1286 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 52, NO. 7, JULY 2005 MOSFET Modeling for RF IC Design Yuhua Cheng, Senior Member, IEEE, M. Jamal Deen, Fellow, IEEE, and Chih-Hung Chen, Member, IEEE Invited Paper Abstract—High-frequency (HF) modeling of MOSFETs for focus on the dc drain current, conductances, and intrinsic charge/ radio-frequency (RF) integrated circuit (IC) design is discussed. capacitance behavior up to the megahertz range.1 However, as Modeling of the intrinsic device and the extrinsic components is the operating frequency increases to the gigahertz range, the im- discussed by accounting for important physical effects at both dc and HF. The concepts of equivalent circuits representing both portance of the extrinsic components rivals that of the intrinsic intrinsic and extrinsic components in a MOSFET are analyzed to counterparts. Therefore, an RF model with the consideration obtain a physics-based RF model. The procedures of the HF model of the HF behavior of both intrinsic and extrinsic components parameter extraction are also developed. A subcircuit RF model in MOSFETs is extremely important to achieve accurate and based on the discussed approaches can be developed with good predicts results in the simulation of a designed circuit. model accuracy. Further, noise modeling is discussed by analyzing the theoretical and experimental results in HF noise modeling. Compared with the MOSFET modeling for digital and low- Analytical calculation of the noise sources has been discussed frequency analog applications, the HF modeling of MOSFETs is to understand the noise characteristics, including induced gate more challenging. All of the requirements for a MOSFET model noise. The distortion behavior of MOSFET and modeling are also in low-frequency application, such as continuity, accuracy, and discussed. The fact that a MOSFET has much higher “low-fre- scaleability of the dc and capacitance models should be main- quency limit” is useful for designers and modelers to validate the distortion of a MOSFET model for RF application. An RF model tained in an RF model. In addition, there are further important could well predict the distortion behavior of MOSFETs if it can requirements of the RF models. accurately describe both dc and ac small-signal characteristics 1) The model should accurately predict bias dependence of with proper parameter extraction. small-signal parameters at HF operation. Index Terms—High-frequency (HF) MOSFET model, MOSFET 2) The model should correctly describe the nonlinear be- modeling, MOS noise, noise modeling, radio-frequency (RF) IC de- havior of the devices in order to permit accurate simu- sign, radio-frequency (RF) modeling, RFCMOS, RF noise. lation of intermodulation distortion and high-speed large- signal operation. I. INTRODUCTION 3) The model should correctly and accurately predict HF noise which is important for the design of, for example, ITH fast growth in the radio-frequency (RF) wireless low-noise amplifiers (LNAs). communications market, the demand for high-per- W 4) The model should include the non-quasi-static (NQS) ef- formance but low-cost RF solutions is rising. This advanced fect so it can describe the device behavior at very high performance of MOSFETs is attractive for HF circuit de- frequency range in which NQS effect will degrade the de- sign in view of a system-on-a-chip realization, where digital, vice performance significantly and cannot be ignored. mixed-signal baseband, and RF transceiver blocks would be 5) The gate resistance should be modeled and included in the integrated on a single chip [1]–[3]. For RF products, time simulation. to market and design cycle reduction depend greatly on the 6) The extrinsic source and drain resistances should be mod- capability of the design environment to predict circuit perfor- eled as real external resistors, instead of only a correction mance accurately using simulation. To have an efficient design to the drain current with a virtual component. environment, design tools with accurate models for devices and 7) Substrate coupling in a MOSFET, that is, the contribution interconnect parasitics are essential. It has been known that for of substrate resistance, needs to be modeled physically analog and RF applications, the accuracy of circuit simulation is and accurately using appropriate substrate network for the strongly determined by device models. Accurate device models model to be used in RF applications. become crucial to predict the circuit performance correctly. 8) A bias dependent overlap capacitance model, which accu- MOS transistor models have been originally developed for rately describes the parasitic capacitive contributions be- digital and low-frequency analog circuit design [4]–[6] which tween the gate and drain/source, needs to be included. 9) All external components (if it is a subcircuit model) Manuscript received August 30, 2004; revised December 20, 2004. The re- should be physics-based and geometrically scaleable so view of this paper was arranged by Editor A. Wang. Y. Cheng is with Siliconlinx, Inc., Irvine, CA 92619 USA (e-mail: that the model can be used in predictive and statistical [email protected]). modeling for RF applications. M. J. Deen and C.-H. Chen are with McMaster University, Hamilton L8S 4K1 ON, Canada (e-mail: 2. [email protected]; [email protected]. 1See also http://www.semiconductors.philips.com/Philips_Models for the Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2005.850656 Mos9 manual. 0018-9383/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE CHENG et al.: MOSFET MODELING FOR RF IC DESIGN 1287 A. Modeling of the Intrinsic MOSFET To meet the requirements discussed above, an RF MOSFET model should be derived with the inclusions of most (if not all) important physical effects in a modern MOSFET, such as normal and reverse short-channel and narrow-width effects, channel length modulation, drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL), velocity saturation, mobility degradation due to vertical electric field, impact ionization, band-to-band tunneling, polysilicon depletion, velocity overshoot, self-heating, and channel quan- tization [17]. A compact model includes many mathematical Fig. 1. MOSFET schematic cross section with the parasitic components [39]. equations for different physical mechanisms. The most impor- tant and essential parts are the dc and capacitance models. It has A common modeling approach for RF applications is to build been found that the model accuracy in fittings of HF small-signal subcircuits based on the intrinsic MOSFET that has been mod- parameters and large-signal distortion of an RF MOSFET is eled well for analog applications [7]–[11]. The accuracy of such basicallydeterminedbythedcandcapacitancemodels[18],[19]. a model depends on how to establish subcircuits with the cor- In the dc model, the channel charge and mobility need to be rect understanding of the device physics in HF operation, how modeled carefully to describe the current characteristics accu- to model the HF behavior of intrinsic devices and extrinsic par- rately and physically, based on which, different physical effects asitics, and how to extract parameters appropriately for the el- can be added. In modeling the channel charge, physical effects ements of the subcircuit. Currently, most RF modeling activi- such as short-channel effect, narrow-width effect, nonuniform ties focus on the above subcircuit approach based on different doping effect, and quantization effect, etc. should be accounted compact MOSFET models that are developed for digital and for in order to describe the charge characteristics accurately in low-frequency analog applications [10]–[14]. With added par- todays devices. Mobility will influence the accuracy and distor- asitic components at the gate, at the source, at the drain, and at tion behavior of the model significantly [17], [22]. Based on the the substrate [9], [15], [16], these models can reasonably well charge and mobility models, complete – equations can be predict the HF ac small-signal characteristics of short channel developed with further inclusions of many important physical ( m) devices up to gigahertz range. However, the RF effects listed above. In order to meet the requirements for both MOSFET modeling is still at a preliminary stage compared with ac small-signal and large-signal applications, the continuity and the modeling work for digital and low-frequency analog appli- distortion behavior of the – model should be ensured in de- cations. Efforts from both industry and universities are needed riving the equations for these physical effects. to bring RF MOSFET models to a mature level in further im- In a real circuit operation, the device operates under time- proving the RF models in describing the ac characteristics more varying terminal voltages. Depending on the magnitude of the accurately, and in improving the prediction of noise character- time-varying signals, the dynamic operation can be classified as istics, distortion behavior, and NQS behavior. a large- or small-signal operation. Both types of dynamic opera- This paper reviews the efforts of MOSFET modeling for RF tion are influenced by the capacitive effects of the device. Many applications. Section II analyzes the ac small-signal modeling MOSFET intrinsic capacitance models have been developed. with emphasis in concepts and basic modeling approaches as Basically, they can be categorized into two groups: 1) Meyer well as the data deembedding and model parameter extrac- and Meyer-like capacitance models [26] and 2) charge-based tion. Section III
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