1942• CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 4373 PETIT10NS, ETC. tinsburg Ohio, urging the enactment of Sen­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk ate bill 860, to prohibit liquor and prostitu­ will call the roll. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions tion around military and naval establish­ - and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ments; to the Committee on Military Affairs. · The Chief Clerk called the roll,. and the and referred as follows: 2854. By Mr. MURDOCK: Memorial of the following Senators answered . to their 2841. By Mr COLE of New York: Petition State of Arizona, objecting to legislation by names: of ·sundry citizens of Corning, N. Y., express­ Congress for the taxing of municipal bonds; Aiken George Nye ing approval of House bill 6486, which pro­ to the Committee on Ways and Means. Andrews Gerry O'Daniel 2855. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the Austin Gillette OMahoney vides for a salary increase for certain post- Bailey Glass Overton . office employees; to the Committee on the . Musicians' Union, Local No. 6, American Fed­ Ball Green Pepper Post Office and Post Roads. eration of Musicians, San Francisco, Calif., Bankhead Guffey Radcliffe 284~. By Mr THOMAS F. FORD: Resolution . relative to House bill 6486, a bill to increase Barkley Gurney Reynolds of the boa]'d of direct ors, Metropolitan Water the salaries of certain postal employees; to Bilbo Hatch Rosier District Southern California, urging that the the Committee on the Post Office and Post Bone Hayden . Russell Roads. · Brewster Hill Schwartz existing situation on the Colorado River at Brooks Holman Smathers Needles, Calif., be investigated and action 2856. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Brown Hughes Smith taken to remedy the flood conditions on that Texas Weights and Measures Association. Aus­ Bulow Johnson, Calif. Spencer river; to the Committee on Flood Control. tin, Tex., petitioning consideration of their Bunker Kilgore Stewart 2843. By Mr. HEIDINGER: Petition signed resolution with reference to House bill 6784, Burton La Follette Taft by R. Cannon and sundry members of the relative to weights and measures; to the Butler Langer ·Thomas, Okla. Byrd Lee · Tobey McCabe Baptist Church· at Flora, Ill., urging Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Meas­ Capper Lucas Truman the passage of Senate bill 860 as a contribu­ ures. Caraway 11.1:cCarran Tunnell tion to our national defense; to the Com­ Chandler McFarland Tydings mittee on Military Affairs. Chavez McKellar Vandenberg 2844. Also, petition signed by 0. D. Rise and Clark, Idaho McNary Van Nuys .()3 other citizens of Harrisburg, Ill., requesting SENATE Clark, Mo. Maloney Wagner · Connally Maybank Walsh the passage of Senate bill 860; to the Com­ Danaher Mead Wheeler mittee on Military Affairs. · WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1942 Davis Mlllikin White 2845. Also petition of Mrs. C. L. Swinney Doxey Murdock Wiley and 65 other residents of Eldorado, Ill., re­ (Legislative day of Friday, May 1,5, 1942) Ellender Norris Willis questing the passage of Senate bill 860 as a contribution to our national defense; to the The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sena­ Committee on Military Affairs. on the expiration of the recess. tor from Iowa [Mr. HERRING], the Sena­ 2846. Also, petition signed by Sarah G. Rev. Howard Stone Anderson, D. r>., tor from Montana [Mr. MURRAY], the Johnston and sundry other citizens of Albion, pastor, First Congregational Church, Senator from Utah [Mr. THOMAS], and Ill., urging the passage of Senate bill 860 as a Washington, D. C., offered the following the Senator from Washington [Mr. contribution to our national defense; to the prayer: WALLGREN] are necessarily absent from Committee on Military Affairs. the Senate. 2847. Also, resolution adopted by the mem­ Our Heavenly Father:· Again we pause to acknowledge our dependence upon The Senator from California [Mr. bership of the Mill Shoals Baptist Church, of DowNEY] is detained on official business Mill Shoals, TIL, presented by B. B. Dame, Thee, the Author and Sustainer of life clerk of said church, opposing the manufac­ and the Giver of every good and perfect in his State. ture and sale of alcohol for beverage purposes gift. Purify our hearts with Thy love; The Senator from Colorado [Mr. JoHN­ for and during the duration of the war, as a illumine our minds with Thy wisdom; SON] has been called out of the city on part of our national defense program; to the important public business. Committee on Military Affairs. fire our hearts with cel~stial flames of Mr. AUSTIN. The Senator from New 2848. By Mr. LAMBERTSON: Petition of faith. Jersey [Mr. BARBOUR] is absent because John W. Keller and 200 other residents of the We commend to Thy loving care our of illness. city of Topeka, Kans., appealing for legisla­ sons who have gone forth to serve their The Senator from New Hampshire tion which will provide the largest possible country and the cause of freedom on protection for the men in our Army and land and sea and in the air. Sbield. them [Mr. BRIDGES] is absent as a result of an Navy against the insidious influence of vice from danger; keep them strong and injury and illness. and intoxicating liquors, and urging the pas­ steadfast; give them courage and chiv­ The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. sage of Senate bill 860, the Sheppard bill, at LODGE], the Senator from Kansas [Mr. an early date; to the Committee on Military alry; inspire them with devotion to the REED], and the Senator from Idaho [Mr. Affairs. cause to which they are offering their THoMAs] are necessarily absent. 2849. Also, petition of the Thompsonville lives, and help them to achieve a just and The Senator from Minnesota [Mr. Methodist Church, Perry, Kans., and 53 resi­ lasting peace for the whole world. Hold dents of Perry, appealing for legislation to in Thy holy, tender keeping all those dear SHIPSTEAD] is absent because of illness protect our boys and men from insidious to them whom they have left behind. in his family. forces of vice and intoxication, especially in We pray for the President of these The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-four securing the passage of Senate bill 860, the United States, the Members of the Con­ Senators have answered to their names. ~eppard bill, at an early date; to the A quorum l.s present. Committee on Military Affairs. gress, and for all in our Government upon 2850. Also, petition of Rev. H. P. Basquin whom responsibility rests. We pray for AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT APPROPRI­ and 37 other residents of Williamsburg, the leaders and people of every nation ATIONS Kans., appealing for legislation which will upon the face of the earth. Open their The Senate resumed the consideration provide the largest possible protection for the minds toward Thee, that, at last, Thy of the bill <H. R. 6709) making appropri­ men of ·our Army and Navy against the will may be done, and Thy peace may insidious influence of vice and intoxicating ations for the Department of Agriculture .liquor; to the Committee on Military Affairs. come. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943, 2851. Also, petition of Mrs. Myrtie Bonesteel Through Jesus Christ our Lord. · and for other purposes. and 110 other residents of Washington, Kans., Amen. The VICE PRESIDENT. The question urging the passage of Senate bill 860 as a THE JOURNAL is on agreeing to the amendment of the contribution to a wholesome defense program On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by Senator from Georgia [Mr. RussELL] to and a reenactment of legislation similar to the committee amendment on page 80, that of 1917 and so give the young men of unanimous consent, the reading of the 1942 the protection their fathers had in 1917; · Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ adding at the end of line 25 the follow­ to the Committee on Military Affairs. dar day Tuesday, May 19, 1942, was dis­ ing: "Provided further, That no grain 2852. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of sun­ pensed with, and the Journal was ap­ shall be sold for feed at a price less than dry citizens of Moulton, Thayer, Lancaster, proved. 85 percent of the parity price of ·corn at New London, Bloomfield, Middle Town, Ogden, the time such sale is made." and Rippey, Iowa, in the appaal to vote for MESSAGES l"ROM THE PRESIDENT Mr. O'MAHONEY obtained the floor. legislation which will provide the largest possible protection for the men in our Army Messages in writing from the President PERSONAL STATEMENT and Navy against the insidious influence of of the United States submitting nomina­ tions were communicated to the Senate Mr. BARKLEY.. Mr. President, will vice and intoxicating liquors, ·and to secure the Senator from Wyoming yield to me? the passage of Senate bill 860, the Sheppard by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. Mr. O'MAHONEY. I will be very glad bill, at an early date; to the Committee on CALL OF THE ROLL Military Affairs. to yield to the Senator. 2853. By Mr. McGREGOR: Petition of Mr. fiLL. I suggest the absence of a Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, I wish Blanche Ross and 32 other residents of Mar- quorum. to state to. the Senator from Wyoming 437.4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 20 and the Senate that I ask the privilege The Atto~ney General c~lled me up even been in Brooklyn in his life, except of making a statement at this time about over the telephone and told me of the on three occasions, and at those times a ·matter which · involves the highest publication and wanted to talk with me he went there to deliver public addresses privilege of the Senate and the highest about it.
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