Public Disclosure Authorized PHILIPPINES Participatory Irrigation Development Project (P088926) Public Disclosure Authorized ABBREVIATED RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN Batutu RIS, Region I1 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized 3' Cil3' LO.m -E3 F) L Page 1 of 2 NIA - BAJUW RIS PlDP EXPANSEOW APFt -INVEMX)R?' OF PROPOSED RQW AFFECTED ABTEISS FPd: ROW PiD?>.~ls F!i'P:#IE CF CA1JP:L: bAAlf4 CANAL, ACTUAL DYH~QMSlDEF!A~ON- ---- Page I 'of 4 . NIA - BATUTU RIS PlDP EXPANSOH AREA .-INVENXjWY QF PROWSED ROWAFFECTED AREAS FM: Bc\Y F1ap.xis NAwIEOF CAhiAL: MAIFI CANAL, ACTU.AL WDTH G0hlSlDEWATiOW DEEI' RIGHT 51DE ------..--- ----- ' FOR IRRIG. DBPT. ----- ---- - -2% ---------- --- Page 2 of 4 Y- biRME GF CA!--iAL: --P4.AtM CAMAL, ACTUA.L WDTkI C3MSIDERkinOl4 -- 40,0CH3.OG O$;L="f FOR IRRIG. LIE\!'?. - --- ------...- ----A 20,CjC%l.(]Q .-- D$)S113.AiGE C R ROP,D-- CROSSiti'G------ --- 4.~,030.@-?%?E'r' FOR IF: R IG.-.---- DfZiT;'. - 33,0w.sJC--.-------- QK9' FOR IFZRIG, t3EiJ1-i. RC.AG CRQSXikJG -II ------ -------.-- N.,QIE OF CANAL: LATERAL D, Ei$TUAL WJlDT#i COMSIDEFtkTIOM ----------- ?--I--- I Page ti of4 V 7 -.L . n 9 ->+_ --0 c? 'f! h L? Batutu RIS, Region 11 a. Informal Settlers Informal settlers are scattered on the ROWS of the main canal and laterals of Batutu RIS spread in 7 Barangays in the Municipalities of Compostela and New Bataan in the Province of Compostela Valley. With the assistance of the Barangay Chairmen, consultation meetings were conducted with the 101 households - informal settlers. The agreements reached are the following: i. All informal settlers signed waivers to move out when the improvement works commence. This is formalized thru the execution of MOA where the Barangay chairmen were signatories; ii. The informal settlers requested that NIA will assist them in hauling their dismantled structures to the relocation sites identified by them and 1 or by the LGUs; and iii. NIA's assistance was also requested in the form of constr~-lct:ion materials, like aggregates, cement, RSB, to replace ~~nsalvageablematerials which will no longer be useful in the reconstruction. Agreements during negotiation was to compensate 25% of the structl-~res. The Project would spend about P1,007,000.00 in resolving the problem on informal settlers at Batutu RIS. b. Right - of - Way at the Expansion Area In negotiating for ROW for the canal system, dialogues were conducted with landowners in each Barangay covered by the expansion area. All of the farmers are willing to donate portion of their lands as ROW for the necessary canal system, provided the crops that would be damaged should be compensated. The estimated cost for this mode of ROW acquisition is PI,761 ,I80.00. Actual validation shall be done by a valuation committee for the project with the membership of the affected persons. REGION RESETTLEMENT PLAN FOR ROW SQUATTERS BATUTU RIS, COMPOSTELA COMVAL PROVINCE INTRODUCTION: The system started its operation and Maintenance in December, 1979 with water masters manning its operation and maintenance of the system. The PD 552 empowered the IAs to enter into different type of contracts with incentives provided. The case of Batutu farmers they opted to choose type 1 contract taking charge on the canal maintenance and minor repair of the system. While in type 2 contract farmers are responsible in collecting irrigation service fees from the farmers. Hence, both the NIA and the Irrigators Association (IA) has been very tolerant to people who lacks an area to build their shanties for their shelter. Shanties are built temporarily. Then little by little improving it until it seemingly became permanent in nature. Due to laxity in maintenance activities of the system, and in implementing the irrigation laws, local officials even gave. permlssion or acted sponsors of squatters to build the houses along the canals. Thus, squatters clustered themselves as a community. While others are apart from each other. With the advent of Particlpatory Irrigation Development Project (PIDP) irrigation canals should be free from squatters. Such that different activities were undertaken to move away the squatters in a diplomatic way. Irrigation Superintendent, assistant Irrigation Superintendent, Water Master and IA Presidents had a joint venture In conducting the survey in identifying the illegal occupants in our irrigation canals and facilities to satisfy the following objectives: 1. Assess and determine the properties that will be affected/damaged 2. To inform the occupants the importance of the irrigation facilities; 3. To give time to the illegal occupants when to clear the area 4. To inform the occupants the extent of services the NIA can offer in their actual moving-out. 5.To resolved before hand conflicts that may arise during eviction. As such different meetings were conducted at Batutu RIS Office, Compostela, Comval Province and in different Barangays to gather comments and reactions from concerned squatters and to plan out mutual solutions to the problems. As to masterlist of squatters on the canal ROW, (see appendix ). COMPENSATION ON LAND LOSES: As to land loses the squatters will not loss the land because it is owned by NIA. Should there be losses, it is on the damage of shanties built by them illegally. However, NIA will help in transporting their belongings in relocating the squatters with minimal assistance in the form of construction materials like aggregates, cement, RSB, etc. with the aid of LGU. Land Damages: In case of expansion areas, ROW damages of land is still undetermined as to the time of writing. However, question on willingness to give ROW has been raised. Accordlng to Local leaders in different barangays, should NIA encounter problem on ROW, LGU will help in negotiation because having an irrigation facilities has been their desire to have in their community most especially now that there are rice crisis in our country. Crop Damages: As to compensation on the damages of crops that will be incurred during the implementation of the project, potential affected landowner asked compensation to the crops to be affected. CONSULTATIVE ASSEMBLY MEETINGS WITH INDIGENOUS PEOPLE (IPS) In coordination with DENR, LGU, NGO, & NCIP of Nabunturan, Comval Province, a series of consultative assembly meetings were conducted in different barangays covering the watershed areas and impact areas. Participating in such meetings are Chieftains, tribesmen, LGUs, DENR, NGOs, and NIA. BATUTU RIS, COMPOSTELA, COMPOSTELA VALLEY PROVINCE SUMMARY OF SQUATTERS ALONG MAIN CANAL AND LATERALS BY IA COVERAGE Total Number of Total Area of Total Estimated Cost of Total Estimated Amount of Name of IA Squatters Structures (sq m) Affected Structures (P) NIA Assistance (P) I. EAST AREA . .- . .~. ~. a. SAJOLAEFIA . - . - 12.. 254.00 .553,000.00 138,250.00 .. ~ b. LABAFIA 318.00 . 380]000;00 ~~.~ . - ~.. ..~19.. -. -.-.. -- . .. ~ .~ . ~95,000.00 . ~ ~ .. ~ 22 352100 215,000.00 53,750.00 c. B.*CGF,A . - ~- .- d. LASAFIA 2 ~ 48.00 . 90000.00 - 22,500.00-. e. LABEFIA 2 20.00 10,000.00 --- -- -- - -. - -. -- - -- - - -- -- - -- .. .- - - -- .- - .- - --. --. .-- -- --. .- .-.- -- -- - -- 2,500.00-- . - . f. LAMAFIA 2 48.00 35,000.00 8,750.00 SUB - TOTAL 59 1,040.00 1,283,000.00 320,750.00 AREA 2. WEST-- --- -~ - -~ a. PAMACAFIA 24 970.00 1,956,000.00 489,000.00 . - -- --. .- .-a ---- - -- - - .- b. GAFlA -- 11 312.50 -- 384,000.00 96,000.00 c. LABACFlA 6 149.00 360,000.00 90,000.00 d. PROVAFIA 1 49.00 45,000.00 I 1,25mo0 SUB - TOTAL 42 1,480.50 2,745,000.00 686,250.00 Submitted 10 Sept 2008 via email BANTU RIS, COMPO@l%LB,CONIPOBELA VALLEY PROVINCE MASTERLIST OF 88U-B MAIN CANAL AND LATER&& COWIPOSTECA. CO-Y PROVINCE Subnliited 10 Sept 2008 via e~nail BADJTiJ RIS, CORIIPOSTEM, COMPQSELB VALLEY PROVINCE -.-MASTERLIST OF SQUATERS ALONG WIN CANAL AND LATEKALS --COhlPOSTELA. CQPJIF0STEL.A VALLEY PROflllc~~ Page 3 of 4 !9-SEP-2006 14:14 NIA BATLITU Prpublae r f tha PhiAippinrr PAMBAPISJWG RA;dCA6IVAAN NG DATUBIG (national Irrigation Administration) batutu Rirar Irrigation Zysten Coapoctcla, Comgostcla Valley Province w Tclelar no- (0:14) -822-0492 lacal 131 September 29,2008 THE mOOmCTMPrN A.GER Sgstcnls Operatimu 4r Equipn'zent Management PIDB Nabonal Irrigation ~dmimustration EDSA, Q-uezonCity Submitted lwwwith are the fallowing xports for your infurnmtian and guid-ef 1 List of Right of Way holders in expansion areas of Batutu RI3 2 Barangay Resolution of Bgy. Bpnagbanag 3 Barangey Resolution of Barmg 3y Siocan 4 Barangay ~esolutlonofBarangay New Visayas 5 Barangay Resolutia~zof Barangay Maparat Please take note that the Resolution of Bah~tuNS Federation of Irrigators association be sent tomorrow via fax. Batutu RIS, Compostela, Compostela Valley Province Summary of Crop Damages on Canal. Right - of - Way Total Number of Total Length of Total Estimated Cost Canal Farmers of Affected Affected Area (m) (PI 1. Main Canal 25 5,476.00 581,180.00 2. Lateral A 17 4,116.00 41 0,000.00 3. Lateral B 10 3,042.00 300,000.00 4. Lateral C 9 2,526.00 250,000.00 5. Lateral D 6 2,228.00 220,000.00 TOTAL 67 , 17,388.00 1,761,180.00 3UflN EUNGIAI~ --/----JDJUU.OO----- !BOUWOEW Rl GHT SI UE JUN ESYl R TO ---- ------L- tEOilNaERY iEf T 5'1 LIE- '4 CENTE 0FrBSicr:1N ------- --- 20-- 3oo.o~BOUYPEAY AIGHTS:EE SE13lJl L ROBLES '-1Ei~tiNDEKYi€F T SiEE MLOl8IlS t SCIYYtl13 lSS3f ~OFW-T-I0-1lwya 0 1~~93%~01 EJr'4ISSOY3 atrotf lA30 3liJtllUOd A3X0 OD-OOO'OE -- 3313 LSD #E -I-- L3HYd 01 333Y 3d LA30 OWYIHO3 A3H0 00000'St 3318 QQ%L Nbrl3NW9 M013d33N03 ' 1 A30 -9Itla I 803 P3Y 0 OL1'000'52 1 33 I& 1SD'OSZ 1 1 9 ti03 00 A30 LHtl1 A3.HO, OOO'QP 1 -333 033NOB DL idW S'63iAY Q31333dV MOtl P3SOdOad JO htlOlH3hNI Y38V NOISNVdX3 dQld Sltl filfl1U0 - YIN NIA BATUTU I5XCERl."T T;ROitl 'I'ITE kIINllTES 012 THF, CCONSITLTA'SION h.IEli:'TTNG Hli:'PVEEN Tllii: RARANGAS: OFll'lCTALS AND MA-EIATIJTtJ RWEH 1I;ZRTGATION SYSI'FM \nTl4' 'I'T.iE Nrl141CGION/\I, OFFICII!: PER~XINNELW1:C.;,4RDINC= 'PDP EXI'ANSION .4RE:hS HET,I) AT nA'I"UTIT H.IS OICII'IC~E, I'ORLACION, CQMI'OSTEI',A, (~OMYOS'I'KT,RVhl.l,EY S'ROVI'NCE ON FOVEMIIER 17, 2(1M AT 1:0M P.M.
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