20184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- ~ HOUSE August 18- EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS The Middle Ground of a Midwest ting one against the other is a futile en-. men1;-have burgeoned so as to cast a huge deavor. Instead, the real challenge comes shadow over freedom of expression-and Republican in making our society, founded and built with the exercise of only a fraction of their with the individual as its chief concern, power potential. Their economic impact EXTENSION OF REMARKS better able to cope with the personal, politi­ upon the American way of life is so great cal, and philosophical problems we all must that even their implied interest is sumctent OJ' face. to infiuence the course of public and private Throughout our history, we Americans events. This infiuence is easily detected in HON. FRED SCHWENGEL have taken great pride in our individualism. positions taken by certain public opinion OJ' IOWA Necessarily, this national characteristic was journals. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rugged in nature in the early days of the Government, acting dlllgently but with Republic. Pioneers struggling to develop a discretion, can prevent excessive concentra­ Tuesday, August 18, 1964 new land more often than not had only tion of infiuence. Reasonable enforcement Mr. SCHWENGEL. Mr. Speaker, as themselves to rely upon and be concerned of antitrust laws, for instance, keeps the size one who ha.s pleaded the cause of mod­ about. of individual economic units consistent with eration in political thought and action But as vlllages grew into cities and cities the size of the industry as a whole. In this into metropolises, we built a society that way, a monopoly of power is avoided and for some time, I was especially pleased changed the posture of our individualism. the vital interplay of varied interests in our to read the position paper of CoNGREss­ American Government, as originally con­ private enterprise system 1s preserved. MAN ROBERT TAFT, Jr., "The Middle ceived, was dedicated to promoting the gen­ Technological advance has created a dif­ Ground of a Midwest Republican," which eral welfare of all citizens at all times. It ferent kind of danger. It is implied in the appears in the August 22 issue of the laid the foundation of equal opportunity need for licensing limitations on the number Saturday Review of Literature. upon which we all might bull~ as individ­ of radio and television stations. Hopefully, uals seeking success, satisfaction, and se­ this governmental prerogative has not been Congressman TAFT's scholarly defense curity. Thus did we acquire the national of the moderate approach in the "per­ misused. But the temptation and danger trait of responsible individualism, in which inherent 1n it are ever present. The need petuation and preservation of respon­ the freedom of each man is guaranteed for and size of worldwide news services and sible individualism" provides guidelines through the freedom of all men. national publications present a slmllar po­ for the role of government in meeting As our Nation prospered, though, the im­ tential for control of information upon which the complex problems of the day. portance of the individual seemed to wane. pub11c and private conduct is based. This As a Midwest Republican who believes We became a "big" society, with "big" bust­ ness, "big" labor, "big" government. Hu­ danger is particularly acute in the case of that the middle ground provides the man values slowly but steadily were sup­ th.) rewrite man, who can infringe on in­ proper climate for the calm wisdom planted by material values. Property rather dividual freedom even when the original which must prevail in this age when an than person was placed on the pedestal of reporting is responsible. Only a vigilant unthinking decision can-literally­ pride. As our society grew bigger and our and vocal citizenry can provide adequate mean the end of all life on earth, I find values became more material, expressed and protection against the potential misuse of this treatise by our distinguished col­ implied controls became an impediment to vast powers of influence possessed by pub11c the exercise of individualism. information media. league, CONGRESSMAN TAFT, all the more Equally important is a pub11c demand for valuable in spelling out the proper course Today the world is divided over the propo­ sition that a system based upon a minimum full disclosure of essential facts for public for now and the future. of external authority over each individual, scrutiny. All too often, m111tary and diplo­ In bringing these remarks to the at­ consistent with the freedom of others from matic excuses tend to cover up bungling or tention of my colleagues, I am prompted such authority, is indeed feasible and de­ failure. The American public is entitled to to pay tribute to the able legislator from sirable. I believe deeply that it is both. decide its own fate, and essential to this Ohio whose credentials are considerable It is oversimplification to say that the process of freedom is open and candid pres­ as the son of "Mr. Republican," the late United States, the Western World, and their entation of the pertinent facts, within the Robert Taft, who served in the U.S. Sen­ institutions are wholly on one side or the bounds of national security. Frequently the other in this contest. Many political de­ complexity of issues causes citizens to accept ate from 1939 to 1953, and as the grand­ velopments and policies in the so-called pat answers willingly. Responsible tndlvld­ son of William Howard Taft who was liberal sphere of American life today move ualism demands their rejection. President of the United States from 1909 toward authoritarianism and away from in­ Preservation of free thought must be ac­ to 1913. In perpetuation of the Taft dividualism. The same can be said for the companied by a renewed tolerance of non­ leadership in national politics, RoBERT announced objectives and methods of certain conformity. Historically, the use of instinc­ TAFT, Jr., is presently Congressman at "conservative" groups. tive imagination and initiative has enabled Large from Ohio and is a candidate for If we are to make progress in restoring us to escape from established problem pat­ the U.S. Senate. His election in Novem­ responsible lndlvldualism to its historic posi­ terns and find adequate solutions. Hesita­ tion in America, llpservtce wm not suffice. tion enveloped in the fear of public rebuke ber will return the Taft influence to the There must be a renaissance of applied ethi­ inhibits the discovery of new ways and de­ U.S. Senate and give the body another cal precepts that are its integral and essential prives all of us of the products of our native moderate voice to consider issues of the parts. If they are to be reestablished and ingenuity. day with the calm wisdom which is so reinforced, each person must accept account­ Formal and informal education, primarily, necessary. abillty for the freedom of all others. In carry the respons1b111ty for preserving thought Under leave to extend my remarks, I this spirit, we can adopt a responsible ap­ and tolerance. And education can best be place the article by Congressman RoBERT proach to the problems that threaten the kept strong and stimulating by encouraging TAFT, of Ohio, "The Middle Ground of a constituent parts of freedom. its decentralization through local direction, Midwest Republican," in the _RECORD: These precepts must win ready and con­ local financing, and local control. Special tinued acceptance in the minds of most, if Federal programs and financing and the in­ THE MIDDLE GROUND OJ' A MIDWEST not all, of our citizens. They must become creasing growth of public colleges and unt­ REPUBLICAN dominant once more, not only in the actions versltles, as compared to private institutions, (By RoBERT TAFl', JR.) of our political leaders but in the affairs of point up the possible danger in our present The stampede of American polltical our educational, business, professional, and course. thought toward the poles of "conservatism" religious leaders. And this must take place Our acceptance of the principle of equal­ on the one hand and "liberalism" on the not only in our public life as a nation but in ity of opportunity, so basic to responsible other must be halted. Rigidity at both ends all segments of private society as well. individualism, implies underlying govern­ of the spectrum has become a refuge for Most vital to an individualistic· society is mental responsib111ty for primary and sec­ lazy minds and volatile emotions. It bars the precept of free expression, one th_at has ondary educa tlon. From this belief came our new approaches and stifies new ideas; it been nurtured slowly in Anglo-American public school system. But local control and ignores time-taught truths. As a result, it history. It 1s threatened today in several suppor1r-plus the competition of private in­ fails to answer the questions raised by dy­ ways. stitutions-have promoted freedom of namic changes in human relationships. The mere size and power of our institutions thought and variance of views. Both the liberal tradltlon of applying un­ pose serious danger. Perhaps this concen­ The trend toward uniform standards and tried concepts and the conservative tradition tration of infiuence 1s made necessary by methods, urged by education associations of relying on established tenets are essential the economics of our times. But these in­ and backed by Federal money, has been evi­ to the continued progress-and even sur­ stitutions--business and industry, organized denced 1n passage of the National Defense vival--of Western clvlllzatlon. Simply pit- labor, modern agriculture, groWing govern- Education Act and other Federal and State 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 20185 support programs.
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