Hawaiian Plant DNA Library Ll: Endemic, Indigenous, and Introduced Species1

Hawaiian Plant DNA Library Ll: Endemic, Indigenous, and Introduced Species1

Pacific Science (1999), vol. 53, no. 4: 401-417 © 1999 by University of Hawai'i Press. All rights reserved Hawaiian Plant DNA Library ll: Endemic, Indigenous, and Introduced Species1 2 2 REBECCA A. RANDELL AND CLIFFORD W. MORDEN ,3 ABSTRACT: The Hawaiian Plant DNA Library of endemic and indigenous plant species preserves genetic material from all Hawaiian Islands. DNA acces­ sion numbers are reported here for 155 native species representing 92 genera and 48 families. Federal status of endangered species is indicated where appli­ cable. Accessions for 71 species in 52 genera and 10 families of introduced spe­ cies are also reported. Pest and invasive species are also indicated. OVER 86% OF HAWAIIAN vascular plant spe­ genetic research (Morden et al. 1996). We cies are endemic (Wagner 1991). This as­ report an additional 883 accessions of native tounding array of endemism is unfortunately species, with 127 endemic and 28 indigenous coupled with an alarming rate of endanger­ species, in 92 genera and 48 families. The ment. Since the last publication of the Ha­ federal status of accessioned species is also waiian Plant DNA Library (HPDL) (Mor­ indicated. Accessions from 39 endangered, den et al. 1996), an additional 65 endangered five proposed endangered, and two candidate Hawaiian plant species have been registered taxa were generously provided by botanical by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1999). gardens, arboretums, and collectors doing The total of 263 endangered plant species in active research on these groups. Hawai'i comprises over 46% of the nation's Of the 4600 alien plants introduced to endangered plant species (cf. U.S. Fish and Hawai'i, over 891 have naturalized and 86 Wildlife Service 1999). Nearly one-half of the have become a serious threat to native eco­ species of native flora in Hawai'i is consid­ systems (Smith 1985, Vitousek et al. 1997). ered either threatened, endangered, or of Here we have also included 226 accessions concern by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 71 introduced species representing 52 (1999; see also Wagner 1990). genera and 10 families. These collections co­ Major threats to the flora continue to incide with our attempts to understand and come in the form of direct or indirect human control these organisms in Hawai'i. In­ activities. These include habitat disturbance troduced species have been classified into and destruction, fire, and introduction of four categories: (1) of possible Polynesian in­ alien animals (feral ungulates, urvids, and troduction, .(2) alien or nonnative, (3) pest rodents), as well as invasion by alien plant ("displaying disruptive impact on the natural and invertebrate species. The HPDL project processes of native ecosystems" [Smith was begun in 1992 with the goal ofpreserving 1985]), or (4) invasive (able to penetrate and genetic material of the rapidly diminishing disrupt native communities [Smith 1985]). native flora. DNA has been acquired from remote and infrequently visited regions of the Islands as well as from more accessible loca­ MATERIALS AND METHODS tions. These collections provide a basis for Leafmaterial was collected in the field and stored in self-sealing plastic bags at 4°C until 1 Manuscript accepted 19 February 1999. processed. Voucher specimens collected by us 2 Department of Botany, University of Hawai'i at were deposited at B. P. Bishop Museum Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822. (BISH); those plants collected for us by others 3 Center for Conservation Research and Training, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawai'i have been deposited as indicated in Tables 1 96822. and 2. Isolation of total cellular DNA was 401 TABLE 1 ENDEMIC AND INDIGENOUS PLANT SPECIES FROM WHICH DNA HAs B!illN EXTRACTED (EACH ENTRY REpRESENTS ASEPARATE POPULATION, SOME OF WHICH HAVE BEEN SAMPLED ONLY ONCE, OTHERS SEVERAL TIMES, AS INDICATED BY MULTIPLE AND/OR ARANGE OF ACCESSION NUMBERS) ACCESSION NO. SPECIES ORIGIN" STATUSb LOCATION" VOUCHER PTERIDOYPHYTES Asp1eniaceae 983 Asplenium rhipidoneuron Rob. End Ke'amuku Flow, H C. Morden 1423 2088 Diellia erecta Brack. End E Unknown Lyon Arb.d.e MONOCOTYLEDONEAE Cyperaceae 1682 Carex meyenii Nees Ind Wai'anae Kai, 0 C. Morden 1543 1682 Fimbrystylis cymosa R. Brown Ind Ka'ena Pt., 0 C. Morden 1578 2087 Gahnia gahniiformis (Gaud.) A. Heller Ind Hualalai, H C. Morden 1581 1768 M ariscus javanicus (Routt.) Merr & Ind Lyon Arboretum collections Lyon Arb. sn! Metcalf 1769 Rhynchospora chinensis Nees & Meyen Ind Lyon Arboretum collections Lyon Arb. sn! Joinvilleaceae 1771 Joinvillea ascendens Gaud. ex Brongn. End SOC Pu'ukukui, WM Lyon Arb.d,e P14780001 & Gris. subsp. ascendens Pandanaceae 1782 Freycinetia arborea Gaud. Ind Hawai'iloa Ridge Trail, 0 Lyon Arb.d.eP13380001 Poaceae Eragrostideae 1684 Eragrostis grandis Hillebr. End Wai'anae Kai, 0 C. Morden 1545 Paniceae 1732 Cenchrus agrimonioides Trin. var. End E Wai'anae Kai, 0 C. Morden 1554 agrimonioides 1354 Isachne distichophylla Munro ex End Tantalus, 0 T. Motley 1577 Hillebr. 1683 Panicum nephelophilum Gaud. End Wai'anae Kai, 0 C. Morden 1544 1205 Panicum torridum Gaud. End M T. Motley sn. 1294 Panicum torridum Gaud. End Ka'eo, Mo V. Caraway 4 DICOTYLEDONEAE Amaranthaceae 2105 Acharanthes splendens Mart. ex Moq. End E Ka'ena Pt., 0 C. Morden 1574 1669 Charpentiera tomentosa Sohmer End Wai'anae Kai, 0 C. Morden 1531 Apocynaceae 1749 Alyxia oliviformis Gaud. End Lyon Arboretum collections Lyon Arb. sn! Araliaceae 1310 Tetraplasandra oahuensis (A. Gray) End Palikea Trail, 0 V. Caraway 20 Harms d e 1750 Tetraplasandra oahuensis (A. Gray) End Near Po'omau, K Lyon Arb. • L98.0059 Harms Asteraceae 1099 Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC subsp. End T Ha1eakala, M G. Carr 1494 macrocephalum (A. Gray) Meyrat 1192 Argyroxiphium caligens C. Forbes x End 'Eke, WM G. Carr 1457 Dubautia laxa Hook. & Arnott 1178 Argyroxiphium grayanum (Hillebr.) End Upper Hana rain forest, M G. Carr 1326 Degener x Dubautia dolosa (Degener & Sherff) G. Carr 1201 Argyroxiphium grayanum (Hillebr.) End Pu'ukukui, WM G. Carr 1461 Degener x Dubautia plantaginea Gaud. 1189 Argyroxiphium kauense (Rock & M. End E/- MaunaLoa, H G. Carr, AK x DSCSd Neal) Degener & 1. Degener x Dubautia scabra (DC) D. Keck 1565 Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC subsp. End E/- Waipahoehoe Gulch, H C. Morden 1520 sandwicense x Dubautia ciliolata (DC) D. Keck 2104 Artemisia australis Less. End Ka'ena Pt., 0 C. Morden 1573 1751 Artemisia mauiensis (A. Gray) Skottsb. End Lyon Arboretum collections Lyon Arb. sn! 1675 Eidens torta Sherff End Wai'anae Kai, 0 C. Morden 1536 1482 Dubautia arborea (A. Gray) D. Keck End SOC Waipahoehoe Gulch, H C. Morden 1456 1566-1585 Dubautia arborea (A. Gray) D. Keck End SOC Pu'u La'au, Mauna Kea, H R. Robichaux sn. 1481, 1483-1491 Dubautia ciliolata (DC) D. Keck End Waipahoehoe Gulch, H C. Morden 1455, 1457, 1465 1545-1564 Dubautia ciliolata (DC) D. Keck End Near Waipahoehoe Gulch, H C. Morden 1519 1182, 1188, 1194 Dubautia imbricata St. John & G. Carr End SOC Wahiawa drainage, K G. Carr, C1411; B. Baldwin 667 d subsp. imbricata 1176 Dubautia knudsenii Hillebr. subsp. End SOC Awa'awapuhi Trail, K G. Carr 1047A filiformis 1314 Dubautia latifolia (A. Gray) D. Keck End E Makaha Ridge, K V. Caraway 24 919-928 Dubautia laxa Hook. & Arnott End 'Aipo Iki Bog, K R. Robichaux, sn. 1295-1300 Dubautia laxa Hook. & Arnott End Pa1ikea Trail, 0 V. Caraway 5-10 1649-1656 Dubautia menziesii (A. Gray) D. Keck End Ko'olau Gap, M M. LeGrand sn. 1191 Dubautia paleata A. Gray End Mt. Wai'a1e'a1e, K G. Carr 1263 1417-1424 Dubautia paleata A. Gray End Alaka'i Swamp, K D. Carino sn. 1195 Dubautia plantaginea Gaud. subsp. End C Blue Hole, K B. Baldwin 776 d magnifolia (Sherff) G. Carr 1301, 1303-1304 Dubautia plantaginea Gaud. End Pa1ikea Trail, 0 V. Caraway 11, 13-14 929-948 Dubautia raillardioides Hil1ebr. End Pihea Trail, K R. Robichaux, sn. 1408-1416 Dubautia raillardioides Hiliebr. End Alaka'i Swamp, K D. Carino sn. 1185 Dubautia scabra (DC) D. Keck subsp. End EastM G. Carr 953 leiophylla (A. Gray) G. Carr TABLE 1 (continued) b ACCESSION NO. SPECIES ORlGIN" STATUS LOCATION" VOUCHER 1492-1544 Dubautia arborea (A. Gray) D. Keck x End Waipahoehoe Gulch, H C. Morden 1466-1518 ciliolata (DC) D. Keck 1586 Dubautia scabra (DC) D ..Keck x End Devastation Trail, H G. Carr 1520 ciliolata (DC) D. Keck 1197 Dubautia laevigata A. Gray x laxa End Kalalau Lookout, K G. Carr 1370 Hook. & Amott 1425-1434 Dubautia paleata A. Gray x End Alaka'i Swamp, K Debbie Carino sn. raillardioides Hillebr. 1179 Dubautia pauciflorula St. John & G. End Wahiawa Bog, K G. Carr 1329 Carr x raillardioides Hillebr. 1098 Dubautia pauciflorula St. John & G. End Wahiawa drainage, K G. Carr 1329 Carr x raillardioides Hillebr. 1302, 1305 Dubautia plantaginea Gaud. x laxa End Palikea Trail, 0 V. Caraway 12, 15 Hook. & Amott 1291 Gnaphalium sandwicensium Gaud. var. End SOC Mo'omomi dunes, Mo V. Caraway 1 molokaiense Degener & Sherif 1731 Hesperomannia arbuscula Hillebr. End E Wai'anae Kai, 0 C. Morden 1553 1960-1968 Hesperomannia arbuscula Hillebr. End E Wai'anae Kai, 0 Lyon Arb. PH 4-12 2100 Lipochaeta lobata (Gaud.) DC End Ka'ena Pt., 0 C. Morden 1569 987 Lipochaeta subcordata A. Gray End Ke'amuku Flow, H C. Morden 1426 1752 Tetramolopium filiforme Sherif var. End E Lyon Arboretum collections Lyon Arb. sn! polyphyllum (Sherif) Lowrey 1293 Tetramolopium rockii Sherif End T Ka'eo, Mo V. Caraway 3 1097 Wilkesia gymnoxiphium A. Gray End K5ke'e (2100 ft), K D. Howarth 2-96 1200 Wilkesia hobdyi St. John End E Polihale Ridge, K Witter 784 Campanulaceae 1753 Clermontia drepanomorpha Rock End E Hamakua Ditch Trail, H Lyon Arb.d,e P0383001 1393 Clermontia kakeana Meyen End Tantalus, 0 T.

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