fN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT ANCHORAGE STATE OF ALASKA, Plaintiff, vs. GABRIELLE R LEDOUX Defendant CASE NO. 3AN-20;2-/ 1b CR - .. •• - SUMMONS To: GABRIELLE R LEDOUX OL/ID: : Home Phone: Work phone: Home Address: 8859 Cross Point Loop Work Address: 120 4th Street Anchorage, AK 99504 You are summoned to appear before the District/Superior Court at: Court Address: Anchorage-Nesbett Courthouse, 825 W 4th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501 Date and Time: to answer to: ~ the attached charging document. 0 a petition to revoke probation. a notice ofreinstatement ofprosecution. 8a charge that you have failed to satisfy your judgment by--- ---------­ If you fail to appear, a warrant will be issued for your arrei"J~ J _{Y\af&h 13 20 20 ~ t ~ Dale Judge/Deputy Clerk M erdere6 oa reeora by Jttdge-:_~_,.,..._ _ _____ _ _ _ /:kllaco Type or Print Judge's Name RETURN OF SUMMONS _ _____ _ _, 2020, and served it _____ ____ , 2020, in , Alaska, by delivering -­ --(-address)---- - --- - -- - - ------(city) -- a copy ofit and a copy of the charging document to , the defendant or a person ofsuitable age and discretion residing at the defendant's home or usual place ofresidence. Return Date Signature ofPeace Officer Type or Print Name CR105 (05/02)(st.5) Crim. R. 4(c) & 9 SUMMONS - ---- JN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DI STRICT AT ANCHORAGE STATE OF ALASKA, Plaintiff, vs. LISA M SIMPSON Defendant - •. CASE NO. 3AN-2o-2--[/3 CR - - SUMMONS To: LISA M SIMPSON Home Phone: Work phone: Home Address: 1221 Boston St. Apt B Work Address: PO Box 241367 Anchorage, AK 99504 You are summoned to appear before the District/Superior Court at: Court Address: Anchorage-Nesbett Courthouse, 825 W 4th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501 Date and Time: to answer to: the attached charging document. a petition to revoke probation. 8a notice of reinstatement ofprosecution. 0 a charge that you have failed to satisfy your judgment by -----------­ Original Charge: ------------ ----------------­ Ifyou fail to appear, a warrant will be issued for your arrest. ) r.l'l /ll_t1rch Ii zvzo CJ.,,c;;::yp ~ Date Judg~k as 01de1ed eH reeorEi ey ~-r+-----------~ UL!acv Type or Print Judge's Name RETURN OF SUMMONS ------- - • 2020, and served it - --------'2020, ________________m __________,Alaska, by delivering (address) (city) a copy ofit and a copy of the charging document to , the defendant or a person ofsuitable age and discretion residing at the defendant's home or usual place of residence. Return Date Signature of Peace Officer Type or Print Name CR I05 (05/02)(st.5) Crim. R. 4(c) & 9 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT ANCHORAGE STATE OF ALASKA, Plaintiff, vs. CADEN CVAUGHT Defendant - •. CASE NO. 3AN-20-Jtzv( CR - - SUMMONS To: CADEN C VAUGHT Home Phone: Work phone: Home Address: 12731 Brandon St. Work Address: Anchorage, AK 99515 You are summoned to appear before the District/Superior Court at: Court Address: Anchorage-Nesbett Courthouse, 825 W 4th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501 Date and Time: to answer to: f2J the attached charging document. D a petition to revoke probation. D a notice ofreinstatement ofprosecution. D a charge that you have failed to satisfy your judgment by------------­ Original Charge: ---- --- ----- ----------- -----­ Ifyou fail to appear, a warrant will be issued for your arrest.~· lllaruh 1 . ~ , 20722 __J fJ~__ ,. oat'e Judge k~reeera et .Judge/_____________~ Ja11aCL Type or Print Judge's Name RETURN OF SUMMONS I received this summons - --- - ---'2020, and served it------- --'2020, at __________ ______in __________, Alaska, by delivering (address) (city) a copy ofit and a copy ofthe charging document to , the defendant or a person ofsuitable age and discretion residing at the defendant's home or usual place ofresidence. Return Date Signature ofPeace Officer Type or Print Name CRI05 (05/02)(st.S) Crim. R. 4(c) & 9 SUMMONS 1 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT ANCHORAGE 2 THIRD 3 STATE OF ALASKA, 4 Plaintiff, 5 vs. 6 GABRIELLE R LEDOUX 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .g= 0 °' .:.! Vl ~ 14 > 0\" · - 0\ ' ~~$ 15 -ell ~,......oN> Cl .u !"-- OJ) · • bJ)O ..,; s ~e~ . ... 0 . Cl) .. -g ~ ~ u =u. @ 17 .. <;_o i:i. • it:=O -- NOV"l "' ~\O \() ~ Defendants. <I) I lU 18 ......... 0\ ­ 0 ·; \0.:..: .... en ,.......N ·-lU c .... r-- E 19 3AN-18-2715 SW; 3AN-18-2716 SW; 3AN-18-2717 SW; 3AN-18-2718 SW; 3AN-18­ ~ ~ 0 (.LJ ~ b3 ~ 20 2719 SW; 3AN-18-2720 SW; 3AN-18-2721SW;3AN-18-2722 SW; 3AN-18-2723 SW; ~::ii: = ~o _g 3AN-18-2724 SW; 3AN-18-2725 SW; 3AN-18-2726 SW; 3AN-18-2727 SW; 3AN- 18­ ~ ,.... 0.. 21 ~ ..... 2728 SW; 3AN-18-2729 SW; 3AN-18-2965 SW; 3AN-18-2966 SW; JAN-1 8-2967 SW; 3AN-18-2968 SW; 3AN- 18-2969 SW; 3AN-18-2970 SW; 3AN-18-2971SW;3AN-18­ 22 3157 SW; 3AN-18-3158 SW; 3AN-18-3160 SW; 3AN-18-3161 SW; 3AN-18-3162 SW 23 No. 3AN-20-_2..Q;l CR (Gabrielle R LeDoux) 24 No. 3AN-20- 2-17 3 CR (Lisa M Simpson) 25 No. 3AN-20- 21}·'/ CR (Caden C Vaught) 26 INFORMATION 27 • 1 I certify lhis document and its attachments do not contain the {I) name of a victim of a sexual offense listed in AS 12,61.140 or {2) residence or business address or telephone number of a v1ctim of or witness to any offense uniess it is an address identifying the place of a 2 crime or an address or telephone number in a transcript of a court proceeding and disclosure of the infonnation was ordered by tile court The followinR counts charge a crime involvinl:! DOMESTIC VIOLENCE as defined in AS 18.66.990: NONE 3 Count I - AS 15.56.040 4 Voter Misconduct l 5 Gabrielle R LeDoux - 001, Lisa M Simpson - 001 6 Count II - AS 15.56.040 7 Voter Misconduct l Lisa M Simpson -002, Caden C Vaught- 001 8 Count III - AS 15.56.040 9 Voter Misconduct 1 10 Lisa M Simpson- 003, Caden C Vaught - 002 11 Count IV - AS 15.56.040 Voter Misconduct l 12 Caden C Vaught - 003 13 .s=0 0-. ·= !,(') ~ Count V -AS 15.56.040 ;. °' "' 14 ·-ei °"::.< $. Voter Misconduct 1 -<N> C'd ~~@i 15 Caden C Vaught- 004 .s ~~ cl E! ~""' ·c..8~~ 16 u y (':! (d Count VI - AS 15.56.050 • "' "' @) Voter Misconduct 2 ~o c. 17 ~;; ~ ~ Gabrielle R LeDoux - 002, Lisa M Simpson - 004 ""'c.-. "'- "'O'I' ­ ~ 0 ·5" \0 ,.!..;'" ti) N ..... 18 ...=-st"S ~"" Count VII - AS 15.56.050 El~<Jo~ ;:: e 19 Voter Misconduct 2 't "' " Caden C Vaught - 005 0,.0.. :.: " 20 .. - ..._8 ei "' 21 Count VIII - AS 15.56.050 Voter Misconduct 2 22 Caden C Vaught - 006 23 Count IX- AS 15.56.050 24 Voter Misconduct 2 25 Gabrielle R LeDoux - 003, Lisa M Simpson - 005 26 Count X - AS 15 .56.050 Voter Misconduct 2 27 Information State v. Gabrielle R LeDoux, Liss M Simpson, Caden C Vaught, Page 2of 18 • 1 Caden C Vaught - 007 2 Count XI - AS 15 .56.050 Voter Misconduct 2 3 Caden C Vaught - 008 4 Count XII - AS 15.56.035 5 Unlawful Interference W/ Voting 2 6 Gabrielle R LeDoux - 004 7 Count XIII - AS 15.56.035 Unlawful Interference W/ Voting 2 8 Gabrielle R LeDoux - 005, Lisa M Simpson - 006 9 Count XIV - AS 15.56.035 10 Unlawful Interference W/ Voting 2 11 Gabrielle R LeDoux - 006, Lisa M Simpson - 007 12 CountXV -AS 15.56.035 Unlawful Interference W/ Voting 2 13 .i=0 0\ Gabrielle R LeDoux - 007 .~ lt'1 ~ > °' ..... ~- 0\ l 14 ~ )<! ~ - <C N > Count XVI - AS 15.56.035 Q:I c.;i"~ ~ 15 Unlawful Interference W/ Voting 2 ~~ d ·=a """'._...~ Gabrielle R LeDoux - 008 ·-.. .r::0 ••l:3 ­ ~ 16 u gr.:i.. t'j ~~o~ ~ -1.11 <.ll Count XVII - AS 15 .56.035 Q:IONO 17 ,..;i "' "' " Unlawful Interference W/ Voting 2 ~ ,._," 0\­' " Q ·s '°,.:,..; 18 r.n N ·­ Gabrielle R LeDoux - 009 Clt>t-S~" -4.) <l) 0 DJ 19 ~ r.n1' "'~ Count XVIII - AS 15.56.035 "'=..i ;.:0 _g"' 20 Unlawful Interference W/ Voting 2 - "' Gabrielle R LeDoux - 010 i::i.. "" 21 22 23 THE OFFICE OF SPECIAL PROSECUTIONS CHARGES: 24 25 COUNT I 26 That in the Third Judicial District, State of Alaska, on or about July 18, 2018, at 27 or near Anchorage, Alaska GABRIELLE R. LEDOUX and LISA M. SIMPSON, while lnfomation State v. Gabrielle R LeDoux, Lisa M SimpS0/1, Caden C Vaught, Page 3of18 • 1 acting as principals or accomplices, intentionally made a false affidavit, swore falsely, or falsely affirmed under an oath required by Title 15, to wit: falsely filled out Simpson's 2 voter registration application. 3 All ofwhich is a Class C Felony offense being contrary to and in violation of AS 4 15.56.040 and against the peace and dignity of the State ofAlaska. 5 6 COUNT II 7 That in the Third Judicial District, State of Alaska, on or about June 17, 2018, at 8 or near Anchorage, Alaska, LISA M. SIMPSON and CADEN C. VAUGHT, while acting 9 as principals or accomplices, intentionally made a false affidavit, swore falsely, or falsely 10 affirmed under an oath required by Title 15, to wit: falsely filled out Vaught's voter 11 registration application. 12 All of which is a Class C Felony offense being contrary to and in violation of AS 15.56.040 and against the peace and dignity of the State of Alaska.
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