Hates el Advertising. cliiiiourtl) 1 wk. 3 wk«. 3 mos. 0 me-. * r. Jluifririui I Inch, * 1 00 * 1 50 * 4 00 *8uu *IOt 3 inches. 3 00 4 50 030 13 <£ *500 00 00 85 00 i* rr*usMiD at 4 column, 8 13 00 SOOO *8 1 column. 14 00 **00 50 00 85 00 180 00 i I I. - W O IS T It M K„ Special Notice*, One square 3 week*, *S 00 Each additional week, 50 cents. BY Till Administrator’s and Executor’s Notices, 1 50 Citation from Probate Court, 3 O'* Commissioner’s Notices, 2X0 Hm oek County Pubhsliing Company. Messenger’s and Assignee’s Notices, 2.00 Editorial Notices, per line, .10 Obituary Notices, per lino, .10 No ctutffre less then *50 One inch space will constitute a son are. IVrms ol KHh«<rip(ion. Transient Advertisements to be paid in advance No advertisements recoiled less than a square. .1 w .i.•» i;tri*«* 111 >Htll*|.♦ Marriages and Deaths Inserted free. within ihn Yearly advertisers to pay quarterly 1 .lat the end ol the year,.2 60 \ ivor will be «11«> intmuel until all arrear- ir«* pai-l e\«-ept at the publisher’* option — ME., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 39, 1877. t»er-*n w -hin* hi* paper stopped, must ELLSWORTH, there >! at the exultation ol th term ra.mi.weNi.Mj.M * pit-v. mi- u>»lve ha* been given or not. | I a Man in the Moon. A with a Moral. tions of nebula hypothesis. Await yc! He muskrat's tail and weasel’* paw. They A New Definition of Man. The Story and Mr. Smith wknt Into the house. went off and presently returned, the most Among the superstitions yet lingering He did not look like a man who could IniGintss that ever was seen—- on fc*;irbs. CATARRH. The negroes were very much impressed. laughable procession in the minds of mankind, none, perhaps, is win a prize the Creedmore range, the M Wash with his arms at bear- BY WILLIAM CCLLKX BUY ANT. sr They have excessive reverence for grand- right angles, more universal than that of the man In the fellow dreased in jeans, with dilapidated < *. i r. i /; /; u wi th a i. j. i ts PKcn. ia n bur- ami the less they un- ing hi* grains of molding grain on a moon. In he is immortal- hat and shoe* who into a s } Ml'm.MS FOR TEX YEARS, fast iloquent language, At the tendered the Goethe England chiefly muddy dropped dork leaf he held at as a dis- reception by derstand of It the better they like It. which great ized by the old nursery rhyme, but no fur- llallimore street shooting-gallery last night Vr KoIXo OX roxst MFTIOX, r<)M The Coming Man. ( 'lub to Mr. William Cullen the FRANK H. BRIMMER, he asked old tance a« the *l*e of the leaf and the length Bryant, are of his and said he would ten cents’ worth of <'i’i!EP it y less than What dat «ay. honey? ther details given proceedings. try nnrt.Y A pair of very cbubbv leg*. of his arms would his neck craned in can't beer like I used ter. admit, renerable poet made a pleasant speech, German legends are. however, more com- firing to see what the "goli denied thing lol l: POTTLES (ty hucascd in scarlet hose; Mammy. | Mm 1 >< ‘i 11 He he will be back soon, Mammy, out. and his eyes so glued to the uncanny irtkicli be accounted for the attention municative, and traditions relate his was He looked rather as If lie Surslt ist, A pair of little stubhv boot*; -ay* sundry anyhow.’’ and tell if of are tricked, said I; com. that ho stumbled over every stick in different of the he a hand on a truck farm, With rather doubtful toes; any you vhicli was shown to hitn, by a r.ew aud history, varying parts might garden ; Doctor re- and stone that in hi* ; next, CASTINE. MAINE. A little kilt, a little coat. and just then Edward and the lay path Mercy country. or a representative from the country who, : The CnvtTlTl TIMML ( ATAKKIl KRliei>r I* the a with ludicrous her un- imuslng theory. He said Cut as a mother can— : appeared, hearing between them pine solemnity bearing A Suabian mother at Derendigen tells having disposed of a few bushels of pota ti -t it t < od M lore the that a : public proposed And lo* before u« strides. In state, On table were about sightly burden on the end of corn-stalk *‘I cannot accept the which a man was once around see what could !.'»• li the table. this arranged compliments her child that walking In toes, was strolling to to aiarrh building up Constitution. The WM. 1 ». .!< ■ Future's “coraltig tn:»n.” whitish last, his weasel’s paw and musk- »ave been me as if were >Y. It >iiii k :t root or tlx- whole difficulty, and I forty htile pyramids of looking Apollo paid they justly his vineyard on Sunday, and, after having be seen. He sighted along the barrel, pull- rat’* tail in the toe of an old of tli"D*.md-upon thoti«and* of letters hare been re- powder, and iii their midst sti>od a bottle de|K>s|ted ny due. and If I could not parry most pruned all his vines, lie made a handle of ed the trigger and missed the target. He mud I• th«- forth the mar- !1 i» will read the star*. j pioprietor*. setting eyes. |»erehanre, some clear like water.— brogan which he had found hy the roadside, hem and put them aside I should have the shoots he had cut off. laid it In bis took ten cents’ worth of It without Attorney *V (’ounsellor \> :*• whit r« not containing liquid, just improv- markable, curing Aud search their unknown ways ; j and and with a bole o> Dr. Rutherford seated himself behind it. brown, wrinkled, stiff, ’canon to stand abashed and confused in went home. to one and then he would do it over. the *-rh. hut alt other admen's at the Perchance the human heart and soul basket, and According ing. thought > in the and ear* curled and Tin I* what it a I* .a va does. The lol- In front of the table stood the negrm*«, side. the back, ► our presence. You will, therefore allow version, the vines were stolen from a Just as he w as the to his VT LAW. W ill o|»en to their £»*•■; | neigh- bringing piece g »temer i- *>n!v a amide ot w hat we are was which be bad the heel to a long, Perchance their keen and men, women, and children. There bung by ne to ascribe the kindness which has bor’s When taxed either with shoulder, one of those fellows who are al- i--ten % r. ironi w* II known to flashing glsucc vineyard. otvlng. people crooked stick’ On the to a cause *■» > I Will be a nation's the decked in the clerical they came, crowd »een shown mo this or with the to In billiard rooms, bowl- *Kh ! I »»\ I SI Kl r, a tew doors w ! i* .in Kill* ii '! not t" bogus one* < a light— pteacher livery evening Sabbath-br*aAing theft, the ways be found a m *n* ** !i «’ -rmeilv u. Thus** that now arc wistful l»eut around them following at irregular dis will ob- .IordanV I tnrrf and it* otter, lant evils, cold m head, hack- eyes of a standing collar and white cravat, but, which you admit to be sufficiently culprit s to tally protested his innocence.aud ing alleys and shooting galleries, touched }. M u * i»- headache, On some “big fellow's” kite. of the lances, hack ami forth, advancing to I e.-ttgn pient c.*n-mup:io». ■ in deference to the day surging riotia—namely, the long life which exclaimed: “If I have committed him on the shoulder and remarked that lie 4 •« I to perhap* floally | ih*1 dlcvtiOU p < ... La* k ami lotus, a 11 languidness, as iaujB. these were modified the secular or retreating they were urged hy curios- lave led—the late old age which I have a to moon to a to see who N MM «*♦ «n*t nevwl wwatne- all leava week, by such crime, may I go the !” Af- would like shoot him match app--it* jr* The where will dwell j j ■ brow, mighty thoughts and h<mie- or fear. •cached—an consider- legeih* «».< !. the Constant onal Catar rh Remedy ! apparel of a yellow cotton shirt ity repelled hy existence prolonged ter his deatli this fate duly befell him, and for the six shots. The stranger said In secret state ; paid as solemn, It was now *o Dr. l« taken re* ommrrtded. attached to a of old getting dark. Ruther- ably the common lot. Oue who there be to this condemned to he did not care if he did, and lie had to Where fierce Ambition’s re-Hess strength *pun pantaloons pair beyond remains day, pay M AI.ua A < «>. tienta. —Having sal- which hid been mended with ford. (having had the table removed, las rather the eat a it Geo. P. & Shall war with future fate; galluses, passed inoffensively beyond molten lead as punishment. The twenty cents. They tried again, and Clark Co., t«-r< -r the pvt t*-n >ears from the l>ane;ul ef- forth tilled with Science twine ami with leather, and length- brought three large plates Milestones which mark the stages of life up Black Forest sav that the dark this time the bucolic marksman siiot bel ter, < .itan!.
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