 251, App. 1 (28–34) 114–5, 254;(35) 82 n.15;(65.3) 232; Kreophylos (FGrH 417) (67.1–5) 163;(68) 253;(81.6) 90 n.38;(82– 201;(F1) 185 n.24, 202 8) 297;(88) 199, 328;(92) 234;(95) 267; Leon of Alabanda (FGrH 278) (97) 196;(103) 238;(117–8) 199;(122) 254 59, 71, 158–9 Book 6 (16) 313;(19–20) 252;(32) 224;(34–6) Leon of Samos (FGrH 540) 134;(86) 251 n.66;(95.2–96) 114;(98) 128; (T 1) 59, 62, 71, 280, 307 (127–9) 367;(132–5) 118, 140 Lucian Book 7 (27–9) 86;(38–40) 86;(43.2) 200, 254; Adv.Indoct.(109–11) 264 (111, 113–4) 331;(169–70) 216;(197) 72, 331; Lycophron (228) 387;(239.3) 82 n.15 (1378–87) 200 n.51, 233 n.15; Schol. Lycophr. Book 8 (41) 140;(46.3) 113;(67.1) 123;(104) 140 (1378) 200 n.51 n.111, 225;(112) 123;(144) 178 Lykourgos (of Athens) Book 9 (16) 26;(34) 162;(97) 196, 233;(108 ff.) Leocr.(84f.) 186 n.25;(85–9) 339;(98–101) 339; 93 n.44;(116) 140;(120.4) 290 (106) 348 Heropythos of Kolophon (FGrH 448) Lysias (Carey) (F 1) 16, 51–2 (Fr 272 a-b) 339 Hesiod (M-W) Maiandrios (Leandrios) of Miletus (fr.

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