The Voice of Zion • 279 N Medina St, Suite 150, Loretto, MN 55357 Volume XLIV Number 8 August 2017 In the Shade of the Tent This temporary temple of fabric stretched overhead is cozy, close, comfortable— like the familiar passage read of the amiable tabernacles. 4`YHTI\UJ[PV\ZÄ]L`LHYVSK [LHYZH[[OLNYHZZÅVVYJYLH[PUNHZTHSSULZ[H[T`MLL[ @LZ0HT[OLVM[YLZ[SLZZTV[OLYZ^HSSV^ ^OVZ[PSS^HU[Z[VSH`OLY`V\UNOLYLPU[OPZZOLS[LYLKULZ[ @LZ0^HU[[VZ[PSSILHKVVYRLLWLY in the house of my God, speaking boldly, humbly, lovingly [V[OVZL^OVZ[LWJSVZL[VTL ;OPZ[LU[^PSSILMVSKLKZVVU" T`^VYRKH`^PSSILNPUHUL^ I can again go from strength to strength, [Y\Z[PUN[OH[HKH`PU[OLJV\Y[ZVM[OL3VYKPZIL[[LY[OHUH[OV\ZHUKHU`^OLYLLSZL Janelle Huhta Photo: Crystal Lee 2017 LLC SUMMER SERVICES Man, in the Place of God: Care for the Conscience: Weekend spent “at the May our nation’s citizens turn What can happen if one ignores feet of Jesus.” Highlights from again to the Creator. the grace-gift of confession? LLC Summer Services! Editorial, Page 2 Home & Family, Page 5 Pages 6, 7, 8, 9, & 16 PAGE 2 AUGUST 2017 editorial Man, in the Place of God GODLESS MODERN MAN now sits in the place of God (2 Thess. 2:4) man has no right in these issues as God has reserved them for himself in His wanting to determine and control all aspects of human life. This folly is works of Creation. the result of a general falling away from God and the denial of Him as &RQWUDU\WRHUULQJPRGHUQWKRXJKW+RO\6FULSWXUHYHULÀHVWKDW*RG Creator of all. Instead of looking to God for help and guidance man trusts has created man and the earth as a dwelling place for him. He has given all LQKLVRZQDELOLWLHVDQGGHQLHVWKH*LYHURIOLIH6LQFHPDQQRORQJHUÀQGV things needed to sustain life and has already determined the time and reason to thank or acknowledge God, God has given him over to carnality boundaries of human habitation (Gen. 1 & 8:22, Acts 17:24–26, 2 Pet. 3:10) and vile sexual passions (Rom. 1:18–32). and has set the days and months of a person’s life such that no one can live God saw all His creation work as good (Gen. 1). It cannot be improved longer (Job 14:5). on by human efforts. Creation is now worshipped more than the Creator Further, God created man in His own image as male and female (Gen. who determines the days of one’s life and sustains the earth as a habitation 1:27). He also instituted marriage as a union between one man and one for humans. Man, the crown of God’s creation work (Gen. 1:2), because of woman (Gen. 2:18,24). The present worldwide movement to erase the dis- vanity exults himself above all that is called God (2 Thess. 2:4). tinction between genders in the name of human rights and equality is an Acceptance of Darwin’s theory regarding the origin and common descent open affront to God and the holiness of His Word. It is an example of the of species denies both the role of the Creator and the purpose for which He exaltation of man’s will over the wisdom of his Creator. Legalizing and created man. Thus, man is no longer seen as a living soul created for heaven promoting gender reassignment and allowing one to identify as and intrude and in the image of God, but just another species to compete for the earth’s upon the privacy of the opposite birth gender is contrary to creation and resources. Viewing himself now as the master of his own destiny modern KXPDQGHFHQF\,WZLOOKDVWHQWKHGLVLQWHJUDWLRQRIDQGGHÀOHQDWLRQVRQFH man is delving into many matters which belong solely to God. built on God’s order found in Creation (Lev. 18:24). Godless man wants to: limit the earth’s population, determine who can We live a time when the man of sin, the son of perdition, is quickly be born and when to die, and manipulate the genetic makeup of the unborn being unveiled in all his depravity and opposition of God (2 Thess. 2:3). to “create” a special child of renown. In addition, he demands gender reas- We need to hold on to and live according to the truths of the Holy Word in signment or the right to identify as the other gender. Likewise, marriage is matters of life and death. It is God who has created the earth, given life to QRZGHÀQHGDVVRPHWKLQJRWKHUWKDQWKHXQLRQRIRQHPDQDQGRQHZRPDQ all creatures, and who sustains life. Let us pray that the citizens of our Similarly, homosexuality and same sex marriage are now legal rights nation would turn again to the Creator and concern themselves with the instead of being viewed as vile and disgusting to God (Lev. 18:22). Yet weightier matter of eternity. News & Notes from LLC IN VISITING the Wright County Fairgrounds last fall, I • In commemoration of the 500-year anniversary of the remembered the 2016 LLC Summer Services in Essa, Reformation, a book about Luther, written by Finnish Ontario, and I wondered how God would bless in 2017. authors, is being translated. Hopes are for publication The facilities were similar in that both are outdoor airy this fall. venues. But, of course, one worries—what will the weather • On June 29, the LLC signed documents purchasing 70 be like? We know that Minnesota summers can be quite acres of land at Silver Springs, near Monticello. The hot and humid. Minnesota Facilities Committee (MFC) will work However, God blessed the 2017 Summer Services in closely with the LLC regarding future planning. many ways, including the weather. It was another opportu- nity for us North Americans to experience in a small way • 7KH//&ÀQDQFHFRPPLWWHHLVZRUNLQJFORVHO\ZLWK what Summer Services in Finland might be like. All told the Personnel-Facilities committee in reviewing plans there were approximately 6000–6500 services guests; for renovation and expansion of SLC, set to begin this over 800 stayed onsite in the 120 RVs and the many tents. fall (2017), and for future planning and development Temporary showers were built for the services guests at Silver Springs. staying onsite. Without kitchen facilities, 19,600 meals had • :RUNKDVEHHQFRPSOHWHGWRXSGDWHFRQÀUPDWLRQFXU- to be prepared and brought to the service site as needed. ULFXOXPIRUDQHLJKWGD\FRQÀUPDWLRQVFKRRO7KLV As it has been in recent years, the grill was a popular PDWHULDOZLOOEHSLORWHGDW6/&&RQÀUPDWLRQ6FKRRO choice for meals. 2 this summer. Most important was that God blessed the services RandyPhoto: Herrala with His Word. The motto, “Every one that is of the truth • Cooperative work continues between the LLC and New LLC Board member Carey Simonson is seated next to heareth my voice” (John 18:37), was woven throughout the SRK to provide English material for Summer Services radio programming in Finland. David Anderson at the LLC Annual Meeting. Simonson sermons, and the tired traveler left comforted and refreshed. replaced Anderson on the LLC Board for the Midwestern region. We thank the Heavenly Father for this time of refreshment, • As part of our commemoration of the 500th anniver- and we also thank the believers in the hosting Cokato con- sary of the Reformation, LLC is sponsoring a Bible Delegates will be prepared to give a detailed report to con- gregation and the supporting LLC congregations in the Camp, October 20–22, 2017, at Stony Lake Camp. JUHJDWLRQVZKHQPHHWLQJPLQXWHVKDYHEHHQÀQDOL]HG Midwestern Area for their service and labor of love. Juhani Liukkonen and Antti Paananen, from the SRK, Updates on LLC Activities LLC Board Meeting, June 30 will serve along with LLC staff. • Aaron Wuollet, recently added to the Publications • The Saskatchewan congregations offer to purchase the • Visiting speaker-brother, Arvo Pyykölä, relayed greet- Committee, replaced retiring member Ken Hill. We Girl Guides Camp on Lake Diefenbaker has been ings from LLC’s sister organization in Finland, the thank Ken for his many years of service. Noted was a accepted. This facility will serve the believers well. May SRK. Pyykölä spoke of the importance of mutual list of books being planned for publication and the God continue to bless this endeavor as only He can. work between the organizations and how it helps to need for project managers. • With the purchase of 70 acres at Silver Springs com- foster unity. He also gave a glimpse of the magnitude pleted, meetings are now being held between the LLC, RIZRUNEHLQJGRQHE\WKH65.ZLWKFRQÀUPDWLRQ LLC Annual Meeting, July 1 MFC, and the Rockford Summer Services Planning schools in 2017 (2400 students) and an additional 312 • LLC Delegates reviewed and gave support for the Committee exploring the possibility of using the prop- camp events with 18,000 attendees at the various SRK proposed 2018 LLC Operating Plan and reelected erty as a Summer Service site in 2019. camp facilities. Randy Herrala, Sam Roiko, Duane Pirness (Midwest- • The LLC update tour has been well received in the • Board members reviewed planning updates for current ern Area), and Ken Wuollet (Western Area) to three- congregations where it’s been held, with many positive Summer Services and future Winter and Summer Ser- year terms. Carey Simonson replaced David Anderson, comments and important feedback. vices. The 2018 Summer Services will be hosted by who retired after many years of service. We thank Dave the Seattle Laestadian Lutheran Church at Glacier and wish him God’s abundant blessings in retirement. • 7KHÀUVW//&6SDQLVK/DQJXDJH&DPSZLOOWDNHSODFH September 22–24 at Kamp Kipa. Attendance is encour- Peak High School in Snohomish, Wash., July 5–8. The • With the LLC budget over two million, we thank the aged by those interested in Spanish. Sign up at https:// motto for the services is, “Be still, and know that I am membership for continued support—no dues increase campscui.active.com/orgs/LaestadianLutheranChurch.
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