THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN, TUESDAY. DECEMBER z, 1901. TRANSPORT HANCOCK ARRIVES COAST AND FOREIGN VESSELS IN POET. Arrived VesseL I Captain. Wharf! Nor. SlRoeamond. schr . J A. H. Johnson. J Stream. San. Francisco. KALIHI w lTJArcher. bkL ICalhoun .... Hallway. V.V.is Fraaciaeo. WITH MAIL FROM THE COAST 23 Kaiolani. bk-- IDabel Railway San Francisco. As a Residential Suburb " 24 Alice Cook. sch j PenhaEow. 3Iarine Ry. Paget Sound. Dec 5 Olympic, bk. Gibbs Railway i San Francisco. 1 s attracting lots Luzon, sch ChrislAnun Allen I Pt Townsend. oi attention, since the 1 " 10 Rence. ship s Whitnsore. Railway S Pt. Rapid Transit Co., built their extension. " lllCoronado, bkt. ...(Potter Railway Paget Sonnd. " a31ilarie!. sch. fWikader. Emmes j Poiet Sound. Steamer Crowded With Troops and.. Passengers zofjas. Johnson, bkt.. Bemecke Stream ; San Francisco. See the Gulick Tract ; uerara u. i ooey. dki i uove ? Stream I San Francisco. :o bkt-iHans- J Before buying . H. Dimond. ea Irmgard ... San Francisco building lots OiSe where. " ; k 20 3. G. Wilder. bkL.. Jackson . - Fisbmarfcet San Francisco a beautiful locality "healthy, every 21 Albert, bk. jGrifflths . Pacific Mail San Francisco " 21 I facility, electric cars, watev laid, - Novelty, schr. Rosendal ...1 Pacific Mail Puget Sound . etc. Families, and -- - Cavalry Officers and Ken, Recruits, Hospital Signal Corps 21 S. D. Carleton. ship Amesbury -i Railroad ... Tacoma . Easy terms of payment appl- " 23 u. S. A. T. Hancock-- ' Strove Navy No. 2. Manila Am. st Bendlxon ..J Petersen Allen Pt. Blakeley . " 23 i MRS. S. R. Artisans, Sand and Lynch on Board. S. M. Plumber, sch . Lund Outside Kauai GULICK. Staffs, a Johnny 23 Irmgard, i 1 bkt Schmidt Irmgard San Francisco F3. O- - --41S. " 23 Ceylon, bk. t Wilier , Creek i Hllo BOX " 23 Lord Shaftsbury. sh . Hendrickson . i Railroad J Portland lo Sail Christmas Afternoon. j U. S. Tug Iroquois. Rodman I Navy No. 1. j Stationary. Co. "VTEATHER BEPOHT. SUN, MOON. AND SEA Oceanic Steamship Hen- completion TIME TABLE. tmalort Hancock, from San vessel is In command of Captain ing vessel is now nearing Mean Temperature 12. alter rather a rough drickson, who has been many years at at Ballard, and four other vessels are Minimum Temperature 64. The steamers of this lice win arrive and leave tils port as big built. first one will be " hereunder! THE arrived here yesterday sea and is proud of the vessel of to be The Maximum Temperature 7S. -- Shaftsbury and have FROM SAN FRANCISCO. wornlsg. b dayR from lhe CoaEt which he is master. The launched next month will a Barometer 2S.S5; irregular. rHii-i- i FOR SAN FRANCISCO. roogh seas is consigned to Alexander & Baldwin, carrying capacity of 1,400,000 feet of 1.73. iris Mi 130L and Rainfall f The alga winds , I ' i 1901. were not pro-jo- t, and Is to discharge at Railway wharf, lumber. Mean Dew Point 65.3. a.m.! Ft. .rJaJP-ns- . by the Alameda Set. SONOMA . ..Wed.. Jan. 1 ALAMEDA Tuos., D4X St a very hoary swell, where she is now. The rrmgard from Mean Relative Humidity SO. 9.3i!c.3it5.3s; ALAMEDA 11 there wu soo-- e! 2.2; :.sr t ai Jan. VENTURA bt uncom-fertabt- y Francisco, passage of Adrift Ice. ;.is, s.ei TuesDec.31 ship roll San had a fair Schooner in 1 I vbich made the big , V" Wind. I i I ' VENTURA ..Wei, Jan. 22 ALAMEDA 15 way from the 16 days. She, like the Albert, did CHICAGO. 16. schooner 21. 3.01! 2.3 3.W. S.K I0.1T S.35 5.iS' S.k. WeL. Jan. most of the Dec The Wind northeast; 2 to 0. Ta. ALAMEDA ...Sat., Feb. 1 SIERRA Tncs., Jan. 21 Head. not get into the midst of the big storm Galatea is on Lake Michigan, so 5 Gold on Gate to Diamond adrift Weather. WJ 21; 5.H: 2.31 S.51 3.H ll.Wfi.a-S.2- 6 U SIERRA .. ..Wed.. Feb. 12 Wed., Ftio. 5 she and hag no hard luck to report except i AhVEDA Since the Hancock was here last loaded down with ice that her decks clearing during day; i ' I ALAMEDA Feb. 22 SONOMA carrying away of her mainsail lajt Weather the Tfcu: 2.1' 4.40.15.WU 40 6 06 3.0S 7.12 Tuesu, Feb. 11 teas been to Manila and San Francisco. the are almost even with the water. She lightning to r 'Jill!.2 , SONOMA . ..Wed., Mar. 5 ALAMEDA sud- overcatt at night; the Wed, Nor. 2S she night in the Molokai channel in a was c wv .rt rr Oh last trip to San Francisco lost from her tow Saturday night t? u"i ti.iv-tit n. v,rt in t- nrt.v.u.nj:t.4s S.J2 ALAMEDA ,..SaL, Mar. 15 VENTURA her In-toa- d southwesL Cli.,4; Miivv Tues., Mar. 4 was piled up on a sandbar in the den squall in a gale off Racine. VENTURA ..Wed.. Mar. 25 ALAMEDA SM-.-J- 1 s! T. Wed., Mar. 39 incompetency of Forecast for Today. i' 6.9X12 11.42.G.3T,5.27 9.11 ALAMEDA 5 Sea-- through the 5..! ' I ..Sat, April SIERRA engaged to Probably more rain. Taos., Mar. 25 a Gorman pilot, who was shiitim; .news axd mites. SUB .12J 6.2 1.7' 7.37 1.3ls.m. 6 375.2S 10.OS SffiRRA .. .Wed., April 16 ALAMEDA Wed., April 9 STILL HUNTING FOR (itI her to Nagasaki. He was warned ALAMEDA ..Sat. April 26 SONOMA Tues April take close, AT DIAMOND HEAD. io &)' 7.er l o. s. tff 2 12; 0.10 6 37!J H 10A5 15 that be wa running In too but The tug Eleu got two out of five ar- ALAMEDA Wed, ApriX 13 business and was all Diamond Head, 10 p. m. Weather wid he knew his KINJU MAIL ROBBER rivals yesterday. The old boat is mak- cloudy; wind calm. 1'ull Moon on tbe 2aUi at 1 :(7 a.: VENTURA .Toes, May 6 right. When the big ship struck, the ing the Fearless hustle for her money Dot falated with fright. He was re-rtv- d these days. falated again. Sf-ein-g he gene J. Ely, Joseph I. McMulIen. Wm. Sierra February 12 and The British sloop of war Condor In connection with the sailing of the above steamers the ageata axe use In bis terrible condition, S. Barrigen. Milton G. Holliday, Isaac China February 14 prepared to was no OPEN KNIFE IS ONLY CLEW. should arrive here today. She sailed i Issue to lateading passengers COUPON THROUGH TICKETS the Hhip and another ' S. Martin. Leon R. Partridge. James Moana February 15 be was seat from from Esquimalt on the 2d of Decemb by any railroad from Saa Francisco to all points in the United wliot secured, who. after the boat was E. Stcdje; Major Frank H. Titus of Doric February and from New York by any steamship Stats n. line all and has probably been delayed by the '. to European ports. afloat, took her safely to her Fifteenth Cavalry; Captain William B. Alamoda . w February kol bad prevailing. j FOR GENERAL INFORMATION Postoffice People Blamed for Leaving weather Summerall. Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Nippon Mara i March 4 APPLY TO g sho was go-Is- The steamer Alameda will sail for Cav-alr- v. At the time she struck Mall on Board Till After Day- V., Captain Eaton H. White of 6th Sonoma , March 5 full speed astern, as Captain San Francisco this afternoon with a First Lieutenant Georce H. Peru ! March 12 WM. G. IRWIN" & CO. Struvc had sen the danger she was light, Though Company is Held mil cargo of sugar and bananas and White, of Sixteenth Infantry; .First Alameda . : March 15 ia and took her away from the pilot. many passengers, who are requested Lieutenant Lucius C. Bennett of Twenty-F- .Coptic i March LIMHED work of Responsible for Loss by Bonds. to be on board 4 o'clock. By her own efforts and the at irst Infantry; Second Lieutenant Ventura March 26 GENERAL AGENTS OCEANIC S. S. CO. tho crow she was got off the sand Christmas Day will be duly celebrat- Ernest J. Jennctt of First Infantry. America Mani March 2S awUtance. In San Francisco ed aboard the steamer Alameda on Second Lieutenant William A. Castle Alameda April 5 without sus- the pkn was docked and found to have There have been no developments in trip to San Francisco. Captain Herri-ma- n of Sixteenth Infantry, First Lieuten- Peking April 5 no damage whatever. robbery mail room has made special arrangements ant Rowland Whitley of Philippine Gaelic April 15 tained troops the of the Klnau's Pacific Mail S. S. Co. The Hancock is crowded with since the publication Sunday In The to have the chimney cooled so Santa Scouts; First Lieutenant L. W. Caffey Sierra ; April 16 ta the Bteerage and passengers in the Republican of the exclusive story of Claus can get down in comfort. of .Twenty-Sixt- h Infantry; Second Hongkong Mara ..April are off- Cav- Occidental anti Oriental S. S. Co. ctbln. Among the latter the the daring deed. The authorities .are The little schoner Waialua has Lieutenant R. M. Nolan of Third Alameda April 26 and Toyo Kisen Kaisiw U. S. Cavalry and J. icers of the Fifteenth more than ever mystified over the been having a hard time keeping het- - alry; Second Lieutenant Junius China April 30 Several civilians are Philippine Scouts; Mrs. W.
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