The Cross Keys March 2017 The Monthly Newsletter of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone Number 199 In this issue: Continental Masonry John Paul Jones The Masonic Hall, Jerusalem More Certificates Johnstone Street Directory Terror Plot Stopped Cross Keys March 2017 Continental Masonry Many non-Masons, especially those living on the efits of masonry to about half of the population. European Continent, are familiar with a type of They claim to be more liberal and democratic Masonry that is radically different from that than traditional Masons. which is generally practiced in the United States. It a liberal, non-dogmatic, form of Masonry that The differences in style and interpretation accepts women as members and openly tries to evolved over time and reflect to some extent the influence government on issues of interest. Two history and culture of France and the other coun- grand orients in that group have even opened a tries where they exist. Some writers claim that Masonic liaison to the European Union to counter these Continental style Masonic bodies were the the influence of organized religion. core of anti-clerical movements in many coun- tries as well as revolutions against established During the 1700s several grand lodges or orients government. There have been claims that . the formed from previously independent speculative liberal lodges are more into the occult than are Masonic lodges. Charters of later regular lodges the traditional lodges For many years, the Grand trace back to these early grand lodges. Lodges Orient de France was recognized by most main- then formed new grand lodges in open territory stream grand lodges. The language, content of so as to spread Freemasonry throughout the meetings, and ritual may have been different, but world. The difference in name between grand that was not significant. lodge and grand orient is not significant, but seems to have something to do with the relation- In the 1860s, the Grand Orient de France had ship between the grand body and local lodges. recognition problems with some grand lodges in the southern part of United States of America be- The grand lodges and orients worked out a sys- cause of its own recognition of a grand lodge with tem of amity for recognition of other grand bodies black members operating in Louisiana, which the to permit visits by members. Generally the grand mainstream grand lodge there considered to be lodges must be exclusively male, be religiously its exclusive territory. Most American grand lodg- tolerant while insisting on a belief in a Supreme es still exchanged recognition with the Grand Ori- Being, and avoid discussions of religion and poli- ent de France at that time. tics in lodge. Each grand lodge decides on its own which other grand lodges it will accept based on In 1877, the Grand Orient de France adopted a how it interprets these and some other rules or policy that a man’s faith or lack thereof is a mat- landmarks. Other issues, such as the current feud ter for his absolute freedom of conscience and is between the grand lodges of West Virginia and of no concern to the lodge considering him for Ohio over one individual, sometimes cause a membership. Quoting the web site of the Grand break in recognition. Orient de France: “To date, this decision main- tains the distinctiveness of the Grand Orient The Grand Orient de France, the largest and old- which according to some, places the Order at the est grand body for France, originally consisted of forefront of Universal Freemasonry and accord- lodges that had been chartered by British grand ing to others, an outlaw.” lodges. This grand orient is the leading body for something that can be referred to as Continental Most grand lodges in the Anglo-American tradi- Masonry. tion followed the lead of the United Grand Lodge of England and severed fraternal relations with The Grand Orient de France and the other grand the Grand Orient de France. Some grand lodges bodies in the Continental system, which follow its and orients on the continent of Europe then fol- lead, such as the Grand Orient de Belgique, inter- lowed the lead of the French body and severed pret some of these rules of operation a bit differ- relations with the Anglo-American grand lodges. ently than most Anglo-American grand lodges. There was a schism in Freemasonry from that The grand and individual lodges might take politi- time forward. Eventually a separate, generally cal stands and endorse candidates for office. Athe- recognized grand lodge was established in France ists who are otherwise good and honorable men through the efforts of the United Grand Lodge of can be initiated into membership. Some Continen- England. In some countries where Continental or tal style lodges will even accept women into their liberal Masonry has significant presence, a tradi- membership as they do not want to deny the ben- tional, recognized grand lodge may, in fact, be the Cross Keys March 2017 Continental Masonry Ctd) larger body. The total population of France is around ten times that of Illinois The Grand Orient de It is not clear just what is involved with the ac- France, has about a third fewer members ceptance of women in the lodges. The women may than the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the or may not be prepared for initiation in the same State of Illinois and has about twice the num- manner as men. While the Grand Orient de France ber of lodges. Probably the other grand lodg- had not initiated women until very recently, it did es affiliated with it together don’t amount to and does have fraternal relations with some other much more. There are about 50 to 60 grand grand lodges that initiate women, such as federa- lodges or orients in the liberal or Continental tions of Le Droit Humain. In the United States the tradition. issue of extending fraternal relations for women was resolved with the Eastern Star; although it is There are about 200 traditional grand lodges regarded by the United Grand Lodge of England as among those that more or less consider each a prohibited mixed organization in which its mem- other regular and might share recognition by bers should not participate. following the traditions coming from the British grand lodges rather than the liberal During the twentieth century there was a period French traditions. While some of the many when the Grand Orient de France was recognized members are into politics, their lodges do not by some North American grand lodges. This seems get involved with political issues. The Prince to have been related to the re-establishment of Hall grand lodges are included in this group. Freemasonry in Europe after World War I and It has been estimated that there are any- World War II. The differences eventually again be- where about 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 mem- came too much to continue mutual recognition. bers of mainstream, traditional Masonic lodges; although I have also heard somewhat Even though we do not visit their lodges and their lower numbers. members cannot visit our lodges, we have some idea as to what the policies of these Continental In addition, there are also about another 400 style grand orients are. The Grand Orient de France organizations that call themselves Masonic and the Grand Orient de Belgique have web sites grand lodges, but are not in either group and and there have been published presentations with often may be totally bogus. Some have split their views. The web site is available in several lan- from legitimate groups, perhaps because of guages, including English. Some of the other grand political or personality differences. orients and grand lodges in its camp may or may not have web sites, but they generally are relatively small and follow the Grand Orient de France. Conti- By Bro. Hilton Kaufman PM nental Masonry has spread to Latin America, prob- ably through the Portuguese and Spanish. The following is a quote from the website of the Grand Orient de France: “Somehow they consider themselves as guardians and avant-gardes of the republican regime, the sole champion of individual prosperity in Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.” They consider themselves to be a politically signifi- cant organization, even though they are but a small portion of the French population. Cross Keys March 2017 Bro. John Paul Jones A museum is to be set up in memory of the the memory alive, there will also be a statue naval commander who founded the American commissioned in the nearby naval fortress navy and went on to achieve a historic victory in Kronstadt. Sadly he was detested in Scot- for the Russian fleet under the Empress Cath- land after he attacked Whitehaven and Kirk- erine the Great. Although he was seen as a cudbright in 1778, and the following year pirate in his own country, for mounting raids sailed up the Firth of Forth to within cannon on Scotland during the American War of Inde- range of Leith, before a storm swept his ship pendence, Jones was feted in Russia for de- back to sea. In Russia, Jones served under feating the Turks during the Black Sea cam- Prince Potemkin against the Turks in the paign. Black Sea campaign. He thwarted the Turk- ish fleet at the Battle of Liman in 1788, kill- The Scots naval officer served as a rear admi- ing about 3,000 Turks, destroying 15 vessels ral in the Russian navy between 1788 and at a cost to his squadron of one frigate and 1789. The Admiral John Paul Jones Society 18 killed.
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