Durham E-Theses Mauretania Caesartiensis: an archaeological and geographical survey Lawless, R. I. How to cite: Lawless, R. I. (1969) Mauretania Caesartiensis: an archaeological and geographical survey, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/9282/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk MAURETAHIA CAESARlENSIb: Ai^ iiiiGliAEOLOtil-OilL MB GEOGHAPHICAL aUnYisY. E. I. Lawless, B.A, , (St. Outh'bert's Society) . A thesis presented in. Candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Durham. 1969. The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged. VOLUME ONE Tins, stucljf was ^m(ierta]£en while the author neld • a Major atate Studentship, awardea Toy the Departnien.t of Jiducation and Beierice, at the -uepartment of Archaeo• logy: in the University of Jjurham, I vii'oula like first of all to remember and acknow• ledge the special de'bt "vvnich we O'we to Stephane G-seil who laid the foundations; of iklgerian archaeologyy and whose monumental work L'Atlas Ar-ch6ologla'u.e de l^AlMex-ie, puhlished m I9II, rirst drew attentioxi to the need for lurther investigation of the region that was Hauretania Gaesariensisi and provided the haslc reference v¥ork lor such an investigation. In the preparation oi this thesis I nave received generous: assistance from many people. I am particularly grateful to ur. d.O. Mann, Department of Archaeology, Durham^ who nas given me constant advice, vTho read the drafts and gave much valued criticism; to Professor J.l, Ularke, Department oi ueography, Durriam, for much help and stimulation at all stages of the work; to several .French scholars M. H-ti. Pflaum (Paris), M. J. Despois, m&titut de lieogmphie, Univei'siti de Paris, and M. X. de Planhol, institut de Geograpnie, universite de iMancy, for their willingness: to discuss particular prohlems which arose during this stuay; to M, P. uourtot, lormerly airector of the lUth archaeological division ( Ouled Mimomi ), who gave me as yet unpuDlished information about his excavations in and around the itoman city or Altava; to Professor w.B. Fisher, Mead 01 the Department or G-eography, Durham:, for his encouragement Finally I would like to thank the people of western Algeria ior their courtesy and hospitality during my visit in the spring of 1968, a time when there was considerable iriction "between the govern• ments of Algeria and the United Kingdom. and ior a generous grant tof/ard the cost of a period of field-work in Algeria, without which a visit to Algeria would have "been impossi'blei to the staff of the British uouncll in Algiers ior their hospitality and many kindnesses during my visit to Algeria in March - May 1968; to Al. Sid Ahmed Baghli, Director of Antiquities, Algeria, M. P-A, Fevrier, Inspector of Antiquities, Algeria, "Mile. F. iiadra, Department of Antiquities, Algiers, and M. A. Nadjeh of Tiaret who directed my attention to lihraries, museums ana sites in western Algeria and vifithout whose generous co-operation it would have proved Impossi'ble for me to have visited several important sites in western Algeria, which lie some ciisuance from public transport routes; to Mp.?i/.Vif, Anson ana Mr. J.E. Knipe, Department of Geography (Atlas of iMorthern jsnglana), University of i^ewcastle upon Tyne, for their practical assistance and advice in the preparation and reproduction of the maps ana diagrams; and to Mr. W. Dodds, Department of Ar'chaeology, Durham, who drew figures 8 and 9. But ahove all I am grateful to Professor E. Birley, Head of the Department of Archaeology, Durham, who launched this study, read all the di'afts, and made important corrections, and comments, who, over a period of three years has always "been reaay to place his expert knowleage and advice at my disposal, and whose visit to Algeria in Marcii 1968 to aavise the Algerian government on the organisation of their i\n.tiq_uities Service did much to make my own period of rield-work in Algeria so profitable. For tiiese, and ior many other things, my deht to him is great, (over) k CONTiilNTS. VOLUME OMUl Page tiuide to the lay-out of the thesis 9-11 Indexes of Place-names. 12 - 17 List of Koman and native sites studied in Volume 1%© arranged in alphahetical order. 18 - 19 List of Illustrations in Volume Two. 20 22 Contents of Portfolio. 23 List of Abbreviations and Select 2 k 28 Bihliography. Introduction. 29 - 37 Chapter One: The u-eographical Setting and Present-day Pattern of Settle• ment. 38 55 Chapter Two: The Native Sites. 56 - 87 Chapter Three: The Koman Military Sites - Chronological changes in the organisation of the defences of the orovince. 88 121 Chapter four: The Roman Civilian Sites. 122 194 Chapter Five: Conclusion. 195 216 VOLUME TMO. Individual Sites: Native 1 - 15 Roman 16 - 86 Site Hame of Site EMerenc e no: Page xxyji « Gsell's .Atla s Map Site 1. El Aioun - - 1 2. Sidi Medjahed 3 2 - 5 3. Koudi at-er-Koum k2 18 6 - 7 U. Koudiat- en-"N'essara U2 19 6 - 7 5. Ain el Turcfc - _ 8 6. Ain Nekrouf - - 9 7. Kersout 32 ko 10 8. Koliaa 32 95 11 9. Karkah 32 97 12 10. Tidernatin' i+3 63 13 - 11+ 11. Mtalsa k3 157 15 - 16 12. Ain Balloul 32 126 17 - 18 13. Sersou - - 19 Ih. Ghellala - - 20 - 21 13. Zenina - - 20 - 21 16. Damous 30 11 22 - 23 17. NUMERU'S SYKOKUM i+1 1 2k - 30 18. Guiard 31 8 31 - 32 19. PRAESIDIUM Sm'ATlYQ/ ALBULAE 31 9 33 ~ 1+0 20. i'arm tfages 31 15 1+1 21 • Ain el Bridj 31 16 1+2 POMAKIA 31 56 k3 ~ 50 6 Site Name of Site Reference no: Page no: Q-sell' s Atlas Map Site 23. iiLTAVA 31 68 51 - 7h 2k. RAi>UTTASACGURA 31 76 75 - 76 25. Ain Mekerreg 31 78 77 26. Ain BKOuna 31 77 77 27. Palissy - - 78 - 79 28. UNA 21 36 80 - 8k 29. SI Ksar - - 85 30. Oued el Hammam - - 86-87 31. Guethna 32 8 88 - 89 32. AQUAE SIRENSSS 32 ,18 90 - 97 33. LUGU 32 k6 98 -103 3U. ALA MILIARIA 32 93 104 -lli+ 35 - The Fortified Villas k3 of the western Ouars- enis 115 -121 35. Ksar el Kaoua 22 63 115-116 36. Ksar Kehhaba 22 69 116 379 Sedadoa 22 72 ll6 38. Ksar Djerane 22 83 116 -117 39. KherLa Lou Zoula 22 67 117 1+0. Ben Afifs 22 106 117 kl. Ammi Moussa 22 61 117 k2. Ain Sidi el Hadj - - 117 -118 14-3. Trumelet 33 16 118 l^h* Kherh.a Achlef 22 107 122 Bite Name of Site Reference no: Page no Gsell's Atlas Map Site k5. Ouekki 22 119 123 1+6. Dour-commune Ouled Lakred 22 125 121+ 1+7. COLUMNATA 22 127 125-131 1+8. Kherba des Aouissat 22 129 132-133 1+9. Djehel Uuedale - - 13k 50. Souama de Mecheeasfa 33 3 155-139 51. Ain Sarh 33 12 11+0-11+2 52. Tiaret 33 II4 11+3-11+7 53. GOHORS BRIUCORUM 33 23 11+8-152 5k, Martimprey -- 153 55. Aioun Shiha 33 3k 151+-160 56. Tatigazouth 33 35 155 57. Ain G-rega 33 36 155 58. Ain Draham. - — 161 59. Sidi "bou Zid - - 162 60. Kherhet "bent Sarah 33 80 163 61. Ben Beha 33 81 161+ 62. Temordjanet 33 130 165 63. i"arm Jean Guzange - - 166 61;. Ain Djahcha -- 167 65. Tissemsilt 23 16 168-169 66. Ain el Aneb 23 17 170 8 Site Name of Site Reference no: Page no. Gsell s Atlas Map Site 67. Bour"baki 23 27 171-171+ 68. Farm Hordelalay - — 175 69. Ain Feradja 23 28 175-176 70. Kef el Keskas - - 176 71. Sidi Khanem - 177 72. Ain Sidi Mansour 23 20 177-178 73. Letourneux 23 31 179 71+. HIBBRNA ALAS SEBASTENAE 23 35 180-181 75. Sidi Keddour - - 182 76. near Ain Sidi Mansour - - 183 77. Boghar 21+ 8 181+ 78. KAI^IDUM 11+ 90 185-201 79. Ksar "bent el Solthan 1^. 98 202 80. Plateau de Hamadia 11+ 95 202 81. Ain Cheira 11^ 117 202 82. Kherha de Sfisifa 11+ 116 202-203 83. Ain ech Chema Ik 119 203 81+. Ain Tamda ih 83 2O3-2OU 85. Ain Aouina 11+ 9k 20U 86. Med^'edel 35 116 206 GUIDE TO THE LAY-OUT OF THE TffBSIS. VOLUME ONE 1. Notes and references together with any lists of information, are groirped together for convenience at the end of each chapter. 2. It has not Leen possfble to reduce the maps vmich accojiipany this volume to quarto size and still retain all the necessary detail.
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