ITEM 7 February 2010 Be Healthy Select Committee Report www.milton-keynes.gov.uk (77)1 of 22 Introduction Be Healthy is one of the five Every Child Matters outcomes. Five aims are set out for Be Healthy in the Every Child Matters framework. These are: . Physically healthy . Mentally and emotionally healthy . Sexually healthy . Healthy lifestyles . Choose not to take illegal drugs The Annual Performance Assessment (2008) conducted by Ofsted judged performance against the Be Healthy outcome to be adequate (2). Two areas for development were identified, these were: 1. Teenage conceptions are higher than average. A consistent trend has not yet been established. 2. Substance misuse services are underdeveloped and a lower proportion of young people are in treatment than the regional average. This report seeks to provide: 1. Information on the current programmes being delivered by Milton Keynes Council and its partners to improve children and young people’s health and well being. This information is set out against each of the five aims. 2. An update on the progress made on the areas for development identified in the Annual Performance Assessment. 3. A summary of most recent health related behaviour questionnaire conducted in 2009 with 1043 young people in years 8 and 10 in Milton Keynes. The committee is asked to comment on the report and make any recommendations as appropriate. The Children and Young People’s Plan (available at www.mkchildrenstrust.org) and the Children and Young People’s Services Improvement Plan contain details of action plans for all the Every Child Matters outcomes. The Be Healthy priorities are: All children and young people whatever their backgrounds and needs, however complex, are at their optimal level of fitness and health and knowledgeable about how to keep themselves that way. All children and young people are able to access a wide range of quality services, opportunities and leisure activities to ensure their emotional and physical well being. Maternity services have been subject to recent in depth scrutiny through the Milton Keynes Children’s Trust and the Milton Keynes Council Health and Community Well Being Select Committee and therefore are not covered in this report. (78)2 of 22 Section 1 Current programmes being delivered by Milton Keynes Council and its partners to improve children and young people’s health and well being. Physically healthy Addressing childhood obesity The results of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) shown below for academic year 2008/09 have now been released and show that in Milton Keynes whilst rates of obesity remain high, they have fallen compared to the previous year. Figures for Milton Keynes are also lower than national averages, particularly for Year 6 pupils. Academic year National MK National MK National MK 2006/07 2006/07 2007/08 2007/08 2008/09 2008/09 Obesity rate in Reception 9.9% 10.1% 9.6 % 13.9% 9.6% 9.4% Year Children (NI 55) Obesity rate in Year 6 17.5% 17.7% 18.3% 16.1% 18.3% 15.9% children (NI 56) Statistically, it is too early to assess any trends in local obesity prevalence. However, the impression is of around average levels of obesity in Reception year children and below average levels of obesity in Year 6 pupils. However, 1 in 6 Year 6 pupils is clinically obese and likely to progress to become an obese adult. The statistical robustness of NCMP data requires a high percentage of eligible children to be measured each year. In 2008/9, measurements occurred in 82% of eligible children. Whilst this is high enough to ensure data validity, it is below the national target of 85%. During 2009/10, efforts are being made to improve to meet the target. Since September 2009, the community weight management programme Motiv8 has been delivered for children aged 5 to 16 years. Motiv8 is a joint funded programme between NHS Milton Keynes and the MK Dons Sport and Education Trust working in partnership with the Schools Sports Partnership and Milton Keynes Council. Since September three courses have been completed, with another three starting in January 2010. Plans are underway for another six throughout the year. The programme is aimed at overweight children aged 5 to 16 years is spilt into three age groups; 5-7s, 8-11s and 12-16s. Led by fully trained professionals in physical activity and in Dietetics, families take part in 10 weeks of activities, during the family based intervention scheme. There is an emphasis on fun, practical learning, designed to enable sustainable improvements in families’ diets, fitness levels and overall health. The Motiv8 brand is currently being developed in order to increase awareness and understanding of the programme. Immunisation A newly established immunisations review group has been established by NHS MK to continue to increase the take up of immunisations. There will be a particular focus on working (79)3 of 22 with GPs in areas of inequalities. Most recent data is for Quarter 1 (April to June 2009) and indicate that Milton Keynes continues to be above national average for England: Primary immunisations course at 12 months Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) MK 2009/10 Quarter 1 93.2% MK 2009/10 Quarter 1 89.6% National 2009/10 Quarter 1 91.9% National 2009/10 Quarter 1 86.3% Participation in sports The PE and Sport Strategy for Young People (PESSYP) is a government initiative which aims to get more children and young people taking part in high quality PE and sport. The original Public Service Agreement target was for 85% of all pupils to undertake 2 hours of curriculum PE and Sport per week by 2008. Performance in 2008/09 for Milton Keynes compared to national figures was as below: Year groups Years 1 – 11 Years 1 – 13 MK MK NA MK MK NA target Actual actual target actual actual 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 % pupils undertaking 2 hours 93% 92% 91% New 86% 77% curriculum PE % pupils undertaking 2 hours New 46% 51% New 44% 50% PE and 1 hour optional sport In Milton Keynes, participation in curriculum sport for Years 1-11 (as per the current LAA measure) has risen from 91% in July 2008 to 92% in July 2009 (against a target of 93%) and has continued to exceed the national average, which has increased to 81%. However, for the new survey measure of participation in two hours curriculum plus one hour out of hours school sport, Milton Keynes’ performance is less than national averages. The PE and Sport Strategy for Young People is now focussed on the 2012 London Olympic Games, and its capacity to motivate increasing numbers of children and young people to take up and maintain their participation in PE and wider sporting opportunities. Building on its vision for school sport, the Government’s aim for 2008-11 is that, in addition to at least 2 hours per week of high quality PE and Sport in school for all 5-16 year olds, all children and young people aged 5-19 will be offered opportunities to participate in a further 3 hours per week of sporting activities provided through schools, Further Education (FE) colleges, clubs and community providers. Challenging targets are being proposed around this 5 hour offer and a strategic group is being established to address the issues which may affect the attainment of the targets. The issues to be considered are: . Current capacity of the coaching workforce . Current capacity of teachers to support delivery . The availability of affordable facilities . Lack of knowledge about opportunity within the sporting community Through the Under 16 and Over 60 Free Swimming Programme, children and young people have accessed 89,261 free swimming sessions during 2009/10. Participation in the free swimming scheme for both age groups has also meant that Milton Keynes has been awarded capital funding to enable modernisation and improvement of pool provision (modernisation of (80)4 of 22 Middleton Pool, the modernisation of Woughton Leisure Centre and the Stantonbury Campus Pool modernisation project). Extended services Extended services contribute to Be Healthy outcome by enabling children and young people to access a wide range of high quality out of schools activities. The extended services team works in partnership with clusters of schools to ensure that there is a full ‘core offer’ of extended services for each school. Activities that support the health and wellbeing of pupils include before school provision, for example breakfast clubs and physical activity sessions including ‘wake up, shake up’, after school clubs providing sport and physical activity, holiday provision including sport and physical activity sessions whether delivered on school sites or signposted to local providers. To facilitate this, extended services work closely in partnership with Sports Development and providers across Milton Keynes including MK Dons Sports and Education Trust, Premier Sports, Sportszone Academy and Elite Sports. Examples of extended services provision include: . Woughton Schools Fitness Week: This took place during June/July 2009 with 10 partner agencies involved, providing 20 different physical activities over 281 hours to children from all 10 first schools and primary schools in the Woughton Cluster. In 2010 all 11 schools that make up the Woughton Cluster will participate. Project partners include schools, School Sports Partnership. A summer 2009 programme of sport was delivered to the Oakgrove cluster in partnership with the local Parish Council, School Sports Partnership and Safer MK. 55 students aged 8 to 15 years took part in the summer sports programme with some participating in more than one sport. The partnership will continue to provide sport and physical activity sessions to the Oakgrove cluster every school holiday.
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