'llJa ASSOC , R . I , J EWIS !l HISTORI CAL 130 s c ss I ON S s T . PRO VI DlaN, CE. , RI 0 2 906 Support Jewish Read By More ·Than Agencies With Your 35,000 Membership People THt ONLY ENGLISH JEN/SH WEEKLY IN R I AND SOUTl-'EAST MASS . VOLUME LXII, NUMBER 8 THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1979 25¢ PER COPY Alert School boy Foils Bus Bomb Try In Tel-Aviv TEL A VIV - A watchfu l schoolboy bringi ng Passover fa re to his sister saved a busload of people from death or injury when he spotted a time bomb under a seat. The vehicle blew up moments after t he passengers left. The incident took place on ly hours after six armed Arabs on a raid we re intercepted and killed by an Israeli pat rol nea r the Lebanese border . The two incidents and the Palestinian guerrilla attempt to attack an Israeli airliner at the Brussels airporl were part of a pattern of ri sing terrorism against Israel since the sig ning of the Israeli-Egy ptian peace treaty last month . The hero of the bus incident. Shalmom Malul. 13 years old . said in an interview that he routinely looks for suspicious objects in public places, as television announce ments advise. The bus he was riding origi nates in the PLANNING LUNCHEON: At • recent Donor Kickoff !Meting of the Providence Chapter of H ■du■■ h, plane were made for the Arab sector of Jerusalem . He said he saw a annual luncheon to be held Monday, May 14th., at Seekonk'• Ramada Inn. CornmlttN memberw, _,ad from the left, Goldle battery wrapped in plastic wi th wi res show­ .-ortm ■ n, treHurer; LIi Ludm ■ n and Dorla Levine, hwplt■ lltr, HOMJ Seltzer, contribution■; Eather Share, grandmother'• page; ing. Look ing closer, he saw that the wires ltandlng, Jeannette Saval, publlcltr, Mabel Berman, B.IP prwldent; Dor■ Sherman, B.IP chairman; Roberta Blum, add book; were not attached to the bus, so he alerted a MIidred Tarlow, president; Kay Abram■ and Shirley Goldberg, '-Pit■lltr, Beftha Weintraub and Shirley Chernick, co-ordinator■. passenger who warned the drive r. Not preMnt when picture wn taken were Vicki PallN, memorials, and Eather Scollard, --,eUona. Proc:Nda from the event will • Israeli Sergeant Killed go to the Hada■Nh Medical Organization. The driver cleared the bus al the nex t sta­ tion, and the bomb immediately ripped off the rear of the vehi cle. Israel Negotiators Led By In the encounter with infiltrators from Le banon, an Israel i sergeant was killed and six soldiers were injured in the first exchange of fire, according to a lieutenant in com­ Burg, A Hard-Line Conservative ma nd of the patrol. He said he then led the rest of the patrol in an assault against the JERUSALEM: The Israeli Government went into effect last Sunday when Israeli and With rare unanimity, diplomati c obser­ Arabs. has appointed Interior Minister Yosef Burg, Egyptian representatives met in Sinai to ex­ vers and politicians here believe that the Military headquarters here said the a hard-line conservative, to head a change ratification documents. The autonomy question will prove to be fa r more Arabs, contrary to custom, had no papers negotiating team that will meet with Egyp­ autonomy talks are to proceed within a arduous than the negotiations fo r the peace indicating their affiliation of plans. tian officials next month to discuss Palesti­ month. · treaty, which was fin a ll y signe<! in March, 16 The military command here said that the nian self-rule on the West Bank of the Jor­ Election of self-rule councils on the West months after President Anwar cl-Sadat of armed fo rces had fo il ed all attempted Arab dan and in the Gaza Strip. Bank and in Gaza are supposed to be held Egypt initiated the effort by nying to incursions from the sea, Lebanon and Jor­ Mr. Burg is the leader of the National within 13 months. After a five-year tran­ Jerusalem in November 1977. dan since Jan. 13 when three gunmen who Religious Party, which believes that the sitional period, the final status of the oc­ Mr. Dayan and, at times, Mr. Weizman, in filtrated from Lebanon reached Maalot, West Bank is part of biblical Israel. His ap­ cupied areas will be decided. the two most nexible members of Prime five miles from the border, and were killed pointment as head of the six-member At this stage, wide gaps exist between all Minister Menachem Begin's C~binet on the trying to take over a recreation center. negotiating team appears to signal a tough the parties involved in the autonomy issue of Arab relations, represented the Israeli stance and strict limits on Palestinian proposal. The Palestinians and Jordan have Israelis during much of the treaty negotia­ self-rule on the West Bank and in Gaza, oc­ refused to take part in the talks, asserting tions with Egypt. Speaker Shamir Says cupied in the 1967 war. that the autonomy plan is a screen for con­ The appointment of Mr. Burg as the head Other members of the negotiating team tinued Israeli occupation of the territories. of the neogotiating team for the autonomy Death To Terrorists are Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan, Palestinian State Disputed talks indicates that the Israeli Government is JERUSALEM (JTA): Knesset Speaker Defense Minis ter Ezer Weizman, The Egyptians have expressed hope that preparing to take a hard line on the issue of Y itzhak Shamir said that he supports the Agriculture Minister Ariel Sharon, Justice the autonomy proposal will eventually lead Palestinian self-rule. death penalty for terrorists in extreme cases Minister Shmuel Tamir and Moshe Nishim, to creation of a Palestinian state. Minister Begin apparently decided to give and that he intends to propose legislation to Minister Without Portfolio. · The Israelis assert that such a state will his ·support to Mr. Burg as head of the that effect in the Knesset following the Treaty Ceremony last Sunday never be allowed to come about, that Israeli negotiating team on autonomy after the terrorist attack on Nahariya. The self-rule issue is the next step in the settlers should be permitted to live on the National Religious Party threatened last Shamir said on the Army Radio that he ·process toward a comprehensive Middle West Bank and in Gaza and that the Israeli month to quit the Government coalition will try to innuence Knesset members to East peace settlement, after ratification of military should remain in the occupied areas unless the party's views on the West Bank support legislation to make the death the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty. The treaty for years to come to assure security. and Gaza were -accepted. penalty an option for terrorists brought to trial for murder. While the death penalty fs provided by Israel's legal statutes, govern­ Dayan Vows Peace Treaty Will Survive ments throughout the State's history have JERUSALEM: Israeli ships shelled In Beirut, the Palestine Liberation Front, Cabinet Discusses Attack maintained a standing order which suspected Palestinian guerrilla bases in a radical splinter group, said it, had carried The Israeli Cabinet convened to disucuss stipulates that prosecutors avoid requesting Lebanon Sunday after four guerrillas, arriv­ out the attack on Mahariya. The attack was the attack and other incidents in the recent that it be implemented. ing by sea, attacked an apartment building seen as part of a mounting wave of terrorism wave ~f guerrilla violence. The Interior The issue of the death penalty for in northern Israel. Four Israelis, including against Israel -in the wake of the Egyptian­ Minister, Yoscf Burg, warned that Israel terrorists has been dealt with by the Knesset two small children, died in the assault. Israeli peace treaty. The Palestine Libera­ would "react everywhere and in every possi• in the past. Any future debate promises to The guerrillas burst into an apartment tion Organization, the .major· Palestinian ble way." bring out familiar arguments pro and con. building in the early morning hours in the group, published the .splinter group's state­ Justice Minister Shmuel Tamir refused to northern Israeli coastal resort of Nahariya ments as a way of declaring that it meant to Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan commen­ comment on Shamir's statement but other killing a civilian, at least one of his two in­ share responsibility. ted: "It is sheer assassination, sheer mur­ Knesset members were quick to express their fant daughters and a police sergeant. In sub­ An Israeli Government spokesman repor­ der." He added: "They may kill two, five, views on the issue. sequent gun battles, two of the Palestinians ted that President Anwar cl-Sadat of Egypt _ _ ten civilians, but they will not destroy the Laborite Yossi Sarid said "I am certain were shot dead and the other two were had expressed his condolences over the raid peace treaty with Egypt." that the implementation· of the death penalty wounded and taken prisoner. Three Israelis to Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a would• only make it easier for the terror were also wounded. telephone corwersati9.n. Mr. Begin told Mr. According to Israeli military spokesmen, organizations in Beirut to focus world atten­ Sunday afternoon, an Israeli military Sadat that the Israeli Defense Minister, Ezer the guerrillas landed in Nahariya at about 2 tion on their struggle. It is indeed unfor­ spokesman annonunced ihat the navy had Wcizman, was postponinit a trip to Cairo a.m. after setting out from the southern tunate that on a day of mourning like today shelled suspected Palestinian guerrilla bases ·anil has instead rushed to the scene in Lebanese city of Tyre.
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