附錄一 Appendix 1 技術備註和定義 Technical Notes and Definitions 跨界行程 Cross-boundary trips 跨界旅客行程 是定義為一名以旅客為身分 A cross-boundary passenger trip is an one-way movement 的人士由本港前往內地或由內地前往香港的 of a person as passenger between the Mainland and Hong 任何一個單向行程。來回行程中的出發行程 Kong in either direction. Outward and return halves of a 及回程會被計算為分別兩次行程。跨界車輛 round trip are counted as two separate trips. Trips by drivers 的司機及直通列車和渡輪上的工作人員並不 of cross-boundary vehicles and crew members of through 計算在內。 trains and ferries are not taken as passenger trips. 跨界車輛行程 是定義為一車輛由本港前往 A cross-boundary vehicle trip is an one-way movement of 內地或由內地前往香港的單向行程,其中包 a vehicle, including private cars, buses and coaches, 括私家車、巴士、旅遊巴士、貨櫃車及其他 container trucks and other kinds of goods vehicles, 類型貨車。 between the Mainland and Hong Kong in either direction. 交通工具類型 Transport Modes 跨界行程所涉及的交通工具類型包括: Cross-boundary passenger trips are made by various transport modes, including: 邊界列車 是指以羅湖總站作起點或終站的 Boundary train refers to the passenger train service 九廣東鐵列車。 between Hung Hom Station and Lo Wu Terminus. 直通列車 是指以紅磡車站作起點或終站, Through train refers to non-stop passenger train service 沿途不停站的九廣東鐵列車。 between Guangzhou and Hong Kong, which terminates at Hung Hom Station on Hong Kong side. 旅遊巴士 是指往返本港和內地的旅遊巴 Coach includes all types of bus and coach services 士,但並不包括在落馬洲營運的穿梭巴士服 between the Mainland and Hong Kong, except the shuttle 務。 bus service operated at Lok Ma Chau Control Point. 穿梭巴士 是指往返皇崗和新田(經落馬洲 Shuttle bus refers to the franchised shuttle bus service 北 管制站)的專利旅遊巴士。 between Huanggang and San Tin via Lok Ma Chau Control 往 Point. 南 私家車 是指領有牌照往返本港和內地的私 Private Car includes those licensed to be driven in both 來 2006 家車;任何載客量八人或以上的客車,會列 Hong Kong and the Mainland. Any passenger car with 入旅遊巴士類別。 capacity of eight persons or more is classified as coach. 70 渡輪 是指由香港方面的中港碼頭、港澳碼 Ferry refers to the passenger ferry service between the 頭及屯門碼頭開出,前往內地不同港口的客 Mainland and Hong Kong operated at China Ferry Terminal, 運渡輪服務。 Macau Ferry Terminal and Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal on Hong Kong side. 其他類別 包括領有特別許可證以進入羅湖 Other modes include travelling by vehicles with special 禁區的車輛(如在羅湖總站停泊並讓學童上落 permits to enter the Lo Wu restricted area (such as school 的學校巴士)及徒步往返羅湖總站的村民。 buses picking up or setting down school children there) as well as travelling to or from Lo Wu Terminus by villagers on foot. 行程目的 Trip purpose 行程目的是指在到訪地點進行的活動。出發 The purpose of a cross-boundary trip generally refers to the 行程及回程都被定義為相同目的。居於其他 activities in the place of visit. An outward trip and the 地方人士所屬行程會同時包括來港目的及前 associated return trip have the same trip purpose. A trip 往內地目的。 made by People Living in Other Places has one purpose for visiting Hong Kong and another for visiting the Mainland. 如果行程是為了多個目的,則只會記錄主要 For a trip with multi-purpose, only the major purpose is 的目的。行程目的類別包括: recorded. Trip purposes include: 上班 往返固定工作地點的行程。每星期四 Work. Trips for travelling to or from fixed place(s) of work. 次或以上往返沒有固定工作地點的行程亦被 Trips made by people who travelled to or from unfixed place 計算在內。 of work at least four times a week in the course of work are included. 公幹 為工作而往返香港和內地的行程(往返 Business. Trips made for other job-related purposes, 工作地點的行程不計算在內),包括出席會 excluding the trips to or from the place of work, such as 議、與顧客會面或驗貨等。 meeting and conference, meeting clients, inspection, etc. 消閒 包括購物、瀏灠商店櫥窗、觀光或渡 Leisure. Trips for shopping, sightseeing or vacation. 假。 上學 為了上課而往返中小學校、專上學院 Schooling. Trips for attending classes, not only in primary or 或大學的行程。 secondary schools, but also colleges or universities. 探望親友 包括探望配偶、子女、父母、親 Visiting relatives and friends. Trips for visiting immediate 戚和朋友。 family members (spouses, children and parents) and for visiting other relatives and friends. Northbound Southbound 2006 71 其他 不可歸納入上述任何類別的行程,例 Other. Trips for consulting doctors, sweeping graves, 如求醫、掃墓、或陪伴別人往某處等。 escorting, and any other purposes not classified elsewhere. 珠江三角洲西部 Western Part of Pearl River Delta 包括中山、珠海、江門、佛山、肇慶市、四 Includes Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Foshan, Zhaoqing 會市和高要市。 City, Sihui City and Gaoyao City. 調查結果的廣義應用 Generalization of Survey Results 本報告所提供的調查結果是針對在跨界旅運 The survey results presented in this report refer specifically 統計調查的兩個星期的調查期的情況。調查 to the cross-boundary trips and trip makers during the two- 期的挑選是為了避免主要假期的旅客高峰 week survey periods of the Cross-boundary Travel Survey. 期。所以,是次調查結果只能一般化為全年 The survey period was chosen to avoid major holidays, 一般日子的跨界旅運概況,應予注意的是高 which are peak periods of cross-boundary flows. Therefore, 峰期的概況是頗為不同的。 the survey results may be generalized only to indicate the profiles of cross-boundary travel during normal days of the year, bearing in mind that those during peak periods are quite different. 關於經常跨界人士的調查結果亦只代表調查 The survey findings regarding individual frequent trip makers 期間跨界次數最少一次的人士。但是,因為 also refer to the number of such persons who had travelled 這類人士跨界次數最少每星期一次,我們可 across the boundary at least once during the survey period 以假設是次調查已涵蓋了他們全部。亦即是 only and hence covered by the survey. However, since 調查結果可以廣義地應用於經常跨界人士的 these persons were making at least one cross-boundary 總體。 trip a week, it can be assumed that all of them were covered by the survey. Accordingly, the findings may be generalized to the whole population of frequent trip makers. 北 往 南 來 2006 72 附錄二 Appendix 2 在香港的交通小區 Traffic Zones in Hong Kong 地區 小區編號 小區名稱 Area Traffic Zone No. Traffic Zone Name 1 堅尼地城 (Kennedy Town) 1 2 西營盤 (Sai Ying Pun) 3 西環 (Sai Wan) 1 上環 (Sheung Wan) / 國際金融中心 (IFC) / 信德中心 (Shun Tak Centre) 2 中環 (Central) 2 3 半山 (Mid-levels) 4 金鐘 (Admiralty) 5 山頂 (The Peak) 1 灣仔 (Wan Chai) 2 銅鑼灣 (Causeway Bay) 3 跑馬地 (Happy Valley) / 香港大球場 (Hong Kong Stadium) / 3 香港中央圖書館 (Hong Kong Central Library ) 4 渣甸山及黃泥涌峽 (Jardine's Lookout & Wong Nai Chung Gap) 香港島 1 天后 (Tin Hau) / 炮台山 (Fortress Hill) (Hong Kong Island) 2 雲景道 (Cloud View Road) / 寶馬山 (Braemar Hill) 3 北角 (North Point) / 百福花園 (Bedford Gardens) / 和富中心 (Provident Centre) 4 朂魚涌 (Quarry Bay) 4 5 太古城 (Taikoo Shing) 6 西灣河 (Sai Wan Ho) / 筲箕灣 (Shau Kei Wan) 7 柴灣 (Chai Wan) 8 小西灣 (Siu Sai Wan) / 杏花擥 (Heng Fa Chuen) 1 薄扶林 (Pok Fu Lam) 2 華富 (Wah Fu) 3 香港仔 (Aberdeen) 4 黃竹坑 (Wong Chuk Hang) 5 5 鴨洲 (Ap Lei Chau) 6 深水灣 (Deep Water Bay) 7 淺水灣 (Repulse Bay) / 赤柱 (Stanley) 8 石澳 (Shek O) 6 青洲 (Green Island) 1 愛丁堡廣場 (Edinburgh Square) / 大會堂 (City Hall) / 中信大廈 (Citic Tower) 香港會議展覽中心 (HKCEC) / 香港演藝學院 (HKAPA) / 7 2 中環廣場 (Central Plaza) / 灣景中心 (Causeway Centre) / 灣仔運動場 (Wanchai Sports Ground) / 華潤大廈 (China Resources Building) Northbound Southbound 2006 73 地區 小區編號 小區名稱 Area Traffic Zone No. Traffic Zone Name 1 尖沙咀 (Tsim Sha Tsui) / 天星碼頭 (Star Ferry Pier) 8 海港城 (Harbour City) / 海運大廈 (Ocean Terminal) / 2 星光行 (Star House) / 港青 (YMCA) 1 佐敦 (Jordan) / 中港城 (China H.K. City) 9 2 何文田京士柏山 (King's Park Hill) / 伊利沙白醫院 (Queen Elizabeth Hospital) 3 油麻地 (Yau Ma Tei) 10 旺角 (Mong Kok) / 太子 (Prince Edward) 1 深水叅 (Sham Shui Po) 2 深水叅麗安擥 (Lai On Est.) / 幸福擥 (Fortune Est.) 3 李鄭屋擥 (Lei Cheng Uk Est.) / 元州擥 (Un Chau Est.) / 蘇屋擥 (So Uk Est.) 11 4 長沙灣 (Cheung Sha Wan) 5 美孚 (Mei Foo) 6 荔枝角 (Lai Chi Kok) / 九華徑 (Kau Wa Keng) 紅磡渡輪碼頭 (Hung Hom Ferry Pier) / 半島豪庭 (Royal Peninsula) / 1 紅灣半島 (Hunghom Peninsula) / 紅磡車站 (Hung Hom Station) / 香港理工大學 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 黃埔花園 (Whampoa Garden) / 海名軒 (Harbourfront Landmark) / 2 家維擥 (Ka Wai Chuen) 12 九龍 3 海逸豪園 (Laguna Verde) (Kowloon) 何文田擥 (Ho Man Tin Est.) / 愛民擥 (Oi Man Est.) / 4 樂民新村 (Lok Man Sun Chuen) 5 土瓜灣 (To Kwa Wan) / 馬頭圍 (Ma Tau Wai) / 馬頭角 (Ma Tau Kok) 6 九龍醫院 (Kowloon Hospital) / 拔萃男書院 (Diocesan Boys' School) 1 九龍塘 (Kowloon Tong) / 筆架山 (Beacon Hill) 九龍塘又一村 (Yau Yat Tsuen) / 南山擥 (Nam Shan Est.) / 2 大坑擥 (Tai Hang Est.) / 石硤尾擥 (Shek Kip Mei Est.) 13 九龍塘又一居 (Parc Oasis) / 城市大學 (City University of Hong Kong) / 3 又一村花園 (Village Grrdens) / 白田擥 (Pak Tin Est.) / 澤安擥 (Chak On Est.) 石硤尾帝景峰 (Dynasty Heights) / 大窩坪 (Tai Wo Ping) / 4 畢架山花園 (Beacon Heights) 1 九龍城 (Kowloon City) 橫頭磡 (Wong Tau Hom) / 樂富擥 (Lok Fu Est.) / 2 黃大仙下擥 (Lower Wong Tai Sin Est.) / 啟德花園 (Kai Tak Graden) 3 新蒲崗 (San Po Kong) / 東頭擥 (Tung Tau Est.) 14 黃大仙上擥 (Upper Wong Tai Sin Est.) / 黃大仙廟 (Wong Tai Sin Temple) / 4 竹園擥 (Chuk Yuen Est.) / 天馬苑 (Tin Ma Court) 5 慈雲山 (Tsz Wan Shan) 北 6 鑽石山 (Diamond Hill) / 牛池灣 (Ngau Chi Wan) 往 南 來 2006 74 地區 小區編號 小區名稱 Area Traffic Zone No. Traffic Zone Name 1 啟業擥 (Kai Yip Est.) / 麗晶花園 (Richland Gardens) / 啟祥道 (Kai Cheung Road) 德福花園 (Telford Gardens) / 淘大花園 (Amoy Gardens) / 2 牛頭角下擥 (Lower Ngau Tau Kok Est.) / 坪石擥 (Ping Shek Est.) 3 牛頭角上擥 (Upper Ngau Tau Kok Est.) / 樂華擥 (Lok Wah Est. ) 4 秀茂坪擥 (Sau Mau Ping Est.) / 順利擥 (Shun Lee Est.) 15 5 觀塘裕民坊 (Yue Man Square) / 翠屏擥 (Tsui Ping Est.) 6 觀塘偉業街 (Wai Yip Street) / 創紀之城 (Millennium City) 九龍 [續] 7 茶果嶺 (Cha Kwo Ling) / 麗港城 (Laguna City) (Kowloon) [Cont'd] 8 油塘 (Yau Tong) 9 藍田 (Lam Tin) 西九龍文娛藝術區 (West Kowloon Cultural District ) / 君臨天下 (The Habourside) / 1 漾日居 (The Waterfront) / 擎天半島 (Sorrento) 奧海城二期 (Olympian City 2) / 帝柏海灣 (Central Park) / 2 柏景灣 (Park Avenue) / 富榮花園 (Charming Garden) 16 3 大角咀 (Tai Kok Tsui) / 港灣豪庭 (Metro Harbour View) 4 維港灣 (Island Harbourview) / 奧海城第一期&第三期 (Olympian City 1&3) 富昌擥 (Fu Cheong Est.) / 南昌擥 (Nam Cheong Est.) / 5 西鐵南昌站 (West Rail Nam Cheong Station) / 碧海藍天 (Aqua Marine) 17 前啟德機場 (Former Kai Tak Airport) 下葵涌 (Ha Kwai Chung) / 麗景 (Lai King) / 1 麗瑤擥 (Lai Yiu Est.) / 祖堯擥 (Cho Yiu Chuen) 安蔭 (On Yam) / 石籬 (Shek Lei) / 石梨頭 (Shek Lei Tau) / 2 華景山莊 (Wonderland Villas) 3 葵涌大連排道 (Tai Lin Pai Road) 大窩口 (Tai Wo Hau) / 葵興擥 (Kwai Hing Est.) / 4 葵涌擥 (Kwai Chung Est.) / 葵盛擥 (Kwai Shing Est.) 18 5 葵芳擥 (Kwai Fong Est.) / 新都會廣場 (Metroplaza) 荃灣 / 葵青 梨木樹 (Kei Muk Shue) / 上葵涌 (Sheung Kwai Chung) / 6 (Tsuen Wan / 石圍角擥 (Shek Wai Kok Est.) / 老圍 (Lo Wai) / 象山擥 (Cheung Shan Est.) Kwai Tsing) 綠楊新擥 (Luk Yeung San Chuen) / 海濱花園 (Riviera Gardens) / 7 福來擥 (Fuk Loi Est.) 灣景花園 ( Bayview Garden) / 荃威花園 (Allway Garden) / 8 愉景新城 (Discovery Park) / 荃灣碼頭 (Tsuen Wan Ferry) 青衣長安擥 (Cheung On Est.) / 盈翠半島 (Tierra Verde) / 1 灝景灣 (Villa Esplanada) / 青衣擥 (Tsing Yi Est.) 19 長康擥 (Cheung Hong Est.) / 長青擥 (Cheung Ching Est.) / 2 海欣花園 (Grand Horizon) 1 葵涌貨櫃碼頭 (7 號 &8 號) (Kwai Chung No.
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