ChurchChurch HistoryHistory ChurchChurch HistoryHistory IntroductionIntroduction toto ChurchChurch HistoryHistory st rd TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 11st-3-3rd centuriescenturies th th TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom AD 44th-5-5th centuriescenturies th th TheThe EarlyEarly MiddleMiddle AgesAges AD 66th-10-10th centuriescenturies th th TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 1111th-13-13th centuriescenturies th th TheThe RenaissanceRenaissance AD 1414th-15-15th centuriescenturies th ConquestConquest andand ReformationReformation AD 1616th centurycentury th th TheThe AgeAge ofof EnlightenmentEnlightenment AD 1717th-18-18th centuriescenturies th TheThe AgeAge ofof RevolutionRevolution AD 1919th centurycentury th TheThe ModernModern AgeAge AD 2020th centurycentury st TheThe PostmodernPostmodern AgeAge AD 2121st centurycentury ChurchChurch HistoryHistory IntroductionIntroduction toto ChurchChurch HistoryHistory st rd TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 11st-3-3rd centuriescenturies th th TheThe RiseRise ofof ChristendomChristendom AD 44th-5-5th centuriescenturies th th TheThe EarlyEarly MiddleMiddle AgesAges AD 66th-10-10th centuriescenturies th th TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AD 1111th-13-13th centuriescenturies West vs. East The First Crusade(s) The Crusades Become a Fad (part 4) TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AnotherAnother CrusadeCrusade waswas brewing...brewing... 11711171 SaladinSaladin siezedsiezed powerpower inin EgyptEgypt WithinWithin aa fewfew years,years, hehe hadhad createdcreated thethe newnew dynastydynasty ofof thethe Ayyubids,Ayyubids, andand hadhad extendedextended theirtheir influenceinfluence throughoutthroughout thethe MiddleMiddle East,East, promisingpromising fellowfellow MuslimsMuslims thatthat hehe wouldwould capturecapture thethe CrusaderCrusader StatesStates andand allall ofof NorthNorth Africa,Africa, “until“until thethe wordword ofof GodGod isis supremesupreme andand thethe caliphatecaliphate hashas wipedwiped thethe worldworld clean,clean, turningturning thethe churcheschurches intointo mosques...”mosques...” TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AnotherAnother CrusadeCrusade waswas brewing...brewing... 11711171 SaladinSaladin siezedsiezed powerpower inin EgyptEgypt 11731173 TheThe WaldensiansWaldensians tooktook rootroot inin FranceFrance PeterPeter WaldoWaldo hadhad beenbeen aa wealthywealthy merchantmerchant inin Lyon—soLyon—so wealthywealthy thatthat hehe couldcould affordafford toto hirehire monksmonks toto translatetranslate thethe teachingsteachings ofof JesusJesus intointo hishis ownown languagelanguage (Occitan)(Occitan) soso thatthat hehe couldcould readread themthem He quickly realized the errors that the Roman Catholics were promoting, and became a travelling, lay preacher He preached such doctrines as salvation by faith, the priesthood of all believers, the authority of Scripture, the need to present the Gospel in the languagelanguage ofof thethe people,people, thatthat PurgatoryPurgatory andand transubstantiation are false and harmful superstitions, etc. TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AnotherAnother CrusadeCrusade waswas brewing...brewing... 11711171 SaladinSaladin siezedsiezed powerpower inin EgyptEgypt 11731173 TheThe WaldensiansWaldensians tooktook rootroot inin FranceFrance PeterPeter WaldoWaldo hadhad beenbeen aa wealthywealthy merchantmerchant inin Lyon—soLyon—so wealthywealthy thatthat hehe couldcould affordafford toto hirehire monksmonks toto translatetranslate thethe teachingsteachings ofof JesusJesus intointo hishis ownown languagelanguage (Occitan)(Occitan) soso thatthat hehe couldcould readread themthem InIn 11791179, Waldo and a friend travelled to Rome to speak with Pope Alexander and explain their views He listened carefully to them, and then blessed their trip back home TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AnotherAnother CrusadeCrusade waswas brewing...brewing... 11711171 SaladinSaladin siezedsiezed powerpower inin EgyptEgypt 11731173 TheThe WaldensiansWaldensians tooktook rootroot inin FranceFrance 11791179 TheThe ThirdThird LateranLateran CouncilCouncil waswas convenedconvened TheThe PopePope promptlypromptly excommunicatedexcommunicated PeterPeter WaldoWaldo andand hishis followers—asfollowers—as wellwell asas thethe CatharsCathars In 1184, Pope Lucius III went so far as to declare them and their teachings “anathema”—totally and forever separated from the Church and all of itsits blessingsblessings (and(and fromfrom anyany hopehope ofof salvation)salvation) TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AnotherAnother CrusadeCrusade waswas brewing...brewing... 11711171 SaladinSaladin siezedsiezed powerpower inin EgyptEgypt 11731173 TheThe WaldensiansWaldensians tooktook rootroot inin FranceFrance 11791179 TheThe ThirdThird LateranLateran CouncilCouncil waswas convenedconvened TheThe PopePope promptlypromptly excommunicatedexcommunicated PeterPeter WaldoWaldo andand hishis followers—asfollowers—as wellwell asas thethe CatharsCathars ButBut thethe mainmain pointpoint ofof thethe CouncilCouncil waswas actuallyactually toto clarifyclarify howhow PopesPopes werewere toto bebe electedelected If you'll remember, Pope Alexander III was in open conflict with Emperor Frederick I—who had installedinstalled hishis ownown anti-Popesanti-Popes Once the last one died, Alexander jumped for the chance to prevent another one being appointed The Council decided that only that College of Cardinals could elect a Pope, and only by a 2/3 majority vote Anyone declaring himself Pope without that majority would be immediately excommunicated TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AnotherAnother CrusadeCrusade waswas brewing...brewing... 11711171 SaladinSaladin siezedsiezed powerpower inin EgyptEgypt 11731173 TheThe WaldensiansWaldensians tooktook rootroot inin FranceFrance 11791179 TheThe ThirdThird LateranLateran CouncilCouncil waswas convenedconvened TheThe PopePope promptlypromptly excommunicatedexcommunicated PeterPeter WaldoWaldo andand hishis followers—asfollowers—as wellwell asas thethe CatharsCathars ButBut thethe mainmain pointpoint ofof thethe CouncilCouncil waswas actuallyactually toto clarifyclarify howhow PopesPopes werewere toto bebe electedelected ThenThen again,again, theythey excommunicatedexcommunicated aa lotlot ofof peoplepeople atat thisthis Council—Council— Anyone trying to tax a church Any clergy engaging in usury Anyone engaging in sodomy (because this was increasingly becoming a problem among the “celibate” clergy, who had been strictly forbidden to interact with any women) TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AnotherAnother CrusadeCrusade waswas brewing...brewing... 11711171 SaladinSaladin siezedsiezed powerpower inin EgyptEgypt 11731173 TheThe WaldensiansWaldensians tooktook rootroot inin FranceFrance 11791179 TheThe ThirdThird LateranLateran CouncilCouncil waswas convenedconvened TheThe PopePope promptlypromptly excommunicatedexcommunicated PeterPeter WaldoWaldo andand hishis followers—asfollowers—as wellwell asas thethe CatharsCathars ButBut thethe mainmain pointpoint ofof thethe CouncilCouncil waswas actuallyactually toto clarifyclarify howhow PopesPopes werewere toto bebe electedelected ThenThen again,again, theythey excommunicatedexcommunicated aa lotlot ofof peoplepeople atat thisthis CouncilCouncil TheyThey alsoalso thenthen strictlystrictly forbadeforbade allall clergyclergy fromfrom interactinginteracting withwith anyany womenwomen In fact, they re-affirmed the 1089 decision of Pope Urban II at the Synod of Melfi that the wives and children of clergy could be confiscated by civil authorities and sold into slavery TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AnotherAnother CrusadeCrusade waswas brewing...brewing... 11711171 SaladinSaladin siezedsiezed powerpower inin EgyptEgypt 11731173 TheThe WaldensiansWaldensians tooktook rootroot inin FranceFrance 11791179 TheThe ThirdThird LateranLateran CouncilCouncil waswas convenedconvened TheThe PopePope promptlypromptly excommunicatedexcommunicated PeterPeter WaldoWaldo andand hishis followers—asfollowers—as wellwell asas thethe CatharsCathars ButBut thethe mainmain pointpoint ofof thethe CouncilCouncil waswas actuallyactually toto clarifyclarify howhow PopesPopes werewere toto bebe electedelected ThenThen again,again, theythey excommunicatedexcommunicated aa lotlot ofof peoplepeople atat thisthis CouncilCouncil TheyThey alsoalso thenthen strictlystrictly forbadeforbade allall clergyclergy fromfrom interactinginteracting withwith anyany womenwomen InIn addition,addition, theythey establishedestablished thatthat everyevery cathedralcathedral shouldshould beginbegin aa cathedralcathedral schoolschool toto traintrain youngyoung clergymenclergymen whowho couldcould notnot affordafford theirtheir ownown educationeducation These cathedral schools became the prototype for a new kind of education—the university... TheThe AgeAge ofof CrusadesCrusades AnotherAnother CrusadeCrusade waswas brewing...brewing... 11711171 SaladinSaladin siezedsiezed powerpower inin EgyptEgypt 11731173 TheThe WaldensiansWaldensians tooktook rootroot inin FranceFrance 11791179 TheThe ThirdThird LateranLateran CouncilCouncil waswas convenedconvened 11871187 SaladinSaladin conqueredconquered JerusalemJerusalem SaladinSaladin hadhad signedsigned aa trucetruce withwith KingKing BaldwinBaldwin IVIV ofof JerusalemJerusalem backback inin 1180,1180, promisingpromising toto leaveleave thethe CrusaderCrusader StatesStates alonealone NOTE: For those who have seen the movie, “Kingdom of Heaven”— First off, I'm sorry for you, 'cuz it was so wrong
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