AR TICLE One Fungus = One Name: DNA and Fungal Nomenclature

AR TICLE One Fungus = One Name: DNA and Fungal Nomenclature

GRLLPDIXQJXV IMA FUNGUS · VOLUME 2 · NO 2: 113–120 One Fungus = One Name: DNA and fungal nomenclature twenty years after ARTICLE PCR -RKQ:7D\ORU 8QLYHUVLW\RI&DOLIRUQLD%HUNHOH\.RVKODQG+DOO%HUNHOH\&$86$HPDLOMWD\ORU#EHUNHOH\HGX Abstract: 6RPHIXQJLZLWKSOHRPRUSKLFOLIHF\FOHVVWLOOEHDUWZRQDPHVGHVSLWHPRUHWKDQ\HDUVRIPROHFXODU Key words: SK\ORJHQHWLFVWKDWKDYHVKRZQKRZWRPHUJHWKHWZRV\VWHPVRIFODVVL¿FDWLRQWKHDVH[XDO³'HXWHURP\FRWD´ $PVWHUGDP'HFODUDWLRQ DQGWKHVH[XDO³(XP\FRWD´0\FRORJLVWVKDYHEHJXQWRÀRXWQRPHQFODWRULDOUHJXODWLRQVDQGXVHMXVWRQHQDPH (1$6 IRU RQH IXQJXV 7KH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RGH RI %RWDQLFDO 1RPHQFODWXUH ,&%1 PXVW FKDQJH WR DFFRPPRGDWH 0\FR&RGH FXUUHQWSUDFWLFHRUEHFRPHLUUHOHYDQW7KHIXQGDPHQWDOGLIIHUHQFHLQWKHVL]HRIIXQJLDQGSODQWVKDGDUROHLQ nomenclature WKHRULJLQRIGXDOQRPHQFODWXUHDQGFRQWLQXHVWRKLQGHUWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIDQ,&%1WKDWIXOO\DFFRPPRGDWHV pleomorphic fungi PLFURVFRSLFIXQJL$QRPHQFODWRULDOFULVLVDOVRORRPVGXHWRHQYLURQPHQWDOVHTXHQFLQJZKLFKVXJJHVWVWKDW PRVWIXQJLZLOOKDYHWREHQDPHGZLWKRXWDSK\VLFDOVSHFLPHQ0\FRORJ\PD\QHHGWREUHDNIURPWKH,&%1 DQGFUHDWHD0\FR&RGHWRDFFRXQWIRUIXQJLNQRZQRQO\IURPHQYLURQPHQWDOQXFOHLFDFLGVHTXHQFH LH(1$6 IXQJL Article info:6XEPLWWHG-XQH$FFHSWHG-XQH3XEOLVKHG-XO\ INTRODUCTION papaveracea and the other as an anamorph, Brachycladium papaveris ,QGHUELW]LQet al )LJ 7KH¿IWHHQRWKHU It has been a bit over two decades since the polymerase chain members of the committee, eleven academics and four very UHDFWLRQ 3&5 FKDQJHGHYROXWLRQDU\ELRORJ\LQJHQHUDODQG knowledgeable staff, stared at me in disbelief when I said that IXQJDO V\VWHPDWLFV LQ SDUWLFXODU (YHQ EHIRUH 3&5 EHFDPH VLVWHUVSHFLHVFRXOGKDYHGLIIHUHQWJHQHULFQDPHV6HFRQG generally available, mycologists realized that the evolutionary WRJHWKHU ZLWK 7RP %UXQV , KDYH EHHQ GLUHFWLQJ UHVHDUFK record contained in the nucleic acid sequence of every fungus about fungi that naturally decay plants proposed as sources could be used to merge two systems of nomenclature that RIOLJQRFHOOXORVHIRUWKHSURGXFWLRQRIELRIXHOV,QWKHFRXUVH KDGEHHQHPSOR\HGLQPRVWIXQJLLHRQHIRUWKH³(XP\FRWD´ RI WKLV ZRUN ZH KDYH VHTXHQFHG ,76 XVLQJ '1$ LVRODWHG EDVHGRQVH[XDOPRUSKRORJ\DQGWKH³'HXWHURP\FRWD´EDVHG from the decaying grasses and compared the sequences to RQDOORWKHUPRUSKRORJLHV %HUEHH 7D\ORU%UXQVet al WKRVHGHSRVLWHGLQ*HQ%DQN2IWHQDVLQJOHVHTXHQFHZLOOEH *XDGHWet al5H\QROGV 7D\ORU :K\WKHQ attached to two names; you guessed it, it’s the same fungus has it taken more than two decades for nomenclature to catch ZLWK VRPH *HQ%DQN VHTXHQFHV KDYLQJ EHHQ GHSRVLWHG up with biology, and why is the possibility of nomenclatorial under the teleomorph name and others under the anamorph UDSSURFKHPHQWQRZEHLQJWDNHQVHULRXVO\"7KHVHTXHVWLRQV QDPH3HUSHWXDWLRQRIGXDOQRPHQFODWXUHZKHQZHKDYHWKH and three others posed to the participants in this symposium PHDQVWRDEDQGRQLWLVKLQGHULQJP\FRORJ\ERWKVFLHQWL¿FDOO\ ZLOOEHWKHVXEMHFWRIWKLVFRQWULEXWLRQ'RHV'1$VHTXHQFLQJ DQGVRFLDOO\ PDNHGXDOQRPHQFODWXUHVXSHUÀXRXV"&DQWKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO 'XDO QRPHQFODWXUH KDV SHUVLVWHG IRU WKH SDVW \HDUV &RGHRI%RWDQLFDO1RPHQFODWXUH ,&%1 0F1HLOOet al. because few mycologists are deeply interested in both EH PRGL¿HG WR HQDEOH WKLV SURFHVV RU ZRXOG D 0\FR&RGH PROHFXODU SK\ORJHQHWLFV DQG QRPHQFODWXUH 2QH )XQJXV be more effective? How can the mycological community get 2QH1DPHKDVJDLQHGPRPHQWXPDVHYLGHQFHGE\WKLV ULGRIWKHOHJDF\RIGXDOQRPHQFODWXUHDQG$UWLFOHZLWKRXW conference, because mycologists who are studying the nomenclatural chaos? 7ZR H[DPSOHV LOOXVWUDWH WKH SUDFWLFDO SUREOHPV UDLVHG E\ GXDO QRPHQFODWXUH )LUVW WKLV \HDU ZKLOH VHUYLQJ DV D Dedication:'HGLFDWHGWR'RQ5H\QROGVP\FRORJLFDOLFRQR- member of a governmental committee researching the FODVWZKRVHVDEEDWLFDOYLVLWWR%HUNHOH\IURPWKH/RV$QJHOHV use of mycoherbicides to eradicate drug crops, it fell to me &RXQW\0XVHXPRI1DWXUDO+LVWRU\PRUHWKDQ\HDUVDJR VWLPXODWHGWKRXJKWDERXW2QH)XQJXV 2QH1DPH to explain the nomenclature of two poppy pathogens that are sister species, one named as a teleomorph Crivellia © 2011 International Mycological Association You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: <RXPXVWDWWULEXWHWKHZRUNLQWKHPDQQHUVSHFL¿HGE\WKHDXWKRURUOLFHQVRU EXWQRWLQDQ\ZD\WKDWVXJJHVWVWKDWWKH\HQGRUVH\RXRU\RXUXVHRIWKHZRUN Non-commercial: <RXPD\QRWXVHWKLVZRUNIRUFRPPHUFLDOSXUSRVHV No derivative works: <RXPD\QRWDOWHUWUDQVIRUPRUEXLOGXSRQWKLVZRUN For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. VOLUME 2 · NO. 2 113 John W. Taylor Pleospora DQG PLWRWLF VSRUHV WKDW LV SOHRPRUSKLF IXQJL :HUHVXE 3LUR]\QVNL DQG WKH RSHQLQJ FKDSWHUV RI Selecta Alternaria Fungorum CarpologiaWKHPRQXPHQWDOZRUNRI/RXLV5HQp 7XODVQH DQG &KDUOHV 7XODVQH )LJ 7XODVQH 7XODVQH Crivellia papaveracea/Brachycladium penicillatum ARTICLE Crivellia sp (unnamed)/Brachycladium papaveris 7KH 7XODVQH¶V SRLQW RXW WKDW /LQQDHXV EDVHG KLV SODQW WD[RQRP\RQÀRUDOPRUSKRORJ\DQGWKDWKHFRXOGGHPRQVWUDWH Fig. 1.3K\ORJHQHWLFUHODWLRQVKLSVRIWKHVLVWHUVSHFLHVCrivellia pa- WKDWHDFKSODQWKDGEXWRQHW\SHRIÀRZHU$WDWLPHZKHQIXQJL paveracea and Brachycladium papaveris, the former named as tele- were considered to be plants, and fungal spores were equated RPRUSKLFDQGWKHODWWHUDVDQDQDPRUSKLFIXQJXV7KHCrivellia state ZLWKVHHGV/LQQDHXVH[WHQGHGKLVWD[RQRPLFFRQFHSWWRIXQJL of B. papaveris remains unnamed due to a lack of suitable material to 7KH7XODVQHEURWKHUVWKHQDUJXHWKDW/LQQDHXVKDGVXFKDQ VHUYHDVDQRPHQFODWXUDOW\SH ,QGHUELW]HQet al. LQÀXHQFHRYHUKLVP\FRORJLFDOFRQWHPSRUDULHV)ULHVIRUHPRVW among them, that these mycologists were in denial about pleomorphy, despite their being able to see more than one molecular phylogenetics of economically important fungal W\SHRI³VHHG´WKURXJKWKHLUOHQVHV groups have begun naming newly recognized genus-level ³,QWKH0XFHGLQHL>)ULHV@VHHVWKHFRQLGLDEXWHYHU\ZKHUH clades with just one Ascomycota name, whether or not KHÀDWO\GHQLHVWKDWWKHUHRFFXU³WZRNLQGVRIVSRULGLDRQWKH WKH IXQJXV H[KLELWV VH[XDO UHSURGXFWLRQ 7KH ¿UVW WKRURXJK VDPHSODQW´H[DFWO\DVLIKHKDGKHDUGVRXQGLQJLQKLVHDUV H[SORUDWLRQ RI WKLV SUDFWLFH ZDV SURYLGHG E\ &URXV et al. WKHORXGYRLFHRI/LQQDHXVFU\LQJ³,WZRXOGEHDUHPDUNDEOH ZKRVH UHYLVLRQ RI WKH Botrysphaeriaceae includes GRFWULQH±WKDWWKHUHFRXOGH[LVWUDFHVGLIIHULQJLQIUXFWL¿FDWLRQ WKLVVHQWHQFH³6HSDUDWHWHOHRPRUSKDQGDQDPRUSKQDPHV but possessing one and the same nature and power; that one are not provided for newly introduced genera, even where DQGKHVDPHUDFHFRXOGKDYHGLIIHUHQWIUXFWL¿FDWLRQVIRUWKH ERWK PRUSKV DUH NQRZQ´ :KHUH D WHOHRPRUSK QDPH ZDV EDVLVRIIUXFWL¿FDWLRQZKLFKLVDOVRWKHEDVLVRIDOOERWDQLFDO available, as in the case of Botryosphaeria, the authors used science, would thereby be destroyed, and the natural classes LW:KHUH RQO\ DQDPRUSK QDPHV ZHUH DYDLODEOH WKH\ ZHUH RISODQWVZRXOGEHEURNHQXS´ 7XODVQH 7XODVQH XVHGHJMacrophomina or Neoscytalidium:KHUHDQHZ 7KH EURWKHUV JR RQ WR FKLGH /LQQDHXV DGGLQJ ³%XW VLQFH clade was segregated from an existing teleomorph genus, the illustrious author always completely abjured the use and best distinguished by the anamorphic morphology, the of magnifying glasses, and therefore scarcely ever tried to QHZQDPHUHÀHFWHGWKHDQDPRUSKHJNeofusicoccum GHVFULEHDFFXUDWHO\HLWKHUFRQLGLDRUVSRUHVZHIHDU PD\KH 0DWWHUVZHUHWDNHQIXUWKHULQDVWXG\RIPenicillium species SDUGRQWKHVWDWHPHQW WKDWKHUHDOO\NQHZYHU\IHZVHHGVRI by Houbraken et al $VWKH\SXWLW³8VLQJWKLVDSSURDFK HLWKHU NLQG´ 7XODVQH 7XODVQH 7KH LQÀXHQFH DQGDSSO\LQJWKHFRQFHSWRIRQHQDPHIRURQHIXQJXV 5H\QROGV that the size of an organism has on its systematics can be 7D\ORU ZH KDYH FKRVHQ WR GHVFULEH WKHVH WZR SURIRXQG 7D\ORUet al 7KHIDFWWKDWWKHRYHUZKHOPLQJ VSHFLHVXQGHU>WKHLU@DQDPRUSKLFQDPH´7KDWLV+RXEUDNHQ majority of plants are macroscopic while the overwhelming et alGHVFULEHGQHZVSHFLHVWKDWKDYHERWKDQDPRUSKLFDQG majority of fungi are microscopic still affects nomenclature and WHOHRPRUSKLFVWDWHVDVVSHFLHVLQWKHDQDPRUSKW\SL¿HGJHQXV ZLOOEHUHYLVLWHGQHDUWKHHQGRIWKLVDUWLFOH Penicillium and ignored the existing teleomorphic generic /RXLV 5HQp DQG &KDUOHV 7XODVQH ZHQW RQ WR DUJXH name, Eupenicillium 7KHVH DFWLRQV DUH FOHDUO\ RXWVLGH WKH against mycological denial of pleomorphy when they wrote, ,&%1DQGFRQVWLWXWHDVRFLDOUHEHOOLRQ7KRXJKVPDOOHUDQGIDU ³7KHIXQJXVXSRQZKLFKZHDUHQRZWRXFKLQJ>Pleospora] is less important than social rebellions concerning, for example, not only almost the commonest of all belonging to its order, ZRPHQ¶V ULJKWV WKH ULJKWV RI$IULFDQ$PHULFDQV RU WKRVH RI but also affords a wonderful proof of our doctrine concerning homosexuals, this mycological rebellion is similar to the others the multiple nature of the seeds RIVSHFLHVRIIXQJL³ 7XODVQH in that activism has outpaced the law and the law must now 7XODVQH 2QH FDQQRW KHOS ZRQGHULQJ LI WKH FKDQJHRUEHFRPHLUUHOHYDQW brothers guessed not only that their work was controversial, 'XDOQRPHQFODWXUHKDVDORQJKLVWRU\7KHFKRLFHPDGH but that the mycological world was heading toward dual by Houbraken et al. WR XVH WKH DQDPRUSK QDPH QRPHQFODWXUH ZKHQ WKH\ ZURWH ³$V WRGD\ ZH KDYH VHHQ Penicillium over the teleomorph name Eupenicillium for one the various members of the same species now unwisely torn of the most economically important fungi echoes the choice IURPRQHDQRWKHUDJDLQVWWKHODZVRIQDWXUH´ 7XODVQH PDGHPRUHWKDQ\HDUVHDUOLHUE\5DSHU )HQQHO 7XODVQH when they applied the anamorphic name Aspergillus to all $ODVZKHQWKHPRVWXVHIXOFKDUDFWHUVWKDWFRXOGEHXVHG

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