
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1995 No. 199 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was come forward and lead the House in the inaugural Las Vegas Bowl in 1992; To- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Pledge of Allegiance. ledo has never played in a Las Vegas pore [Mr. ENSIGN]. Mr. DICKEY led the Pledge of Alle- Bowl. f giance as follows: I will match the gentlewoman from I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Ohio, Ms. KAPTUR's, glass bowl bet DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER United States of America, and to the Repub- with a University of Nevada-Reno PRO TEMPORE lic for which it stands, one nation under God, sweatshirt. The bottom line is: To- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. night, the UNR Wolf Pack will pounce fore the House the following commu- f on the Toledo Rockets. Go Wolf Pack. nication from the Speaker: ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f WASHINGTON, DC, PRO TEMPORE December 14, 1995. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ROCKETS' TRAJECTORY TAKES I hereby designate the Honorable JOHN E. Chair will entertain fifteen 1-minutes THEM TO THE LAS VEGAS BOWL ENSIGN to act as Speaker pro tempore on per side. this day. f (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given NEWT GINGRICH, permission to address the House for 1 Speaker of the House of Representatives. UNR WOLF PACK WILL POUNCE ON minute and to revise and extend her re- f THE TOLEDO ROCKETS marks.) PRAYER (Mrs. VUCANOVICH asked and was Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, this given permission to address the House evening the undefeated University of The Chaplain, Rev. James David for 1 minute and to revise and extend Toledo Rockets will take to the field in Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- her remarks.) the Las Vegas Bowl and once again dis- er: Mrs. VUCANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I play their awesome offensive prowess Your blessings, O God, are new every rise today to discuss an issue of vital as they defeat the University of Nevada morning; Your favor looks over us and importance, the Las Vegas Bowl. To- Wolf PackÐfor the second time this gives us peace; Your benediction night at 9 p.m., the Big West Con- year. It's an uncommon event to have speaks the words of forgiveness and ference champions, the University of a rematch in post-season college foot- new life and Your everlasting arms Nevada-Reno Wolf Pack, will take on ball, but tonight Toledo and Nevada give support and strength. Through ill- the University of Toledo Rockets. The will reprise their September contestÐa ness and health, through hope and Washington Times said today the Las game in which the Rockets beat the tears, through joy and sorrow, and in Vegas Bowl will showcase some unno- turnover-prone Wolf Pact 49 to 35. all the moments of each day, we are ticed talent. This is the Rockets' sixth bowl ap- grateful, O God, for Your gifts of faith Disregard what my distinguished col- pearance. They have prevailed in allÐ and hope and love. This is our earnest league, the gentlewoman from Ohio with five solid wins and one forfeit. prayer. Amen. [Ms. KAPTUR], says about the teams' Now I'm sure the Wolf Pack has no in- f previous meeting, never mind that tention of forfeiting, but the Rockets they beat us 49 to 35. The statistics will prevail again nonetheless. THE JOURNAL that we have to concentrate on are: As is the custom in the House, I offer The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. EN- No. 1, UNR has the No. 1 passing at- my friend from Reno and colleague on SIGN). The Chair has examined the tack in the Nation, not Toledo; No. 2, the Appropriations Committee, BAR- Journal of the last day's proceedings UNR is the No. 1 in total offense in the BARA VUCANOVICH, a congenial wager and announces to the House his ap- Nation, not Toledo; No. 3, UNR has a that Toledo's irrepressible Rockets will proval thereof. quarterback that became the first defeat Nevada tonight. So, as Toledo is Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- player to lead the Nation in total of- known as the glass capital of the nal stands approved. fense in consecutive seasons. Toledo world, I will risk a set of Libbey Glass f does not. Alex Van Dyke and Toledo's wine glasses and Ohio Catawba non- Wasean Tait are a pair of overachievers alcoholic Sparkling Grape Juice to fill PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE on teams that have been largely over- them on my conviction that Toledo's The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the looked this year despite some very im- Rockets will blast off from Las Vegas gentleman from Arkansas [Mr. DICKEY] pressive statistics. UNR played in the victorious. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 14873 H 14874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE December 14, 1995 PENS, DISAPPEARING INK, AND REPUBLICANS FILLING THEIR knows that balancing the budget is SHARPENED PENCILS CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS WITH sane and responsible. The debt that (Mr. HAYWORTH asked and was MORE GOODIES previous Congresses have saddled on given permission to address the House (Mr. VENTO asked and was given our Nation is a form of bondage. And for 1 minute and to revise and extend permission to address the House for 1 our children and our grandchildren will his remarks.) minute and to revise and extend his re- pay for our failed governmental experi- Mr. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I will marks.) ments. withstand the temptation to talk Mr. VENTO. Mr. Speaker, today's And what has been the response from about football because I did that most paper reports that the Republican lead- the President? Last week, he vetoed of my professional life. Instead I would ership has again dropped the ball in the first balanced budget in a genera- simply offer the following observa- terms of trying to limit Members of tion. And today, he is at least negotiat- tions: Congress' outside income. We know ing a balanced budget with the Con- It is my sincere and solid hope that this past year there have been great gress. But does anyone here believe President Clinton did not take the pen scandals about the book deal with the that if there were no Republican ma- Lyndon Johnson used to sign the Ton- Speaker, and in the past, this problem jority that Bill Clinton would be nego- kin Gulf resolution with him to Paris is nothing new, because it occurred tiating a balanced budget? The answer to sign the treaty. Of course last week with past Speakers and with other is clearly, ``no.'' President Clinton took LBJ's Medicare Members of the House and Senate. But Mr. Speaker, let us end the excuses pen to discover it was out of ink, and now, after the Committee on Standards and balance our budget. about a month ago President Clinton, of Official Conduct and the embarrass- f amidst great fanfare, signed a public ment that this body has gone through REPUBLICANS MANUFACTURING law, a budget agreement agreeing to this past year, the report is that the ANOTHER CRISIS get to a balanced budget in 7 years Committee on Standards of Official (Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas asked using honest numbers, but I suppose Conduct that has passed a proposal to and was given permission to address the President believes he used dis- limit outside earned income from book the House for 1 minute and to revise appearing ink in signing that agree- deals is going to be rejected. It is going and extend his remarks.) ment. to be put off so that the leadership, the Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Mr. Speaker, the President should Republican leadership in this House Speaker, the stage is set for another take out a sharpened pencil and, with and across this country, can continue Government shutdown tomorrow night. his budgeteers, work toward an honest to fill their Christmas stockings with That means that citizens will not be balanced budget within 7 years. That is more goodies, not just this year in De- able to apply for Social Security or our mission. The American people will cember, but throughout the next year. veterans' benefits. settle for no less. Happy New Year to the book dealsÐ We find ourselves in this situation f business as usual. because the congressional Republicans It is time to properly limit the out- have not sent a continuing resolution MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE side earned income and the book deals to the President. They are manufactur- A message from the Senate by Mr. and get back to the work we were ing another crisis because the Presi- Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- elected to do, not writing political fic- dent will not cut Medicare and edu- nounced that the Senate had passed tion about our glory days in the 104th cation the way the Republicans want without amendment a bill of the House Congress. him to. of the following title: The 104th Congress should be aboutÐ This poster was given to me by a con- H.R. 325. An act to amend the Clean Air delivering on a balanced budget that is stituent of mine, a small businessman Act to provide for an optional provision for both balanced fiscally and balanced in the Houston Heights area of Hous- the reduction of work-related vehicle trips fairly for the people of this country we ton, that he is worried about what is and miles travelled in ozone non-attainment represent, not to take away from the happening up here, and obviously he is areas designated as severe, and for other pur- Medicare recipients and the Medicaid poses.
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