NID: 1000321-103-333 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here] Newsademic.com ™ The informative easy to read introduction to world news 2nd August 2018 British English edition Issue Number 333 In this issue Relocating elephants Brontë 200th anniversary Cambodia’s one-sided election World Overshoot Day Egypt’s mystery sarcophagus opened Buffalo jumps and grass burning Chocolate trademark dispute Roman library found Dam collapse in Laos Soldiers’ remains returned Ancient nematodes revived Hands of the gods bridge Imran Khan, leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (or Justice Party), speaking to supporters before the election Zimbabwe’s election Mars’ dust storm and lake I MRAN K HAN W I NS Mathematics medals Henge crop marks Cricket is a popular sport in Pakistan. An election for the National Assem- Record-breaking Death In the early 1990s, Imran Khan was the bly takes place every five years. The Valley country’s cricket team captain. In 1992, latest was on 25th July. Over 20 parties King penguin die-off under his leadership, Pakistan won the contested the vote. The country’s three Glossary Crossword and cricket World Cup. At that time, Mr Khan main parties are: the Pakistan Muslim Wordsearch Puzzle was a sporting hero in his home country. League (PML-N), the Pakistan People’s When younger, Mr Khan attended a Party (PPP) and Mr Khan’s Justice Party. school in the UK. He also studied at Ox- Five years ago, the PML-N won Learning ford University. Twenty-two years ago, with 166 seats. Mr Khan’s party was English as a after retiring from cricket, Mr Khan set third. This time, the Justice Party got up a new political party. He called it Pa- 116 seats: more than its main rivals, but foreign kistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). The name not a majority. To secure his position as language? means ‘Pakistan Movement for Justice’. Pakistan’s new prime minister, Mr Khan It is also known as the Justice Party. needed to persuade several smaller par- Pakistan is a parliamentary democra- ties to work with his own. This type of Newsademic.com cy. Its official name is the Islamic Repub- arrangement is known as a coalition. lic of Pakistan. The president is the head India, Pakistan and Bangladesh were Recommended of state. Yet, this person has few powers. once all part of a large British colony The prime minister governs the country. known as India. The British ruled this reading Usually, he or she is the leader of the part of the world for over 200 years. After for party with most seats in the parliament, the end of the Second World War (1939 or National Assembly. – 1945), the leaders of the UK decided EFL and ESL NID: 1000321-103-333 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here] 2nd August 2018 Newsademic.com™ – British English edition page 2 that they could not control India any long periods during which military areas: Azad Jammu and Kashmir longer. There had been an increasing leaders have governed the nation. (5), and Gilgit-Baltistan (6). These number of protests. Those who took In 2001, an Islamist militant are autonomous territories. Their part in the demonstrations wanted group called al-Qaeda attacked the assemblies have more powers than the British to leave. USA. This group had its training those of the provinces. The coun- In 1947, the UK government bases in Afghanistan. At that time, try’s main parliament, or National agreed that the colony would be split the Taliban controlled Afghanistan. Assembly, is in Islamabad, Paki- into two independent, self-govern- When it refused to hand over the stan’s capital city. ing, countries. India was the largest, al-Qaeda leaders, the USA led an Pakistan still has a problem with where most people were Hindu. The invasion of the country. Many Tali- corruption, or dishonest officials. other, Pakistan, had a Muslim ma- ban fighters moved to the mountain- Both the PML-N and PPP have jority. Then, Pakistan also included ous region near the border between governed the country in the recent an area called East Pakistan. This Afghanistan and Pakistan. Eighteen past. Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the part of the country became a sepa- years later, troops from the USA and PML-N, became the prime minister rate nation in 1971. Its name was several other countries, such as the five years ago. A court recently de- changed to Bangladesh. UK, are still based in Afghanistan. clared that Mr Sharif and one of his After they were granted inde- Fighting between the Afghan army daughters were guilty of corruption. pendence, Pakistan and India soon and the Taliban continues. Both were ordered to serve prison became rivals. They have frequent sentences. Mr Sharif’s brother has CHINA disagreements. It is not unusual for 6 taken over as the PML-N’s leader. the two countries to argue about 2 Pakistan’s army commanders are AFGHANISTAN 5 where the border between them Islamabad very powerful. Nowadays, they ‘op- should be in a mountainous region Line of erate in the background’. Some peo- 3 called Kashmir. The British di- Control ple say that Mr Khan’s party would PAKISTAN vided Kashmir between India and not have won without the backing of Pakistan. The northern part is often 1 the army. After the election, Mr Sha- INDIA called Pakistani-controlled Kashmir 4 rif’s brother and Bilawal Bhutto, the (its official name is Gilgit-Baltistan). leader of the PPP, complained. They Arabian Sea India controls the southern part. The claimed that the army had interfered border between them is known as The war in Afghanistan has caused in the election and the way in which the Line of Control. The majority of many problems in Pakistan. The Tali- votes were counted. people who live in India-controlled ban believe people should obey very Mr Khan is now 65 years old. Kashmir are Muslims. strict Islamic laws. Some people in He spoke after the election results India and Pakistan have fought Pakistan, especially those living were announced. Mr Khan said that three wars against each other since close to the border with Afghanistan, he hoped that the other main parties 1947. All were short and incon- have similar beliefs. Some are mem- would work with him to develop clusive. Two of the conflicts were bers of the Pakistani Taliban. In re- Pakistan’s economy. Mr Khan de- fought over Kashmir. Both India and cent years, the Pakistani Taliban has clared that he wanted to end the ri- Pakistan are nuclear powers. They carried out several shootings and valry between his country and India. are among the few countries in the bombings in the country. In the past, Mr Khan criticised the world that have nuclear weapons. Today, Pakistan is home to over USA for its anti-Taliban operations. Since it became an independ- 212 million people. It is the world’s These often occur in Afghanistan ent nation 71 years ago, Pakistan fifth most populous country. The near the border with Pakistan. He has had a troubled political history. country is divided into four prov- said that Pakistan needed to have a There have been several military inces: Balochistan (1 - see map), relationship with the USA that bene- coups (pronounced ‘coos’). A coup Khyber Pakhkhwa (2), Punjab (3), fits both countries. Mr Khan also ex- is when a military commander uses and Sindh (4). Each has its own plained that he planned to copy the the army to seize control of a coun- provincial assembly, or local par- anti-corruption policies that China try. In Pakistan, there have been liament. There are two other main has recently introduced. NID: 1000321-103-333 B Newsademic. Prepared for: [Your School Name Here] 2nd August 2018 Newsademic.com™ – British English edition page 3 ELEPHANT RELOCATION is known as the matriarch. Other killed, or poached, during a 15-year elephants in the herd act on the ma- civil war in the country. This con- The Venetia Limpopo Nature Re- triarch’s ‘instructions’. For instance, flict ended in 1992. serve is in South Africa. Home to the matriarch might decide to move The distance between the De African elephants, lions and leop- to a new place to find food and wa- Beers reserve and the park in Mo- ards, it covers an area of 320 square ter. The others then follow. Apart zambique is 1,500 kilometres (932 kilometres (124 square miles). De from human hunters, adult elephants miles). The first 60 elephants are Beers owns the reserve. It is the have no natural predators. being taken to this park. The others world’s biggest diamond company. may be relocated to some of Mo- The company’s largest diamond zambique’s other reserves. mines are in South Africa. De Beers will pay for the opera- Recently, officials working for tion. Each elephant is to be shot with De Beers announced plans to move, a tranquilliser dart, which contains or relocate, 200 elephants. They live special drugs. These make the ani- on its nature reserve. The animals mals sleepy, less aggressive or un- are to be taken to Mozambique, conscious. Cranes are used to lift the a neighbouring African country. sleepy elephants into large wooden Currently, the De Beers’ reserve is crates. These are then loaded onto home to 270 elephants. Over time, the back of trucks. their numbers have grown naturally. A conservation group called the The reserve’s elephant population is Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) is too large for its size. The optimum helping to organise the elephant number for this land area is about Elephant herd at a watering hole in South Africa move.
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