JUNE 1, 1964 50 CENTS 33D YEAR, a 1 J1 my 047,7(EW &aµN1 Ayseamun v961 t ti(ïr adcastmg HE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO TV stations review rate cards for next fall. p27 FCC told double billing is outside its bailiwick. p42 -D Admen relax after NAB explains clearing office. p40 Nine licensees fire salvos at FCC's TV program form. p52 OMPI FTE INDEX PAGE MAXIMUM RESPONSE -that's advert'.:.: efficiency. WBAL-TV BALTIMORE "MARYLAND'S NUMBER ONE CHANNEL OF COMMUNICATION" NATIONALLY REPRESENTED BY EDWARD PETRY & CO., INC. all new for '64! WM ALTY'S STRAW HAT PLAN When you buy WMAL -TV's Straw Hat Plan in '64, you not only get WMAL -TV's BIG audience all summer long, but important additional audience exposure at NO ADDITIONAL COST. This year's Straw Hat Plan (June 1 to August 31) is the most generous we've ever offered, gives clients a sizable bonus for every dollar spent. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: IF YOU SPEND YOU GET IN ADDITION PER WEEK ID's 20's and /or 60's Day or Night Day or Night $ 300 -599 4 2 3 1 600 -899 1 3 5 2 900 -1199 10 4 6 3 1200 -1499 13 5 7 4 15001 Over 16 6 8 5 The number of bonus spots allowed an advertiser will be determined by the weekly dollar volume of any single product scheduled on the air between June 1 and August 31. All bonus spots are fixed with the exception of those in preemptible areas. Contact your WMAL -TV Salesman or Harrington, Righter & Parsons, Inc. Star ng Company, V BroadcastiD. wmal -t WASEvening HINGTON. C. Affiliated with WMAL and WMAL -FM, Washington, D. C.; WSVA -TV and WSVA, Harrisonburg, Va. Represented by: HARRINGTON, RIGHTER & PARSONS, Inc. It! Tut -- - -' WORLD'S FAIR AND WASHINGTON, D.C., TOO Thank you, U.S. Conference of Mayors and Broadcast Pioneers for selecting our station as the national winner of your first annual local community service award, presented at the New York Hilton Hotel, May 25, 1964. Joseph L. Brechner President and General Manager WEN, Channel 9 - ABC -TV Orlando, Florida 3 BROADCASTING, June 1, 1964 RELAX VTGAI.TCY do yaw' selez wozok. 112 no 2a2a aonottmaaellnvg valilirms medlasim tale Tt,anazotwfillilexanogo uargilfoek, Innolket 411411103117111:2"7."......1.."... WM TOWN . .... CHUILRILL . .... "7' k LUPI R Nan.. \ LEBANON HARRISBURG ARUILI ..to CuoIIIIILAND YORK SHIM LANCASTER c. A OA YORK CliMIllt lull COATISVILIA 7 ......... o IN GETTYSBURG WGALTV ..... ...... WA111. ..... 9..CHA4, .oxG.I.011 ..... NA11,04D tlt11.140W11 MC DI We 8 WM/MOM Channel 111l1,1111Cll L GE Al 7:161k1 Lancaster, Pa. (1f fast. Itabela N STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. tOUDOVN AIM( Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. 316,000 WATTS New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, June 1, 1964 Problem for Congress CLOSED CIRCUIT Chances are FCC will recommend to Congress- probably at opening of decision. ASCAP authorities say next session it consider Where's Paglin? -that public formula is still in formative stage, policy on subscription TV and, if it and among other unresolved questions There was conspicuous omission in believes it germane, CATV as well. is whether CATV and pay TV should announcement last week of new Wash- growing belief at it There's FCC that be charged on same basis, but they ington law firm headed by Paul A. lacks appropriate authority to regulate don't deny they're hopeful of deci- O'Bryan, former partner in Dow, pay TV and that issue must be bucked sion within few months. One report Lohnes & Albertson. Missing was Congress. FCC has no doubt what- to last week said ASCAP charges would name of Max Paglin who resigned as ever about its authority over CATV be pegged at 2.05% of operators' FCC general counsel to become prin- relays are involved. where microwave revenues from subscribers, but good cipal in new firm (BROADCASTING, What Congress will do, once it sources called this figure "too low." April 6). Turns out Mr. Paglin, 21 takes look, is problematical. It would Community Television Association years government attorney and vet- have to consider possibility of doing Convention in Philadelphia June 14- eran of appearances before Supreme violence to free enterprise concept; 19. and lesser federal courts, had never also whether it can invade area under been admitted to District of Columbia bar, and local commerce clause. At FCC feeling is Has CATV hurt stations? rule of D. C. courts Congress can act whether it's pay TV requires D. C. bar membership as condition of private practice. by wire or on air, but that it might Special appropriation of $50,000 to be loath to disturb normal interplay of $100,000 will be sought by NAB staff Since technicality competition and therefore might leave of Mr. Paglin's from television board at meeting in admission to District bar may take field alone. But congressional inquiry, Washington June 15 -18 to undertake some time, firm decided to proceed whatever result, is believed as inevit- nationwide study of community an- with annnouncement. Once admitted, able as battle over pay TV itself. tenna operations and their effect upon Mr. Paglin will appear in firm name member television station service. of O'Bryan, Grove, Paglin, Jaskiewicz, Night network baseball Study is being urged by TV station Sells, Gilliam & Putbrese. operators who are concerned about Major league baseball has quietly CATV projects in metropolitan areas stepped up its plan for sale of Mon- designed to bring in outside services. 'Debates' of 1964 day night games for national network Purpose: to develop NAB answer to TV sponsorship beginning with 1965 position taken by National Commun- Special commission set up by Amer- season. Joint television committee, ity Television Association in seeking ican Political Science Association un- representing both American and Na- minimal government regulation. der NBC grant (BROADCASTING, March tional Leagues, met May 21 with John 11, 1963) has developed what it be- owner of Detroit Tigers lieves to be "unique" format for na- E. Fetzer, Negroes in commercials and president of Fetzer stations, as tional TV and radio appearances by chairman. Plan was originated by Mr. presidential candidates this fall. Al- Congress of Racial Equality, which Fetzer (BROADCASTING, Oct. 10, 1963, though format won't be disclosed for campaigning for more than et seq). Committee will meet once has been while, it's known to differ from Ken- a year for integration of Negro and each month until plan is refined, will nedy -Nixon confrontations in 1960. white performers in TV commercials, then present it to networks, advertisers Developed from ideas of panel itself, is reported to be pleased with progress and agencies. plan also incorporates survey of all it has made among top 100 advertis- members of Congress, state and na- On four -man television committee ers. Next step on CORE'S agenda, tional party chairmen and governors. are three broadcasters, who also own starting in mid -June, is to persuade interest in major league clubs. In next 50 advertisers below top 100 to addition to Mr. Fetzer, Robert O. integrate their commercials. Reports Stirring up the cats of Golden West flowing to CORE'S headquarters in Reynolds, president Antitrust suit filed last week against is also president of Los New York indicate that integrated Broadcasters, E. W. Scripps Co.'s acquisition of Angeles Angels, and Judge Roy O. commercials, even in South, have met Cincinnati Enquirer triggered talk in Houston Colt little station or viewer opposition. Hofheinz, president, official Washington about whole issue of ch. 13 KTRK(TV) 45's, is part owner of consolidations of control of mass Fourth member of commit- Houston. media. Suit comes while FCC is O'Malley, owner of Los Hotel pay TV tee is Walter considering rule to break up common Dodgers and part owner of Angeles RKO General Phonevision, which ownerships of AM and FM stations in Subscription Television Inc. now has approximately 5,000 sub- same community. Although cross - scribers for its pay TV operation in ownerships in broadcasting and pub- Collectors' item Hartford, Conn., is reported to be lishing had not been involved in cur- winding up negotiations with Hotel rent FCC studies, that issue may come First music -license rates for com- Corp. of America under which 100 to life as result of government's suit munity antenna television and pay TV decoders would be placed in chain's against Scripps. may be coming soon. American So- new Hotel America in Hartford. This ciety of Composers, Authors and reportedly would be largest installa- In Cincinnati Scripps owns or con- Publishers, which has been trying to tion of its kind for pay TV in U. S. trols all three papers, and its asso- develop formula for charging opera- and calculated to stimulate interest ciated Scripps- Howard Broadcasting tors in these fields for their use of in project, which concludes its second Inc. owns WCPO-AM- FM -TV. Stations ASCAP music, reportedly is nearing year of operation end of June. are not involved in antitrust suit. Published every Monday, 53d issue (Yearbook Number) published in January, by BROADCASTING POffiSGTIONS INC, 1735 DeSales Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C., and additional offices. ONE ORDER COVERS PANAMA CITY DOTHAN' FORT WALTON BEACH TALLAHASSEE 316,000 WATTS OF FULL POWER enables you to place one order on WJHG -TV... and cover key Dixie markets which show population over a half million and buying in- come exceeding half -a- billion dollars annually!* WHY BUY ONE MARKET HERE? ANOTHER THERE? WJHG -TV booms out the clearest, sharpest pictures in black- and -white ..
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