Nanova Environmental, Inc. THEORETICALLY DETECTABLE COMPOUNDS FOR NOVAPID (10.6 EV) Updated on 06/30/2020 NO. COUMPOUND FORMULA ALTERNATE NAME CAS # IE (eV) 1 Acetaldehyde C2H4O Acetic aldehyde; Ethyl Aldehyde; Ethanal 75-07-0 10.23 Chloroacetaldehyde; Monochloroacetaldehyde; 2-Chloro-1-ethanal; 2- 2 Acetaldehyde, chloro- C2H3ClO 107-20-0 10.48 Chloroacetaldehyde; Chloroethanal ; 2-Chloroethanal 3 Acetamide C2H5NO Ethanamide; Acetic acid amide; Methanecarboxamide 60-35-5 9.69 4 Acetic acid, butyl ester C6H12O2 n-Butyl acetate; Butyl acetate; Butyl ethanoate; 1-Butyl acetate 123-86-4 9.92 Chloroacetic acid ethyl ester; Ethyl α-chloroacetate; Ethyl chloroacetate; 5 Acetic acid, chloro-, ethyl ester C4H7ClO2 Ethyl chloroethanoate; Ethyl monochloracetate; Ethyl 105-39-5 10.2 monochloroacetate; Ethyl chloracetate; Ethylester kyseliny chloroctove Acetic acid, tert-Butyl ester; tert-Butyl acetate; t-Butyl acetate; tert-Butyl 6 Acetic acid, 1,1-dimethylethyl ester C6H12O2 540-88-5 9.7 ethanoate; TLA; Acetic acid t-butyl ester; 1,1-Dimethylethyl acetate Vinyl acetate; Ethenyl acetate, Ethenyl ethanoate, Acetic acid vinyl ester, 7 Acetic acid ethenyl ester C4H6O2 108-05-4 9.19 Vinyl ethanoate, Acetoxyethene 8 Acetic acid, methyl ester C3H6O2 Methyl acetate; Devoton; Tereton 79-20-9 10.25 Ethyl trichloroacetate; Acetic acid, ester with trichloroethanol; Acetic 9 Acetic acid, trichloro-, ethyl ester C4H5Cl3O2 515-84-4 10.44 acid, 2,2,2-trichloroethyl ester; Trichloroethyl acetate Acetic acid, anhydride; Acetic oxide; Acetyl anhydride; Acetyl ether; 10 Acetic anhydride C4H6O3 108-24-7 10.0 Acetyl oxide; Ethanoic anhydride DMK; 2-Propanone; Dimethyl ketone; Dimethylformaldehyde; Methyl 11 Acetone C3H6O 67-64-1 9.7 ketone; Propanone; Ethanone, 1-phenyl-; Acetophenon; Benzoyl methide; Hypnon; 12 Acetophenone C8H8O Hypnone; Methyl phenyl ketone; Phenyl methyl ketone; 1- 98-86-2 9.28 Phenylethanone; Acetylbenzene; ACP Ethanone, 2-chloro-1-phenyl-; α-Chloroacetophenone; α-Phenacyl chloride; Chloromethyl phenyl ketone; CAF; CN; Phenacyl chloride; Phenyl chloromethyl ketone; 1-Chloroacetophenone; 2- 13 Acetophenone, 2-chloro- C8H7ClO Chloroacetophenone; Chloroacetophenone; CAP; Chloracetophenone; 2- 532-27-4 9.44 Chloro-1-phenylethanone; Mace; (2-Chloro-1-oxoethyl)benzene; 1- Phenyl-2-chloro-1-ethanone; Benzoylmethyl chloride; a- Chloroacetophenone 14 Acetyl bromide C2H3BrO 506-96-7 10.24 2,4-Pentanedione; Acetoacetone; Diacetylmethane; Pentane-2,4-dione; 15 Acetylacetone C5H8O2 123-54-6 8.85 2-Propanone, acetyl-; 2,4-Dioxopentane; 2,4-Pentadione; ACAC NO. COUMPOUND FORMULA ALTERNATE NAME CAS # IE (eV) Acrydine; Benzo[b]quinoline; Dibenzo[b,e]pyridine; 10-Azaanthracene; 16 Acridine C13H9N 260-94-6 7.8 2,3-Benzoquinoline; 9-Azaanthracene; Akridin 17 Allene C3H4 Propadiene; 1,2-Propadiene; sym-Allylene; Dimethylenemethane 463-49-0 9.69 1-Propene, 3-chloro-; Propene, 3-chloro-; 1-Chloro-2-propene; 2- 18 Allyl chloride C3H5Cl Propenyl chloride; 3-Chloro-1-propene; 3-Chloropropene; 3- 107-05-1 10.05 Chloropropylene; 3-Chloropropene Pyridin-2-amine; 2-Pyridinamine; 2-Pyridylamine; α-Aminopyridine; α- 19 2-Aminopyridine C5H6N2 504-29-0 8.1 Pyridyl amine 20 Ammonia NH3 7664-41-7 10.07 Benzenamine; Aminobenzene; Aminophen; Anyvim; Benzene, amino-; 21 Aniline C6H7N 62-53-3 7.72 Blue Oil (Methylamino)benzene; Benzenamine, N-methyl-; Anilinomethane; Methylphenylamine; N-Methylaniline; N-Methylbenzenamine; N- 22 Aniline, N-methyl- C7H9N Methylphenylamine; N-Monomethylaniline; N-Phenylmethylamine; N- 100-61-8 7.38 Methylaminobenzene; Monomethylaniline; Methylaniline; Benzeneamine, N-methyl- Benzene, methoxy-; Anizol; Methoxybenzene; Methyl phenyl ether; 23 Anisole C7H8O 100-66-3 8.2 Phenyl methyl ether; Ether, methyl phenyl- Arsenic trihydride; Arsenic hydride; Arseniuretted hydrogen; Arsenous 24 Arsine AsH3 7784-42-1 10.58 hydride; Hydrogen arsenide Propyleneimine; Propylenimine; 1,2-Propylenimine; 2-Methylaziridine; 2- 25 Aziridine, 2-methyl- C3H7N Methylethylenimine; 2-Methylazacyclopropane; Methylethylenimine; 75-55-8 9.0 Methylaziridine; 1,2-Propyleneimine; Benzenecarbonal; Benzenecarboxaldehyde; Benzoic aldehyde; 26 Benzaldehyde C7H6O 100-52-7 9.5 Phenylmethanal; Phenylmethanal benzenecarboxaldehyde 2,4-Xylidine; m-Xylidine; 1-Amino-2,4-dimethylbenzene; 2,4- Dimethylaniline; 4-Amino-1,3-dimethylbenzene; 4-Amino-1,3-xylene; 2,4- 27 Benzenamine, 2,4-dimethyl- C8H11N Dimethylbenzeneamine; m-4-Xylidine; Aniline, 2,4-dimethyl-; 2-Methyl- 95-68-1 7.65 p-toluidine; 2,4-Dimethylbenzenamine; 4-Amino-3-methyltoluene; 4- Methyl-o-toluidine; 2,4-Dimethylphenylamine; 2,4-Xylylamine Aniline, N,N-dimethyl-; (Dimethylamino)benzene; Dimethylaniline; 28 Benzenamine, N,N-dimethyl- C8H11N 121-69-7 7.12 Dimethylphenylamine; N,N-Dimethylaniline p-Anisidine; p-Aminoanisole; p-Anisylamine; p-Methoxyaniline; p- Methoxyphenylamine; 4-Aminoanisole; 4-Anisidine; 4-Methoxyaniline; 4- 29 Benzenamine, 4-methoxy- C7H9NO Methoxybenzenamine; 4-Methoxybenzeneamine; Aniline, p-methoxy-; 104-94-9 7.08 Anisole, p-amino-; 1-Amino-4-methoxybenzene; 4-Methoxy-1- aminobenzene; Anisidine 30 Benzene C6H6 71-43-2 9.24 NO. COUMPOUND FORMULA ALTERNATE NAME CAS # IE (eV) Cumene; Cumol; Isopropylbenzene; 2-Phenylpropane; (1- Methylethyl)benzene; Isopropylbenzol; Benzene, isopropyl-; Cumeen; 31 Benzene, (1-methylethyl)- C9H12 98-82-8 8. 73 Isopropilbenzene; Isopropylbenzeen; Propane, 2-phenyl-; 2- Fenilpropano; 2-Fenyl-propaan enzene, isobutyl-; Isobutylbenzene; 2-Methyl-1-phenylpropane; (2- 32 Benzene, (2-methylpropyl)- C10H14 Methylpropyl)benzene; i-Butylbenzene; 1-Phenylisobutane; 1-Phenyl-2- 538-93-2 8.71 methylpropane α,α,α-Trifluorotoluene; (Trifluoromethyl)benzene; Benzenyl fluoride; 33 Benzene, (trifluoromethyl)- C7H5F3 98-08-8 9.68 Benzotrifluoride; Benzylidyne fluoride; Phenylfluoroform Toluene, p-bromo-; p-Bromotoluene; p-Methylbromobenzene; p- Methylphenyl bromide; p-Tolyl bromide; 1-Bromo-4-methylbenzene; 4- 34 Benzene, 1-bromo-4-methyl- C7H7Br Bromo-1-methylbenzene; 4-Bromotoluene; 4-Methyl-1-bromobenzene; 106-38-7 8.68 4-Methylbromobenzene; 4-Methylphenyl bromide; 1-Methyl-4- bromobenzene; Parabromotoluene; 4-Tolyl bromide Toluene, m-bromo-; m-Bromotoluene; m-Methylbromobenzene; m- Tolyl bromide; 1-Bromo-3-methylbenzene; 3-Bromo-1-methylbenzene; 35 Benzene, 1-bromo-3-methyl- C7H7Br 591-17-3 8.77 3-Bromotoluene; 3-Methyl-1-bromobenzene; 3-Methylbromobenzene; 5-Bromotoluene Toluene, o-bromo-; o-Bromotoluene; o-Tolyl bromide; 1-Bromo-2- methylbenzene; 2-Bromotoluene; 2-Methylbromobenzene; 2-Tolyl 36 Benzene, 1-bromo-2-methyl- C7H7Br 95-46-5 8.56 bromide; o-Methylphenyl bromide; 1-Methyl-2-bromobenzene; 2- Bromo-1-methylbenzene Chlorobenzene; Monochlorobenzene; MCB; Phenyl Chloride; Benzene 37 Benzene, chloro- C6H5Cl 108-90-7 9.07 chloride; Chlorbenzene; Chlorobenzol o-Chlorofluorobenzene; o-Fluorochlorobenzene; 1-Chloro-2- 38 Benzene, 1-chloro-2-fluoro- C6H4ClF 348-51-6 9.18 fluorobenzene; 1-Fluoro-2-chlorobenzene; 2-Chlorofluorobenzene m-Chlorofluorobenzene; m-Fluorochlorobenzene; 1-Chloro-3- 39 Benzene, 1-chloro-3-fluoro- C6H4ClF 625-98-9 9.22 fluorobenzene; 1-Fluoro-3-chlorobenzene; 3-Chlorofluorobenzene o-Chloroiodobenzene; o-Iodochlorobenzene; 1-Chloro-2-iodobenzene; 40 Benzene, 1-chloro-2-iodo- C6H4ClI 615-41-8 8.4 2-Chloroiodobenzene; 2-Chlorophenyl iodide; 2-Iodochlorobenzene Toluene, p-chloro-; p-Chlorotoluene; p-Tolyl chloride; 1-Chloro-4- 41 Benzene, 1-chloro-4-methyl- C7H7Cl methylbenzene; 4-Chloro-1-methylbenzene; 4-Chlorotoluene; 1-Methyl- 106-43-4 8.69 4-chlorobenzene; 4-Tolyl chloride; 4-Methylphenyl chloride Toluene, m-chloro-; m-Chlorotoluene; m-Tolyl chloride; 1-Methyl-3- 42 Benzene, 1-chloro-3-methyl- C7H7Cl chlorobenzene; 3-Chloro-1-methylbenzene; 3-Chlorotoluene; 1-Chloro- 108-41-8 8.7 3-methylbenzene; meta-Chlorotoluene; 1-Chloro-5-methylbenzene NO. COUMPOUND FORMULA ALTERNATE NAME CAS # IE (eV) Toluene, o-chloro-; o-Chlorotoluene; o-Tolyl chloride; 1-Methyl-2- chlorobenzene; 2-Chloro-1-methylbenzene; 2-Chlorotoluene; 1-Chloro- 43 Benzene, 1-chloro-2-methyl- C7H7Cl 95-49-8 8.72 2-methylbenzene ; ortho-Chlorotoluene; Halso 99; 2- Methylchlorobenzene p-Chloronitrobenzene, p-Nitrophenyl chloride, 1-Chloro-4- nitrobenzene; PNCB; 1-Nitro-4-chlorobenzene; 4-Chloro-1- 44 Benzene, 1-chloro-4-nitro- C6H4ClNO2 100-00-5 9.99 nitrobenzene; 4-Chloronitrobenzene; 4-Nitro-1-chlorobenzene; 4- Nitrochlorobenzene p-Aminoaniline; p-Benzenediamine; p-Diaminobenzene; p- 45 1,4-Benzenediamine C6H8N2 Phenylenediamine; 1,4-Diaminobenzene; 1,4-Phenylenediamine; 4- 106-50-3 6.87 Aminoaniline; PPD; p-Fenylendiamin; Paraphenylen-diamine Benzene, p-dichloro-; p-Chlorophenyl chloride; p-Dichlorobenzene; 1,4- 46 Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- C6H4Cl2 106-46-7 8.92 Dichlorobenzene 47 Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- C6H4Cl2 Benzene, m-dichloro-; m-Dichlorobenzene; 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 9.1 48 Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- C6H4Cl2 Benzene, o-dichloro-; o-Dichlorobenzene; ; 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 9.06 Benzene, o-difluoro-; o-Difluorobenzene; 1,2-Difluorobenzene; ortho- 49 Benzene, 1,2-difluoro- C6H4Cl2 367-11-3 9.29 Difluorobenzene 50 Benzene, 1,3-difluoro- C6H4Cl2 Benzene, m-difluoro-; m-Difluorobenzene; 1,3-Difluorobenzene 372-18-9 9.33 51 Benzene, 1,4-difluoro- C6H4Cl2 Benzene, p-difluoro-; p-Difluorobenzene; 1,4-Difluorobenzene 540-36-3 9.16 Styrene, m-ethyl-; m-Ethylstyrene; m-Ethylvinylbenzene; m- Vinylethylbenzene; 1-Vinyl-3-ethylbenzene; 3-Vinylethylbenzene; m- 52 Benzene, 1-ethenyl-3-ethyl- C10H12 7525-62-4 8.35 Ethyl vinylbenzen; 3-Ethylstyrene; 1-Ethenyl-3-ethylbenzene; 3-Ethyl-1- ethenyl benzene;

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