Notes CHAPTER I I. See Barry McLaughlin (ed.), Studies in Social Movements (New York: The Free Press, 1969) and J. A. Banks, The Sociology of Social Movements (London: Macmillan Press, 1972). 2. Charles TiJly, From Mobilization to Revolution (London: Addison­ Wesley, 1978). 3. Check the glossary for Hebrew and other foreign terms as weil as the names of groups, organisations and political parties. 4. S.N. Eisenstadt, The Transformation of Israeli Society: An Essay in Interpretation (London: Weiden feld and Nicolson, 1985) p. 45. 5. Reported in an interview with Adam Keller of the Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, Tel Aviv, 1985. 6. R. J. Isaac, Israel Divided: Ideologieal Polities in the Jewish State (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1976) p. 5. 7. Gwyn Rowley, 'The Land of Israel: A Reconstructionist Approach', in David Newman (ed.), The Impact of Gush Emunim: Polities and Settlement in the West Bank (London: Croom Helm, 1985) p. 125. 8. Ibid., p. 127. 9. Isaac, op. eil., p. 61. 10. Ibid., p. 54. 11. Ibid. 12. Lilly Weissbrod, 'Gush Emunim Ideology - From Religious Doctrine to Political Action', Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 18, no. 3, July 1982. 13. Ibid. 14. Euhud Sprinzak, 'The Iceberg ofPolitical Extremism', in Newman (ed.), op. eil., p. 33. 15. TheJerusalem Post, 12 February, 1985. 16. Kurt Kanowitz, 'The Role ofthe Army in Israeli Politics', New Outlook, August-September 1984, p. 11. 17. Ofira Seliktar, New Zionism and the Foreign Poliey System of Israel (London: Croom Helm, 1986) p. 206. 18. TheJerusalem Post, 11 July, 1985. 19. Sprinzak, op. eil., p. 36. 20. For an in-depth study of this process see: Lilly Weissbrod, 'Delegitim­ ation and Legitimation as a Continuous Process: A Case Study of Israel', Middle East Journal, vol. 35, no. 4, 1981, pp. 527~3. 199 200 The Peace Movement in Israel, 1967-87 21. The tenn Mizraehim is used in its untranslated fonn to avoid the eonnotations inherent in the English translation 'Orientals'. It refers to Jews who are not Ashkenazim; namely those from Afro-Asian (Muslim) count ries who may or may not be descendents of the Sephardie Jews of Spain and Portugal. 22. Eisenstadt (1985), op. eil., p. 152. 23. S. Aronson and N. Yanai, 'Critieal Aspeets of the Eleetions and their Implications', in D. Caspi et al. (eds), The Roots 0/ Begin's Success (London: Croom Helm, 1984) p. 28. 24. Weissbrod, op. eil., p. 529. 25. Amos Oz, In the Land 0/ Israel (London: The Hogarth Press, 1983) p. 133. 26. Ibid., p. 134. 27. David Schnall, 'Gush Emunim: An Impact Assessment', in Newman (ed.), op. eit., p. 22. 28. This disquiet was expressed by many peaee aetivists I interviewed between 1985 and 1987. It was a eonstant theme expressed at meetings and made explieit in movement pamphlets. It was also stressed by aeademies and journalists who identify with the peaee movement even though they may not partieipate aetive1y. 29. TheJerusalem Post, 26 July, 1985. 30. The Jerusalem Post, 21 August, 1985. 31. The Times, 19 July, 1984. 32. The Jerusalem Post, 30 August, 1985. 33. Ora Namir interviewed by Mark Segal, The Jerusalem Post, 23 September, 1985. 34. Eti Ronel, 'The Battle Over Temple Mount', New Outlook, vol. 27, no. 2, February 1984, pp. 11~14. 35. W. Laqueur, A History 0/ Zionism (London: Weidenfeld and Nieolson, 1972) p. 303. 36. On the growth of Revisionism see L. Brenner, The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism/rom Jabotinsky to Shamir (London: Zed Books, 1984). 37. M. J. Aronoff, 'Politieal Polarization: Contradictory Interpretations of Israeli Reality', in S. Heydemann (ed.), The Begin Era: Issues in Contemporary Israel (London: Westview Press, 1984) p. 54. 38. Ibid., p. 55. 39. Quoted in Brenner, op. eil., p. 147. 40. Aronoff, op. eil., p. 57. 41. Brenner, op. eil., p. 147. 42. On the role of Dash in ending Labour's rule see H. R. Penniman (ed.)., Israel at the Polis: The Knesset Elections 0/1977 (Washington: AEIPRP, 1979). CHAPTER2 I. For more on social movement theory see MaeLaughlin, op. eil., Banks, op. eil. and Tilly, op. eil. Notes 201 2. Laqueur, op. eit., p. 414. 3. Yitzhak Epstein, 'A Hidden Question' (Address to the Seventh Zionist Congress), New Outlook, vo1.28, no.12, 1984, p. 27. 4. Ibid. 5. I. F. Stone, 'The Other Zionism: Aeeomodating Jew and Arab in Palestine', Harper's, September 1978, p. 65. 6. A. Goren (ed.), Dissenter in Zion: From the Writings 01 Judah L. Magnes (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982) passim. 7. Aharon Cohen, 'In Memory ofa Pathfinder', New Outlook, vol.lO, no.3, 1967, p. 48. 8. Details of the bi-national proposals are eontained in: Judah Magnes and Martin Buber, Arab-Jewish Unity: Testimony beJore the Anglo-American Inquiry Commission Jor the Ihud (Union) Association (London: Vietor Gollanez, 1947). 9. Ibid., p. 47. 10. Laqueur, op. eit., p. 253. 11. Ibid. 12. Stone, op. eit., p. 70. 13. M. Ghilan, How Israel Lost its Soul (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974) p. 81. 14. Isaae, op. eit., p. 97. 15. Ibid., p. 78. 16. Ibid., p. 88. 17. Eisenstadt (1985), op. eit., p. 387. 18. Ibid., p. 389. 19. Yosef Goell, 'The Case of the Demoeratie Movement for Change: Interview with Dr Israel Katz', The Jerusalem Post, 30 June, 1987. 20. Arnold Lewis, 'The Peace Ritual and Israeli Images of Social Order', JournaloJConflict Resolution, vo1.23, no.4, Deeember 1979, p. 688. 21. Ibid. 22. Peter Heller, 'Anwar Sadat's Visit to Jerusalem: Its Signifieanee for the Peace Proeess', Journal oJ South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, vo1.VII, no. 4, Summer 1984, pp. 12-18. 23. Lewis, op.eit.,p.693. 24. Ibid., p. 696. 25. Ibid. 26. Quoted in Phillip Gallon, 'Anatomy of a Movement', The Jerusalem Post, 14 April, 1978. 27. This partieular translation of the now famous letter is by Lewis, op. eit., p.698. CHAPTER3 I. This deseription of the founding of Peaee Now was given by a founding member, Yuli Tamir, at the Jewish Colloquium, Oxford, 10 February, 1986. 202 The Peace Movement in Israel, 1967-87 2. Interview with Jay Hurwitz (Peaee Now), July 1985. 3. The Jerusalem Post, 23 August, 1978. 4. Ibid., 17 April, 1978. 5. Ibid., 27 July, 1979. 6. Ibid. 7. Ibid., 14June, 1979. 8. Ibid., 11 June, 1979. 9. Ibid., 6 January, 1980. 10. Seliktar, op. eit., p. 236. 11. Peaee Now Pamphlet (English), 1985. 12. The Jerusalem Post, 15 April, 1986. CHAPTER4 I. Interview with Reuven AmieI, Committee for Upper and Lower Nazareth Co-operation, 1985. 2. Reuven Hammer, 'Pandora's Box', The Jerusalem Post, 8 August, 1984. 3. The following aeeount of anti-raeist protest and legislation is eompiled from interviews with aetivists from Citizens Against Raeism (notably Mike Levine) and from newspaper reports. 4. The Jerusalem Post, 7 August, 1986. 5. Ibid. 6. Interview with Haim Baram,journalist, 1987. 7. lsrael-Palestine, no.53-54, Deeember 1976. 8. Ibid. 9. Ibid. 10. For Avnery's own account see Uri Avnery, My Friend, the Enemy (London: Zed Books, 1986). 11. Ibid., p. 120. 12. Ibid., p. 72. 13. Ibid. 14. Ibid., pp. 3-14. 15. News from Within, vol. 11, no. 36,6 October, 1986. 16. Ibid. 17. Ibid. CHAPTER 5 I. Daniel Gavron, 'Smashing the Stereotype', The Jerusalem Post Maga­ zine, 8 July, 1983. 2. Interview with Shlomo Elbaz, East for Peaee, July 1985. 3. Chaim Raphael, The Road to Babyion: The Story of the Sephardi and Oriental Jews (London: Weiden feld and Nicolson, 1985) p. 250. 4. Major differences between Ashkenazi and Mizrachi immigrants are NOles 203 noted by A. Shama and M. Iris, Immigration Without Integration (Cambridge (Mass.): Schenkman, 1911). 5. A. N. Chouraqui, Between East and West: A History o/the Jews 0/ North A/rica (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publieation Society of Ameriea, 1968) p.290. 6. Shama and Iris, op. eit., p. 82. 1. Ibid. 8. Ibid. 9. Rivkah Bar Josef, 'The Moroeeans: Background to the Problem', in S.N. Eisenstadt, et al. (eds), Integration and Development in Israel (Jerusalem: Israel Universities Press, 1910) p. 424. 10. Bat Ye'Or, The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam (Toronto and London: Assoeiated University Press, 1985) passim. 11. H. J. Cohen, The Jews 0/ the Middle East, 1860-1972 (Jerusalem: Israel Universities Press, 1913) p. 4. 12. Doris Bensimon-Donath, Evolution du Judai'sme Marocain sous le Protectorat Fran~ais 1912-1956 (Paris: Mouton & Co., 1968). 13. H. J. Cohen, op. eit., p. 16. 14. Bat Ye'Or, op. eit., p. 80. 15. Cohen, op. eit., p. 10. 16. Ibid., p. 4. 11. For a full aeeount of this see Raphael, op. eit. 18. Chouraqui, op. eit., p. 156. 19. Marion Woolfson, Prophets in Babyion: Jews in the Arab World (London: Faber and Faber, 1980) p. 80. 20. Martin Gilbert, The Aralr-Israeli Conjiict: Its History in Maps (London: Weiden feld and Nieolson, 1919) p. 50. 21. S. N. Eisenstadt, 'The Proeess of Absorption of New Immigrants in Israel', in Eisenstadt et al., op. eit., pp. 354-8. 22. Chouraqui, op. eit., pp. 304-5. 23. L. J. Davis and M. Deeter, Myths and Facts 1982: A Concise Record 0/ the Aralr-Israeli Conjiict (Washington: Near East Report, 1982) p. 122. 24. H.J. Cohen, op. eil., p. 16. 25. Roumani, op. eil., p. 25. 26. Bensimon-Donath, op. eil., p. 112. 21. Ibid., p. 182. 28. Ibid. 29. See in partieular D. Caspi, et al., op. eil.; D. Peretz and S. Smooha, 'Israel's Tenth Knesset Eleetions - Ethnie Upsurgenee and Decline in Ideology', Middle East International, vol.35, no.4, 1981; and Yael Yishai, 'Israel's Right-Wing Jewish Proletariat', The Jewish Journal 0/ Sociology vol.
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