VOL. XXX NO. 5 OCTOBER 1986 liTILITAS ARIDITAS UEDUSJBS ~ NEWSLETTER THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS SAH NOTICES 1987 Domestic Tour-North Carolina­ Act, which has since transformed 1987 Annual Meeting-San Francisco, Tentative dates: (October 20-25). Cath­ American attitudes and reshaped the California (April 22-26). General chair­ erine Bishir will be the leader of this role that preservation and historic re­ man of the meeting will be Richard tour, which will begin in Raleigh, and habilitation play in the environment Betts, University of Illinois. Local continue on to the Chapel Hill and and economy of the nation's big cities, chairman will be Dell Upton, Universi­ Winston-Salem areas. An optional small towns and rural areas. The His­ ty of California, Berkeley. Headquar­ add-on tour to Asheville is being toric Kansas City Foundation and the ters for the meeting will be the Shera­ planned. city's Landmarks Commission, as well ton-Palace Hotel. The opening as other groups have helped plan ambi­ reception will be in the Garden Court of tious conference programs. Write Na­ the Palace Hotel. Architectural tours JOURNAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR tional Preservation Conference Regis­ will include San Francisco, the South tration, National Trust, 1785 Massa­ The SAH is pleased to announce Bay Area, Stanford, Santa Cruz, Mon­ chusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. that Tod Marder, Associate Pro­ terey, Carmel and the East Bay Area. A 20036 (202/673-4100). two-day post-meeting tour to the Sac­ fessor of Art History at Rutgers A detailed description of sessions and ramento area is also being planned. University, has been appointed programs for a conference to be held in Note. Several guides of the San Associate Editor of the Journal. Rome, June, 1987 to honor Richard Francisco area are available from the Professor Marder received his Krautheimer on the occasion of his SAH office: A Guide to Architecture in Ph.D. from Columbia University ninetieth birthday, was printed in the San Francisco and Northern California, in 1975, and since that time has College Art Association Newsletter, Architecture San Francisco- The Guide been teaching at Rutgers. He was Summer, 1986, p. 9. Also honored will and Splendid Survivors: San Francisco.; Chairman of the Department of be Leonard Boyle, Prefect of the Bib­ Downtown Architectural Heritage (see Art History from 1984-86. Profes­ lioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Entitled 1986 SAH Publications List). sor Marder has published articles Rome: Tradition, Renewal and Innova­ on Italian Renaissance and Ba­ tion, this international conference is roque architecture and town plan­ 1988 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois sponsored by The Canadian Academic ning, and contemporary American (April 13-17). Richard Betts, University Center in Rome in collaboration with architecture. He was Editor of The of Illinois, will be general chairman of The Universities Art Association of the meeting. Wim de Wit, Chicago Critical Edge: Controversy in Re­ Canada. Sessions focus on the 12th Historical Society, will serve as local cent American Architecture, pub­ century, on the relation of Rome and chairman. Headquarters for the meet­ lished by MIT Press in 1985. Venice, on recent restoration of Roman ing will be The Palmer House. Professor Marder will succeed monuments, on collectors, antiquarians the present Journal Editor, Elisa­ and dealers after 1500, on Rome as the 'Members are urged to submit ses­ beth MacDougall, in April 1987. new Christian capital from the late 16th All manuscript submissions for fu­ sion topics for this meeting by De­ to the mid-18th century, and on the ture issues of the Journal should cember 22, 1986. Suggestions urbanization of Rome in the light of its should be sent to: Professor Rich­ now be sent to Professor Marder at classical typography, modern archaeo­ ard Betts, School of Architecture, the following address: Department logical discoveries and concepts of the University of Illinois, 608 East Lora­ of Art History, Rutgers University, ideal city. Clifford M. Brown is head of Voorhees Hall, New Brunswick, do Taft Drive, Champaign, IL 61820. the Organizing Committee. Write him NJ 08903 . at Dept. of Art History, Carleton Uni­ Osmund Overby 1987 Foreign Tour-Portugal (July 12- versity, Ottawa, Ont. KlS 5B6. Sub­ President 31). Stephanie Maloney, University of missions must be received by Nov. I. Louisville, will be the leader of this tour. A call for models, not papers: The The tour will begin in Lisbon, and San Antonio Museum Association, P.O. Box 2601 , San Antonio, TX 78299-2601 continue on to Cascais, Evora, Castelo CONFERENCES AND CALL da Vide, Bucaco, Guimaraes, Espihho invites submissions to a juried national FOR PAPERS and Caldas da Rainha. competition of professional architects The National Trust for Historic Pres­ for a Christmas exhibition entitled Ar­ SAH Membership Pins. !OK gold filled ervation will hold its annual meeting in chitectural Dollhouses. The focus is on lapel pins, carrying the SAH logo, are Kansas City, MO, Oct. 15-19. It marks Texas history and future development. available from the SAH office . Cost is the 20th anniversary of President Lyn­ For details call Lisa Kelleher at the $ 10 .00 which includes postage and don B. Johnson's signing of the legisla­ Witte Museum (512/226-5544, Ext. handling. tion, the National Historic Preservation 225). Apologies to all that we were not able als due Jan. I, 1987, in triplicate, max­ be seen as the inaugural exhibit in his to include the following in the previous imum of 400 words, to Richard Long­ new building for the Williams College issue. A VISTA, the Association Villard streth, Graduate Program in Historic Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA de Honnecourt for the Interdisciplinary Preservation, American Studies/P 103, 01267 (413/597-2429) Oct. 20-Dec. 19. Study of Medieval Technology, Science George Washington University, Wash­ More than 50 new ink-and-watercolor and Art will sponsor sessions at the 22nd ington, D.C. 20052. renderings, ten of which are over eight International Congress of Medieval The Northeast Victorian Studies As­ feet long, were designed by Moore Studies at Kalamazoo, Michigan, May sociation calls for papers for its confer­ especially for the exhibition. Eugene J. 7-10, 1987 on "The Use of the Wheel! ence, "Victorian Pleasures: Food, Fun Johnson curated the exhibit and is edi­ Circle in the Middle Ages: Technologi­ and Games," May 1-3, 1987. No dead­ tor of a new monograph on Moore. The cal and Iconographic." One page ab­ line given. Prof. Judith Wilt, Dept. of show will travel to the Hood Museum at stracts were due by Sept. I to Dr. English, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Dartmouth College (Jan. 17-March 15, Yoshio Kusaba, Dept. of Art, Cal. State MA 02167 (401/456-9842). 1987), The Farisch Gallery at Rice Univ., Chico, CA 95929. You may also University in Houston (dates not listed) address questions to Charles Stegeman MUSEUMS AND EXHIBITS and the German Architecture Museum or Mary-Therese Stegeman-Zenner at The Smithsonian Institution Travel­ in Frankfurt (May 8-July 12, 1987). A VISTA, Haverford College, Dept. of ing Exhibition Service will exhibit Re­ Samuel Yellin, Metalworker is being Fine Arts, 2 College Circle, Haverford, making America: New Uses, Old Places circulated by the N a tiona! Building PA 19041 (215/642-8287). highlighting the rebirth of America's Museum's Traveling Exhibition Pro­ The Vernacular Architecture Forum is architectural treasures, at the Cannon gram: until Nov. 17 it is at the Minne­ soliciting proposals for papers for its House Office Building, U.S. House of sota Historical Society, St. Paul; Jan. 1987 Annual Meeting to be held in Salt Representatives, Washington, D.C., 19-March 2, 1987 at the Allen Memori­ Lake City, Utah, May 6-9, 1987. Papers Oct. 15-Nov. 9. This photography and al Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ober­ should be primarily analytical rather text panel exhibition was curated by lin, Ohio; July 27-Sept. 7, 1987 at Leigh than descriptive in content and may Barbaralee Diamond-Spielvogel, spon­ Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wau­ also be devoted to technological issues. sored by The New York Landmarks sau, Wise. Institutions interested in Topics concerning architecture in the Conservancy, and will travel under the scheduling the show in 1987 should western U.S. or communitarian settle­ auspices of SITES, Washington, D.C. contact Carol E. Kleinert, National ments are especially welcome. Twenty 20560 (202/357-3168). Building Museum, Judiciary Square, minute papers or 10-minute reports on The Architecture of Charles Moore: NW, Washington, D.C. 20001 (202/ work in progress are welcome.- --- Propos- Buildings and Projects 1949-1986--- can 272-2448). - r -FRANK LLOYD-- WRIGHT- , 1987 Classic Edition Wall Calendar01987 Engagement CalendarDCiassic Edition PostersD I Published by Pomegranate Publications in cooperation with The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. I The Classic Edition wall calendar measures 17 x 20" and presents twelve full color, elegantly designed reproductions of some of Wright's most impressive renderings. It is wyro-bound with heavy chipboard backing . The 1987 engagement calendar (9 x 61/2''), I also wyro-bound, includes 53 full color plates accompanied by excerpts from Wright's letters and speeches about each project I presented. The six Classic Edition Posters are printed on 80 lb. Vintage Velvet cover stock and feature Wright's work in striking designs, finely reproduced in standard frame sizes. Satisfaction guaranteed. I Please send me the following Frank Lloyd
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