OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] !C/~02 UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION CATALOGUE OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD TECHNOLOGIES Published by Industrial Ind Technological Information Bink of UNIDO In coopera don with Techno~ Exc:hanae, United Kingdom of Great Britain Ind Norttwn lrellnd Th1o; dor.umr.nt has not bnr.n r.d1lr.d Thr rlr.$1Qnal1on• f'mplcyrrl anrl !he prrsenlallon of maU!rial 1n th1~ docum1ml do no! imply the ••.:prn!;~1nn nt .u1y opinion wAlh~or.vr.r on thr. p;trl of thn Sf!'CrP.tilr1;,f of :t\P. United N;1t1ons lndu~tr1al Orvl'lopmrnt Grqan11tlllon concr.rn1ng thr. lttgal st11tus or ;rny country. tr.rr1tory. city or arr.a. or of 1fr, ,1ulhm111r~ nr c:nn<:r.rninq lhn c:tr.llm1tahon of 11\ lronhP.r" or bounr1ariflts Mr.ntion of cnmp.1n1 namr.~ ;tnd r.ommr.rr.1al prot111r.ts dOP.!I. not imply th" r.ndorsnmr.nr of thP. Un1t"'l Nation• lnrlu~triat 0f'vf'lopmnnt Orqan1tahon (UNIDOI CONTENTS lnll'Oduction Explanation of coding system III Tccbno!oey Offm Category AGRICULTURE 2 FOOD PROCESSING 43 Technology Rcgyests Category 3 AGRICULTURE 92 4 FOOD PROCESSING 94 Index of or&anizarions by number 102 Directory of contact Addresses 110 ITDG Food Proccssin& Tccilnical Briefs 14!1 INTRODUCTION This catalogue has been compiled by The Technology Exchange from material supplied by !he Industrial and Technological Information Bank (INTIB) of UNIDO on the technology offers and requests of both !he developed and the developing countries. Most of the entries have been coordinated by the UNIDO/INTIB national network in each country and by The Technology Exchange Ltd. The caralogue is not simply a guide to the Techman Afnca '92 Fair in Bulawayo, although many of the organizations who have submitted items for it will be anending the Bulawayo Fair as exhibitors Cir visitors, but it is intended primarily to be used as a handbook to stimulate contacts between technology sources and those with technology needs. c.,ntact may be made by let:er, telephone, telex or by fax and we have included all these details, where availat-le, in the directory section at the back of the catalogue. We hope that you will use this inforl!lation to rr.ake contact either directly or via INTIB, but we do ask that you should 2nlJl request information or. licence ana joint-venture offers if you, or your organization, has a positive need for the technology and could have access to the necessary resources to employ or lo manufacture and market the item on offer. When making request to the wurce 1ou should describe your organization, its size, products and resources, both human, physical and financial, and ::.::.t: your intentions with regard to both the manufacture and marketing of r'.·.: product or process, this will enable the source of the offer :o decide which responding organizations are best placed to exploil 1he technology in each region. Before any confiden1ial 1echnical information is senl out by the source to any person or organiza1ion, ii may be necessary 10 obtain a signa1ure on a confidentiality agrecmenl, panicularly if lhe ilem is not fully protected by patent or otherwise publicly available. Offers and reques1s for technology relevan1to1he needs of 1he developing countries are welcome and can be submiued for publication in la1er edi1ions of 1he ca1.alogue which will be published in advance of each UNIDO Techma. t Fair. Each offer or requesl should relale 10 a specific technology. General offers of services or consultancy will not be accepted for publication. If you would like to have specific technology offers r r requests from your own organisation lisled in a fu1ure edition of this catalogue please write or fa< for details of future Tech man Fairs and requesl submission forms from either UNIDO or The Tee 1nology J:.xchange Ltd. UNIDO/INTIB The Technology Exchange Ltd Vienna lnlemational Centre Wrest Park P.0.Box 300 Silsoe A-1400 Vienna Bedford MK4S 4HS Auslria England Fax: +43-222-2321S6 Fax: +44-S2S-860664 This calalogue is divided into S sections. A) OFFERS of Technology: I. Agriculture 2. Food Processing B) REQUESTS for Technology: 3. Agriculture 4. Food Processing C) Addresses of the organizaticns to which you should address your enquiries. It is m:ommended that all enquiries made should seek a full description of the technology being offered or requested and neither UNIDO nor The Technology Exchange can accept any responsibility for any misunderstandings or loss incurred as a result of using this catalogue. Both the Technology Offers and Requests are coded into licence (L}, joint venture (J) or patent sales (S). In many cases both offers and the requests involve the purchase or equipment and the need for technical assistance. Although the coding does not specifically indicate this, you should bear this possibility in mind when reading this catalogue. Perhaps more important, we have i11dicated the stage of development of each technology offered or requested if this has been made known to us. A full description of the codes is given in the following section. II EXPLANATION OF CODING SYSTEM At the head of each entry you will see the following:- Rel No Ori No Staus orrer Source Rel No:The unique catalogue reference number given to each item which should be quoted on each entry. Ori No:Gives the identity of the organization from which the item originates and (cg 21.lS)should be quo<ed on each enquiry. The first two digits (eg 21.) indicate the intermediary to whom enquiries should be addressed. The full contact address can be found in the directory at rear of catalogue. The second two digits (cg. IS) indicate the name of t'le original source. See ·index of Organizations by Number•. Slatus: Indicates the stage of development of the technology or process:- Code Patent or Design only P Laboratory Model M Working Prototype W Pre-production 1Jnits available U In current production F Commercialised C orrer/ Request: Indicates the tyi>e of agreement or co-operation being offered or sought:- Code Manufacture under licence L Design and/or patent for sale S Joint venture offer J Note:Codes Land J may also include the supply of manufacturing equipment and technical assistance. Source: Indicates the type of organisation making the offer. Code Limited Company C Educational lnnitution U Independent Research Organisation R Government Research G Pnvate !ndividual P Ill OFFERS CATEGORY l: AGRICULTURE Rer No. Orz.No. Status Offer Source Rer No. Ori.Nn. Status Offer Soun:e 5045 106 C L G 5267 218 W L G FERTILISER SYSTEM FOR HIGH YIELD LOWCOSTLARGESIZECOPRADRYER OF LUCERNE SEED Mode of irrigation for The machine can dry a batch of 3,000 to 5,000 ~ luccrnc depending on weather conditions coconuts in 34 to 36 hours using i:oconut husk drld condition~ of herbage giving increased and shell as fuel. yield. 5281 211 P L C 5090 70 M L U AQUATIC WEED HARVESTING AND HOT PEPPER VARIETY A hot pepper CHA."l\'NEL CO!'lo'TROL For use on boat, land variety named 'Matikas' "lll'llS developed using and amphibian platforms involving removal of !inc selection method. Matikas matures in 85 to surface floating, rooted submerged and emergent 90 days. It is characterised by an upright growth weeds. habit and long tapering fruits, very pungent and with high pigment content. It yields 8 to I0 tons 5326 298 C L C per hectare. A gram of seeds contain about 195 PULPFRO:\ISISAL WASTE Pulp is produced setds. from sisal was1e for the purpose 'lf producing paper. The production of pulp is done through 5112 35 M L R a chemical pulping of sisal waste and is suitable GROUND NUT VARIETY Variety of peanut for a small scale high value added pulp production named "BPl-PN2' or "Mithi' is a cross between process. II is also useful in the sense c.r providing ACQ.12 and Gadjah. Features: dry season; a use for sisal waste which is otherwise useless average maturity (days) IOI; mean yield of in the sisal industry. shelled beans (T/HA) 1.9; nutrilional conient (percent) protein 22.49; fat 45.60.
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