September 5, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 16341 SENATE—Wednesday, September 5, 2001 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The priations bills, we have to have a way called to order by the President pro Senator from Nevada is recognized. of moving them more quickly. I think tempore [Mr. BYRD]. Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Senate that is the belief the leadership has in is going to be working today on the ex- trying to move to the Commerce- PRAYER port administration bill. Senator State-Justice bill just as quickly as The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John DASCHLE called a joint leadership possible. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: meeting today, and he and Senator The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Omnipotent God, all-powerful Lord, LOTT, among others, indicated a real senior Senator from Maryland, Mr. all authority comes from You. You desire to move on to the many things SARBANES, is recognized. raise up leaders and entrust them with we have to do in this month, especially Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I spiritual, intellectual, and physical appropriations bills. echo what my colleague, Senator REID, power. All You require is humility to Senator SARBANES is certainly one of just had to say. We are back on the acknowledge You as the source of all the most skilled legislators, and I bill. We did a number of opening state- that they have, and they are account- know he is doing everything in his ments yesterday. I know there were a able to You for how they have used power, as is Senator GRAMM, to move couple Members who indicated that Your entrusted power. You delight to this export administration bill as they want to be able to just speak on bless those who delight in giving You quickly as possible. We had an over- the bill briefly. I invite them to come the glory. Forgive us when we assume whelming vote yesterday on an amend- over. Anyone who has amendments, we that power comes from titles and posi- ment. The opposition to moving this are open to consider them. I hope we tions. Most of all, forgive our depend- bill forward I think got 18 votes. From can possibly finish this bill today and ence on, and satisfaction with, our own my personal perspective, that is a high thereby enable the Senate to move on limited human powers. You offer us su- water mark. I certainly hope the few to other business for the remainder of pernatural power to think beyond our Senators who oppose this legislation the week. I frankly say that ought to understanding and lead courageously will recognize the need to move for- be our objective. Hopefully, we can beyond our abilities. May this be a day ward with the legislation not only for reach it. I do know there is a state din- when we deliberately ask for Your the Senate but, more importantly, for ner this evening that may impact on power and live expectantly for Your di- this country. the Senate’s schedule. vinely inspired strategies and solu- We have eight appropriations bills we Mr. REID. If the Senator will yield, tions. When we give up the idea that need to complete by the end of the all of us haven’t been invited to the we are the source of our power, You month. Using the numbers we have, we state dinner, so some of us can still amaze us with what You are able to do probably only have about 12 legislative work. through us. So free us from bartering days this month, with the Jewish holi- Mr. SARBANES. I implore my col- power, struggling for power, and ma- days and the big conference being held leagues who are within earshot, if they nipulating with power. late in the month that will take a day wish to make a statement on this bill, Spirit of the living God, anoint the away from us. We just need to move ex- to come to the floor and get that done men and women of this Senate with peditiously. this morning before we go to the two Your power so this Nation will know I repeat, I hope those people who op- weekly conferences. I also hope that at that it is being led by people who trust pose this legislation will recognize that some point shortly we could have an You, who share party power to accom- we are going to pass this bill. It is just amendment laid down and proceed to plish Your plans, point away from a question of when. Their holding this move through the amendments. themselves to You, and attempt great up isn’t to the good of this country. I I yield the floor. things for You because they have re- know that the people who oppose this The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ceived great power from You. Amen. legislation believe they are doing the senior Senator from Tennessee, Mr. f right thing. I hope they will recognize THOMPSON, is recognized. that just a few Senators are opposing Mr. THOMPSON. I thank the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE this bill. We need to move forward. We Mr. President, I have listened to the The Honorable ROBERT C. BYRD led have a fiscal year that is coming to an distinguished majority whip this morn- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: end in just a few weeks. We have not ing expressing concern that we move I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the completed a single conference on the on with this bill. I think we can do United States of America, and to the Repub- five appropriations bills that have that. We had a good discussion yester- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, passed. day. We had a vote on one amendment indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The leadership has committed 1 week that was a pretty definitive vote. We f to Defense authorization, which takes all get to the point where we can count RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME away more time from our appro- votes around here, and we know which The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under priating process. Whether people like it way the die is cast as far as this bill is the previous order, leadership time will or not, the 13 appropriations bills have concerned. be reserved. to be passed or we are going to wind up The administration supports this f with a big fat omnibus bill called a bill. Apparently, the administration is continuing resolution that doesn’t help going to oppose any and all amend- EXPORT ADMINISTRATION ACT OF anybody, especially the country. ments. That is unfortunate. That is, 2001 So I am confident there will be roll- frankly, shortsighted, but that is the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under call votes on amendments throughout way it is. I do not think we want to be- the previous order, the Senate will re- the day. The Senate is going to recess labor the matter any more than nec- sume consideration of S. 149, which the from 12:30 to 2:15 for the weekly party essary. clerk will report. conferences today. Again—and I think I must say, we have had some very The legislative clerk read as follows: I speak for the joint leadership—we good discussions this morning on both A bill (S. 149) to provide authority to con- need to move past this bill and get on sides of export administration in this trol exports, and for other purposes. to the appropriations bills. On appro- country. We are still talking, and we ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 08:24 Apr 11, 2005 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S05SE1.000 S05SE1 16342 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE September 5, 2001 may be able to come together on some Japan just to demonstrate what they We are willing to go to our European things that will help the bill and help can do, while a million people are friends, Russia, China, and have a de- some of us who have concerns about starving in North Korea. bate here based upon this threat about this bill. I know Senator KYL from Ari- That is the nature of the growing which I am talking. Does it make sense zona is on his way to the Chamber and threat based on technology. Our intel- when we are so concerned about this would like to make an opening state- ligence agencies point out to us that a threat, and we do not have a missile ment, and then we will move on from lot of this technology is derived from defense system off the drawing board there and see where we are. countries such as Russia and China, yet, for us to be hustling to make sure Until Senator KYL gets here, I will which our intelligence agencies still that potential adversaries a few years reiterate some of the bases for our con- say are massive proliferators of weap- down the road are caught up to date, cern. We make no apologies for bring- ons of mass destruction. technologically, to be even with us or ing these amendments up regardless of Here we are getting ready to pass leg- to improve themselves to a point where the fact we have an appropriations bill islation to make exports of dual-use they can be competitive with us? pending.
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