20202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE July 25, 1967 IN THE ARMY Brig. Gen. Edward Harleston deSaussure, Major Gen. Woodrow Wllsocn Vaughan, The following-named o1ficers for temporary Jr., 023790, Army of the United States (colo­ 023004, Army of the United States (colonel, appointment in the Army of the United nel, U.S. Army). U.S. Army). States to the grade indicated under the pro­ Brig. Gen. William Merle Fondren, 032481, Brig. Gen. Thomas Henderson Scott, Jr., visions of title 10, United States Code, sec­ U.S. Army. 023030, Army of the United States (colonel, tions 3442 and 3447: Brig. Gen. Ph1llip Buford Davidson, Jr., U.S. Army). 021969, U.S. Army. Brig. Gen. Gilbert Hume Woodward, 023102 To be major generals Brig. Gen. Leonard Burbank Taylor, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. Glenn David Walker, 033282, 083589, Army of the United States (lieu­ Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. tenant colonel, U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Osmund Alfred Leahy, 023106, Army). Brig. Gen. Gilbert Hume Woodward, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. John Russell Deane, Jr., 024835, 023102, Army of the United States (colonel, Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Roland Merrlll Gleszer, 023278, Army). Brig. Gen. Charles McNeal Mount, Jr., Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. Donald Harry Cowles, 035735, 021849, Army of the United States (colonel, Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Charles Thompson Horner, Jr., Army). Brig. Gen. Charles Martin Gettys, 044181, 023530, Army of the United States (colonel, Brig. Gen. Charles Marsden Duke, 021753, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. U.S. Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Lloyd Brinkley Ramsey, 023553, Army). Brig. Gen. Walter MacRae Vann, 021812, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. Roland Merrill Gleszer, 023278, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Henry Alfred Rasmussen, 040502, Army). Brig. Gen. James Joseph Gibbons, 025355, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. Walter Ph111p Leber, 025130, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Maj. Gen. Paul Francis Smith, 033169, Army). Brig. Gen. Henry Alfred Rasmussen, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. John Scarborough Hughes, 040502, Army of the United States (colonel, Army). 034271, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Maj. Gen. Keith Lincoln Ware, 033181, U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Leonidas George Gave.las, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. George Marlon Seignious, II, 031569, U.S. Army. Army). 047226, Army of the United States (lieuten­ Brig. Gen. John Clifton Dalrymple, 031509, Maj. Gen. Raymond Chandler Conroy, ant colonel, U.S. Army). U.S. Army. 033276, Army of the United States (colonel, Brig. Gen. Howard Francis Schiltz, 038956, The following-named omcer for appoint­ U.S. Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. ment in the Regular Army of the United Brig. Gen. Glenn David Walker, 033282, Army). States to the grade indicated, under the Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. Wendell John Coats, 022964, provisions of title 10, United States Code, Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. sections 3284 and 3306: Maj. Gen. Melvin Zais, 033471, Army of the Army). To be brigadier generals United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Walter Martin Higgins, Jr., Maj. Gen. W1lliam Charles Gribble, Jr., 021987, U.S. Army. Brig. Gen. Howard Francis Schiltz, 038956, 023695, Army of the United States (colonel Brig. Gen. Vemon Anthony Walters, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. U.S. Army). 01284614, Army of the United States ( colo­ Army). Maj. Gen. George Phlllp Seneff, Jr., 023738, nel, U.S. Army Reserve). Brig. Gen. Charles Marsden Duke, 021753, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. Samuel William Koster, 024873, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Maj. Gen. Edward Leon Rowny, 023744, Army). Brig. Gen. Robert Mabry Williams, 021801, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. William Albert Becker, 024267, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Edward Harleston deSaussure, Army). Brig. Gen. Walter MacRae Vann, 021812, Jr., 023790, Army of the United States Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. (colonel, U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Paul Alfred Feyereisen, 039089, Army). Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Brig. Gen. Charles McNeal Mount, Jr., Maj. Gen. John Norton, 023858, Army of Army). 021849, Army of the United States (colonel, the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. Livingston Nelson Taylor, U.S. Army). Maj. General George Bibb Pickett, Jr., 021853, U.S. Army. Brig. Gen. Charles Martin Gettys, 044181, 023932, Army of the United States (colonel, Brig. Gen. Charles Thompson Homer, Jr., Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. U.S. Army). 023530, Army of the United States (colonel, Army). U.S. Army). Brig. Gen. David Stuart Parker, 022907, Brig. Gen. Roger Merrill Lilly, 021924, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. CONFIRMATION United States Army. Army). Executive nomination confirmed by Brig. Gen. Lloyd Brinkley Ramsey, 023553, Brig. Gen. Wendell John Coats, 022964, Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. the Senate July 25, 1967: Army). Army). NATIONAL MEDIATION Bo.ARD Brig. Gen. Robert Charles Forbes, 024511, Brig. Gen. Raymond Leroy Shoemaker, Jr., Leverett Edwards, of Oklahoma, to be a Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. 022978, Army of the United States (colonel, member of the National Mediation Board for Army). U.S. Army). the term expiring July 1, 1970. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Pythian Boys Camp in Glen Spey, N.Y. sector of society as well as by Govern­ race, creed, and color take part in a well­ ment to develop programs that w111 bring planned, supervised camping program EXTENSION OF REMARKS new hope into the lives of the disadvan­ every summer. OJ' taged. The camp otfers wholesome recrea­ There are many organizations from tional, athletic, and cultural programs HON. FRANK J. BRASCO coast to coast that are concentrating for deprived boys who might otherwise OF NEW YORK their efforts among young people, as they be forced to spend the summer months IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognize full well that the youth of in idleness on hot city streets. today must assume positions of responsi­ The success of this camp has been due Tuesday, July 25, 1967 bility tomorrow. in great measure to the able leadership Mr. BRASCO. Mr. Speaker, all of us One such organization is the 87,000- of William Goldfine, the president of the are deeply concerned over the strife that member Grand Lodge of the Knights of camp's board of managers, and A. Mar­ has been evident in underprivileged sec­ Pythias, which for the past 26 years had tin Lerner, grand chancellor of the tions of many cities this summer. It is provided free 3-week camping vacations grand lodge, men of vision who recog­ unfortunate that the turbulence that has for underprivileged boys at its Pythian nize the importance of instilling in stricken these cities has tended to ob­ Camp in Glen Spey, N.Y. Here, on a 250- campers an understanding of the value scure continuing efforts by the private acre site, more than 1,000 boys of every of teamwork and good sportsmanship. July 25, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - -SENATE 20203 Perhaps the most unique aspect of the all joined our colleague, the gentleman dent and banker-has never requested Pythian Camp philosophy is the desire to from Arkansas, Congressman Oren Har­ any support for its activities. The theater encourage every boy to recognize the ris, who was chairman of the Interstate has carried on its operations with a lim­ ability and the finer qualities of his play­ Commerce Committee at the time, in pre­ ited budget obtained from only one mates. This is in line with the guiding venting the Federal Communications source, the box office. In light of the principle at Pythian Camp, a "sound Commission from issuing similar orders Rockefeller Foundation report on the mind in a sound body." requiring the word "poison" and a draw­ performing arts, in which it is carefully To properly understand the contribu­ ing of crossbones to be placed on every noted that almost none of the arts in­ tions made by Pythian Camp, we must package of cigarettes. stitutions in the country are able to sup­ remember that childhood is a time when Again I want to state that I am Port themselves by box office receipts the fundamental ideas of tolerance and astounded and surprised to learn that our alone and that they should not be ex­ fair play can be implanted. own Government is continuously trying pected to do so, I certainly believe that Pythian Camp, therefore, offers an ob­ to block one of our main sources of this fine lady has done an amazing job ject lesson in democratic principles in revenue. of attaining a high degree of success in action, where all barriers of race, creed, a field where sta·omty, financial, and and color are nonexistent. otherwise, is the exception to the rule. The youngster returning home from Theater, Inc. As I said before, Theater, Inc., has a rewarding vacation at Pythian Camp never accepted, in behalf of the theater, does so with the realization that there EXTENSION OF REMARKS any public or private monies for any pur­ are people who care about him, about his OF pose.
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