ALBANIA CONDEMNS NIXON'S WAR ESCALATION All the Albanian people, the Govern- imperialism is the most savage and tricky The paper also points to the tremend- ment, the Party and the newspapers enemy of the people of Viet Nam and ous support of all the progressive people reacted very sharply to Nixon's new lndochina, and is set on turning the of the world for the Vietnamese people, escalation of the war in Viet Nam on whole of lndochina into a U.S. colony. especially the continuing support of December 18. "Zeri i Rinise," the paper of the People's China which is backing their GOVERNMENT STATEMENT Albanian youth, said that Nixon's dema- struggle powerfully, sincerely and in an The Government through the Foreign gogy about "ending the war in Viet Nam" all-round way. Ministry, issued a statement on December and his "desire for peace" were nothing TALK PEACE_MAKE WAR 23, pointing out that U.S. imperialism but big lies designed as part of his ln another article on December 20, the does not intend to give up its strategic election campaign to. win reelection to same paper writes that the latest escala- plans presidency. for Southeast Asia, which includes the He made many speeches tion again reveals Nixon's real face of a the permanent division of Viet Nam, and about end ing the wa r to f oo I the bloody and cunning aggressor. While he turning South Viet Nam, Laos and American people into voting for him. pours out a river of words about "peace" Cambodia into a permanent base of Then no sooner was the election over, and "ending the war " he actually was aggression against the peoples of Asia. than he gave the order to resume the intensifying the war. Nixon's puppet These barbarous air attacks against bombing and mining and escalate the war. Thieu has at the same time intensif ied his Hanoi and Haiphong are designed to NIXON CAN'T WIN BY terror campaign against the South Viet- achieve by brute force what the U.S. DIPLOMATIC TRICKERY namese patriots arresting and shooting couldn't gain by its machiavellian diplo- "Zeri i Popullit " the paper of the thousands, and systematically llquidating matic maneuvers. lt is designed to force Party of Labor, on December 22, pointed thousands more in his jails. people give the Vietnamese to up their out that Nixon's strategy is to try to gain But the heroic Vietnamese people are struggle and accept "American an Peace." at the conference table by trickery what waging victorious struggles, they are The Government Statement demands the U.S. imperialists have failed to win on invincible, and the U.S. air pirates are that the U.S. immediately stop all war the battlefield; then when they fail to paying dearly for their crimes. acts and get out of Viet Nam. lt reaff irms achieve their objective at the conference (cont. on pg. 4) Albania's all-out support for the Vietnam- table, they go back to the battlefield, ese people, and expresses confidence that, intensifying their aggression to a higher in unity with the peoples of Laos and leve l. Cambodia and with the aid of the Chinese ALBANIAN DIPLOMAT people and other people around the WOUNDED IN HANOI world, they will win the f inal victory. NIXON'S BIG LIES INDUSTRY SHIFTING BY U.S. BOMBING --Anany editorial articles have appea+ed TO BIGGER UNITS When American bombers battered the in the various Albanian newspapers residential areas of Hanoi and the Albania's industry has been steadily denouncing the brutal fascist violence of diplomatic quarters on October 1 1 two changing from small plants big plants, , the U.S. imperialists. "Luftetari " the to Albanian diplomatic personnel were and thus the degree of socialization of people's army newspaper said that U.S. wounded in the same bombardment industry has been increasing. which destroyed the French legation and ln 1963 only 167o of industrial killed the French Delegate-General, Pierre PRINCE SIHANOUK THANKS enterprises employed 500 or more work- Susin i. ers, while in 197 1 this f igure had jumped Oemal Rahmanah, Charge d'Affaires ALBANIA REPORT to 42o/o. a i. of the Albanian Embassy in Hanoi, Samdech Norodom Sihanouk, Chief of Counting the number of workers, in was in the French Legation visiting with State of Cambodia, sent the following 1963 about 50% were working in large M. Susini at the moment the bombs fell. telegram on November 2-7 to the editor of plants with 500 people, while in 197i Mr. Rahmanaj was wounded, but re- Albania Report'. this figure wasTO%. covered after treatment in a Vietnamese "My very warmest thanks to you a,s These larger production units facilitate hosp ita I . well as to the whole group of your better and more scientific organization Nazmi Cani, an Albanian driver courageous journal for the noble support and management, with more efficient use attached to the Embassy, was outside the which you are giving to the struggle of of material, f inancia I and labor resources. French Legation in his car, waiting for the Cambodian people STOP With high During the present five-year plan, this Mr. Rahmanaj when the bombs fell. He esteem, and cordially (signed) Norodom trend will be further advanced with the also was wounded. Sihanouk." building of such big facilities as the The Vietnamese Government sent a This message was in response to our Elbasan Steel Plant, the Fierza Hydro- message of regret to the Albanian Albania Report No. 17, July 1972, in power Project and the big Petrochemical Government over the incident, and which we reported on Prince Sihanouk's Plant, which are expected to be in showed great concern for the recovery of visit to Albania. operation by 1975. the Albanian personnel. JOYOUS CELEBRATTON OF NATIONAL DAY Albania's National Day this year was the Ottoman Turks, the Balkan chauvin- rested in the hands of the patriotic joyfulness celebrated with unprecedented ists, the ltalian fascists and the, German people, organized into a national libera- all over the country, and also in many Nazis. All were,defeated and driven out in tion army by the Albanian Communist parts of the world. time by the heroic Albanian people, arms Party under the leadership of Enver The Albanians have a double holiday in hand. This proves that no matter how Hoxha. 28,OOO men and women gave up on th is occasion, November 28 and small a country may be, if the people are their lives in that liberation struggle. November 29. The first commemorates determined to make every necessary PEOPLE'S POWER ESTABLISHED the 60th anniversary of the day, Novem- sacrif ice, they can triumph over any The new People's Power was set up on ber 28, 1912, when the patriotic enemy, no matter how great and the basis of an alliance between the Albanian revolutionaries led by lsmail powerful it may be. working class, the working peasantry, the Oemali raised the national flag for the SCANDERBEG'S GR EAT VICTOR I ES patriotic intellectuals. The reactionary first time and proclaimed the independ- The victory of the independence exploiting classes and feudals wer€ not ence of Albania as a nation from the struggle in 1912 goes back to the 15th allowed to come back on the coat-tails of oppressive 500-year rule of the Ottoman century national imperialist armies power Empire. when the hero Scander- the and take beg united all the Albanian clans for a once again to oppress the people. The raising of the f lag, and the setting brilliant war of resistance against the Today the country is celebrating the up for a revolutionary council, took place mighty armies of the Ottomon Sultans, great advances made in socialist con- in the city of Vlora, in the South. The which outnumbered the Albanian forces struction and the well-being of the square where Oemali raised the flag is a ten to one. For 25 years, until his death, people, despite the imperialist blockade national shrine, and is called Flag Square. Scanderbeg led the Albanian people to and the treachery of the Khrushchov This year, as part of the 1972 celebra- great victories, defeating the Turks time revisionists. All around the world, the tions, a heroic monument to the fighters and time again, and incidentally saving waves of revolution are on the rise. But for independence was erected and dedi- the rest of Europe from being over-run by the two super-powers have formed a cated in the square by the leaders of the the Ottoman Empire. criminal alliance to divide the world Party of Labor. After Scanderbeg's death, the Turks between them and suppress revolution. NATIONAL LIBERATION WAR finally did manage to gai'n control of the FOREIGN POLICY STAND The second day of the national country, but the Albanian patriots never The speeches stress the great friend- holiday marks the victory of the Albanian laid down their arms and never stopped ship and cooperation between China and people in the National Liberation War fighting a guerrilla war until the general Albania; full support for the Vietnamese and the setting up of People's Power on uprising of 1912 and the proclamation of people in their struggle for national November 29, 1944. That day the last of independence by lsmail Oemali. The f lag liberation against U.S. imperialism; and the nazi German invaders were driven out that Oemali raised on that day in the full support for the Arab and Palestinian of the country by the national liberation square of Vlora was the same f lag used by people.
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