University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Insecta Mundi Florida December 1986 A Catalog of the Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Hong Kong Michael D. Hubbard Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/insectamundi Part of the Entomology Commons Hubbard, Michael D., "A Catalog of the Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Hong Kong" (1986). Insecta Mundi. 511. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/insectamundi/511 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Systematic Entomology, Gainesville, Florida at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Insecta Mundi by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Vol. 1, no. 4, December 1986 INSECTA MUNDI Michael D. Hubbard Entomology Florida A&M University Tallahassee, Florida 32307 USA This paper is a catalog of the Ephemerop- Order Ephemeroptera tera known from the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong. It includes a11 known references Family Baetidae Leach, 1815 for each species, along with an indication of the type localities and depositions of Subfamily Baetinae Leach, 1815 type specimens. For each reference the stage (male, female, or nymph) is indicated Genus Baetis Leach, 1815 if relevant. Keys which include the species Baetis Leach, 1815:137. also are indicated. The recorded distribu- Type species: Ephemera fuscata Linnaeus. tion for each species is listed. For each Subsequent designation by Intern. Comm. genus are given the reference to the origi- 2001. Nomenc l., 1966:209. nal description, information on the type Brachyph lebia Wes twood, 1840:25. species, and any synonyms. Type species: Ephemera fuscata Linnaeus Abbreviations of places of type deposition (misidentified as Ephemera bioculata) are as follows: (BMNH), British Museum (Na- [c.f. Intern. Comm. 2001. Nomencl., tural History), London; (Cornel l), Cornel 1 1966:209]. Monotypic. University, Ithaca, New York; (DEI), Deut- Acentrel la Bengtsson, 1912:llO. sches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde; Type species: Acentrella laponica Ben- (Hamburg), Zoologisches Staatsinstitut und gtsson. Monotypic. Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg; (Hsu), perso- Heterocloeon McDunnough, 1925:175. nal collection of Y.-C. Hsu [the late Prof. Type species: Centroptilrn curiosum McDun- Hsu indicated (personal communication) that nough. Origina 1 designation. because of events in China over the past few decades these specimens should be considered Baetis sp. T1 destroyed or lost]; (Utah), University of Baetis T1 Dudgeon, 1982:14. Utah, Salt Lake City. Baetis Ti Dudgeon, 1982:225. A1t hough the taxonomic know 1edge of the Baetis Ti Dudgeon, 1983:441. Hong Kong mayflies is still somewhat sket- Baetis TI Dudgeon, 1984:73. chy, there are substantial ecological stu- Baetis T1 Dudgeon, 1984:210. dies ongoing at this time. Therefore, in Distribution: Hong Kong. order to facilitate future studies and com- parisons of data, I have included in this Baetis sp. T2 catalog the "morphospecies" of Dudgeon Bae tis T2 Dudgeon, 1982:14. (1982a, b, 1983, 1984a, b). The reader Baetis T2 Dudgeon, 1982:225. should be aware that many of the taxonomic Baetis T2 Dudgeon, 1983:441. assignments of these morphospecie s are pre- Baetis T2 Dudgeon, 1984:73. liminary and actual placement will have to Baetis T2 Dudgeon, 1984:210. await future taxonomic studies. Distribution: Hong Kong. This paper is one in a continuing series Baetis sp. Tg of catalogs of the Ephemeroptera (cf. Hub- Baetis T3 Dudgeon, 1982: 14. bard & Peters 1978, Hubbard & Pescador 1978, Baetis Tq Dudgeon, 1982:225. Hubbard & Savage 1981, Hubbard 1982a,b). Baetis Tg Dudgeon, 1983:441. I thank Prof. David Dudgeon of the Univer- Baet is T3 Dudgeon, 1984:73. sity of Hong Kong for his helpful comments Baetis T3 Dudgeon, 1984:210. in the preparation of this manuscript. Distribution: Hong Kong. This paper has been partially supported by a grant from the Cooperative States Research Baetis sp. T4 Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, to Baeti's T4 Dudgeon, 1982:225. the Agriculture Research Programs at Florida Baetis T4 Dudgeon, 1983:441. A&M University. Baetis T4 Dudgeon, 1984:73. 248 INSECTA MUNDI Vol. 1, no. 4, December 1986 Baet is Tq Dudgeon, 1984:210. Austrocloeon Barnard, 1940:616. Distribution: Hong Kong. Type species: Cloeon africanur Esben- Pe tersen. Origina 1 designation. Baetis sp. T5 Baetis T5 Dudgeon, 1984:73. Cloeon harveyi Kimmins Proc loeon harvey i Kimmins, 1947:94, fig. 2, Bae tis T5 Dudgeon, 1984:ZlO. 6, 10. (male, female). Type: female, Cal- Distribution: Hong Kong. cutta, Bengal (BMNH). Procloeon harveyi Gillies, 1949:176. Baetis sp. Lg - Procloeon harveyi Kimmins, 1971:314. Baetis LC, Dudgeon, 1984:73. - Procloeon harveyi Hubbard & Peters, Baet is Lg Dudgeon, 1984:210. - 1978:ll. Distribution: Hong Kong. Procloeon barveyi - Hubbard & Srivastava, 1984:3. Baetis sp. L6 Cloeon harveyi Mu1 ler-Liebenau & Hubbard, Baetis Lg Dudgeon, 1984:73. - 1986:538. Baetis L6 Dudgeon, 1984:210. Distribution: Hong Kong, Malaysia, India. Distribution: Hong Kong. Genus Pseudocloeon Klapdlek, 1905 Baetis sp. L7 Pseudocloeon Klapdlek, 1905:105. Baetis L7 Dudgeon, 1984:73. Type species: Pseudocloeon kraepelini Kla- Baet is L7 Dudgeon, 1984:210. pslek. Monotypic. Distribution: Hong Kong. Baetiella Weno, 1931:220. Type species: Acentre 1la japonica Imani- Baetis sp. L8 shi. Original designation. Baetis Lg Dudgeon, 1984:73. Baetis Lg Dudgeon, 1984:210. Pseudocloeon sp. Ti Distribution: Hong Kong. Pseudoc loeon Ti Dudgeon, 1982: 14. Pseudoc loeon Ti Dudgeon, 1982:225. Baetis sp. cf. Tj Pseudoc loeon Ti Dudgeon, 1983:441. Baetis cf. T3 Dudgeon, 1984:73. Pseudoc loeon Ti Dudgeon, 1984:73. Baetis cf. T3 Dudgeon, 1984:210. Pseudoc loeon Ti Dudgeon, 1984:210. Distribution: Hong Kong. Distribution: Hong Kong. Sub fami 1y C loeoninae Newman, 1853 Pseudocloeon sp. Tg Pseudocloeon T2 Dudgeon, 1982:14. Genus Centroptilum Eaton, 1869 Pseudoc loeon T2 Dudgeon, 1982:225. Centroptilum Eaton, 1869:132. Pseudoc 1oeon T2 Dudgeon, 1983:441. Type species: Ephemera luteola Mu1 ler. Pseudoc loeon Tp Dudgeon, 1984: 73. Original designation. Pseudoc loeon T2 Dudgeon, 1984:ZlO. Distribution: Hong Kong. Centroptilum sp. L1 Centropti lum L1 Dudgeon, 1984:73. Pseudocloeon sp. L3 Centroptilum L1 Dudgeon, 1984:210. Pseudoc loeon Lg Dudgeon, 1984: 73. Distribution: Hong Kong. Pseudoc loeon Lj Dudgeon, 1984:210. Distribution: Hong Kong. Genus Cloeon Leach, 1815 Cloeon Leach, 1815:137. Pseudoc loeon sp. Type species: Ephemera diptera Linnaeus as Baetella [sic] Ti Dudgeon, 1983:441. Cloeon pal 1idus Leach. Monotypy. Distribution: Hong Kong. Cloe Burmeister, 1839:797. [unjustified eme- ndation of Cloeon Leach]. Type species: Ephemera dipteraLinnaeus, Family Caenidae Newman, 1853 objective synonymy. Cloeopsis Eaton, 1866: 146. Genus Caenis Stephens, 1835 Type species: Ephemera diptera Linnaeus. Caenis Stephens, 1835:60. Monotypy. Type species: Caenis macrura Stephens. Austrocloeon Barnard, 1932:217. [nomen nud- Subsequent designation by Westwood, um] . 1840:47. Neocloeon Traver, 1932:365. Oxycypha Burmeister, 1839:796. Type species: Neocloeon alamance Traver. Type species: Oxycypha luctuosa Burmeis- Original designation. ter. Subsequent designation by Jacob, Vol. 1, no. 4, December 1986 INSECTA MUNDI 249 1974:96. Epheoera (Epherera) serica Eaton Orde 1la Campion, 1923:518. Ephemera serica Eaton, 1871:75, pl. 4 fig. Type species: Caenis macrura Stephens. 12-12a. (male, female). Type: N. China Original designation. (BMNH) . Ephemera serica - MZachlan, 1875: 169. Caenis sp. Ti Ephemera serica - Eaton, 1883:73. (male, Caenis Ti Dudgeon, 1982: 14. female). Caenis Ti Dudgeon, 1982:225. Ephemera serica - Ulmer, 1926:89, fig. 82- Caenis Ti Dudgeon, 1984:73. 83. (male, female, key). Caenis Ti Dudgeon, 1984:210. Ephemera serica - Lestage, 1927:99. (key). Distribution: Hong Kong. Ephemera serica - Navis, 1930:15. Ephemera serica - Navis, 1930: 138. Caenis sp. T2 Ephemera serica - Wu, 1935:248. Caenis T2 Dudgeon, 1983:441. Ephemera serica - Ulmer, 1936:206. Caenis T2 Dudgeon, 1984:73. Ephemera serica - Hsu, 1937:438. (male, Caenis T2 Dudgeon, 1984:210. female, key). Distribution: Hong Kong. Ephemera serica - Kimmins, 1960:309, fig. 53. (male). [designation of lectotype]. Caenis sp. L2 Ephemera serica - Kimmins, 1971:320. Caenis L2 Dudgeon, 1984:73. Distribution: Hong Kong, China, Vietnam. Caenis L2 Dudgeon, 1984:210. Distribution: Hong Kong. Ephemera (subgenus incertus) Caenis sp. Lg Ephemera sp. TI Caenis L3 Dudgeon, 1984:73. Ephemera Ti Dudgeon, 1982:225. Caenis L3 Dudgeon, 1984:210. Distribution: Hong Kong. Distribution: Hong Kong. Ephemera sp. T2 Family Ephemeridae Latreil le, 1810 Ephemera T2 Dudgeon, 1983:441. Distribution: Hong Kong. Genus Ephemera Linnaeus, 1758 Ephemera Linnaeus, 1758:546. Ephemera sp. Type species: Ephemera vulgata Linnaeus. Ephemera sp. Dudgeon, 1984:73. Subsequent designation by Westwood, Ephemera sp. Dudgeon, 1984:210. 1836:439. Distribution: Hong Kong. Nirvius Navis, 1922:56. Type species: lirvius punctatus Navis. Original designation. Fami ly Ephemerel lidae Klapi 1ek, 1909 Subgenus Ephemera Linnaeus, 1758 Subfamily Ephemerellinae Klapslek, 1909 Ephemera (Ephemera) pulcherrima Eaton Genus Ephemerel la Walsh, 1863 Ephemera pulcherrima Eaton, 1892: 185. (fe- Ephemerel la Walsh, 1863:377. male). Type: female, Tenasserim Val ley, Type species: Ephemerel 1a excrucians Burma (BMNH). Walsh. Subsequent
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