* INSIDE TODAY: SUPER SPORT· WORLD CUP ,LATEST, NAMIBIA V. FRANCE, WIMBtEOON * Bringing Africa South GUNMEN DHPS STRIKE moves right AGAIN West German Ambassador booed, jeered and hissed at Attack in Academia DEEP concern has been expressed THE home of a senior Home Affairs Ministry official became by many parents of children attend­ ing the Deutsche Hahere Privatschule the target of gunfire on Friday night. in Windhoek after what has been The house fired at belongs to the some rocks near the house but it described as "a more right-wing" former head of the commission on suddenly changed direction and hit a school committee was elected on reduction of prison sentences, Lukas plank in the wooden fence around the Thursday night. Hangula, who is now Deputy Direc­ house. Parents fear that the voting in of a tor of the Passport and Citizenship Hangula was not in the house at the predominantly conservative line-up Division at Home Affairs. time but some young boys looking in the face of a plea by the West The attack on Hangula's house in after the house picked up one of the German ambassador to Namibia, Mr Jasper Street, Academia, differs bullets which was later handed to llle A Ganns, for a "coalition commit­ slightly from last Thursday' s attacks police. SENIOR African National Congress office bearer, secretary­ tee '" ' representing all groups and on the houses of Home Affairs Min­ In another version, Distric! Com­ general Alfred Nzo (left) arrived in Windhoek on Friday for a tendencies at the school could jeop­ ister Hifikepunye Pohamba and missioner of Police Martin Bronk­ short visit. Nzo was the guest of Swapo party chief Moses ardize future funding by the govern­ Defence Minister Peter Mueshihange. horst said a 9mm round hit the out­ Garoeb. He was met at the airport by Swapo's deputy secretary ment of the Federal Republic of The perpetrators of the attacks on side of the house just above the front Festus Namholo (right). Photograph by John Walenga. Germany. the two Ministers' houses have still door. Garms. who spoke before the elec­ not been identified but the shots fired Noone was injured in the shooting tion, was booed, hissed and jeered at at Hangula's home allegedly came and the matter was only reported to by sections of the crowd at ~imes as " from the house of a neighbour. the police early Saturday afternoon. he outlined an official view of the According to Permanent Secretary Kamati of Home Affairs said it "R780m for Namibia! direction the German government Ndali Kamati someone in the house was unfortunate that the occupants would like to see school move in. Parents were also disturbed by opposite started firing at Hangula' s of the house had reported the matter THE international community pledged aid worth more than R780 million to reports that one of the main lobbyists house at around OhlOO on Saturday. so late but he was still waiting for a Namibia during the UN-sponsored conference on assistance for Namibia in whipping up support for the right­ The gunfire was first directed at full report from the police. New York. wingers was a certain"Dr Engelhard, This was stated in a media release issued by the UN Development Pro­ who is not a parent and is reportedly gramme in Windhoek on Friday. well known for his •• extremist views". Among the firm pledges received were R31,2 million from India, R25m " I was very shocked by the out­ from Denmark, R26,6m from South Africa, R2,6m from Egypt, R41,6m from Police suspect white come," one mother who telephoned Sweden (as well as R130m in long-term grants), R45m from the United The Namibian late on TIrursday, said. Kingdom, R18,2m from the African Development Bank, R31,2m from Italy "To me it means that it was a verv and R2.6m from Turkey. precise decision, a clear sign th;t ' right-wing elements Total grants from the Nordic countries amounted to R 156m, while Germany " pledged R 161m, the United States R26,6m"and Nigeria R2,6m. - Sapa CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 MEANWHILE, Sapa reports that the Namibian Police suspect white right-wing elements were involved in the attacks on the homes of the two Cabinet Ministers according to police For the best in quality and service spokesperson Brigadier Siggi Eimbeck. "While we have no absolute proof, our suspicion is that several individuals let us develop and print your colour with right-wing leanings could have been re'sponsible. " Eimbeck told Sapa. film and you can have a: He appealed to the public to come forward with any information concerning the two incidents or about anybody contemplating such acts. THE Democratic Turnhalle Al­ FREE "We are going to do everything in our power to get them prosecuted," liance (DTA) said It had "learned Brigadier Eimbeck said. with concern of the shooting in­ * Film "We ha~e been fighting for 20years and we certainly do not need this," he cidents at the h omes of two added. 'it Cabinet Ministers". * Foto file PLUS He condemned the shootings as "cowardly " especially in light of the "Whoever was responsible for atmosphere that had been created for reconciliation, these actions or incidents did thIs * Photo Album "A deed like this could do nothing but cause unecessary strain," he added. couritry irreparable harm because The police were investigating charges of attempted murder as well as a actions like these can oniy create number of alternative charges ranging from shooting in a municipal area, the tension and uncertainty In our illegal possession of firearms or possibly even treason. young Republic, whIch is still " People should realize the seriousness of their actions; if a conspiracy is trying to find its feeU' proved they could be prosecuted for treason," he said. Saying they hoped the police gerhard botha Meanwhile, the crime rate countrywide was going down " quite considera­ would soon apprehend the cul­ photography bly", according to Eimbeck. prits, the DT A added that since While some attributed the fall in crime to the cold weather, he said he felt shots were fired at guards, who 44 KAISER STREET it was due to a better awareness by the public as well as their co-operation. were not necessarily members PO BOX 21907 Minister Pohamba armounced earlier that police would conduct 24 hours a or supporters of the governing WINDHOEK day foot patrols to reduce a "disturbing" crime rate. party, proved that the offenders did n ot oniy have political, but Tel (061) 3-5&.?1 also other motives, for the shoot­ ~NSIDE TODA~:L.IFEATTHE~N[)6F+~EW()RhP) ings. 2 fMondar,Feeruary ee 1990 THE ' NAMIBtAN ~ - Iran quake toll now at 40 000 GENEVA -Iranhas told the United Nations that the death toll from On Friday, the League of Red Cross last Thursday's earthquake could rise to 50 000, the UN relief and Red Crescent Societies had said coordinator for Iran said on Sunday. the Iranian authorities had said they did not want relief agenciesto import no Until now the Iranians had esti­ "They are afraid that the number satellite conununication equipment. YOUR DAILY GmDE TO EVENTS WORLD· WIDE mated that 40 000 people had died. of rescue workers could pose a prob­ In general the Iranians are used to . "The Iranian authorities say the lem," Essaafi said. handling disasters, following an eight­ figures can go up to 50,<XXl," M'hamed They needs tents, blankets, cook­ year war with Iraq and numerous Essaafi, UN under-secretary-general ing utensils and stoves, portable past earthquakes. in charge of the UN relief effort for generators and medical equipment Asked to compare the current re­ the quake, told a news conference. and supplies. lief operation with that for the Arme­ Essaafi said well over 100 000 are Nasseri told pssaafi that bad nian quake, Essaafi said: ., At this TEHRAN - Rescue workers buried bodies in mass graves without estimated to have been injured and weather, especially in mountious aras, stage it's a bit too early, but accord­ countiIig them as the death toll from Iran's worst earthquake rose 500 000 are believed to be homeless. was hampering the transport of re­ ing to what we have received now, to 40 000. The focus of relief efforts has shifted to the more than 100 "The needs are really extraordi­ lief. Even helicopters were finding it the situation has been handled rather 000 people injured and half a million made homeless. Dozens of nary," said Essaafi who will leave difficult to land. well by .the Iranians. " aftershocks struck the region and fears of disease from trapped for Iran on Monday. Relief planes, some still including The UNDRO said food has now bodies and dead farm animals added to anxieties. Fabrizio Gentiloni, senior relief medical teams, were flying in to Tehran been dropped from the Iranian lists coordinator of the UN Disaster Re­ from many countries - including rela­ of priority needs. HELSINKI -A hijacker surrendered to police after forcing a Soviet lief Organisation (UNDRO), said the tively poor states like Pakistan, "The World Food Programme airliner with 72 passengers and six crew aboard to land at the last figure of bodies recovered was Bangladesh and Turkey. representative in Iran reports that Finnish capital Helsinki. Police said the hijacker, aged about 21, 30000 though the Iranian authorities Essaafi said the remaining hospi­ food needs such as cereals, milkpow­ told them he wanted asylum in the United States. have been saying that at least 40 000 ., tals were working to capacity, some der, canned food, pasta, sugar and tea OTTA W A - Prime Minister Brian Mulroney faces a bleak political died.
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