OFFICIAL ELECTION PAMPHLET State of Alaska TheThe Division Division of of Elections Elections celebrates celebrates the historyhistory ofof strongstrong women women of of Alaska Alaska and and women’s women’s suffrage! suffrage! Region IV VOTE November 3, 2020 NUNIVAK CUP’IG Alaska’s Ballot Counting System // Alaska-m Cucuklircuutnek Naaqiyaraa Your ote is ecure Cuculillren aunumauq! lasa uses three dierent methods to count ballots: lasa- cuculircuutnek naaiaarangertu ingaunek: ❖ and-count nateun-naalui ❖ recinct canner Cuculiraram unaiurutiita aaissuutiiun ❖ oting Tablet Comuter-aarngalngurun Cuculircuun Alaska’s ballot tabulation system has a paper trail of every ballot cast. Each precinct receives paper ballots that are either hand-counted hen the olls close or are scanned during the da as the voter inserts the ballot into the recinct scanner and the results are tabulated ater the olls close n addition during ederal elections each recinct has a voting tablet Deending on location some are euied ith a voter-veriiable aer trail that allos the voter to veri the rinted version o the ballot rior to casting the ballot.) lasa-m cuculircuutain naaissuutait emangalriane aliartangelartu cuculillritne uut. Tamarmeng cuculirviit ciiumalartut cuculircuutne unateun naaumaaranek cucuklirviit umgaarcelluki wall’u naaumaaluteng erenrumainanrani cuculiraram nunaiurutiita naaissuutiiun cuculilriim itertaaku cuculircuutni tuavet aiutellret-llu naaumaciluteng cuculirviit umata Cali-llu Nunaramta Cuculiraraani tamarmeng cuculiraram nunaiurutait comuter-aarngalngurun cuculircuutengqetuut (Comuter-aarngalnguut cuculircuutet ilait aliartangertut asguranairugngalriame uvrirugngalriame angilegme cuculitulim iciutassiarugngaluu cuculircuutem aliartaa cuculircuutni tunvailegminiu.) The ballot tabulation sstem used in lasa to roduce and count ballots is ederall certiied and is thoroughl tested rior to each election t is a stand-alone sstem that is not connected to the internet or to a netork. Cuculircuutne ililallrit naaumallrit-llu lasa-mi nunaramta iciurcimai uvrinqegcaaraumaluteng-llu cuculirailgata llaaumau una usguciimavenani-llu internet-amun ach recinct scanner and voting tablet along ith their corresonding memor cards are tested rior to the election functionalit test is conducted to ensure the euiment is in roer oring order To dierent logic and accurac tests are erormed b to dierent bi-artisan boards to ensure the devices are counting correctl. Tamarmeng maut cuculiraram nunaiurutiita naaisuutait cuculircuutet-llu computer-aarngalngurun memory card-ait-llu uvriumalartut cuculirailgata tuunaluteng calitassiallerait uvriumalartut Bi- partisan-aat calistaita yuvrilarait malrurqugnek nall’aringalleraitne atuunarellritnek-llu cuculircuutet naaissuutaita. n addition to the re-election testing the division is reuired b la to conduct a verification o machine counts b hand-counting ballots rom a random samling o recincts n act through this veriication recinct in each o the house districts that accounts or at least o the ballots cast for that district or that district throughout lasa are hand-counted ater the election to veri the election results are accurate there is a discreanc o more than 1% in the hand-count veriication the division is reuired to hand-count all o the ballots cast in the district. GCY Translation: Due to time constraints this 1 translation is not available in the regional dialect lalui uvririlriani cuculirailgata division-aat alerquutet’gun inarut’liumaut unateun naaiarauluteng cuculircuutne massiinat’gun naaqumallernek cucukliryaram nunakiurutiita ilaitne tauci cuculiraram nunaiurutiita ilaitni lasa-mi uinaa malru tuani house district-aani 5%-aat cuculircuutet unateun naaumalartut cuculirraarcellui iciullrit iteluu alausumta alangalriane 1%-am amllenrane unateun naaiaram iciutassiallraun division-aa inarqutengertuq tamaluita naaumaaraului cuculircuutet district-aami ith all the testing securit and verification rocesses used b the Division o Elections during each election ou can go to the olls noing that our vote is secure and that it ill be accuratel counted and reorted Division o lections-aat calitassiarillritggun aunellritggun iciutassiallritggun-llu cucliraram nalliini cuculirvigcugngauten nalluvenau cuculilleret aunumallra naaumanegcaarallra iciuluni-llu anrutumalleraa. GCY Translation: Due to time constraints this translation is not available in the regional dialect 2 Voting Information Cucuklillerkam Apertuutai______ General lection Da is ovember 3 20 Cuculiragara ovember 3, 2020-iuguq Polling Places // Cucuklirvigkat The olls ill be oen rom : am to : m To locate your polling place please call 1-888-383-8683. In Anchorage, please call 269-8683 Cuculirviit iingaciut unuaume 7-ella’agme ataumun -ella’agnataanun ani cuculiraraucin nalessuuvgu una aagaurru 1-888-383- nchorage-aarmiunguuvet-llu aagaurru 269-8683. Bring Identification to the Polls // Ang’aqkiu kituucingucin cucuklirvigmun You T be reared to sho one orm o identiication You ma use the olloing D: taucime ituucinguciret aliartiine nasvaginareciaaten. une ituucingutengerrsugngauten: • oter D Card • Current and valid hoto D Card • irth Certiicate Cuculircuutem aliartii iciulria tarenrale ituunguciun Yuurtelleret aliartii • Driver’s License • assort • unting or Fishing icense lularcuun aliartaq Yaavalirassuun aliarra issurcuun nesurcuun-llu aliarta • tate D Card • ilitar D Card tate-arta ituunguciun nguagta ituunguciun or, ou ma use an original co o one o the olloing documents i it contains our name and current address: wall’, ukut kalikat naliatńek aturugngauten atren uitavin-llu igausngaagne: • Current tilit ill • an tatement • ther Government Document enurram mer’em wall’ an-ame alia Anguyagteḿek kalikaq anercuutem ailitaraan aliaa • Government Check • a Check Anguyagteḿek aingun Calivigme aingun Questioned Ballots // Apyut’lek Naaqumayugngallerkaanek Cucukelciirun our name does not aear on the recinct register or i ou do not have identiication ou ma vote a uestioned ballot Your voted ballot ill be laced in a secrec sleeve and then sealed inside a comleted uestioned ballot enveloe The information ou rovide on the outside o the uestioned ballot enveloe ill be used to determine our voting eligibilit and to udate our voter registration for an reason our uestioned ballot is not ull counted ou ill be notiied in riting Cuculirugngalriit igausngaviatńi atren igausnganrilan wall’ ituucingucirene aliartailuvet cuculiriugngauten cucuelciirutkun apyut’legmek naaqumayugngallerkaanek. Cucuelciiruten imillren aassaute’viutḿun eumaciu tua-i-llu umgusngaluni cucuelciirutem autelgem cauanun um caum aingani imiraraanun imiutelten aturlui cuculirugngacin uvriumaciu igausngallren-llu cuculirugngalriit igausngaviatńi nutarutekciqai. Natii cucuelciirut’vet naaumanritlian igaun nallunritevaumaciuten. Marking the Ballot // Imillra Cucukelciirutem hen voting ill in the oval net to the choice ou ish to vote or Cuculirillereni cucusulleret canianelngu aangurngalngu imineggesiu. ar onl one choice in each section ou mar more than one choice that section o the ballot ill T be counted You do not have to vote each section taucime iingan cuculirluten aumllermun cucuecetaalrianek. tauci ciluu cucuillilliuvet naaumangaitu Cuculirnarenritaaten cucuecetaalriane aumllermun GCY Translation: Due to time constraints this 3 translation is not available in the regional dialect ou mae a mistae maring our ballot D T erase or correct the ballot eturn our ballot to an election orer and reuest a ne ballot ections ith eraser mars or here more than one choice is selected ill not be counted Cuculiriinanereni alartelliuvet erringnaqsaqunaku wall’ kitugtengnaqsaqunaku cucukelciiruten. Calisteńun ut’rulluku allamek-llu cucuelciiruterugluten Perriumalriit wall’ malrugnek cucukliumalriit tuaen aumllermun cucuecetaalriane naaumangaitut Campaigning Prohibited // Cucukesqumakḿinek Eguaqurisciigatleq wall’ Ellḿinek Cucukecetaarciigatleq Camaigning is not alloed ithin eet o an entrance to a olling lace during the hours the olls are oen This includes any discussions about candidates or issues aearing on the ballot or dislaing camaign items such as signs, bumer sticers or buttons. Cucukesqumakḿinek eguaqurisciigatuq wall’ ellḿinek cucukecetaarciigatuq eet-am cuiine aasigtaluni cucuklirvignek ikingqainanratńi. Ukugnun tautellriit qalarutelui cucuecetaalriit, aleruutńgurcugngalriit, cucukelciirutḿi uitalriit, wall’ maniluki cucukecetaalriit sainait necetaarutait nunakuarcuutńun, kuukicaarpautait-llu. GCY Translation: Due to time constraints this translation is not available in the regional dialect 4 Voter Assistance and Concerns // Cucuklitulit Ikayuutekait Civuuratait-llu Assistance While Voting // Cucukliinanratńi Ikayuutekat ou need language or other assistance during the voting rocess ou ma have a erson o our choice hel ou as long as that erson is not a candidate or oice in the election is not our emloer agent o our emloer or agent o a union ou belong to You can have hel during each ste o the voting rocess including inside the voting booth ith reading or maring the ballot The election orers at the olling lace are available to hel ou as ell This is our right under ederal law. Cucukliinanerpeni mumigcisteryukuvet wall’ ikayungcaryukuvet, iaurtesullerene iaurtengqerrsugngauten cucuecetaalrianun ilagautenrilan calisteenrilaten, pisteenrilaku calivivet wall’ union-aavet. aungerrsugngauten cuculiinanereni cuculircuutńek-llu imiriviim iluani naaiscirluten wall’ cucuklircuutme imillereni Cuculirvigmi iaurugngaatgen cuculirviliurtet
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