SECURITY COUNCIL REPORT Monthly DEC 2011 1 December 2011 This report is available online and can beFORECAST viewed together with research studies and Update Reports at www.securitycouncilreport.org. For daily insights by SCR on evolving Security Council actions please visit or subscribe to our recently launched “What’s In Blue” series at www.whatsinblue.org Overview For December CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE Libya ..................................................1 Russia holds the presidency of the (UNAMI), by Special Representative Martin Status Update since our November Council in December, a month during Kobler, to be followed by consultations; Forecast .........................................2 which typically there are a record num- n the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei ber of mandate renewals and scheduled (UNISFA), most likely by Hervé Ladsous, Sudan and South Sudan ...................6 briefings. Combined with the usual the head of DPKO; Sudan/Darfur .....................................8 desire to wrap up the Council’s work n the experience chairing Council Somalia ............................................10 before Christmas, December promises subsidiary bodies, by the outgoing Burundi ............................................10 to be a very busy month. ambassadors: Ivan Barbalić (Bosnia and Central African Republic ................12 Herzegovina), chair of the Informal Work- Debates will be held on the international Liberia ..............................................13 ing Group on Documentation and Other criminal tribunals for Rwanda (ICTR) Guinea-Bissau .................................15 Procedural Questions; Maria Luiza and the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) as Working Group on Conflict Preven- well as on Afghanistan. The tribunals’ Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil), chair of the DRC tion and Resolution in Africa..........16 debate is likely to be preceded by and Côte d’Ivoire sanctions committees; Noel Nelson Messone (Gabon), chair of briefings of the respective tribunals’ UNDOF (Golan Heights) .................17 the 1636 Committee (related to the presidents and chief prosecutors. The Iraq ...................................................19 assassination of the former Lebanese debate on Afghanistan is likely to Iran ...................................................21 Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and 22 oth- feature a briefing by UNAMA’s head, Afghanistan .....................................22 ers); Nawaf Salam (Lebanon), chair of Staffan de Mistura. the Liberia sanctions committee; and U. Cyprus .............................................24 Several other briefings are expected on: Joy Ogwu (Nigeria), chair of the 1518 Security Council Subsidiary n Libya, by Special Representative Ian Committee (on Iraq) and of the Working Bodies ..........................................26 Martin, to be followed by consultations; Group on Peacekeeping Operations; International Criminal Tribunals ....26 n the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq >>page 2 Notable Dates .................................28 Libya Key Recent Developments had received its second briefing on Libya Fighting broke out, on 31 October, between from the Prosecutor of the International Expected Council Action the armed militia from the town of Zintan Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno Ocampo. The Council is likely to remain focused on and Tripoli Brigade. (Tripoli Brigade pro- Moreno-Ocampo said that his office will post-conflict Libya in December as the UN vided frontline troops during the taking of impartially investigate allegations of crimes Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) deploys Colonel Muammar Qaddafi’s Bab Al-Azizia committed by NATO and forces aligned to its full capacity. Ian Martin, the Special compound in Tripoli in late August.) On 13 with the NTC. Representative of the Secretary-General November, deadly clashes, lasting a few On 22 November, the ICC decided to termi- and head of UNSMIL, is expected to brief days, between armed groups from Zawiya nate its case against the late Colonel the Council. and Warshefana led to 13 reported deaths. Qaddafi following his death as Moreno Ambassador José Filipe Moraes Cabral On 19 November, Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi, Ocampo travelled to Tripoli to discuss (Portugal) and chair of the Libyan Sanctions Qaddafi’s son and onetime heir-apparent, arrangements with the NTC for the respec- Committee is also expected to brief was captured in southern Libya while trying tive trials of the two remaining indictees. the Council. to flee the country. Media reports, yet to be (The NTC has said it will try Saif Qaddafi in confirmed by the National Transitional Libya.) On 23 November, the ICC indicated The Council is expected to extend Council (NTC), indicate that Abdullah Al- that should Libya wish to prosecute UNSMIL’s mandate by three months in Senussi, former Intelligence Chief, was Qaddafi, the NTC would have to submit a a technical rollover prior to its expiry on arrested in a separate incident the following challenge to the admissibility of the case 16 December. day. Earlier, on 2 November, the Council >>page 4 Security Council Report One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10017 T:1 212 759 9429 F:1 212 759 4038 www.securitycouncilreport.org 1 Overview For December (continued) n Burundi, by the chief of the UN Office private meeting; and in Burundi (BNUB), Karin Lundgren, n Somalia, to be followed by consultations. n most likely on issues of concern, by the and the chair of the PBC country Briefings in consultations are expected to head of DPA, B. Lynn Pascoe. specific configuration, Ambassador be held on: Formal sessions are expected to adopt Paul Seger (Switzerland), to be followed n the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus resolutions on the: by consultations; (UNFICYP), by Special Representative n Renewal of the Liberia sanctions n Iran sanctions, by the sanctions commit- Lisa Buttenheim; n Renewal of the mandate of the operation tee chair, Ambassador Néstor Osorio n Liberia sanctions, by the sanctions in Libya (UNSMIL) (Colombia); committee chair, Ambassador Nawaf n Renewal of the operation in Cyprus n the UN Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Salam (Lebanon); (UNFICYP) the Central African Republic (BINUCA), n the UN Disengagement Observer Force n Renewal of the mandate of the office in by the Special Representative Margaret (UNDOF) in the Golan Heights, most Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) Vogt, to be followed by consultations; likely by Edmond Mulet of DPKO. n Renewal of the mandate of the operation n the Libya sanctions, by the sanctions n Sudan sanctions, by the sanctions in Abyei (UNISFA) committee chair, Ambassador José committee chair, Ambassador Néstor n Renewal of the mandate of the operation Filipe Moraes Cabral (Portugal); to be Osorio (Colombia); in the Golan Heights (UNDOF) followed by consultations; n· Iraq-Kuwait missing persons and prop- n Extension of terms of judges of the ICTR n the Middle East, by the head of DPA, erty, by the High-Level Coordinator and possibly ICTY B. Lynn Pascoe, to be followed by consul- Gennady Tarasov; n Renewal of the mandate of the office in tations; n the work of the UN Regional Centre for Burundi (BNUB) n Sudan, by the ICC Prosecutor, Luis Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia n Possibly sanctions on Eritrea Moreno Ocampo, to be followed by a (UNRCCA) by its head, Miroslav Jenca; Status Update since our November Forecast n Counter-terrorism: On 5 November, the responsibility in ensuring that the 28 Human Rights Law: The Role of the Council issued a press statement in November presidential and national Security Council—Past and Future”. which it condemned the 4 November assembly elections are both credible and n International Court of Justice: On 10 terrorist attacks, which killed or injured peaceful. On 21 November, Ambassador November, the Security Council, inde- numerous people in Damaturu and Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil) briefed pendently from, but concurrently with, Potiskum, Nigeria (SC/10437). On 14 the Council as chair of the DRC Sanc- the General Assembly, elected four November, the chairs of the three tions Committee. On 29 November, the judges to the ICJ for nine-year terms, counter-terrorism committees—the 1267/ Council renewed the DRC sanctions beginning on 6 February 2012 (S/ 1989 Committee, the 1373 Committee regime and the mandate of the Group PV.6651, 6652, 6653, 6654 and 6655). and the 1540 Committee—briefed the of Experts for a period of 12 months Out of a list of eight candidates, the Council, followed by a debate (S/ (S/RES/2021). Council elected Giorgio Gaja (Italy); PV.6658). During the briefing, the chair of n Protection of Civilians: On 9 November, Hisashi Owada (Japan); Peter Tomka the 1540 Committee, Ambassador Baso the Council held its biannual debate on (Slovakia); and Xue Hanqin (China). Both Sangqu (South Africa), emphasised protection of civilians in armed conflict bodies failed to elect a fifth judge, as the importance of coordination and (S/PV.6650 and Resumption 1). It was Abdul G. Koroma (Sierra Leone) received cooperation among the three commit- chaired by Portuguese President Aníbal the required majority in the Council, while tees and their expert groups. Cavaco Silva and featured briefings by Julia Sebutinde (Uganda), received the n Democratic Republic of the Congo: On the Secretary-General, High Commis- required majority in the General Assem- 8 November, the Council was briefed by sioner for Human Rights Navanethem bly. On 22 November, the Council and Roger Meece, Special Representative of Pillay, Under-Secretary-General
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