Map 25 Hispania Tarraconensis Compiled by S.J

Map 25 Hispania Tarraconensis Compiled by S.J

Map 25 Hispania Tarraconensis Compiled by S.J. Keay (Spain), R.W. Mathisen, H.S. Sivan, 1997 Introduction Spain The area of north-east Hispania spanned here encompasses a wide range of geographical differences which, in turn, embrace distinct cultural regions. One of the notable difficulties in mapping them remains the long history of piecemeal coverage of native and Roman sites by local archaeologists. Until recently, there had been few attempts to systematize the resulting data. The abortive series Carta Arqueológica de España listed archaeological sites of all periods, but covered only two of the modern Spanish provinces–Soria (CAE Soria) and Barcelona (CAE Barcelona)– which make up this region. Subsequently, archaeological authorities in the provinces of Burgos, Cantabria, Guipúzcoa, Guadalajara, Huesca, Navarra, Soria, Teruel, Valladolid and Vizcaya have produced catalogs of varying quality in the same tradition. More such catalogs undoubtedly exist in the archaeological services of other Spanish provinces (Jimeno Martínez 1993), although they remain unpublished for the most part. Roman settlement in the province of Girona has been the subject of a monograph (Nolla 1984), as has the hinterland of ancient Tarraco (Carreté 1995). Otherwise, since the 1950s many small regional surveys of very varying quality have been published in journals or monographs with very limited distribution, giving details of occasional discoveries of villas, inscriptions and material finds throughout the region. All this has perforce resulted in great inequality of coverage. Consequently, in this regard and many others, the publication of TIR Caesaraugusta and TIR Tarraco represents a great step forward for much of the area covered here. Every attempt has been made to mark those sites mentioned in the ancient sources whose location is known beyond reasonable doubt, together with a representative range of sites known from archaeology alone. Even so, the selection can only be an individual one. In central Iberia, where native settlement patterns continue into the Republican and early Imperial periods, a full range of native castros or (to the east) hilltop sites has been included. Certain villas are also marked, selected because they are well known or offer an important stratigraphic sequence. Similarly, most mausolea and important church sites are shown. Systematic survey data are not reflected, however, so that the visible density of settlement in any area is not necessarily an accurate reflection of the situation in antiquity. This said, there are some areas, such as within the province of Huesca (around ancient Osca), where settlement does indeed appear to have been scarce. Milestones have recently been synthesized for the province of Hispania Tarraconensis (Lostal Pros 1992), and comprise one of the main sources for marking roads, difficult though it is to do this with precision on many stretches. Areas of centuriation have frequently been claimed for this part of Iberia (note Ariño Gil 1986). At best, however, centuriation is hard to define here. Moreover, despite arguments to the contrary, its identification in the archaeological record remains fraught with interpretative problems. Consequently, none is shown. Many environmental changes have undoubtedly occurred since antiquity. This is most evident in the damming of streams and rivers, and has been taken into account where possible. There is also little question that the physiognomy of the mouth of the R. Ebro (ancient H(I)berus) has changed, but to what extent is unclear; the coastline here has at least been rendered approximate. France See Map 14. MAP 25 HISPANIA TARRACONENSIS 389 Directory All place names are in Spain unless otherwise noted Abbreviations BS Midi-Pyrénées Bilan scientifique de la région Midi-Pyrénées,Paris CAE Barcelona Carta arqueológica de España, Barcelona, Barcelona and Madrid, 1945 CAE Huesca A. Domínguez et al., Carta arqueológica de España. Huesca, Huesca, 1984 CAE Soria Carta arqueológica de España, Soria, Madrid, 1941 CAE Teruel Carta arqueológica de España, Teruel, Teruel, 1980 CAG 09 J.-M. Escudé-Quillet and C. Maissant, Carte archéologique de la Gaule 09. L’Ariège,Paris, 1996 CAG 32 J. Lapart and C. Petit, Carte archéologique de la Gaule 32. Le Gers,Paris,1993 CAG 40 B. Boyrie-Fénié, Carte archéologique de la Gaule 40. Les Landes,Paris,1994 CAG 47 B. Fages, Carte archéologique de la Gaule 47. Le Lot-et-Garonne,Paris,1995 CAG 64 G. Fabre, Carte archéologique de la Gaule 64. Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Paris, 1994. CAG 65 A. Lussault, Carte archéologique de la Gaule 65. Hautes-Pyrénées,Paris,1997 CAG 81 Cm. départemental d’archéologie du Tarn, Carte archéologique de la Gaule 81. Le Tarn,Paris, 1995 CAGR 9 E. Bonnet, Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, IX. Aveyron,Paris,1944 CAGR 10 E. Bonnet, Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, X. Hérault,Paris,1946 CAGR 12 A. Grenier, Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, XII. Aude,Paris,1959 EACDA La excavacions arqueológiques a Catalunya en els darrers anys, Barcelona, 1982 ERAT Anuari d’intervencions arqueològiques a Catalunya. Epoca romana. Antiguitat tardana. Campanyes 1982-1989, Barcelona, 1993 IRC I-IV G. Fabre, M. Mayer, and I. Rodà, Inscriptions Romaines de Catalogne. 1. Barcelone (sauf Barcino); II. Lérida; III. Gérone; IV. Barcino, Paris, 1984-97 THA J. Mangas and D. Plácido (eds.), Testimonia Hispaniae Antiqua I: Avieno, Ora maritima: descriptio orbis terrae phaenomena, Madrid, 1994 TIR Caesaraugusta Tabula Imperii Romani K-30, Madrid: Caesaraugusta, Clunia, Madrid, 1993 TIR Tarraco Tabula Imperii Romani K/J-31, Pyrénées Orientales-Baleares: Tarraco, Baliares, Madrid, 1997 VDesiderii R. Poupardin (ed.), Vita Sancti Desiderii. La vie de Saint Didier évêque de Cahors (630-655), Paris, 1900 Villes Villes et agglomérations urbaines antiques du Sud-Ouest de la Gaule: histoire et archéologie. Deuxième colloque Aquitania, Bordeaux, 13-15 septembre, 1990, Aquitania suppl. 6, Bordeaux, 1992 Note: For commentary on Mela references, see Silberman 1988. Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location References C5 Abánades HR TIR Caesaraugusta 41 C5 Ablanque R TIR Caesaraugusta 41 H3 Ad Centenarium RL Boulou FRA ItMiller 127 §AdCenturiones G4 (Ad) Fines R Martorell IRC I, 36-37; TIR Tarraco 31 G2 Ad Iovem L Piquotalen, Cm. Pubrac? ItBurd 551.1; Labrousse 1968, 357 FRA G2 Ad Nonum L Pompertuzat? FRA ItMiller 108; Labrousse 1968, 338 F4 Ad Novas RL possibly Vinaixa (Lleida) TIR Tarraco 31 H3 Ad Pyrenaeum/ R/ Col de Perthus TIR Tarraco 150 Summus Pyrenaeus HRL G4 Ad Septimum Decimum R possibly Vilaverd TIR Tarraco 31-32 (Tarragona) F2 Ad Sextum L L’Auberge, Cm. Marsan ItBurd 550.9; CAG 32.123 FRA H3 Ad Stabulum R FRA ItAnt 390.1 G2 Ad Vicesimum L L’Hôpital? FRA ItBurd 551.4; Labrousse 1968, 339 390 MAP 25 HISPANIA TARRACONENSIS Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location References H3 Ad Vicesimum R FRA ItAnt 397.3 F5 Adeba R Vinaroz TIR Tarraco 32 F3 Aerenosii HR central Pyrenees TIR Tarraco 32 G3 Aeso HRL Isona TIR Tarraco 32 F3 Àger L Balil 1970, 610 G2 Agessinates HR FRA Pliny, NH 4.108; CAG 47, 47-48 F1 Aginnum FRA See Map 14 D5 Agiria HRL either Calamocha TIR Caesaraugusta 42 (Magallón) or Salvacañete (Palomero) D3 Alantone RL possibly Atondo TIR Caesaraugusta 42 C3 Alba RL Albeiurmendi (San Román TIR Caesaraugusta 42-43 de San Millán)? H3 Alba fl. R Ter TIR Tarraco 33 H2 Albiga RL Albi FRA Villes 14-16; CAG 81.004 E4 Alcañiz el Viejo HRL TIR Caesaraugusta 44 C3 Alisanco L Alesanco Tovar 1989, 400 D4 Allobo HRL Alagón Tovar 1989, 399, 401; TIR Caesaraugusta § Alauona 45 B2 Aloria RL Arrastaria TIR Caesaraugusta 45-46 C3 Alto de los Casares RL San Pedro Manrique TIR Caesaraugusta 46 A3 Amaia See Map 24 H3 Amélie-les-Bains RL FRA PECS D3 Andelos RL Muruzabal de Andión TIR Caesaraugusta 48 (Mendigorria) G3 Andosinoi H central Pyrenees TIR Tarraco 34 B3 Antequia RL Pancorbo? Tovar 1989, 375 G4 Antistiana RL La Rápita Pallí 1985, 155-56; TIR Tarraco 35 D4 Aquae Bilbitanorum R Alhama de Aragón TIR Caesaraugusta 49 H4 Aquae Calidae R Caldes de Malavella IRC III, 33-36; Merino 1994 H4 Aquae Calidae? R Caldes de Montbui TIR Tarraco 35-36 F2 Aquae Convenarum RL Capvern FRA ItAnt 457.7; CAG 65.127 F3 Aquae Onesiorum RL Bagnères-de-Luchon Villes 487 §Onesiae FRA G2 Aquae Siccae RL St-Cizy, Cm. Cazères ItAnt 458.1; Labrousse 1968, 347; PECS FRA Cazères D2 Aquae Terebellicae RL Dax FRA Villes 77-81; CAG 40.088 § Aquae Tarbellicae § Hydata Augousta R Ptol. 2.7.8 H4 Aquae Voconiae RL 2 miles W Caldes de IRC III, 33-39; TIR Tarraco 36 Malavella E2 Aquitani HR FRA Duval 1955, 223; CAG 40, 32-33; NPauly § Novempopuli L C2 Aquitanicus Sinus See Map 14 D3 Aracaeli R Huarte-Araquil TIR Caesaraugusta 49 B2 Aracelium/ See Map 24 Aracillum D3 Araciel RL Corella TIR Caesaraugusta 49 Aracillum = Aracelium D4 Aratikos H Arándiga (Zaragoza)? Tovar 1989, 400; TIR Caesaraugusta 50 § Aratis I2 Araura/ FRA See Map 15 Cessero C4 Arcobriga HRL Cerro Vilar (Monreal de TIR Caesaraugusta 51 Ariza) F2 Ardiège RL? FRA Bedon 1984, 64 D2 Arditurri R Oyarzun TIR Caesaraugusta 51 Arentia = Arriaca C4 Areva fl. R Araviana Schulten 1959 II, 80 B4 Arevaci HR between R. Duero and TIR Caesaraugusta 52 §Arauakoi R. Ebro § Arouakoi C3 Argote RL Condado de Treviño TIR Caesaraugusta 52 MAP 25 HISPANIA TARRACONENSIS 391 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location References F2 Arguenos RL? FRA Bedon 1984, 65-66 H4 Arnum fl. R Tordera TIR Tarraco 37 H4 Arrago(na) RL Sabadell IRC I, 76; TIR Tarraco 37 B5 Arriaca/ RL/ near Marchamalo TIR Caesaraugusta 53-54 Arentia L F3 Askerris R R. Esera region TIR Tarraco 38 E3 Aspalluga R Accous? / Asasp? FRA CAG 64.1 B3 Astulez HR Valdegobía, Gaubea TIR Caesaraugusta 55 H3 Atacini HR FRA Mela 2.75; Gayraud 1981, 155-57 C4 El Atalayón H Renieblas TIR Caesaraugusta 56 H2 Atax fl.

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