an international humanist magazine Summer 1991 Vol. 11, No. 3 The Creationist Revival Pandas Attack Science Education Scott Brande Then a Miracle Occurs Victor Bernard The Creationist Theory of Abrupt Appearances Arthur Strahler The New American Pragmatism Thelma Lavine (V Biology, Sex, and Love co Anthony Walsh N- r- Love and Mate Selection in the '90s Elizabeth Rice Allgeier and Michael W Wiederman Also: The Road to Baghdad and Basra; Possession and Exorcism; Religion and the Polls SUMMER 1991, VOL. 11, NO. 3 ISSN 0272-0701 Contents an international humanist magazine 3 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Editor: Paul Kurtz Senior Editors: Vern Bullough, Gerald Larue 5 EDITORIALS Executive Editor: Tim Madigan Notes from the Editor, Paul Kurtz / Humanism and Religion Managing Editor: Andrea Szalanski in West Africa, Norm Allen, Jr. I Religion and the Polls, Vern Contributing Editors: Robert S. Alley, H. James Birx, Jo Ann Boydston, Bullough Paul Edwards, Albert Ellis, Roy P. Fairfield, Joseph Fletcher, Antony Flew, Levi Fragell, Adolf 10 Waging the Battle Grimbaum, R. Joseph Hoffmann, Marvin Kohl, Skipp Porteous Jean Kotkin, Ronald A. Lindsay, Delos B. McKown, Howard Radest, Robert Rimmer, Svetozar 12 ON THE BARRICADES Stojanovic, Thomas Szasz, V. M. Tarkunde, Richard Taylor, Rob Tielman, Sherwin Wine ARTICLES Associate Editors: 14 Saint Paul's Conversion on the Road Doris Doyle, Thomas Flynn, Steven L. Mitchell, Lee Nisbet, Gordon Stein to Damascus Nina Rulon-Miller 16 Lest We Forget: Bruno, Galileo, and the Power Editorial Associates: Robert Basil, Jim Christopher, Fred Condo Jr., to Define Roberto Giammanco Thomas Franczyk, James Martin-Diaz, Molleen Matsumura MODERN VIEWS ON SEX AND LOVE Executive Director, CODESH, Inc.: 20 The Biological Relationship Between Sex Jean Millholland and Love Anthony Walsh Chief Data Officer: Richard Seymour 25 Love and Mate Selection in the 1990s....Elizabeth Rice Allgeier and Michael W. Wiederman Typesetting: Paul E. Loynes Audio Technician: Vance Vigrass THE CREATIONIST REVIVAL Staff 28 Pandas Attack Science Education Scott Brande Brent Bailey, Kim Gallo, Steve Karr, Anthony Nigro, 31 Then a Miracle Occurs Victor Bernard Alfreda Pidgeon, Ranjit Sandhu 37 The Creationist Theory of Abrupt Appearances: FREE INQUIRY (ISSN 0272-0701) is published A Critique Arthur N. Strahler quarterly by the Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism (CODESH, Inc.), a nonprofit corpora- tion, Box 5, Buffalo, NY 14215-0005. Phone (716) 44 The Re-Enlightenment Tim Madigan 636-7571. Copyright ©1991 by CODESH, Inc. Second-class postage paid at Buffalo, New York, and 45 The Case for a New American Pragmatism.... Thelma Z. Lavine at additional mailing offices. National distribution 49 Freedom of Thought and Religion in by International Periodicals Distributors, San Diego, California. Bangladesh A. B. M. Mafizul Islam Patwari FREE INQUIRY is available from University Micro- films and is indexed in Philosophers Index. 51 VIEWPOINT Subscription rates: $25.00 for one year, $43.00 for Unequivocal Humanism Roger E. Greeley two years, $59.00 for three years, $5.00 for single issues. Address subscription orders and changes of address to: FREE INQUIRY, Box 5, Buffalo, NY 14215- 53 BOOKS 0005. Reading Rorty, John M. Novak / The Philosophy of `Flow,' Manuscripts, letters, and editorial inquiries should Timothy William Grogan / The Road Too Traveled, Tom Flynn! be addressed to: The Editor, FREE INQUIRY, Box 5, Buffalo, NY 14215-0005. All manuscripts must be Disneyland Christianity, Tom Franczyk / Books in Brief double-spaced and should be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Opinions 61 READERS' FORUM expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or publisher. Postmaster: Send address Growing Toward Unbelief / Humanists and Death changes to FREE INQUIRY, P.O. Box 5, Buffalo, NY 14215-0005. 62 IN THE NAME OF GOD Agnosticism was not on the list. I submit it here: Agnosticism—Maybe shit happens Letters to the Editor and maybe it don't. Andy Meier New Lebanon, N.Y. The List Hists the Fan by substituting John F. Kennedy's "Life is Not Fair," but I discovered that the Your "Short Guide to Comparative In our Spring 1991 issue, we published result "Calvinism: Life is not fair be- Religions" (Author Anonymous) is in a humorous piece entitled "A Short cause you don't work hard enough," and extremely poor taste, falls very short of Guide to Comparative Religions." While others didn't evoke any laughs. being amusing, and is not up to the many readers found it amusing, a A bit of vulgarity appears to be a standards we expect from your pub- significant number were deeply offended. rather essential ingredient. lication. It was not our intention to insult any- one's sensibilities. Read on for the gamut R. Bigelow Laurie B. M. Lever of reactions.—EDS. Gays Mills, Wis. Sarasota, Fla. "A Short Guide to Comparative Reli- gions" uses the obscene word for excre- The "Short Guide to Comparative I'm not sure I want my favorite magazine ment twenty-one times. By printing this Religions" needed two more entries: to take notice of my favorite religion. tasteless piece you have seriously dam- Jehovah's Witnesses—Only 144,000 Nevertheless, I can't help but add it to aged your reputation as a literate, of us will get out of this shit. the very amusing chart: intellectual magazine. The editor that Agnosticism We don't know Baha'i Shit is progressive! allowed the "Guide" into print should whether or not shit happens. be removed from your staff. Elaine Thompson John George Alpena, Mich. George Wood Dept. of Political Science Malibu, Calif. Central State University Edmond, Okla. Vulgarity is often the distraught cry of the inarticulate; but in this so-called What kind of people do you think your "Short Guide" it is the blatant cry of readers are that they would think "A My first impulse upon reading "A half-baked wit expressed by an arrogant, Short Guide to Comparative Religions" Short Guide to Comparative Religions" know-it-all. As Alexander Pope said: funny? It is crude, vulgar, uncouth, gross, was to cancel my subscription. Upon "True wit is nature to advantage and whatever other appropriate adjec- further reflection I decided not to deprive dressed, tives there may be. I am not surprised myself of the many well-reasoned articles What oft was thought, but ne'er so that the author chose to remain anony- in what I had heretofore regarded as a well said." mous. Your editorial staff should be first-class publication. Which reminds me: The space were embarrassed and ashamed for having The article had no class! It is my better used by printing a poem of displayed their miserable and perverted hope that this departure from the good uplifting value. taste by giving space to bumper-sticker taste I have come to expect from and graffiti humor. FREE INQUIRY was an aberration. Gerald F. Rogers Wilton Manors, Fla. Russell E. Simmons Richard Goodapple Raton, N.M. Quincy, Ill. A few days ago I came up with a "religious" saying that I thought could Another thank you for printing "A Why not make this addition to the be attributable to Saddam Hussein— Short Guide to Comparative Reli- "Short Guide to Comparative Reli- "Shiites happen." Then came the Spring gions." I actually laughed out loud at gions?": 1991 FREE INQUIRY with "A Short several of the items and I think the Secular Humanism—There are valid Guide to Comparative Religions." Coin- author should come out of the closet reasons why shit happens. cidental, miraculous, or paranormal? and be properly acclaimed as a profound wit. Costas Hercules, M.D. Douglas A. King I tried to tidy up some of the entries Rapid City, S.D. Riverside, Calif. Summer 1991 3 Loved "A Short Guide to Comparative ists, religious or secular, do not expect a theist, or a believer in spiritual dimen- Religions." Here's one more for the everyone to believe as we do. UUs are sion to reality. On the record, however, list: not like that. whatever the tradition of toleration that Southern Baptists—Shit only hap- I am a Unitarian. I am a humanist. the answer to this question reflects, the pens to moderates. I am comfortable with both categories data lend themselves to the alternative As always, your magazine is top- and, until now, thought the two positions conclusion that humanism is not simply notch. Good luck and continued success were completely compatible. I don't feel a "strong strand" but is still the largest in the future. that I must label myself "religious" or common strand revealed by your survey. Charles Clifton "secular." The drafters, editors, and Marietta, Ga. signers of Humanist Manifestos I and Howard B. Radest II did not. If you are trying to drive Director, Ethical Culture people like me out of your movement, Schools Unitarian Survey you have taken a large first step. You New York, N.Y. should really wake up! Your movement Paul Kurtz and Vern Bullough's article needs dedicated people and you should "The Unitarian Universalist Association: not be driving them away with your rigid The survey points to a 38 percent portion Humanism or Theism?" (FI, Spring and narrow definition of acceptable of Unitarian church members who con- 1991) was very informative, but reached thinking. sider themselves humanist or atheist, a curious conclusion. The authors felt which is a strong minority but still a that humanism "is not the dominant Glen E. Jensen minority. The article gives the necessary voice" in the UUA, yet the respondents Carmel, Ind. information that allows the reader to to their survey of ministers and presi- make an assessment as to its validity (and dents of UUA congregations denied the different readers may come to different divinity of Jesus by a ratio of more than I could not resist commenting on your conclusions).
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