V 10 ^^ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Library No. 30 (Edition 2) Bibliographical Contributions December 1940 REFERENCES ON THE GREAT LAKES-SAINT LAWRENCE WATERWAY PROJECT By Anne C. Chew and Arthur C. Churchill Under the direction of Everett E. Edwards Bureau of Agricultural Economics Washington, D. C. PREFACE The continued interest in the possibilities of a Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River seaway has prompted the preparation of the present bibliography. The first edition was issued with the same title in October 1936. It, in turn, was preceded in Novem- ber 1932 by a list entitled "References on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Project" (53 P»» typewritten). To insure completeness, the card catalogs of the Library of Congress and the Library of the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture have been systematically consulted, and the following in- dexes have been used: Agricultural Index, 1916—1939 T Con- gressional Record Index , January 1933-July 1939 > Industrial Arts Index , I9I3-I93S; International Index to_ Periodicals , 1920- November 1939; New Yo rk Times Index , 193^--November 1939; Poole 's Index to Periodical Literature » 1882-1906; Public Affairs Informa- tion Service , 1954-1939; Readers ' Guide to Periodical Literature , 1 1900-1939; Readers Guide to Periodical Literature Supplement , 1907-19195 u « S. Superintendent of Documents, Monthly Catalog of United States Public Documents , 193^-193^? Writings on Ameri- can History , l9Q6~1955. Everett E# Edwards Agricultural Economist Bureau of Agricultural Economics iii CONTENTS Bibliographies . 1 General "background references 3 Documents Canada 10 United States 13 State and provincial 29 Books and pamphlets 32 Articles Ug Special topics Georgian Bay Canal , , 1U5 Lake levels problem • , ikZ Sault Ste, Marie Canal , l6l We Hand Canal , l66 Index , 173 _ v ~ BIBLIOGRAPHIES The references in this "bibliography have "been checked -with those given . in the "bibliographies here cited. Tor guides to ,the. ma^.n debates on the subject as printed in the Congressional Record, see Citations 1-2, 5, 9- [ ., BADEN, ANNE S., compiler. List of speeches, etc., oh waterways in the United States as printed in the Congressional Record, 193^—1938. Compiled under the direction of Miss Florence St Hellman, 18 p»» mimeog. [Washington, D. C.] Division of Bibliography, Library of Congress. May 26, 1938. BROWN, ANN DUNCAN, compiler. The St. Lawrence navigation and power project: a list of references (supplementing the mimeographed list, August 30, I932). l6 p., mimeog.. Washington, D. C, Library of Congress. 193^» \. Contents to be noted: Books, pamphlets, etc., p» 1-6. Articles in periodicals, p; 6-12. Speeches, etc., as printed in the Congressional Record, p. 13-16. CSONTOSi M.-'B.,'. compiler. Documentary background of the St. Lawrence waterway treaty. 46 p. Albany, Legislative Reference Section, New York State Library. October 1935.. • . Comments! Not examined, FULLER, GRACE HAD LEY, compiler. Waterways in the United States: a - • selected list of recent references. U3 p., mimeog. [Washington, D, C.] Division of Bibliography, Library of Congress. May 12, 193S. • HELLMAN, FLORENCE S., compiler.. The St. Lawrence -navigation and power project: a list of recent references. p., mimeog. [Washing- ton, D. C] Division of Bibliography, Library of Congress, ' Aug. 30, I932. " Contents ' to -be . noted: t Bibliographies, p. 1, Books, pamphlets, etc., p. 2-10. Articles in periodicals, p. 11-22. Speeches, etc., as printed in the Congressional Record, p. 23-28. Author index, p. 29-3I... .- JOHNSSN, JULIA EMILY, compiler. St. Lawrence river ship canal,. Briefs, references and reprints of selected articles on both sides of the question. (The reference shelf... v. 1, no.. 3). 7^ p. New York City, H. W. Wilson Co. [1922]. Contents to be noted: Introduction, p. I-3. Brief on the proposition, Resolved: That the United States should jointly improve the St.. Lawrence JOHNSEN, JULIA EMILY, compiler. Continued. River between Lake Ontario and Montreal for navigation and power, in accordance with the recommendation of the International Joint Commission, p. k~~f . Bibliography (general references; affirma- tive references; negative references), p. 8-I7. Reprints of articles -on the subject, p. 19-7^« St.. Luvror.ee River ship canal. ( Supplementary -to Reference Shelf, v. 1, no. 3). (The reference shelf, v. U, no. U) . 129 p. New York:, H. W. Wilson Co. I926. • (7) Contents to be noted: : Introduction, p. 3~^« Brief on the nror>osition, Resolved: Ths*t the .United States and Canada should jointly improve the St. .4 Lawrence River between Lake Ontario and Montreal for navigation v: end ''power, in accordance with the recommendations of the Inter- national Investigating Commission, p. 7~15» Bibliography, p. I7-3O. Reprints of articles on the subject, p. ~$1~I2C). THOMPSON, S. A. Source material on waterways. Special Libraries l6.:.U9-51.. February 1?25. 2U3.8 SP3 (8) Comments: "Material favoring the St. Lawrence River project may be ob- tained from the Great Lakes-St. La??rence Tidewater Assn., Sellwood Bldg., Duluth, Minn.; material in opposition thereto from Senator W. E. Gibbs, Buffalo, N. Y., chairman of the New York State Com- mission Opposed to the St. Lawrence Ship Canal."- p. 51* U. S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Legislative Reference Service*. Citations to debate in the United States Congress on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrer.ce waterway treaty 1929-193^* Compiled by Myrtis Jarre 11. 3 p., typewritten. Washington, D. C, June 6, 193^ • (9) WESTERN SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS. WATERWAY COMMITTEE Ala) LIBRARIAN. 1 Bibliography of some of the -orincipal articles and irublica— tiohs .on waterways and harbors concerning Chicago and index of referenced waterway oublicatior.s . Western Society of Engineers, Journal 27:110-118. June I922. TAI.W52 (10) Contents to be noted: "The. St. Lawrence waterway, p. 110-111. Lakes to Gulf water- way,- p. 111-112. Inland waterways, p. 112-113. Harbors and terminals, r>. II3-II6'. General, p. Il6. Index, p. 116-118. SEE ALSO Citations 1I4-13, 19, 21, 25, 21; 109-110, llU, 113, I3U, 159. l6l, .306, 52.7,' 783 -?£U, 300, 838. - 2 - . GENERAL BACKGROUND AGASSIZ, GARNAULT. Niagara to the se-a, 96 p*j illus.. maps. [n.p#] Canada Steamship Line's, 1915.- F1050.A26 (11) ' • Comments : * This beautifully illustrated pamphlet has two sections: From Niagara tc the' Sea, p. '3-67; and Lake Superior to Lake Ontario, p. 69-88. It incorporates the material in the same author's Lake Superior to the Sea (Sarnia, Ont,, Canada Steam- ship Lines, for Northern Navigation Co., 1915. 96 p., illus., maps ) AUCLAIR, L rABBE ELIE-J. La region de Soulanges et son canal. Royal Society of Canada, Transactions (-ser. 3) 31 (l): 35-50. 1937. ' Comments:' • 517 0T81. (12) "Sur le petit monument du Coteau, se lit 1 ' inscription que voici: 'Un canal a trois ecluses fut construit (ici) en 1779- 1780; Pour le proteger, on y etablit d'abord un blochaus, puis un fort, lesquels furent tres utiles dans la guerre de la revolution americaine et en 1812.- Coteau-du-Lac fut longtemps lo principal port d 'entree pour les importations dans le Haut- Canada.'" "Sur la stele des Cascades, on a grave: 'Ce canal de Soulanges, creuse de 1892 a 1900, pour evitcr les rapides des Cascades, des Cadres 'et du Coteau, a romplacc l'ancicn canal des Cascades, construit par les ingenieurs royaux do 1779 a 1783 et agrandi en 1804 et en 1817.- C'est 1 'un dos huit canaux qui, par la voie des Grands Lacs et du Saint -Laurent, rolieht l'oucst conadien a la mcr. '"- p. 35-36. BACON, RUTH ELIZABETH. British and American' policy and the right of fluvial navigation. Radcliffo College Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Summaries of Theses ... 1931-1934, p. 16-19. Cambridge, Published<'-••-,by the College. 1935. AS36.R25 (13) Comments : The influence of the policy of- the United- States and Great Britain regarding navigation rights on international rivers on the current principles of international law pertaining to the subject. - BEASLSY , NORMAN. Freighters of fortune; the story of the Great Lakes. 311 p., illus. New York and London-, Earper & Bros. 1930. (14) Contents to be noted: A cockleshell sots forth to conquer the Lakes, p. 4-16. A treaty brings peace- and commerce, p. 17-30. A great fortune begins in furs, p. 31-43. Steam comes tc replace the slapping sails, p. 44-60. Copper and iron- and the rush is on, p, 61-71. When trade calls men come, p. 72-84. A salesman of scales builds a canal, p. 85-96. - 3 - . • f BSASLEY, NOR FAT" • Continued. is read, p. » V/ork is suspended for twe days awhile the mail Other fortunes begin to grow, p. 110-120. A great heritage is passed, p. 121-129 Deeo faith and high courage, p. 130-138. 139-148. A legislature sets back the clock, p. "I've got wild dt aboard, I have," p. 149-160. "There is iron on the Mosabi," p. 161-169. iron in Minnesota, p. 170- "I wouldn't give a cent for all the 1 80 181-192. The Rockefeller fleet comes to the Lakes, p. Andrew Carnegie loses a decision, p. 193-204. nation," 205-21o. "I come from the wheat bin cf the p. is ever, r. 21b-^fc. Soils are down- the romance of tho schooner A man is picked, p. 227-239. stone, 240-40*. Bulk freighters, car ferries, sand suckers, and p. white lantern, Red lanterns, one above the other, and between- a p, 253-263. , „„, z 6 ™* A story of patriotism, generosity and accomplishment, p. ™£ ones, db-dbb. "The only durable things are the intangible p. looked away, "They have core to these Lakes and they have not p. 287-298. Bibliography, p. 299. intorrati.nal heritage. BURPEE, LATNRBMCE J.
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