REVISTA Militară. Studii de Securitate și apărare PRECISION GUIDED PROJECTILES: ANALYSIS Veaceslav PERJU1 PROIECTILE DE PRICIZIE ÎNALTĂ: ANALIZĂ În articol sunt analizate 13 tipuri de proiectile de precizie înaltă (precision guided projectile or PGP) produse în China, Germania, Iran, Rusia, Coreea de Sud, Suedia și SUA. Sunt prezen- tate datele generale ale PGP-urilor. Au fost analizate tehnologiile de ghidare utilizate în proiec- tile, interval de operare, calibrul, platformele de lansare a proiectilelor și precizia lovirii țintelor. Cuvinte-cheie: ghidare, interval de operare, lovire, platforma de lansare, precizie, proiectil, țintă. INTRODUCTION of the mortar as the weapon to destroy the stationary and moving targets. The advan- The current battlefield deployment de- tages of guided mortar systems have made pends on towed artillery [34]. In large-scale them increasingly popular weapons and long-term combat situations, a big quantity they are now in service around the world. of fire can be directed onto chosen targets. In section 1 of the article there are pre- There are effectiveness issues that make sented 13 types of the precision guided higher precision munitions delivery an es- projectiles (PGPs) produced in China, sential need in combat. Precision delivery Germany, Iran, Russia, South Korea, Swe- reduces collateral damage both in terms of den and USA. The data shows that the structures and loss of life, providing timely PGPs are characterized by different guid- and efficient debilitation of the intended target by the use of a small number of ac- ance technologies, range of activity, caliber, curate rounds, placed on target. platform launch, destination and precision. Guided mortar systems are intended In section 2 there are described the guid- to provide increased firing accuracy and ance technologies (GT) used in PGPs and reduced ammunition consumption [35]. number of GT used in one PGP. In sec- Mortars typically fire projectiles intended tion 3 it was proposed to divide PGPs in for use against personnel, light armored 4 categories, based on the analysis of their vehicles, and structures. They are normally operational range. The data regarding the smooth-bore, muzzle-loading, indirect fire PGPs caliber are presented in the section 4. support weapons that allow the operators to In section 5 it is presented the information INTERDISCIPLINARITATEA engage targets that may not be within their regarding launching platforms of PGPs. ȘI line of sight. Guided mortar systems allow The data regarding precision of PGPs are the precision targeting and increased first- presented in the section 6. round hit probability, and greatly reduce 1. GENERAL DATA OF THE PRECISI- the potential for collateral damage. They ON GUIDED PROJECTILES MILITARĂ have a circular error probable (CEP) of less than ten meters, making them more than In this section there are presented the seven times as accurate as unguided mortar data of the precision guided projectiles projectiles. The increased accuracy of guid- (PGPs). For analysis there are selected 19 ȘTIINȚA \ ed mortar systems has increased the utility types of the PGPs [1-38] produced in China, 120 1 Veaceslav PERJU, Doctor habilitate, Armed Forces Military Academy, Republic of Moldova REVISTA Militară. NR. 2 (22) / 2019 Germany, Iran, Russia, South Korea, Sweden racterized by different guidance techno- and USA (Table 1). The data regarding PGPs logies, range of activity, caliber, platform are presented in the Table A1 (Annex 1). launch, destination and precision of the The analysis shows that the PGPs are cha- target hitting. Table 1. PGP’s by countries and types Country Types/References China GP1/6 [1, 10, 11, 12]; GP120 [1, 13]; GP140 [1, 14, 15] Germany SMArt 155 [7, 16, 17, 37] Iran Basir[7, 18, 33, 35] Kitolov-2M[7, 19, 20]; KM-8 Gran[3, 7, 21, 22]; Russia Krasnopol 30 F39 [2, 7, 23, 24] South Korea KSTAM[4, 7, 25, 35] Sweden M/94 STRIX [6, 7, 26, 36] M712 Copperhead [8, 27, 28]; M982 Excalibur [7, 9, 29, 30]; USA MGM-51 Shillelagh CLGP [5, 7, 31, 32] 2. THE GUIDANCE TECHNOLOGIES Inertial technologies – on every of 1 PGP USED IN PGPs (6,25%). Number of Guidance Technolo- In the Table 2 are described the guid- gies (GT) used in one PGS vary from 1 ance technologies used in PGPs which to 2. In 10 PGPs (77%) is using 1 GT and shows, that most frequently are used the in 3 PGSs (23%) - are using 2 GT, namely: Laser technologies – in 8 PGPs (50%), fol- Radar and Termal/Infrared GT – in PGPs low by the Thermal/Infrared technologies – KSTAM, SMArt 155, and Satellite and In- in 4 PGPs (25%). Radar technologies are ertial GT – in PGP M982 Excalibur. used in 2 PGPs (12,5%) and Satellite and Table 2. Guidance technologies used in PGPs Guidance PGP’ nr in PGPs PGP’ kind technology Table A1 Nr % Basir, GP1/6, GP120, GP140, Kitolov-2M, Laser 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10 8 50 KM-8 Gran, Krasnopol 30F39, M712 Copperhead, Thermal/ KSTAM, M/94 STRIX, MGM-51 8,9,12,13 4 25 Infrared ShillelaghCLGP, SMArt 155 Radar 8,13 2 12,5 KSTAM, SMArt 155 ȘTIINȚA MILITARĂ ȘI INTERDISCIPLINARITATEA ȘTIINȚA MILITARĂ Satellite 11 1 6,25 M982 Excalibur \ Inertial 11 1 6,25 M982 Excalibur Total 16 100 121 REVISTA Militară. Studii de Securitate și apărare 3. OPERATIONAL RANGE OF PGPs Range 3 (more than 10km and less or equal to 20km) - 3 PGPs (or 23%); Range 4 (more Based on the operational range, the PGPs than 20km and less or equal to 30km) - 3 can be divided in 4 categories (Table 3). PGPs (or 15,4%) and Range 5 (more than Range 1 (less or equal 1km) - 2 PGPs (or 30km) – 1 PGP (or 7,6%). 15,5%); Range 2 (more than 1km and less or equal to 10km) - 5 PGPs (or 38,5%); Table 3. PGPs operation range PGP’ nr in PGPs Operational Range total PGP’ kind Table A1 Nr % Range 1: less or equal 1km 5,6 2 15,5 Kitolov-2M, KM-8 Gran Range 2: more than 1km GP120, GP140, KSTAM, M/94 STRIX, 3,4,8,9,12 5 38,5 and less or equal to 10km MGM-51 Shillelagh Range 3: more than 10km 1,2,10 3 23 Basir, GP1/6, M712 Copperhead and less or equal to 20km Range 4: more than 20km 7,13 2 15,4 Krasnopol30F39, SMArt 155 and less or equal to 30km Range 5: more than 30km 11 1 7,6 M982 Excalibur PGSs total 13 100 4. PGPs CALIBER PGPs (or 54%) are of 152/155mm caliber The data regarding the PGPs caliber are and 6 PGSs (or 46%) are of 120/122mm ca- presented in the Table 4 which show that 7 liber. Table 4. PGPs caliber PGP’ nr in PGPs total PGP’ caliber PGP’ kind Table A1 Nr % INTERDISCIPLINARITATEA Basir, GP1/6, Krasnopol-2K25, Krasno- ȘI 152/155mm 1,2,7,10,11,12,13 7 54 pol-30F39, M712 Copperhead, M982- Excalibur, MGM-51 Shillelagh CLGP GP120, GP140, Kitolov-2M, KM-8 120/122mm 3,4,5,6, 8,9 6 46 Gran, KSTAM, M/94 STRIX MILITARĂ PGPs total 13 100 ȘTIINȚA 5. PGPs LAUNCHING PLATFORMS launched by cannons and 4 PGPs (50%) – \ by tanks. The data regarding launching platforms 122 (Table 5) shows that 4 PGPs (or 50%) are REVISTA Militară. NR. 2 (22) / 2019 Table 5. PGPs launched platforms PGPs total Launched PGP’ nr in PGP’ kind Platform Table A1 Nr % Krasnopol-2K25, Krasnopol-30F39, Cannon 7,8,11,13 4 50 M712 Copperhead, Mark71-CLGP Kitolov-2M, KM-8 Gran, KSTAM, Tank 5,6,9,14 4 50 MGM-51 Shillelagh CLGP PGPs total 8 100 6. PRECISION OF THE TARGET probability up to 90% is ensured by laser HITTING guidance systems. The highest hit probabil- ity of 99% is ensured by guidance system The data presented in the Table A1 based on the Infrared sensor and millime- shows that the precision of PGPs is evaluat- ter wave radar. The PGPs GP120 and M982 ed in two modes – via target hit probability Excalibur ensure the Circular error prob- THP and circular error probable CEP [39]. able CEP of 5meters which can be con- Hit probability of 4 PGPs (Kitolov-2M, sidered as a very good precision of target KM-8 Gran, Krasnopol30F39, M712 Cop- hitting. The precision of target hitting of all perhead) is of 75-80%, of 1 PGP (GP1/6) – PGPs don’t depend from the distance until 90% and of 1 PGP (SMArt 155) – 99%. Hit target. CONCLUSION to 10km (38,5%of PGPs); Range 3 - more than 10km and less or equal to 20km The analysis shows that the Precision (23%of PGPs); Range 4 - more than 20km Guided Projectiles are characterized by dif- ferent guidance technologies, range of activ- and less or equal to 30km (15,4%of PGPs) ity, caliber, platform launch and destination. and Range 5 - more than 30km (7,6% of In the PGPs most frequently are used the PGPs). Laser technologies – in 50% of PGPs, follow The data regarding the PGPs caliber by the Thermal/Infrared technologies – in show that 54%of PGPs are of 152/155mm 25%of PGPs. Radar technologies are used caliber and 46%of PGPs are of 120/122mm in12,5%of PGPs and Satellite and Inertial caliber. technologies – in 6,25%of PGPs every. The data regarding launching platforms Number of Guidance Technologies shows that 50%of PGPs are launched by (GT) used in one PGS vary from 1 to 2. cannons and 50% of PGPs – by tanks. In 7%of PGPs is using 1 GT and in 23%of The hit probability of 4 PGPs Kito( - PGPs - are using 2 GT, namely: Radar and lov-2M, KM-8 Gran, Krasnopol30F39, Termal/Infrared GT – in PGPs KSTAM, M712 Copperhead) is of 75-80%, of 1 PGP SMArt 155, and Satellite and Inertial GT – (GP1/6) – 90% and of 1 PGP (SMArt 155) – in PGP M982Excalibur.
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