6 III March 2018 http://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2018.3205 International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887 Volume 6 Issue III, March 2018- Available at www.ijraset.com Low Cost Photo Bioreactor for Marine microalga Cutivation Sasireka. G1, Muthu Velayudham. R2 1Research Scholar ,2Associate Professor, Bioprocess Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar. Tamil Nadu-608 002, India. Abstract: Microalgae growth rate changes according to the medium components, environment and characteristic features of that particular alga. Hence algal biomass production can be accelerated by giving needed nutrient medium, pH, salinity and light intensity and these can be controlled in a closed bioreactor. In this study, the lab-scale Photo bioreactor was designed to produce low-cost algal biomass. The LED lights were used to give the needed light to the algal growth. This study also evaluates the effects of different culture media in culturing Tetraselmis sp. The growth rate of algal culture was checked using haemocytometer by counting algal cells. Media like BBM, ASN III, Walne's medium and NPK seawater solution was used to study the growth curve of the culture. The produced biomass was dried using hot air and then determined the dry weight of biomass. Growth study resulted Walne's medium and NPK seawater solution was found to be best to grow Tetraselmis sp. The designed Photo bioreactor was good to culture algae under LED light and it resulted in the good biomass. Keywords— Algal Growth curve; ASN III, BBM; Haemocytometer; LED light; NPK seawater solution; Tetraselmis sp.; Walne’s medium. I. INTRODUCTION Algae are multi use feedstock from current scenario, which are exponentially used in various industries such as pharmaceutical, pharmacology, food, feed, cosmetics and bio energy production [1]. Numerous high nutritive marine algae like Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis and Isochrysis have been widely employed in many aquaculture hatcheries [2-4] yielded rotifers with mixed algal culture also gives significant improvement in their quantity and qualitatively [5-10]. Algal species has the capability of producing different amount of lipids can be converted into bio energy in different media and different environmental conditions [11-13]. Since it is used in various industries; the biomass production of them is considered to be the major part, in order to utilization [14]. In biomass production, increasing the biomass is affected by various factors like culture's environmental condition and properties were affected by nature of nutrient medium and also algae shows different growth rate in different medium [15-18]. Around the globe, algal biomass was produced using various media with help of different culture methods. From those, two methods are used by the majority which are open pond system and closed Photo bioreactor. The Photo bioreactor is a basic system, where all the necessary things will be provided to enhance the algal growth since it is a closed system, which will control the environmental contaminant and also enhance the growth [19-20]. There are many industries uses the Photo bioreactor to produce algal biomass, which makes the algal biomass production costlier and most of the lab-scale Photo bioreactor also being costlier, it was decided to make a lab scale Photo bioreactor using the locally available materials. The aim of this work was to build the bioreactor at low cost and to determine the suitable growth medium. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Sample collection and Culture Development Algal samples were collected from Swamithope saltpan (Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. India). The Culturing methods were followed described by [21]. From the collected algal samples, Tetraselmis sp. was isolated using streak plate method [22]. The algal strain was maintained in agar Walne’s medium with pH 8 and Salinity 3.5% (35ppt). For producing biomass the alga was initially cultured in 50 mL conical flask using liquid Walne’s medium and further scaled up to 2000 mL culture which was periodically shaken for proper nutrient mixing. Then the culture was inoculated in 20 litre Photo bioreactor (10 litre working volume). B. Growth study and media optimization Alga was cultured in 1000 mL conical flasks (500 mL working volume), which were added with different media i.e. Walne's medium, NPK seawater solution, BBM and ASN III. These media were further inoculated with the algal mother culture with a concentration of 0.10 with a optical density of 620 nm and placed in a photoperiodic culture racks. The culture racks were provided with 2000±05 lux unit (Using LED tube lights), light intensity and the temperature of the culture room was maintained at 24±1°C. 1323 ©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 6.887 Volume 6 Issue III, March 2018- Available at www.ijraset.com Two days ones the cultures were taken and the cells were counted using Haemocytometer. Based on that, the growth curve was plotted against the time taken by the culture to grow [17]. In the 21stday of culture study, the biomass was harvested and then the wet weight and dry biomass was calculated. Considering this study resulted that the best two media were selected for the Photo bioreactor study. C. Designing the lab-scale Photo bioreactor A simple lab-scale Photo bioreactor was designed using the locally available 20 L packaged drinking water’s cane. The water cane was the basic container for the Photo bioreactor. The new cane was purchased and later it was washed thoroughly using distilled water and then dried in direct sunlight in the dust-free location. The cleaned container was then treated with UV for 30 minutes. The container’s removable cap was also treated in the same way after making two holes on the top. One hole is to insert the tube for aeration/ for providing CO2, while another one for gas exchange and also for the regular check-up (OD, Temperature and pH), which was covered with the small cotton plug. The light intensity of this study was 5000±10 lux unit and the light received by the alga was 4000±10 lux unit maintained throughout the cultivation period. Inside the culture room, a small cabin was prepared and the reactor was set up. Photoperiod was maintained 10 hours light and 14 hours dark and the room temperature was maintained 24±1°C. The culture provides with 10 hours aeration through one hole of the cap while another hole was plugged with a cotton plug. D. Media preparation In this experimental study totally four media were used, which were Walne’s medium, NPK seawater solution, BBM, ASN III, and their chemical components were given in Table -1, Table - 2, Table - 3, and Table - 4 respectively. Even though the alga was cultured in Walne’s medium (1.5% Agar Agar - Himedia) for isolation purpose, different media were tried to check their impact on the algal growth. NPK was purchased from the local fertilizer shop grounded to powder before mixing them to seawater. E. Harvesting and Biomass Determination Stationary and declined phase of algal biomass was harvested by adding saturated alum solution which was again centrifuged for 15 minutes at 5000 rpm. The harvested biomass was placed in a pre-weighed Petri dish (A) and then biomass was weighed with Petri dish (B). Wet biomass weight was calculated by detecting the weight of the empty petri dish from the total weight (Wet Biomass = B-A). Then the wet biomass was placed in a clean hot air oven for 5-6 hours at 40°C. After drying, the dry biomass weight was measured in the same way (Dry Biomass = C-A), whereas C is the weight of the petri dish with dry biomass. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The isolated marine alga Tetraselmis sp., was growing in abundant at Swamithope saltpan’s water holding area as reported earlier [21]. The alga was tried with different culture media like ASN III, BBM and Walne’s medium during isolation and purification and it was showing faster and healthier growth in Walne’s medium. After several subcultures, the alga was isolated into pure culture. The culture was further grown in liquid medium and every 20 days it was further sub-cultured and scaled up. For biomass production, the media was selected after culturing alga in 500 mL media and check the results. In that study, NPK seawater solution and Walne’s medium were showing the good growth rate Table - 5 and given good amount of biomass, whereas BBM was showing slower growth and less biomass. ASN III medium was resulted comparatively higher biomass than the BBM and lower than the Walne’s medium and NPK seawater solution Table - 6. During the scaling up process, above 500 mL cultures were also maintained with the NPK seawater solution, which was showing as good biomass production as alga grown in Walne’s medium. The 20thday culture’s cell count was compared and found no major decrease in both NPK seawater solution and Walne’s medium hence the NPK seawater solution and Walne’s medium were used in Photo bioreactor as the nutrient medium. The Photo bioreactor was given a good result with more biomass than the alga cultured in the conical flask with periodic shaking Fig - 1.The Photo bioreactor with Walne’s medium was given lesser amount of biomass, whereas the NPK seawater solution was produced higher biomass than Walne’s medium Table - 7. The growth curve study shows clear ‘S’ shaped curve, while first 5 days of the cultures were shows slow growth and till 15th days the growth was exponential phase and then it reaches to declining phase.
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