Supplementary Material Click Here to Download Attachment to Manuscript: Brassica Fitzjohn Suppl Resubmit.Doc

Supplementary Material Click Here to Download Attachment to Manuscript: Brassica Fitzjohn Suppl Resubmit.Doc

online supplementary material Click here to download attachment to manuscript: brassica_fitzjohn_suppl_resubmit.doc 1 Supplementary material for ‘Hybridisation within Brassica and allied genera: 2 evaluation of potential for transgene escape’ 3 4 Online Appendix 1: 1 !experimental" sources 5 Papers documenting experimental hybridisation, including cross direction and % success/failure used in making Figures 1 3! "#uccess$ means that any trial in the article ( &as successful, &hile "Fail$ means that all trials &ere unsuccessful! 'rticles that ) successfully produced hybrids, but reported one or more trials &here hybrids &ere not . produced, are indicated &ith an asterisk *+,! -n lists "'s male$ or "'s female$ refer to the 10 role of the crop species in the cross! /ote that crosses &here both parents are crops 11 species *Brassica carinata, B. juncea, B. napus, B. nigra, B. oleracea, B. rapa, Raphanus 12 sativus and Sinapis alba, are listed t&ice! 13 14 1rassica carinata 15 1% 2 ith Brassica juncea 1( • 's male *success,3 4 *1.35,5 6ahman *1.(%, 1.(),5 'nand et al! *1.)5,5 7atiyar 1) 8 9upta *1.)(,5 #ubudhi 8 6aut *1..4b,5 7atiyar 8 :hamola *1..5,! + 1. • 's female *success,3 6ahman *1.(%,5 9etinet et al! *1..4, 1..(,! 20 • 's female *failure,3 4 *1.35,! 21 22 2 ith Brassica maurorum 23 • 's male *failure,3 :hrungu et al! *1...,! 24 25 2 ith Brassica napus 2% • 's male *success,3 4 *1.35,5 6oy *1.)0,5 2 ahidu;;aman *1.)(,5 Fernande;< 2( =scobar et al! *1.)),5 :hen 8 >eneen *1..2,5 6ashid et al! *1..4,! 2) • 's female *success,3 6oy *1.)0,5 2 ahidu;;aman *1.)(,5 Fernande;<=scobar et 2. al! *1.)),5 9etinet et al! *1..(,! 30 • 's female *failure,3 4 *1.35,! 31 32 2 ith Brassica nigra 33 • 's female *success,3 4 *1.35,5 ?i;ushima *1.50,! 34 35 2 ith Brassica oleracea 3% • 's male *success,3 ?orinaga *1.33,5 1arciko&ska et al! *1.)3,! + 3( • 's female *success,3 4 *1.35,5 ?i;ushima *1.50,5 6ahman *2001,! 3) • 's male *failure,3 4 *1.35,5 6ahman *2001,! 3. • 's female *failure,3 ?orinaga *1.33,5 @onguA 8 9riffiths *2004,! 40 41 2 ith Brassica rapa 42 • 's male *success,3 >o&ard *1.42,5 #truss et al! *1..1,5 ?eng et al! *1..),5 43 6ahman *2001,! 44 • 's female *success,3 ?i;ushima *1.50,5 #truss et al! *1..1,5 :houdhary et al! 45 *2000a,5 6ahman *2001,! 4% • 's male *failure,3 :houdhary et al! *2000a,! 1 4( • 's female *failure,3 ?eng et al! *1..),! 4) 4. 2ith Brassica tournefortii + 50 • 's female *success,3 Boshi 8 :houdhary *1... ,! 51 • 's male *failure,3 Boshi 8 :houdhary *1...,! 52 53 2ith Enarthrocarpus lyratus 54 • 's male *failure,3 9undimeda et al! *1..2,! 55 • 's female *failure,3 9undimeda et al! *1..2,! 5% 5( 2ith Erucastrum abyssinicum 5) • 's male *failure,3 6ao et al! *1..%,! 5. %0 2ith Orychophragmus violaceus %1 • 's female *success,3 Ci et al! *1..),! %2 • 's male *failure,3 Ci et al! *1..),! %3 %4 2ith Raphanus sativus %5 • 's female *success,3 6ichharia *1.3(,! %% • 's male *failure,3 9upta *1..(,! %( %) 2ith Sinapis alba %. • 's male *failure,3 #rideDi 8 #arla *1..%,! (0 • 's female *failure,3 #rideDi 8 #arla *1..%,! (1 (2 2ith Sinapis arvensis (3 • 's female *success,3 ?i;ushima *1.50,! (4 (5 1rassica Euncea (% (( 2ith Brassica carinata + () • 's male *success,3 6ahman *1.(%,5 9etinet et al! *1..4 , 1..(,! (. • 's female *success,3 4 *1.35,5 6ahman *1.(%, 1.(),5 'nand et al! *1.)5,5 )0 7atiyar 8 9upta *1.)(,5 #ubudhi 8 6aut *1..4b,5 7atiyar 8 :hamola *1..5,! )1 • 's male *failure,3 4 *1.35,! )2 )3 2ith Brassica fruticulosa )4 • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! )5 • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! )% )( 2ith Brassica gravinae )) • 's female *success,3 /anda 7umar et al! *1.))b,! ). • 's male *failure,3 /anda 7umar et al! *1.))b,! .0 .1 2ith Brassica maurorum .2 • 's female *success,3 1iEral et al! *1..5,! 2 .3 • 's male *failure,3 :hrungu et al! *1...,! .4 .5 2ith Brassica napus .% • 's male *success,3 ?orinaga *1.2.b,5 #asaoka *1.30,5 >eyn *1.((,5 6oy *1.)0,5 .( Fan et al! *1.)%,5 2ahidu;;aman *1.)(+,5 Prakash 8 :hopra *1..0a,5 6ao 8 .) 6aut *1..4,5 6ashid et al! *1..4,5 :houdary 8 Boshi *1...+,! .. • 's female *success,3 ?orinaga *1.2.b,5 #asaoka *1.30,5 6ahman *1.(),5 6oy 100 *1.(), 1.)0,5 'nand et al! *1.)5,5 Fhillon et al! *1.)5,5 2ahidu;;aman *1.)(,5 101 Prakash 8 :hopra *1.)),5 #harma 8 #ingh *1..2,5 6ao 8 6aut *1..4,5 #ubudhi 102 8 6aut *1..4a,5 Frello et al! *1..5,5 :houdary 8 Boshi *1...+,! 103 • 's male *failure,3 Fhillon et al! *1.)5,! 104 105 2ith Brassica nigra 10% • 's female *success,3 ?orinaga *1.31,5 6amanuEam 8 #riniDasachar *1.43,5 10( ?i;ushima *1.50,5 Glsson *1.%0a,5 'nand et al! *1.)5,! 10) • 's male *failure,3 6amanuEam 8 #riniDasachar *1.43,5 Glsson *1.%0a,5 9hosh 10. Fastidar 8 Harma *1...,! 110 • 's female *failure,3 9hosh Fastidar 8 Harma *1...,! 111 112 2ith Brassica oleracea 113 • 's male *success,3 #truss et al! *1..1,! 114 • 's male *failure,3 7aki;aki *1.25,5 9hosh Fastidar 8 Harma *1...,! 115 • 's female *failure,3 7aki;aki *1.25,5 9hosh Fastidar 8 Harma *1...,! 11% 11( 2ith Brassica oxyrrhina 11) • 's female *success,3 1iEral 8 #harma *1...b,! 11. • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 120 • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 121 122 2ith Brassica rapa 123 • 's male *success,3 ?orinaga *1.2.b,5 6amanuEam 8 #riniDasachar *1.43,5 124 Glsson *1.%0a,5 6oy *1.)0,5 :houdary 8 Boshi *1...+,! 125 • 's female *success,3 ?orinaga *1.2.b,5 #ikka *1.40,5 6amanuEam 8 12% #riniDasachar *1.43,5 ?i;ushima *1.50,5 Glsson *1.%0a,5 6oy *1.)0,5 'nand et 12( al! *1.)5,5 CoDe et al! *1..0,5 7atiyar 8 :hamola *1..),5 :houdary 8 Boshi 12) *1...+,5 :houdhary et al! *2002+,! 12. • 's male *failure,3 7aki;aki *1.25,5 9hosh Fastidar 8 Harma *1...,! 130 • 's female *failure,3 7aki;aki *1.25,5 @akeshita et al! *1.)0,5 9hosh Fastidar 8 131 Harma *1...,! 132 133 2ith Brassica tournefortii 134 • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,5 9hosh Fastidar 8 Harma *1...,! 135 • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,5 9oyal et al! *1..(,5 9hosh Fastidar 8 13% Harma *1...,! 3 13( 13) 2ith Camelina sativa 13. • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 140 • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 141 142 2ith Capsella bursa-pastoris 143 • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 144 • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 145 14% 2ith Conringia orientalis 14( • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 14) • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 14. 150 2ith Crambe abyssinica 151 • 's female *failure,3 2ang 8 Cuo *1..),! 152 153 2ith Diplotaxis erucoi es 154 • 's female *success,3 -nomata *1..),! 155 • 's male *failure,3 Hyas et al! *1..5,! 15% 15( 2ith Diplotaxis muralis 15) • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 15. • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 1%0 1%1 2ith Diplotaxis siifolia 1%2 • 's male *failure,3 1atra et al! *1..0,! 1%3 • 's female *failure,3 1atra et al! *1..0,! 1%4 1%5 2ith Diplotaxis tenuifolia 1%% • 's male *success,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 1%( • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 1%) 1%. 2ith Diplotaxis tenuisili!ua 1(0 • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 1(1 • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 1(2 1(3 2ith Enarthrocarpus lyratus 1(4 • 's male *failure,3 9undimeda et al! *1..2,! 1(5 • 's female *failure,3 9undimeda et al! *1..2,! 1(% 1(( 2ith Eruca vesicaria 1() • 's female *success,3 1iEral 8 #harma *1...a,5 9os&ami 8 FeDi *2002,! 1(. • 's male *failure,3 9hosh Fastidar 8 Harma *1...,! 1)0 1)1 2ith Erucastrum abyssinicum 1)2 • 's male *failure,3 6ao et al! *1..%,! 4 1)3 1)4 2ith Erucastrum gallicum 1)5 • 's male *failure,3 Cefol et al! *1..(,! 1)% • 's female *failure,3 Cefol et al! *1..(,! 1)( 1)) 2ith Erucastrum virgatum 1). • 's female *success,3 -nomata *2001,! 1.0 1.1 2ith "irschfel ia incana 1.2 • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 1.3 • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 1.4 1.5 2ith #orican ia arvensis 1.% • 's male *failure,3 @akahata et al! *1..3,! 1.( • 's female *failure,3 @akahata et al! *1..3,! 1.) 1.. 2ith #yagrum perfoliatum 200 • 's male *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 201 • 's female *failure,3 #alisbury *1..1,! 202 203 2ith Orychophragmus violaceus 204 • 's female *success,3 Ci et al! *1..),! 205 • 's male *failure,3 Ci et al! *1..),! 20% 20( 2ith Raphanus raphanistrum 20) • 's female *success,3 7amala *1.)3,! 20.

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