JulylAugust 1988 Volume 15, Number 3 STE-RE0ab* 7 NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION m'r* NEW CENTER FOR PHmO HISTORY his new three level 73,000 els will be below ground, and the 25,000 books on photography, and T square foot study center will scale and design of the above about 11,000 cameras and related contain the collections of the Inter- ground portion will complement the items of photo and cinema technolo- national Museum of Photography at style of George Eastman House gy. The IMP also publishes Image, a George Eastman House. Scheduled itself. historical journal of photography for completion sometime in October The IMP has amassed one of the and motion pictures. For member- 1988, the 7.4 million dollar climate- world's most important collections ship information or exhibit sched- controlled building is the result of a of photographic material: a compre- ules, contact International Museum national effort to keep the museum's hensive collection of photographic of Photography at George Eastman huge collection intact and in its pres- prints and negatives totaling nearly House, 900 East Ave., Rochester, ent home of Rochester, New York. 600,000 along with 6,000 films, NY 14607. m Two of the new building's three lev- 3,000,000 movie publicity stills, TWO NEW PHCrrOGRAPHICA MAGAZINES LAUNCHED all of 1988 will see the introduc- Equipment & Images Wanted" (#36). include feature articles on cameras F tion of two new commercial Drawer numbers will be available and equipment as well as a classified magazines devoted to the interests of for sellers wishing to maintain advertising section. The editors are those collecting vintage cameras, privacy, and Photique will arrange inviting collectors everywhere to equipment or images. Photique will to act as a selling, packing and mail- submit scholarly, original articles on be a national publication focusing ing agent for those unable to be in- any topic relating to collectible pho- exclusively on antique, classic and volved in the selling process. tographica. (Length should not ex- quality used equipment with fea- Photique will be published ten ceed 20 typed, double spaced pages tures on cameras, tips to collectors, times a year and mailed first class at and eight 3 1/2 X 5" photos.) The and an extensive classified advertis- a subscription rate (U.S.) of $20.00 Historical Camera will be published ing section with over 40 categories. per year. For a detailed brochure, three times a year (starting in fall Classified rates will be 20c per write to Photique Magazine, One '88) and available for $16.00 a year word, and an eight point rating sys- Magnolia Hill, West Hartford, CT (U.S. & Canada) from Historical tem of camera condition will be 06117. Camera Publications, Box 90, Gleed used. There will be a category for The Historical Camera will be Station, Yakima, WA 98904. m "Stereo Equipment & Images for aimed at photographica collectors in Sale" (#35) and one for "Stereo the Pacific Northwest, and will also @Copyright 1988 by the STEREO-4 NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION Volume 15, Number 3 JulyIAugust 1988 IN THIS ISSUE NSA Board of Directors Stereo Archives to Highlight Photohistory VII .................. 2 CHAIRMAN Louis H. Smaus A Visit with Seton Rochwite ................................. 4 MEMBERS by Mark Willke Paul Wing T.K. Treadwell It Wasn't Just the Anthonys: Six Other New Yorkers Who Susan Pinsky Dieter Lorenz Produced Early Stereoviews of New York City, 1860-1880 .......... 10 by Jeffrey I. Richman NSA Officers Corporate Promotion in Depth: 3-D AN ........................ 18 PRESIDENT by Don Marren T.K. Treadwell SECRETARY Journey into the Deep Sky ..................................24 John Weiler by William H. Bonney TREASURER North America's Historic Geology: The Falls of St. Anthony ....... 31 William Eloe by Neal Bullington VICE PRESIDENT, REGIONAL AFFAIRS Tom Rogers Yankee Review of British 3-D Convention ...................... 35 GENERAL BUSINESS MANAGER by Susan Pinsky and David Starkman Linda S. Carter Stereo World Staff REGULAR FEATURES EDITOR Editor's View ........................................ 2 John Dennis ART DIRECTOR Letters ............................................. 3 Mark Willke Thesociety ......................................... 17 Newviews ..........................................23 Theunknowns 32 Stereo World is published bimonthly by the National ...................................... Stereoscopic Association. Inc. Annual dues: $22 third 3-DTreasures 37 class US.$30first class US, Canada, and foreign surface. ........................................ $40 international airmail. All memberships are based on the publishing year of Stereo World, which begins in Classified ..........................................38 March and ends with theJanuarv/Februarvissueof the next year AII new memberships rece ved W;II commence Calendar 40 wltn tne MarchlAprll Issue01 thecurrent calendar year ........................................... Whenapplylng for membersh p, pleaseadvlse~,~11you do not desire the back Issues of the current volume. Material In this publlcat~onmay not be reproduced w~thoutwritten perm~ssionof the NSA. lnc. National Stereoscopic Association (Memberships, renewals, address changes, classified ads, display ads) P.O. Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214 Stereo World Editorial Office (Letters to the editor, articles) 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 "Newviews" Editor David Starkman P.O. Box 2368, Culver City, CA 90231 "The Unknowns" Editor Dave Klein 14416 Harrisville Rd., Mt. Airy, MD 21771 Front Cover: "3-D Movies" Editor Seton Rochwite demonstrates his hand- Bill Shepard 17350 E. Temple Ave., #399 crafted HYPONAR close-up attach- LaPuente, CA 91744 ment, which takes the place of the Stereoscopic Society, American Br. regular lens on the Exakta camera. Best Jack E. Cavender, Corresponding Secretary known for designing the Stereo Realist, 1677 Dorsey Ave., Suite C Seton discusses several of his other 3-0 East Point, GA 30344 equipment designs as well in 'AVisit With Seton Rochwite" bv Mark Willke s anyone who can read a calen- is produced by a volunteer staff of the printed publication date so that, A dar has probably noticed, re- about half a dozen busy people with for example, a May / June issue ar- cent issues of Stereo World have jobs, families and all the usual com- rives (even 3rd class) by AT LEAST been arriving long past their printed plexities of life that demand at least the end of May. In the meantime, publication dates. Most of the cur- equal time with a publication and its remember that last minute news rent delay started with the color is- interlocking deadlines. We can only items or announcements may be sue and we must again play "catch ask that you have patience (if not sent or phoned in and quite possibly up" with ourselves - a frustrating outright pity) and plan well ahead be used in an issue that, to the "nor- non-sport that can take most of a for any dated ads, inserts or an- mal" publishing business, would year. Nothing about the delay is due nouncements. have long since been on the press or to a lack of material-either poten- Our situation is not really un- the truck. tial or in hand. Quite the opposite is usual or even extreme among non- Stereo World and its readership the delightful case. Especially with profit photo historical magazines. are steadily growing, but we remain feature articles, our files runneth Some such publications avoid the a few thousand members (or a cou- over. (Contributors take note: we problem by using only volume and ple of sizeable foundation grants) could use some short to mid-length issue numbers to identify any partic- from a full time staff. You can help items to balance some of these ular issue, the actual (or intended) by remembering to spread around a features!) date of publication appearing in few NSA membership folders at ev- In fact it is the relative wealth of microscopic print if at all. My jour- ery photographica show, photogra- material sent in, combined with all nalism background rebels at the phy workshop, antique shop, camera the raw information, tips and clip- thought of the idea. store, flea market, or media exhibit pings that make catching up with The solution, as in the past, will in which you find yourself. m the calendar so hard. Stereo World be to slowly move back up toward STEREO ARCHIVES TO HIGHLIGHT PHOTOHISTORY VII he seventh triennial PhotoHis- ebrate the Centennial of the Kodak meet the speakers as well as atten- T tory Symposium will be held Camera! "The Snapshot at One dees. This is destined to be a "Who's at George Eastman House Friday Hundred'lmajor exhibition of the Who" of photo historians, scholars, through Sunday, October 14-16, season-will occupy the entire sec- collectors and dealers, from all over 1988, sponsored by The Photo- ond floor of the museum. The ex- the U.S., Canada, and abroad. "The graphic Historical Society. Photo- hibit depicts the popularization of Snapshot. ." will be open for view- graphic historians and collectors photography since the introduction ing. International speakers highlight should plan now to attend this inter- of the original Kodak Camera in a full day of lectures on Saturday, national, weekend program which 1888 by George Eastman. This show October 15. The preliminary pro- will feature a lecture on "The Key- draws on the resources of the entire gram includes: Edward W. Earle, cu- stone Mast Stereographic Archives" museum and will feature rare and rator of the California Museum of by Edward W. Earle. everyday examples of photographs, Photography, Riverside, "The Key- Experience the atmosphere of apparatus, and advertising, as well stone Mast Stereographic Archives" Eastman's stately mansion. Learn as Eastman memorabilia, never be- (1988 is the sesquicentennial of about the new Study Center and ex- fore presented on such a grand scale. Wheatstone's stereoscope!); Steven hibition programs in this, the The opening reception on Friday F. Joseph, historian, Brussels, Bel- world's premier photo museum. Cel- evening affords the opportunity to gium, "Photography in the 2 STEREO WORLD July/August 1988 Letters Color Gem generous to donate the color separa- Proposed slogans for Stereo World: igod, what a gem, this latest tions.
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